The first part covers multiple integrals and vector calculus. Topics covered include: double and triple integrals, surface area, multiple integrals in polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, general coordinate transformations (Jacobians), Taylor series in two variables, line and surface integrals, parametric surfaces, Green's theorem, the divergence and Stokes's theorems. The second part provides a general introduction to the principles of continuum fluid mechanics. The basic conservation laws are derived in both differential and integral forms using different fluid models, and the link between the two is demonstrated. Applications covered include: dimensional analysis, hydrostatics, flow visualization, incompressible and compressible frictionless flows, the speed of sound, the momentum principle, viscous flows and selected examples of real fluid flows. The students conduct two hands-on laboratory experiments involving microfluidics and flow visualization, which complement the fluid mechanics lectures and experience technical report writing.
Reference frames in relative translation and rotation, vector and matrix formulations. Dynamics of a single particle and of systems of particles. Lagrange's equations. D'Alembert's and Hamilton's principle. Orbital dynamics. Rigid body kinematics and dynamics, Lagrangian approach to vibrations of complex systems. Model analysis. Primary Reference: class notes. Reference Books: Greenwood, Principles of Dynamics; Goldstein, Classical Mechanics.
Basics of aircraft performance with an introduction to static stability and control. Topics covered include: Equations of Motion; Characteristics of the Atmosphere; Airspeed Measurement; Drag (induced drag, total airplane drag); Thurst and Power (piston engine characteristics, gas turbine performance); Climb (range payload); Tunrs; Pull-up; Takeoff; Landing (airborne distance, ground roll); Flight envelope (maneuvering envelope, gust load factors); Longitudinal and lateral static stability and control; Introduction to dynamic stability.
Students will perform a number of experiments in the subject areas associated with the Aerospace Option curriculum, and prepare formal laboratory reports.
Students will perform a number of experiments in the subject areas associated with the Aerospace Option curriculum, and prepare formal laboratory reports.
An introduction to the space environment and its impact on space vehicles, orbits and mission analysis, space system payloads, spacecraft power systems, attitude control sensors, and actuators, thermal analysis and design, propulsion, space communications systems including antennas and link budgets, command and data handling, structures, mechanisms, and mass properties.
Review of fundamentals of fluid dynamics, potential-flow, Euler, and Navier-Stokes equations; incompressible flow over airfoils, incompressible flow over finite wings; compressibility effects; subsonic compressible flow over airfoils; supersonic flow; viscous flow; laminar layers and turbulent boundary layers and unsteady aerodynamics. Textbook: Anderson, J.D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001.
Fundamental thermodynamics for calorically perfect gases and derivation of Navier-Stokes and Euler equations by control volume approach. Also includes the theory of steady quasi-one-dimensional (1D) flows in flow tubes, pipes, and ducts with area variation, friction and drag, body forces, heat addition, and external work, reviewing isentropic flow and Fanno and Rayleigh lines solutions. Also covers the Rankine-Hugoniot equations and solutions for both steady normal shock waves and moving shocks and introduces theory of unsteady 1D constant-area flows and solutions for unsteady isentropic expansion and compression waves via characteristic analysis. Concludes with theory of steady two-dimensional (2D) supersonic flow including Prandtl-Meyer theory and solutions for oblique shock, expansion, and compression waves. The lectures are supplemented by problem sets.
Introduces numerical methods for scientific computation which are relevant to the solution of a wide range of engineering problems. Topics addressed include interpolation, integration, linear systems, least-squares fitting, nonlinear equations and optimization, initial value problems, and partial differential equations. The assignments require programming of numerical algorithms.
An introduction to dynamic systems and control. Models of physical systems. Stability and feedback control theory. Analysis and synthesis of linear feedback systems by "classical" and state space techniques. Introduction to nonlinear and optimal control systems. Digital computer control. Multivariable feedback system design.
An Introduction to Solid and Structural Mechanics. Continuum Mechanics: Stress, strain and constitutive relations for continuous systems, Equilibrium equations, Force and Flexibility methods, Introduction to Cartesian Tensors. Variational Principles: Virtual Work, Complementary Virtual Work, Strain Energy and Work, Principle of Stationary Value of the Total Potential Energy, Complementary Potential Energy, Reissner's Principle, Calculus of Variations, Hamilton's Principle. Beam and Plate theory. Dynamics of discrete and continuous systems.
