Admission Requirements
Admission to the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering is competitive as each year we receive more applications than the number of available places. The Faculty selects students by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including academic performance, subjects taken, and supplementary information obtained through the mandatory Online Student Profile. Possession of the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission. Academic pre-requisites must be completed within 5 years of the intended year of entrance. Detailed admission requirements can be found at Discover Engineering.
English is the language of instruction and examination at the University of Toronto, and success in our programs requires a high level of English language proficiency. If an applicant’s first language is not English, proof of English facility must be presented. For information on acceptable tests/qualifications, minimum scores and exemptions, please review our Discover Engineering website on English Language Requirements.
Ontario Secondary School Students
Applicants must be eligible to receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and present a minimum of six grade 12 U or M courses including:
- English (ENG4U)
- Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
- Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)
- Chemistry (SCH4U)
- Physics (SPH4U)
- One additional U or M course
Non-Ontario Canadian High School Students
Applicants from Quebec must present 12 academic CEGEP courses. Candidates from other provinces and territories of Canada must present grade 12 matriculation, including English, mathematics (with Calculus), physics, and chemistry. For more information, visit Discover Engineering.
Other Applicants
Information on admission requirements for applicants from outside of Canada is available online. All applicants must have completed senior-level courses in mathematics (with Calculus), physics and chemistry.
Transfer Students
Candidates with acceptable standing at other post-secondary institutions will be considered for admission with transfer credit(s) on a case-by-case basis. Transfer credits are assessed at the time of admission. Candidates who already hold a recognized degree in engineering are not permitted to proceed to a second undergraduate degree in engineering. Please note that in recent years, the demand for our programs has been high and spaces for upper-year transfers are significantly limited.
Non-Matriculants (Mature Students)
A student age 21 or over who has not previously completed a high school diploma must complete the pre-requisite courses in order to be eligible for admission consideration. For information regarding admission as a non-matriculant (mature student), please contact the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office at
Non-Degree Students
Non-degree students are students enrolled in U of T Engineering courses who are not working towards an undergraduate degree within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto. Often, these are visiting students who have received letters of permission from their home universities and are working towards degrees at their home institutions.
Non-degree students must meet any prerequisites for the courses they wish to take and meet the University’s minimum English language requirements. A non-refundable processing fee of $94 will be charged for applications.
Those interested in taking courses as non-degree students should contact the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office at
The application deadlines for non-degree students can be found on the Discover Engineering website.