Student Services and Resources
Student Support, Services & Resources
A variety of advising opportunities and registrarial services are available to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. Services can be accessed through the Engineering Portal, Engineering Department offices, the Office of the Registrar or University offices. A list of commonly requested services is outlined below.
Office of the Registrar
35 St. George Street, Room 157
The Office of the Registrar works closely with program departments, academic advisors and the First Year Office concerning all matters related to U of T Engineering students to ensure they receive the support they need to succeed. The Office of the Registrar includes the U of T Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Office, which manages the admissions process, transfer credits, financial aid and OSAP distribution. Additionally, the Office of the Registrar includes the U of T Engineering Student Recruitment & Outreach Office.
Some of the services offered by the Office of the Registrar include:
- Academic and personal advising
- Academic scheduling
- Course listings, timetables and classroom locations
- Final exam scheduling
- Post-exam services (final exam viewing, final exam copies, final mark re-checks, final exam re-grades)
- Graduation
- Letters of registration and confirmation of registration
- Petitions and appeals
- Program transfers
- Registration and enrolment
- Student records
- Scholarships and financial aid
- Transfers, letters of permission and transfer credits
For more information on the services available, contact the Registrar's Office. For any questions about the engineering undergraduate student experience, email the Registrar's Office at or visit the office located in the Galbraith Building, Room 157.
Office of the Registrar
Faculty Registrar: Helen Bright, BA (Hons), MISt
Associate Registrar & Director, Admissions: Sherry Lin, BSc (Hons), MEd
Associate Registrar & Director, Engineering Student Recruitment & Outreach: Ingrid Schvarczkopf, BA (Hons)
Associate Registrar, Special Projects & Director Academic Scheduling: Zeeshan Rayees, BSc (Hons)
Associate Registrar, Student Services & Records: Khuong Doan, BSc
Associate Registrar, Information Systems: Dan Pettigrew, BASc
Assistant Registrar, Scholarships & Financial Aid: Pierina Filippone
Assistant Registrar, Business Systems Analyst: Jakub Stach, HBA, MA, MI
First Year Office
222 College Street, Room 106
Vice-Dean, First Year Engineering; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream (BME, ISTEP): Dawn M. Kilkenny, PhD
Director, First Year Curriculum; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream (ISTEP): Chirag Variawa, BASc, PhD
Director, First Year Office: Leslie Grife, BA (Hons), MEd
Associate Director, First Year Advising & Communications: Jennifer Fabro, BA (Hons), MEd
First Year Advisor, Intercultural Learning & Experience: Brianna MacDonald, BA (Hons), MA
First Year Advisor, Access & Inclusion: Julie Kang, BEd, MPH, MEd
First Year Advisor, Student Success & Transition: Hannah Bild-Enkin, HBSc, MEd
First Year Office Coordinator: Erin Holliday
Undergraduate Department Offices & Academic Advisors
Upper-year students should contact their academic advisors for assistance related to their programs. Academic advisors can provide detailed guidance regarding course selections and options for specific programs, as well as assistance in interpreting Faculty policies and procedures.
Chemical Engineering
Tracey Peters, Undergraduate Program Administrator & Academic Advisor
Wallberg Building, Room 216C
Civil & Mineral Engineering
Shayni Curtis-Clarke, Undergraduate Student Advisor
Galbraith Building, Room 116
Cross-Disciplinary Program Office (Engineering Minors & Certificates)
Sharon Brown, Associate Director
44 St. George Street
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Leanne Dawkins, Program Manager & Advisor
Sandford Fleming Building, Room B600
Engineering Science
Stephen Johns, Academic Advisor for Domestic Students, Years 1 & 2
Bahen Centre, Room 2110
Irma Berardi, Academic Advisor for International Students, Years 1 & 2
Bahen Centre, Room 2110
Brendan Heath, Academic Advisor, Years 3 & 4
Bahen Centre, Room 2110
Materials Engineering
Danny Bui (Acting), Undergraduate Liaison Officer
Wallberg Building, Room 140
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Gayle Lesmond, Undergraduate Program Administrator & Academic Advisor, Years 2
Mechanical Building, Room 109
Yanna Sventzouris, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Years 3-4
Mechanical Building, Room 109
ACORN: Student Web Service
ACORN is U of T’s student information system, and it stands for Accessible Campus Online Resource Network. Students use ACORN to enrol in courses, check fees and finances, final course grades, academic standing, update address and contact information and much more. The purpose of ACORN is to provide a convenient, personalized and guided experience for students using U of T’s online services.