Teams of 3 or 4 students design, build, and fly a remotely piloted aircraft. The aircraft is designed and built to maximize a flight score, which is a complex function of many factors - payload fraction, payload type, flight time, takeoff distance, etc. Teams are provided with identical motors, batteries, radio equipment, and flight instrumentation. Weekly sessions consist of a combination of lectures and one-on-one meetings with the tutors and professor to discuss each teams' progress. Evaluations are based on the weekly reports, preliminary and final design presentations and reports, an as-built report, and measured flight performance.
Introduction to the conceptual and preliminary design phases for a space system currently of interest in the Aerospace industry. A team of visiting engineers provide material on typical space systems design methodology and share their experiences working on current space initiatives through workshops and mock design reviews. Aspects of operations, systems, electrical, mechanical, software, and controls are covered. The class is divided into project teams to design a space system in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) formulated by the industrial team. Emphasis is placed on standard top-down design practices and the tradeoffs which occur during the design process. Past projects include satellites such as Radarsat, interplanetary probes such as a solar sailer to Mars, a Mars surface rover and dextrous space robotic systems.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method and Structural Optimization. Review of linear elasticity: stress, strain and material constitutive laws, Variational Principles. The Finite Element technique: problem formulation - methods of Ritz and Galerkin, element properties - C0 and C1 formulations, static and dynamic problems: applications to bar, beam, membrane and plate problems. Structural Optimization: Overview of problems, Optimal Design problem formulation, solution strategies - gradient search techniques, Sensitivity analysis for static and dynamic problems, Optimization problems using commercial finite element codes. Text: Shames & Dym, Energy and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics.
Static aeroelastic phenomena are studied, including divergence of 2D sections and slender 3D wings, as well as control reversal of 3D wings. Various methods of solution are considered such as closed form, discrete element, and the Rayleigh-Ritz approach. A study of vibration and flutter of wings and control surfaces is presented with particular emphasis on those parameters that affect flutter speed. Classical, k, and p-k methods for flutter estimation are presented.
Planar "central force" motion; elliptical orbits; energy and the major diameter; speed in terms of position; angular momentum and the conic parameter; Kepler's laws. Applications to the solar system; applications to Earth satellites. Launch sequence; attaining orbit; plane changes; reaching final orbit; simple theory of satellite lifetime. Simple (planar) theory of atmospheric entry. Geostationary satellite; adjustment of perigee and apogee; east-west stationkeeping. Attitude motion equations for a torque-free rigid body; simple spins and their stability; effect of internal energy dissipation; axisymmetric spinning bodies. Spin-stabilized satellites; long-term effects; sample flight data. Dual-spin satellites; basic stability criteria; example-CTS. "active" attitude control; reaction wheels; momentum wheels; controlmoment gyros; simple attitude control systems.
Nuclear reactions between light elements provide the energy source for the sun and stars. On earth, such reactions could form the basis of an essentially inexhaustible energy resource. In order for the fusion reactions to proceed at a rate suitable for the generation of electricity, the fuels (usually hydrogen) must be heated to temperatures near 100 million Kelvin. At these temperatures, the fuel will exist in the plasma state. This course will cover: (i) the basic physics of fusion, including reaction cross-sections, particle energy distributions, Lawson criterion and radiation balance, (ii) plasma properties including plasma waves, plasma transport, heating and stability, and (iii) fusion plasma confinement methods (magnetic and inertial). Topics will be related to current experimental research in the field.
Scope and history of jet and rocket propulsion; fundamentals of air-breathing and rocket propulsion; fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion including boundary layer mechanics and combustion; principles of aircraft jet engines, engine components and performance; principles of rocket propulsion, rocket performance, and chemical rockets; environmental impact of aircraft jet engines.
Scope and history of combustion, and fossil fuels; thermodynamics and kinetics of combustion including heats of formation and reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, elementary and global reactions, equilibrium calculations of combustion products, and kinetics of pollutant formation mechanisms; propagation of laminar premixed flames and detonations, flammability limits, ignition and quenching; gaseous diffusion flames and droplet burning; introduction to combustion in practical devices such as rockets, gas turbines, reciprocating engines, and furnaces; environmental aspects of combustion.
The course addresses fundamentals of analytical robotics as well as design and control of industrial robots and their instrumentation. Topics include forward, inverse, and differential kinematics, screw representation, statics, inverse and forward dynamics, motion and force control of robot manipulators, actuation schemes, task-based and workspace design, mobile manipulation, and sensors and instrumentation in robotic systems. A series of experiments in the Robotics Laboratory will illustrate the course subjects.
