Mechanical Engineering (AEMECBASC)
Undergraduate Program Administrator and Academic Advisor, Year 2
Gayle Lesmond
Room MC109, Mechanical Engineering Building
Undergraduate Student Advisor, Years 3-4
Yanna Sventzouris
Room MC109, Mechanical Engineering Building
The Mechanical Engineering profession faces unprecedented challenges and exciting opportunities in its efforts to serve the needs of society. The broad disciplinary base and design orientation of the field will continue to make the skills of the mechanical engineer crucial to the success of virtually all technical systems that involve energy, motion, materials, design, automation and manufacturing. The explosive growth in the availability of lower-cost, compact and high-speed computing hardware and software is already revolutionizing the analysis, design, manufacture and operation of many mechanical engineering systems. Mechanical engineering systems are part of automotive engineering, robotics, fuel utilization, nuclear and thermal power generation, materials behaviour in design applications, transportation, biomechanical engineering, environmental control and many others.
To prepare mechanical engineers for the challenges of such a broad discipline, the program is designed to:
- Provide fundamental knowledge of the various subdisciplines.
- Teach methodology and systems analysis techniques for integrating this knowledge into useful design concepts
- Make graduates fully conversant with modern facilities, such as CAD/CAM and microprocessor control, by which design concepts can be produced and competitively manufactured.
The knowledge component includes the key subdisciplines of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, control theory, dynamics, material science and design. All are based on adequate preparation in mathematics and in such fundamental subjects as physics and chemistry.
Integration of this knowledge is accomplished in third- and fourth-year courses. Students select many upper-year courses from a list of electives, permitting them to choose subjects compatible with their individual interests. Most technical elective courses are from one of five streams or subject areas: manufacturing, mechatronics, solid mechanics and machine design, energy and environment or bioengineering. Students are required to select a sequence of courses from two of the five streams, acquiring a greater depth of knowledge in those areas. The fourth-year Capstone Design course encompasses all aspects of the program as students complete a two-term design project for an industrial partner or client. Students also have the option of doing a one- or two-term thesis in their fourth year of study, allowing independent study and research with faculty members.
With this diverse background, virtually all industries seek the services of the practicing mechanical engineer as an employee or a consultant. Mechanical engineers are involved in the primary power production industry where hydraulic, thermal and nuclear energy is converted to electricity; integrated manufacturing of automobiles and other equipment; aircraft and other transportation systems; heating and air conditioning industry; design and manufacture of electronic hardware; materials processing plants and many other industries.
For the modern mechanical engineer, the undergraduate program is only the first step in this educational process. An increasing number of graduates pursue advanced degrees in particular areas of specialization. Graduates entering the industry can continue their education by participating in the graduate program.
The Cross-Disciplinary Programs Office (CDP) offers a variety of minors and certificate programs that complement the Mechanical Engineering curriculum. Students interested in pursuing an Engineering minor and/or certificate are encouraged to consult with the CDP.
Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering
The Department offers graduate study and research opportunities in a wide range of fields within Mechanical Engineering. These include applied mechanics, biomedical engineering, computer-aided engineering, energy studies, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, materials, manufacturing, robotics, automation and control, design, surface sciences, thermodynamics and heat transfer, plasma processing, vibration, computational fluid dynamics, microfluidics and micromechanics, environmental engineering, thermal spray coatings, finite element methods, internal combustion engines and spray-forming processes. The programs lead to MEng, MASc and PhD degrees. Evening courses are offered to accommodate participants who work full-time and are interested in pursuing an MEng. Additional information can be obtained from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Studies Office and