Students are expected to use ACORN responsibly. They are not permitted to flood the system with requests or automate actions such as course enrolment. Such activity may clog the system so that other students may be denied access or experience degraded performance. Any student(s) attempting such activity may be denied access to ACORN until after the relevant registration period.
Letters of Registration
Letters of Registration confirm a student's registration within the faculty and university. They also can confirm one or more of the following: current and/or past registration; year and program of study; PEY Co-op registration and explanation; PER explanation; and expected graduation date. Students may request a Letter of Registration for a fee through the Engineering Portal. Processing takes up to five business days and will be provided to students in PDF format.
Third-party requests for confirmation of degree should be submitted through U of T's degree confirmation website.
Quercus is the hub of academic life for U of T students. It is an online course management platform that allows students to access course content, submit assessments, view feedback and grades, engage in in-class participation activities and interact using a range of tools.
800 Bay Street, Fifth Floor
The TCard is a student's physical identification and credential for on-campus purposes. It includes the student’s photograph, UTORid, student number, barcode and signature. It serves as evidence of registration in the Faculty and is used for identification purposes within the University, such as for examinations, access to libraries, student activities, printing services and athletic facilities. Students are responsible for the care of their TCard. There is a fee to replace a lost card.
A transcript is an official document outlining a student's academic record. It contains a summary of academic activities at the University of Toronto, including a listing of all courses attempted and grades received. In addition to information about the student’s academic status, including a record of suspension, refusal of further registration and completion of degree requirements. Course results are added to each student’s record at the end of the session. Individual courses from which a student withdraws within the normal time limit are not shown.
The official transcript is certified by the University Registrar, bearing the University Registrar’s signature. The University of Toronto produces its official transcript in an electronic (eTranscript) format. Transcript requests should be submitted through ACORN. If access to ACORN is not available, requests may also be made online through the University Registrar's Office. A fee is charged for each transcript. Transcripts are not issued for students who have outstanding financial obligations to the University.
U of T Engineering Student Services & Resources
Engineering Accessibility Advisor
The Accessibility Advisor at U of T Engineering is an extension of Accessibility Services and works on-location with engineering students. The on-location advisor is familiar with the Faculty, and, along with other members of Accessibility Services, they work with students to develop academic accommodation plans, support students to address accessibility issues throughout their studies and facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities into all aspects of university life. Their focus is on skills development, especially in the areas of self-advocacy and academic skills.
Services are provided to students who are registered with Accessibility Services. Disabilities can be physical, sensory, related to learning, or a mental health condition. Students with temporary disabilities (e.g. broken arm) are also eligible for the service.
Before receiving accommodation, the Accessibility Advisor will review a student’s Intake Package and discuss any barriers or difficulties in their academic progress to develop effective accommodation. Where appropriate, students are referred to one of the Accessibility Service's professionals (e.g., Adaptive Technologist Consultant, Learning Disability Specialist) to discuss strategies and determine accommodation. All discussions are kept confidential with Accessibility Services and information is disclosed outside Accessibility Services only with the student’s permission.
Engineering Career Centre (ECC)
255 Beverley Street, Third Floor
The Engineering Career Centre (ECC) offers work-integrated learning opportunities to introduce keen and innovative students to industries, ranging from local start-ups to large international companies across multiple sectors.
The Professional Experience Year Co-op Program (PEY Co-op), managed by the U of T's Engineering Career Centre (ECC), has a 40-year track record of helping undergraduate students connect to industry, apply in-class learning to real-world environments and gain significant work experience, setting up students for long-term career success. The PEY Co-op program offers students an opportunity to refine their professional interests, chart their career paths and gain valuable professional experience. For employers, it means having eager, highly capable and workplace-ready individuals working in their organization as co-op students and as prospective full-time employees post-graduation. Further information on the PEY Co-op program and how to register can be found on the ECC website.