Partial differential equations appearing in physics, material sciences, biology, geometry, and engineering. Nonlinear evolution equations. Existence and long-time behaviour of solutions. Existence of static, traveling wave, self-similar, topological and localized solutions. Stability. Formation of singularities and pattern formation. Fixed point theorems, spectral analysis, bifurcation theory. Equations considered in this course may include: Allen-Cahn equation (material science), Ginzburg-Landau equation (condensed matter physics), Cahn-Hilliard (material science, biology), nonlinear Schroedinger equation (quantum and plasma physics, water waves, etc). mean curvature flow (geometry, material sciences), Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov (combustion theory, biology), Keller-Segel equations (biology), and Chern-Simons equations (particle and condensed matter physics).
Joint undergraduate/graduate course - APM446H1/MAT1508H
Introduction to the basic mathematical techniques in pricing theory and risk management: Stochastic calculus, single-period finance, financial derivatives (tree-approximation and Black-Scholes model for equity derivatives, American derivatives, numerical methods, lattice models for interest-rate derivatives), value at risk, credit risk, portfolio theory.
Joint undergraduate/graduate course - APM466H1/MAT1856H
Designed to help students transition into first-year engineering studies, and to develop and apply a greater understanding of the post-secondary academic learning environment, the field of engineering, application of mathematics and sciences in an engineering context, and properly frame engineering (education) as a socio-technical, people-centred endeavor. Topics include techniques for effective learning, time management, problem solving, successful teamwork, effective communications, test and exam preparation, stress management and wellness, engineering ethics and professionalism, academic integrity and the Student Code of Conduct, applications of math and science in engineering undergraduate research, extra- and co-curricular involvement, and engineering disciplines and career opportunities.
An introduction to computer systems and problem solving using computers. Topics include: the representation of information, programming techniques, programming style, basic loop structures, functions, arrays, strings, pointer-based data structures and searching and sorting algorithms. The laboratories reinforce the lecture topics and develops essential programming skills.
An introduction to computer systems and software. Topics include the representation of information, algorithms, programming languages, operating systems and software engineering. Emphasis is on the design of algorithms and their implementation in software. Students will develop a competency in the Python programming language. Laboratory exercises will explore the concepts of both Structure-based and Object-Oriented programming using examples drawn from mathematics and engineering applications.
The principle of the structure-property relationship refers to an understanding of the microstructure of a solid, that is, the nature of the bonds between atoms and the spatial arrangement of atoms, which permits the explanation of observed behaviour. Observed materials behaviour includes mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, and corrosive behaviour. Topics covered in this course include: structure of the atom, models of the atom, electronic configuration, the electromagnetic spectrum, band theory, atomic bonding, optical transparency of solids, magnetic properties, molecular bonding, hybridized orbitals, crystal systems, lattices and structures, crystallographic notation, imperfections in solids, reaction rates, activation energy, solid-state diffusion, materials thermodynamics, free energy, and phase equilibrium.
An introduction to, and implementation of, a framework for the design process, which is used to teach in context, problem solving, professional communication, and team skills. Students are introduced to design, communication and teamwork as integral and inter-related components of engineering practice. This first course in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to the process of engineering design, including broader considerations, written professional communication, and to strategies for successful team work. Students will write a series of team and individual engineering reports.
An introduction to, and implementation of, a framework for the design process, which is used to teach in context, problem solving, professional communication, and team skills.
Students are introduced to design, communication, and teamwork as integral and inter-related components of engineering practice. Building on the first course, this second course
in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to project management, oral professional communication, and to the design process in greater
depth. Students work in teams on a term length design project. Students will write a series of team based and individual engineering reports and give a team based design project oral
An introduction to professional ethics and the Academic Code of Conduct. Topics include: the theory of ethics, professional code of ethics, ethics in the profession, proper use of intellectual property in the professional and in academic settings, plagiarism, the Academic Code of Conduct, and application of ethics in practice.
The principles of statics are applied to composition and resolution of forces, moments and couples. The equilibrium states of structures are examined. Throughout, the free body diagram concept is emphasized. Vector algebra is used where it is most useful, and stress blocks are introduced. Shear force diagrams, bending moment diagrams and stress-strain relationships for materials are discussed. Stress and deformation in axially loaded members and flexural members (beams) are also covered.
This course on Newtonian mechanics considers the interactions which influence 2-D, curvilinear motion. These interactions are described in terms of the concepts of force, work, momentum and energy. Initially the focus is on the kinematics and kinetics of particles. Then, the kinematics and kinetics of systems of particles and solid bodies are examined. Finally, simple harmonic motion is discussed. The occurrence of dynamic motion in natural systems, such as planetary motion, is emphasized. Applications to engineered systems are also introduced.
This online-only course focuses on the fundamental tools of calculus and its connections to engineering. The topics include limits, differentiation, graphing, optimization problems, and definite and indefinite integrals. Problems combining calculus with geometry, linear algebra, statics, and mechanics will be examined.
A focus on the fundamental tools of calculus and its connections to engineering. The topics include methods of integration, an introduction to differential equations, series and Taylor series, parametric and polar curves. Problems combining calculus with geometry, linear algebra, statics, and mechanics will be examined. Online only.
The principle of structure-property relationship refers to an understanding of the microstructure of a solid, that is, the nature of the bonds between atoms and the spatial
arrangement of atoms, which permits the explanation of observed behaviour. Observed materials behaviour includes mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, and corrosive
behaviour. Topics covered in this course include: structure of the atom, models of the atom, electronic configuration, the electromagnetic spectrum, band theory, atomic bonding, optical
transparency of solids, magnetic properties, molecular bonding, hybridized orbitals, crystal systems, lattices and structures, crystallographic notation, imperfections in solids, reaction
rates, activation energy, solid-state diffusion, materials thermodynamics, free energy, and phase equilibrium. Online only.
A seminar series that previews the core fields in Engineering. Each seminar will highlight one of the major areas of Engineering. The format will vary and may include application
examples, challenges, case studies, career opportunities, etc. The seminar provides an opportunity to better understand the various Core 8 programs within the faculty and enable
a more educated decision when selecting the program of choice for second year of study. This course is offered on a credit/no credit basis.
An independent research project conducted in an engineering laboratory at an approved partner institution abroad for 10-16 weeks in the summer term. This course is intended for students who will have completed their 2nd or 3rd year of study by the time they take the course. Students must apply for this program through the Centre for International Experience in the fall term and will be notified by January if they are accepted. Students should inquire with their home department to determine whether the course can count towards their degree requirements. For more information, please contact the Cross-Disciplinary Programs Office at
Complimentary Studies Elective
Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor
Introduction to public policy including the role and interaction of technology and regulation, policy reinforcing/feedback cycles; procedures for legislation and policy setting at the municipal, provincial and federal levels; dimensions of energy policy; energy planning and forecasting including demand management and conservation incentives; policy institution, analysis, implementation, evaluation and evolution; Critical analyses of case studies of energy and associated environmental policies with respect to conservation and demand management for various utilities and sectors; policy derivatives for varied economic and social settings, developing countries and associated impacts.
This is an interdisciplinary and multi-university project-based course focused on positively impacting the complex sustainability challenges faced by real-world communities around the world. Throughout this course, students work in small (three to five person) interdisciplinary and multi-university teams in order to (1) identify and understand a well-defined sustainability (social and/or environmental) problem faced by a real-world community, and then (2) devise, design and propose an implementable idea for positively impacting that problem. During the course, students are provided with multiple facilitated and structured opportunities to: engage directly with local stakeholders from the community their team is focused on; receive mentorship from a global network of experienced sustainability and innovation experts; and collaborate with a diverse array of students from other disciplines and institutions working on similar sustainability problems with other communities around the world.
Admission to this course will be by application, which will be available starting in June. Initial round of applications will be reviewed prior to the course enrollment date and on an periodic basis after that if spaces become available.
A basic introduction to the history, technology, programming and applications of the fast evolving field of deep learning. Topics to be covered may include neural networks, autoencoders/decoders, recurrent neural networks, natural language processing, and generative adversarial networks. Special attention will be paid to fairness and ethics issues surrounding machine learning. An applied approach will be taken, where students get hands-on exposure to the covered techniques through the use of state-of-the-art machine learning software frameworks.
A multi-disciplinary introduction to key aspects of electric vehicle design, taught in modular form. Sub-system design perspective: electrical, mechanical, battery, powertrain and control; vehicle design; Manufacturing perspective: battery manufacturing, and life cycle; Industry 4.0 Automation perspective: vehicle-, manufacturing-, and city-level; Future directions: electrification, smart-grid, supply chains, and infrastructure
Humanities and Social Science Elective
The role of technology and engineering in global development is explored through a combination of lectures, readings, case studies, and analysis of key technologies, including energy, information and communications technologies, water and healthcare. Topics include a brief history and basic theories of international development and foreign aid, major government and non-government players, emerging alternative models (social entrepreneurship, microfinance, risk capital approaches), major and emerging players in social venture capital and philanthropy, the role of financial markets, environmental and resource considerations/sustainable development, technology diffusion models and appropriate technologies.