Engineering Communication Program (ECP)
10 King’s College Road, Room SFB670 and 55 St. George Street, Room 723
The Engineering Communication Program (ECP) helps engineering undergraduates build professional-level, discipline-specific communication skills. ECP instructors are integrated into engineering courses across the curriculum in every program, from first to fourth year. Additionally, the ECP provides one-to-one tutoring and offers elective courses (part of the Certificate in Communication) and workshops.
The ECP creates practices, programs and partnerships that enable engineering undergraduate students to become confident and effective communicators who will become leaders in their fields. For more information, visit the ECP website.
Engineering Computing Facility (ECF)
ECF Office: Engineering Annex, 11 King’s College Road, Room 212K
ECF Labs: Various locations across the Engineering Complex and through remote access
The Engineering Computing Facility (ECF) provides a variety of computing services for teaching and research within the Faculty, as well as offering support for departmental computers and computer communication.
ECF has numerous networks accessible to the Faculty from hundreds of PC workstations. Every undergraduate and graduate student in the Faculty is entitled to an ECF account. Relatively few constraints are placed on the usage of the system. The intention is to have the computing system used as often as the student requires it in their studies, just as one might use a library or other communal resource.
ECF operates five Windows labs and three Linux labs totaling 432 workstations. In addition, there are over 520 Windows workstations accessible from departmental labs in various buildings. Remote access is provided for both Windows and Linux so that students can access ECF software and their files from off campus.
Engineering’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Initiatives
U of T Engineering is committed to fostering an environment in which each member of the community can excel, contribute and benefit from different perspectives. Attracting students, staff and faculty from a wide range of backgrounds, the EDI initiatives leverage all forms of diversity to promote inclusivity and create opportunities to experience working collaboratively across cultures. The Faculty aims to build a community that reflects the society we serve.
Engineering First-Year International Student Advisors
Engineering’s First Year International Student Advisors (of the First Year Office and the Division of Engineering Science) support students as they transition to the learning environment at U of T Engineering. In addition to academic advising, the international student advisors can help students grow their intercultural understanding and global awareness.
Engineering's First Year Team & Advisors
The First Year Team is here to help incoming first-year students make a successful transition to a new and exciting learning environment at the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. They provide students with the resources and tools they need to make informed decisions during their first year of studies.
Engineering Wellness Counsellor & Coordinator
U of T Engineering students have access to a Wellness Counsellor & Coordinator available from Monday to Friday between September and May. This service is an extension to the Health & Wellness Centre. Students also have access to the Health & Wellness Centre which offers U of T students a range of physical and mental health services, wellness programs and information to support students achieve their personal and academic goals. They provide confidential, student-centered medical services, including comprehensive medical care, travel education, immunization, counselling, and referrals. The multidisciplinary health team includes family physicians, registered nurses, dietitians, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, health promoters, support staff, lab technicians, and more.
Engineering Learning Strategist
The Faculty's Learning Strategists develop academic programming and workshops to assess and enhance U of T Engineering students' academic skills. They can provide expert guidance on optimizing study skills to meet learning goals, tools to deal with time and stress management, and strategies to increase motivation and focus while also dealing with procrastination and distractions. During the academic year, they host workshops for engineering students related to task management, critical thinking, problem-solving, test/exam preparation, and coping with stress and anxiety. U of T Engineering undergraduate students can make appointments with their Learning Strategist through the Engineering Portal or their Academic Advisor.
Engineering Portal
The Engineering Portal is the hub for student services within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. Through the portal, students may complete multiple self-serve services, including requesting a letter of registration, updating their e-Portfolio to become eligible for scholarships, filing a petition, requesting post-exam services, applying for a transfer to another program, re-enrolling after an absence from the Faculty, and more.
Engineering Student & Community Wellness Coordinator
The Faculty's Student & Community Wellness Coordinator builds capacity at U of T Engineering to support student mental health and well-being by offering mental health resource navigation, mental health programs and training, conducting research and offering best practice insights. Students can schedule 1:1 resource navigation appointments to meet with the Student & Community Wellness Coordinator through the Engineering Portal.