Despite the best of engineering practices, spectacular failures of complex technological systems occur regularly. Traditional engineering explanations for the causes of accidents utilize eventchain models and often blame operators. This course highlights the limitations of such models and shows that accidents in sociotechnical systems can be better understood using systems engineering. Further insights are provided by reviewing various sociological theories that have been advanced to explain and prevent accidents.
Provides new perspectives on safety and human error and shows how to incorporate humans in complex automated systems using systems thinking. Risk assessment of a sociotechnical system identifies hazards that can result in human, material or
environmental losses, the likelihood of such hazardous events, and their consequences. This project-based course combines theory and practice to present a system-theoretic approach to risk assessment.
An introduction to the disciplines of public health and the connections with engineering; quantitative and qualitative public health methods including study designs and statistical analysis; legal, regulatory and ethical frameworks applicable to public health; the structure and regulation of the public health and health care system; examples of common public health hazards to illustrate public health toxicology, exposure measurement and modelling, data analysis and prevention strategies.
An experience in multi-disciplinary engineering practice through a significant, open-ended, client-driven design project in which student teams address stakeholder needs through the use of a creative and iterative design process.
Instruction of concepts, theories, and research but most importantly the practice of negotiation skills. The course will cover all kinds of negotiations scenarios that individuals might face in the course of their careers as Engineers; this could include a range of single-issue single-party negotiations to multi-party multi-issues negotiations.
This course will focus on capital budgeting, financial optimization, and project evaluation models and their solution techniques. In particular, linear, non-linear, and integer programming models and their solutions techniques will be studied. The course will give engineering students a background in modern capital budgeting and financial techniques that are relevant in practival engineering and commercial settings.
Complementary Studies elective
A broad range of global energy systems are presented including electricity generation, electricity end use, transportation and infrastructure. Discussions are based on two key trends: (a) the increasing ability to deploy technologies and engineering systems globally, and (b) innovative organizations, many driven by entrepreneurship (for profit and social) and entrepreneurial finance techniques. The course considers these types of innovations in the context of developed economies, rapidly developing economies such as India and China, and the developing world. The course will interweave a mix of industry examples and more in-depth case studies. The examples and cases are examined with various engineering, business and environmental sustainability analysis perspectives.
Teaches the process of preparing a patent application for an invention for engineers and scientists. Teaches methods to take an invention from conception to a level that a patent application can be filed on it. Describes how to write an invention disclosure. Describes how to prepare the background section, brief listing of figures, detailed description of the invention, independent and dependent claims, abstract, and artwork. Teaches use of patent search engines.
Develops simple, powerful tools and strategies for designing, starting, growing, managing, changing, fixing and evolving successful organisations in the engineering industry. It is highly practical, develops a model for analysing an organisation and then applies it in clear simple steps. The curriculum is designed for Engineers looking to lead organisations, commercialise product ideas or manage change in existing institutions.
Engineering design within the context of global society, emphasizing the needs of users in order to support appropriate, sustainable technology. A design project will comprise the major component of the course work. The course will take the approach of "design for X". Students are expected to be familiar with design for functionality, safety, robustness, etc. This course will extend the students' understanding of design methodologies to design for "appropriateness in developing regions". Readings and discussions will explore the social, cultural, economic, educational, environmental and political contexts in which third world end users relate to technology. Students will then incorporate their deepened understanding of this context in their design project. The projects will be analyzed for functionality as well as appropriateness and sustainability in the third world context. Upon completion of the course, students should have a deeper appreciation of the meaning of appropriate technology in various international development sectors such as healthcare, water & sanitation, land management, energy, infrastructure, and communications in both urban and rural settings.
Introduction to connecting engineering and biological approaches to solve problems in medicine, science, and technology. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating the connection between organ level function with cellular mechanisms. Topics may include, but are not limited to: design principles of biological systems, medical devices, overviews of anatomy and physiology, and cellular mechanisms as they relate to biotechnological and medical technology applications. Laboratories will provide hands-on experiences with selected concepts and encourage students to understand how to connect their own vital and physiologic signs to current medical technologies.
The emphasis of the course is on applying the logic of patents to diverse cases of products through biology and biomedical engineering. A commercial context will be ever present the case studies. Students will work in teams on these problems in class. Students will learn to apply tests for obviousness, inventiveness, novelty and enablement based on the use of these tests in technology patents in the past. Claim construction will be introduced towards the end of the course to learn how technologies can be protected in considering a patent. There will be papers for reading in this course but no textbook. This course is designed for senior undergraduate students (3-4 year).