Engineering Upper-Year Academic Advisors
Upper-Year Academic Advisors provide support and advice regarding academics, courses, personal matters and career-related matters. They help students identify goals and work with them to develop an academic plan to succeed, identify issues they may be encountering and provide referrals to resources and services, understand Faculty rules and regulations, and empower students to help them make confident decisions.
Engineering Success Mentorship Program (engSuccess Mentors)
U of T engSuccess Mentorship Program builds community and enhances academic skills through peer-to-peer mentorship, conversation and support. The mentors are upper-year undergraduate engineering students with different backgrounds and experiences who are there to help students navigate challenges through peer-to-peer mentorship and events. They can support students with building effective time management skills, managing course load and creating school-life balance, improving class preparation and notetaking, setting realistic goals, dealing with procrastination and distractions, and more. Have a question about U of T Engineering or the SkuleTM community? How to enhance your professional and academic skills? Or just want to meet someone new? Ask an engSuccess mentor!
Engineering Registrar’s Office
35 St. George Street, Room 157
The U of T Engineering Registrar's Office works closely with program departments and academic advisors to support undergraduate students from admission to graduation. They deal with all matters related to academics, including enrolment and registration, course timetables, final exams, transfers, re-enrolments, petitions, graduation and more. Additionally, the Registrar’s Office is also home to the Scholarships & Financial Aid Office, the Admissions Office and the Student Recruitment & Outreach Office. Visit the undergraduate site for a wide range of services, resources, opportunities, important dates and deadlines.
Engineering Scholarships & Financial Aid Office
U of T Engineering students are welcome to contact the Scholarships & Financial Aid Office, located at the Registrar's Office, to make an appointment with the Faculty's Financial Advisor for support surrounding financial challenges. The Faculty's Financial Advisor is trained in directing students to financial aid programs and helping students with financial management and budget planning, as well as directing students to scholarships, grants or bursary programs.
University of Toronto Student Services & Resources
Academic Integrity
The University of Toronto is deeply committed to the free and open exchange of ideas and the values of independent inquiry. As such, academic integrity is also fundamental to the University’s intellectual life. U of T supports the International Center for Academic Integrity’s definition of academic integrity as acting in all academic matters with honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility even in the face of challenges. Academic integrity applies to every member of the university, and acting with academic integrity helps preserve a community where competition is fair and honest work is rewarded; students develop personal and professional skills needed for success; intellectual property is respected; and a U of T degree continues to receive the respect and recognition deserves.
The University offers many resources to help students if they're feeling stuck or confused by an assignment or in a course. The first place to start is always with the course instructor and academic advisor, who can provide further resources available within the faculty and department.
Additional resources:
Accessibility Services
455 Spadina Avenue, Fourth Floor, Suite 400
Phone: 416-978-8060
The Accessibility Services team assists students in navigating disability-related barriers to their academic success for on-going or temporary disabilities. They provide services and support for learning, problem solving and inclusion.
Antiracism & Cultural Diversity Office
Health Sciences Building, 155 College Street
Third Floor (Faculty offices, room 356)
The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) collaborates with equity offices and community partners to promote a University campus that is free of discrimination and harassment based on race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship and/or faith and as they intersect with other social identities. ARCDO provides services to support University members in fostering environments that are intentionally racially diverse and inclusive through the advancement of equitable practices, education and training and the provision of complaints resolution supports on matters of race, faith and intersecting identities as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Campus Safety Special Constable Service
21 Sussex Ave, Main Floor
Campus Urgent: 416-978-2222 or 911
Non-Urgent: 416-978-2323
The University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service is dedicated to creating a safe, secure and equitable environment for students, staff, faculty, and visitors.
Career Exploration & Education
800 Bay Street. Fifth Floor
The Career Exploration & Education office supports students and recent graduates as they build their future in our changing world. They help students explore what they can do with their degree, discover job opportunities and further education. Their programs and services include career advising, career fairs, recruitment information sessions and more.
Centre for Community Partnerships
569 Spadina Crescent, Suite 315
The Centre for Community Partnerships collaborates with students to advance community-engaged learning and research through building community, enhancing capacity and learning together. Through community-engaged learning and research experiences, students have the chance to learn outside of the classroom, build community on- and off-campus, and to explore and enact their vision of a better world.
Centre for International Experience (CIE)
33 St. George Street
The Centre for International Experience (CIE) helps students to engage with the world. CIE is a meeting place for a diverse community of international students coming to U of T and domestic students looking to go abroad. They offer a range of programs, workshops and services to support international students, as well as global learning opportunities for all students.
Centre for Learning Strategy Support
800 Bay Street, Fifth Floor
Phone: 416-978-7970
The Centre for Learning Strategy Support helps students identify and achieve their learning goals, to reach their highest learning potential. Students have a lot more going on in their lives than just academic responsibilities, so the Centre tailors their learning support and programs to fit each student. Learn more about their program and services on the Centre for Learning Strategy Support website.
Centre For Women & Trans People
563 Spadina Avenue, Room 100
The Centre was founded by U of T women undergraduate students in 1986. They organized to create a safe, accessible space for all women at U of T to gather, seek support, and advocate on issues relevant to them The Centre for Women and Trans People is committed to providing a safe, harassment-free drop in space for all women and trans people on campus. They provide free support, referrals, resources and advocacy.
Clubs & Leadership Development
21 Sussex Avenue
The Clubs & Leadership Development office supports students in formal leadership positions (e.g., clubs, groups, representative leaders), students who would like to join clubs and students who would like to develop leadership skills.
Community Safety Office
21 Sussex Avenue, Second Floor
The Community Safety Office offers short-term support and assistance to students, staff, and faculty members of the University of Toronto community who have experienced personal safety concerns.
The Office responds to all personal safety concerns by addressing the complaint, assessing the personal and community safety risks, providing a continuum of intervention options that the complainant can explore to address their personal safety concern(s), presenting information about the particular issue experienced, co-creating a safety plan, referring and working in partnership with various offices in order to address the individual’s personal safety concerns. Additionally, the Office provides consultations to those dealing with difficult behaviour, facilitates women’s self-defence sessions and organizes Men Against of Violence initiatives.
Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture
The Division of People Strategy, Equity and Culture embeds the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and is accountable to the University community.
The division builds strategic partnerships in and outside the University to attract world-class faculty and staff who contribute to the excellence that defines this institution. They are responsible for a broad range of activities and initiatives in addition to providing policies, tools, resources and professional development opportunities.
Family Care Office
215 Huron Street, Sixth Floor
The Family Care Office (FCO) provides confidential guidance, resources, referrals, educational programming, and advocacy for the University of Toronto community and their families. They raise awareness of family care issues central to the achievement of education and employment equity at the University of Toronto.
The Office supports current University of Toronto students, staff, faculty, post-doctoral fellows and their families with any family care related issue. The FCO has always emphasized an inclusive definition of family.
First Nations House – Indigenous Student Services
563 Spadina Avenue, Third Floor
The First Nations House provides culturally relevant services to Indigenous students in support of academic success, personal growth and leadership development. They offer learning opportunities for all students to engage with Indigenous communities within the University of Toronto and beyond.
Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy (FIPP) Office
The University is committed to the principles and requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), which supports the protection of personal privacy, as well as access to University records in support of transparency and accountability.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FIPP) Office oversees and supports access protection at the University by protecting the personal privacy of its community, processing access requests and leading excellent access and privacy practices. Further information on how the University of Toronto collects, uses and protects student information is available online.
Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Hart House is the centre for experiential education outside the classroom at the University of Toronto. It is a co-curricular centre that welcomes both campus and community to explore cultural, intellectual and recreational activities. Aside from a wide array of events, lectures, live music and performances, Hart House offers classes for every interest from filmmaking and acting to archery and dance.
The Hart House facilities include a range of impressive rooms for studying, dining, recreation and socializing, a modern athletics and aquatics facility, a satellite farm location, the acclaimed Justina M. Barnicke Art Gallery, a dynamic theatre, complete wedding, meeting and event services as well as the top-rated Gallery Grill restaurant all housed within a stunning, neo-Gothic building.