Introduces physiological concepts and selected physiological control systems present in the human body, and proposes quantitative modeling approaches for these systems. Topics covered will include (1) the endocrine system and its subsystems, including glucose regulation and the stress response, (2) the cardiovascular system and related aspects such as cardiac output, venous return, control of blood flow by the tissues, and nervous regulation of circulation, and (3) the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, including the control of voluntary motion. Linear control theory will be used to develop skills in system modeling and examine concepts of system response and system control in the context of a healthy human body.
Introduction to modeling of physiological control systems present in the human body, combining physiology, linear system modeling and linear control theory. Topics include: representation of physical systems using differential equations and linearization of these dynamic models; graphical representation of the control systems/plants; Laplace transforms; transfer functions; performance of dynamic systems; time and frequency analysis; observability and controllability; and close-loop controller design.
An introduction to the principles and design of fundamental technologies used in biomedical engineering research. Topics may include but are not limited to tissue culture; spectroscopy; electrophoresis; PCR, genomics, sequencing technologies, and gene expression measurement; protein expression assays and tagging strategies; fluorescence labeling tools, microscopy, and high content imaging; DNA manipulation and transfection, RNAi, and other genetic and molecular tools for transformation of organisms. Laboratories will provide hands-on experience with selected technologies. Students will engage in a major design project in which they will design an experimental plan to investigate a specific research question, also of their design, utilizing available laboratory technologies.
An introduction to human anatomy and physiology with selected focus on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and endocrine systems. The structures and mechanisms responsible for proper function of these complex systems will be examined in the healthy and diseased human body. The integration of different organ systems will be stressed, with a specific focus on the structure-function relationship. Application of biomedical engineering technologies in maintaining homeostasis will also be discussed.
An introduction to the science of biomaterials, focusing on polymeric biomaterials and biocompatibility. Topics include biomaterial surface analysis, hydrogel rheology and swelling, protein adsorption, cell adhesion and migration and the foreign body response. Primary focus is on implantable biomaterials but some attention will be given to applications of biomaterials in biotechnology and drug delivery. Specific device or other examples as well as the research literature will be used to illustrate the topic at hand.
Topics to be covered will include: Building blocks of the living cell; thermodynamics of living systems: interactions and kinetic energy, equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes, entropy, temperature, free energy and chemical potential ; diffusion and friction in liquids, Brownian motion; membrane potential, ion pumps and nerve cells; light and molecules: photon absorption and fluorescence; light microscope, fluorescence as a window into cells, optogenetics and fluorescent reporters; two-photon excitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer; the eye, image formation, and color vision; structural color in animals.
Tissue engineering is largely based on concepts that emerged from developmental biology. This course provides an introduction to the study of animal development, both at the cellular and molecular levels. Topics include developmental patterning, differential gene expression, morphogenesis, stem cells, repair and regeneration.
Understanding diversity of cell behaviour at the molecular level. Through discussion of molecular dynamics in living cells in the context of varied microenvironments, develop an understanding of cellular behaviour based on intracellular events in response to extracellular stimuli. Specific topics include receptor-ligand interatctions, morphogens, signal transduction, cell growth & differentiation, cell adhesion and migration, trafficking, and mechanotransduction. Examples from in vitro culture systems and model organisms in vivo are used to support discussions.
The course encompasses the new multidisciplinary area of Regenerative Engineering by integrating various components of Regenerative Medicine, Clinical Engineering, Human Biology & Physiology, Advanced Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, bringing all these disciplines into the clinical perspective of translational medicine. The course starts with the key concepts of stem cell biology and their properties at the cellular and subcellular levels working our way to complex tissues and organs. In the first half of the course, 2D and 3D tissue and organ formation will be our main focus. In the second half, we will discuss the integration of medical devices, technologies and treatments into healthcare as well as clinical trial logistics, ethics and processes. The course materials will integrate cutting-edge research in regenerative medicine and current clinical trials by inviting scientists and clinicians as guest lecturers. Students will be given the rare opportunity to incorporate into their written assignments experiment-based learning via participation in workshops, tours of research facilities, seminars and independent projects integrated into the course during the semester.
Through systematic mathematical analysis of biological networks, this course derives design principles that are cornerstones for the understanding of complex natural biological systems and the engineering of synthetic biological systems. Course material includes: transcriptional networks, autoregulation, feed-forward loops, global network structure, protein networks, robustness, kinetic proofreading and optimality. After completion of the course, students should be able to use quantitative reasoning to analyze biological systems and construct mathematical models to describe biological systems.
This is intended to provide students interested in biomedical research with an introduction to core statistical concepts and methods, including experimental design. The course also provides a good foundation in the use of discovery tools provided by a data analysis and visualization software. The topics covered will include: i) Importance of being uncertain; ii) Error bars; iii) Significance, p-values and t-tests; iv) Power and sample size; v) Visualizing samples with box plots; vi) Comparing samples; vii) Non parametric tests; viii) Designing comparative experiments; ix) Analysis of variance and blocking; x) Replication; xi) Two-factor designs; xii) Association, correlation and causation; xiii) Simple linear regression; xiv) Regression diagnostics. The concepts will be illustrated with realistic examples that are commonly encountered by biomedical researchers (as opposed to the simpler examples described in entry-level textbooks). The statistical softwares used in this course are JMP and R Studio.
Fundamental biomedical research technologies with specific focus on cellular and molecular methodologies. Examples include DNA and protein analysis and isolation, microscopy, cell culture and cellular assays. Combines both theoretical concepts and hand-on practical experience via lectures and wet labs, respectively. Specific applications as applied to biotechnology and medicine will also be outlined and discussed.
Generation, transmission and the significance of bioelectricity in neural networks of the brain. Topics covered include: (i) Basic features of neural systems. (ii) Ionic transport mechanisms in cellular membranes. (iii) Propagation of electricity in neural cables. (iv) Extracellular electric fields. (v) Neural networks, neuroplasticity and biological clocks. (vi) Learning and memory in artificial neural networks. Laboratory experiences include: (a) Biological measurements of body surface potentials (EEG and EMG). (b) Experiments on computer models of generation and propagation of neuronal electrical activities. (c) Investigation of learning in artificial neural networks. This course was previously offered as ECE445H1.
Engineering and biophysical tools are used to integrate and enhance our understanding of animal cell behaviour from the molecular to the tissue level. Quantitative methods are used to mathematically model the biology of cell growth, division and differentiation to tissue formation. Specific topics include receptor-ligand interactions, cell adhesion and migration, signal transduction, cell growth and differentiation. Examples from the literature are used to highlight applications in cellular and tissue engineering.
The objective of this course is to provide students with strategies by which they can "reverse engineer" medical device products intended for use as implantable devices or in contact with body tissue and fluids. A top down approach will be taken where the regulatory path for product approval and associated costs with product development and validation are reviewed for different biomaterials and devices. This path is then assessed in the context of product specific reimbursement, safety, competitive positioning and regulatory concerns. Students will be required to use their existing knowledge of biomaterials and biocompatibility to frame the questions, challenges and opportunities with a mind to re-engineering products in order to capitalize on niche regulatory pathways. The resulting regulatory path gives a good idea of the kind of trial design the product must prevail in and ultimately the design characteristics of the device itself. The United States and Europe will be contrasted with respect to both their regulatory environment and reimbursement. Lastly, quantitative product development risks estimates are considered in choosing a product path strategy for proof of concept and approval.
The human body is a highly interconnected network of different tissues, and there are all sorts of barriers to getting pharmaceutical drugs to the right place at the right time. In this course, the emphasis is on connecting physiology knowledge with drug delivery techniques and technologies to spark innovative new approaches. Through a combination of lectures, self-paced assignments, and collaborative group discussion, students will engage with their peers to understand course materials (including published literature), explore innovations in drug delivery technologies, and develop the skillset to conceptually design new drug delivery technologies. Modules will include topics around drug delivery and tight junctions, the blood brain barrier, the digestive system, mucous, the immune system and immunogenicity, and intracellular transport. Drug delivery topics such as engineering principles of controlled release, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, toxicity of biomaterials/ drugs, and immune responses will also be covered.
A capstone design project that provides students in the Biomedical Systems Engineering option with an opportunity to integrate and apply their technical knowledge and communication skills to solve real-world biomedical engineering design challenges. Students will work in small groups on projects that evolve from clinical partners, biomedical/clinical research and teaching labs, and commercial partners. At the end of the course, students submit a final design report and a poster for public exhibition.
A seminar to introduce students to concepts in biomedical systems engineering design in preparation for BME489H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering Design. Review of general design concepts in the context of biodesign practice. Discussion of issues related to biodesign, including regulatory processes, intellectual property, and global health. Students will be introduced to clients, identify a design project, and define their design problem. At the end of the term, students will deliver a draft "elevator pitch" for their project.