Health & Wellness
700 Bay Street, 14th Floor
Health & Wellness provides a range of health services for students' physical and mental health, wellness programs and information to help support students in achieving their personal and academic goals.
800 Bay Street, Fifth Floor
On-Campus Residence:
Off-Campus Housing:
The staff at Housing can help students find a great home. Use the StarRez portal to apply for residence or log in to the Off-Campus Housing Finder to search for rentals and find roommates. Attend their events or meet with them in person to get help with housing search and learn about tenant rights.
Information Commons
130 St. George Street, First Floor
The University's Information Commons provides telephone and walk-in support for UTORid, email and internet access, wireless connectivity, and more; software at negotiated discounts for U of T students, faculty and staff; access to their 3D-printing service; video and production services; access to computers and printers in the Computer Access Facility on the first floor of Robarts Library.
Learning Abroad
33 St. George Street
University of Toronto students have access to study, research and professional experiences abroad, as well as access to increased, needs-based funding to facilitate an experience abroad. The Learning Abroad team is committed to enabling global learning for all students.
No matter where or for how long, learning abroad provides exposure to different cultures, backgrounds, and forms of teaching which shape how students see and relate to the world.
Mentorship & Peer Programs
The Mentorship & Peer Programs team provides training, programming, events and resources to mentors and support for students looking for mentors.
Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study & Practice
569 Spadina Avenue
The Multi-Faith Centre provides an inclusive space to engage in community and to learn, grow and explore diverse cultural and spiritual perspectives. The Centre supports the spiritual well-being of everyone on campus and provides opportunities to learn from each other through interfaith dialogue, arts and social justice. The University respects everyone's right to worship.
Navi: Your U of T Resource Finder
Access Navi:
Navi, short for navigator, is a chat-based virtual assistant for students that can provide information on many topics, including admissions, financial aid, getting involved, careers, convocation and more. Additionally, Navi can provide specific information regarding mental health resources.
Office of the Ombudsperson
As part of the University’s commitment to ensuring that the rights of its individual members are protected, the University Ombudsperson is devoted to ensuring procedural fairness and just and reasonable outcomes. The Office of the Ombudsperson provides a confidential environment for members of the University community to discuss concerns related to the University. The Ombudsperson is independent of all administrative structures of the University and is accountable only to Governing Council.
In handling a complaint, the Ombudsperson has access to all relevant files and information and to all appropriate University officials. All matters are in strict confidence unless the individual involved approves otherwise. The Ombudsperson offers advice and assistance and can recommend changes in academic or administrative procedures where this seems justified. The services of the Office are available by appointment at all three U of T campuses.
Orientation, Transition & Engagement
Starting with university orientation and continuing to graduation and beyond, the Orientation, Transition & Engagement team supports active participation in campus life and a broad range of co-curricular involvement opportunities.
Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO)
21 Sussex Avenue, Suites 416-417
The Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) develops partnerships to build supportive learning and working communities at the University of Toronto by working towards equity and challenging discrimination. The SGDO is at the forefront of community and policy development on emerging and ongoing equity issues within higher education from the perspective of sexual and gender diversity. Join the SGDO Listserv to receive weekly communications about upcoming events and programs.
The SGDO offers free, confidential, and sensitive support on matters of homophobia, transphobia and other forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you are experiencing discrimination or harassment and you would like additional support, the SGDO encourages you to reach out to their staff. All students, faculty, librarians, and staff of the University’s tri-campus community are welcome.
Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre
Gerstein Science Information Centre (Gerstein Library), Suite B139
The Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre works to create a campus environment where all members of the University community can study, work and live free from sexual violence. They help and support students, staff and faculty at the University of Toronto who have been affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment.
The Centre offers confidential, non-judgmental, client-centred services. They are here to help members of the community understand, access and navigate supports such as counselling, medical services, academic or workplace accommodations, financial aid and legal aid. The Centre also works to end sexual violence on campus through training and education.
Student Life
The Division of Student Life advances student success through experiences, services and facilities. Their Student Life Departments offer programs to explore interests, learn and apply new skills, and connect to learning communities along with services to support students in achieving their personal and academic success.
Summer Abroad Programs
119 St. George Street, 3rd Floor
The Summer Abroad programs are designed to enrich students' academic lives by providing an exciting and educational international experience. They provide students the opportunity to complete full-year undergraduate degree credit courses from the Faculty of Arts & Science that are relevant to the course's destination. The program takes place over 4-6 weeks in the summer. U of T Engineering students are welcome to apply and use the credit as a possible elective.
Travel Safer
21 Sussex Avenue, First Floor
Campus Safety Communications: 416-978-SAFE (7233)
St. George Campus:
TravelSafer is a free service offered by the University of Toronto Campus Safety that is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Students can request a TravelSafer escort to escort them to and from any location on campus and abutting TTC stations. Requests can be made through the U of T Safety App available on the App Store and Google Play, or by calling Campus Safety Communications. TravelSafer is a reliable and safe alternative to walking alone at night.
U of T Telus Health Student Support (THSS)
Canada and U.S.: 1-844-451-9700
Outside of North America: 001-416-380-6578
U of T THSS provides students with real-time and/or appointment-based confidential, 24-hour support for any school, health, or general life concern at no cost. Students can call or chat with a counsellor directly from their phone whenever and wherever they are.
Ongoing support is available over the phone in 146 languages. Immediate support is available over the phone in 35 languages and over chat in simplified English, Chinese, French and Spanish. A web option is available, as well as a THSS app that can be downloaded on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Student Organizations
Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students (APUS)
100 St. George Street, Room 1089
All part-time undergraduate students on all three campuses of the University of Toronto are members of the Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students (APUS). The mission of APUS is to ensure that part-time undergraduate students have access to the full range of programs, services and resources at the University of Toronto to improve the quality of the part-time undergraduate educational experience. APUS works to ensure that a variety of post-secondary educational opportunities are available for students who, for any reason, choose to study part-time. APUS believes that education can be combined with work, family and other activities and that part-time study represents a viable option for students who cannot study full-time. To this end, APUS promotes the concepts of life-long learning, evening, weekend and summer study and flexible academic programming across the University. The objectives of APUS services are to improve the quality of the total educational experience, in its broadest sense.
Engineering Society (EngSoc)
Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King’s College Road, B740
Every U of T Engineering undergraduate is a member of the Engineering Society. Founded in 1885, the Society is the oldest formal Engineering organization in Canada. Alongside its constituent Discipline Clubs, which represent each engineering program, the Society plans and operates many student activities and services, fostering a vibrant community rooted in the traditional Skule™ spirit that exists among Engineering students. This sense of spirit and community continues throughout our graduates' professional careers. The Society plays a pivotal role in enhancing student life by overseeing Engineering clubs, design teams, publications and commercial operations. Additionally, the Society serves as a voice for students on matters related to academic policy, representing the student body on the Faculty Council and its Standing Committees.
Engineering Society's Affiliated Clubs
Get involved! There are many groups at SkuleTM that students can join and be a part of! A list of all student groups associated with the Engineering Society and their contacts can be found on the SkuleTM website.
Student Organization Portal (SOP)
21 Sussex Avenue, Room 516
The Student Organization Portal (SOP) is where student groups can apply to be a University recognized student group and receive several privileges, including access to University facilities, access to resources for student leaders, post events and opportunities in the SOP site and use U of T as part of the group's name.
SOP is a one-stop website listing a large and diverse directory of student clubs, organizations, activities and opportunities on all three campuses. The thousands of entries include film appreciation clubs, debating societies, sports teams, social activism, drop-in classes, and research opportunities and awards.
University of Toronto Student Union (UTSU)
230 College Street, Room 164
The University of Toronto Students' Union (UTSU) is the official student government for more than 41,000 students at the University of Toronto's St. George Campus. The UTSU works for students in many ways, but primarily through advocacy, events, programs and services.
The UTSU offers services such as student aid, health and dental plans, club funding, annual tax clinics and more. They advocate for students by lobbying the government and university, organizing public education campaigns and supporting student-led initiatives. As well as organizing major events for students, including Orientation, Winter Week of Welcome, Unity Ball, Pasta Night, and more.