Immunoengineering is the next frontier in the field of biomedical engineering (BME) where concepts from material science, synthetic biology, and engineering are used to modulate immune responses. We will focus on how interdisciplinary ideas can be used to tune both the design and delivery of therapies to stimulate, limit, or direct immune responses towards specific cellular targets or pathogens. The lecture contents will draw from textbooks and scientific journal articles to encompass theoretical principles and novel applications that will be learned through weekly assignments and collaborative discussions. The specific topics that will be covered include the development of adjuvants, antigens for B and T cell vaccines, tolerizing therapies, and immunotherapies such as adoptive cell transfer approaches.
In this project-based design course, teams of students from diverse engineering disciplines (enrolled in the biomedical engineering minor) will engage in the biomedical technology design process to identify, invent and implement a solution to an unmet clinical need defined by external clients and experts. This course emphasizes "hands-on" practicums and lectures to support a student-driven design project. The UG Office will reach out in the summer to 4th year BME Minor students regarding course registration. For A&S students, approval to register in the course must be obtained from the course instructor by completing the application available through the BME UG Office.
An introduction to current practices in modern radiology - the detection and assessment of various human diseases using specialized imaging tools (e.g., MRI, CT, ultrasound, and nuclear imaging) from the perspective of the end-user, the clinician. Course content will include lectures delivered by radiologists describing normal anatomy and physiology as well as tissue pathophysiology (i.e., disease). Visualization and characterization using medical imaging will be described, with core lecture material complemented by industry representative guest lectures where challenges and opportunities in the development of new medical imaging technologies for niche applications will be discussed.
An introduction to the principles of human body movement. Specific topics include the dynamics of human motion and the neural motor system, with a focus on the positive/negative adaptability of the motor system. Students will experience basic techniques of capturing and analyzing human motion. Engineering applications and the field of rehabilitation engineering will be emphasized using other experimental materials. This course is designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students.
An introductory course to medical imaging and is designed as a final year course for engineers. The main clinical imaging modalities are covered: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, x-ray and computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and clinical optical imaging. Emphasis is placed on the underlying physical and mathematical concepts behind each modality, and applications are discussed in the context of how different modalities complement one another in the clinical setting. Early year engineering concepts are extensively used, including: basic electromagnetics theory, fields and waves, signals and systems, digital signal processing, differential equations and calculus, and probability and random processes. The laboratories involve image reconstruction and analysis for the various imaging modalities and a live animal imaging session.
A course in physical chemistry. Topics discussed include systems and their states, stoichiometry, the properties of gases, the laws of chemical thermodynamics (calculations involving internal energy, enthalpy, free energy, and entropy), phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium, acids and bases, solutions, colligative properties, electrochemistry, and corrosion.
Introduction of the key concepts that underpin the chemical engineering discipline and their application to address global challenges. The course will introduce the chemical industry as the interface between natural resources (minerals, water, air, oil, agricultural products, etc.) and the wide range of higher value products (materials, energy, clean water, food, pharmaceuticals, etc.) utilized in our society and the challenges and opportunities for the industry as part of a sustainable future. The course will introduce four core concepts underpinning the discipline of chemical engineering: thermodynamics (driving force); transport phenomena (heat, mass, momentum); reaction kinetics (rates); and unit operations. Topics covered include: the control volume approach; material and energy balances; flux; and reaction yield and conversion, with applications to batch and continuous systems. The course will introduce the connections between these foundational concepts and how they relate to our understanding of chemical and biochemical systems at various scales. The laboratory will reinforce these key chemical engineering principles.
This is a seminar series that will introduce students to the community, upper-year experience, and core fields of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. Seminar presenters will represent the major areas in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry and will also be drawn from an array of groups, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni. The format will vary and may include application examples, case studies, career opportunities, and research talks. The purpose of the seminar series is to provide first year students with some understanding of the various options within the Department to enable them to make educated choices as they progress through the program. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis.
This laboratory course surveys aspects of inorganic and analytical chemistry from a practical point of view in a comprehensive laboratory experience. In this course, students learn how to analyze known and unknown samples using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Emphasis is placed on primary standards, instrumental techniques (e.g., spectroscopy), classical volumetric techniques (e.g., titration), statistical treatment of data, and reliability and repeatability (i.e., accuracy and precision). The course includes elements of process and industrial chemistry and practice. Theory, where applicable, is interwoven within the laboratories or given as self-taught modules.
This laboratory course surveys aspects of organic chemistry from a practical point of view in a comprehensive laboratory experience. In this course, students explore the syntheses of different chemical reactions (substitution, elimination, condensation
and hydrolysis), analyzing and characterizing the intermediates and major products formed using established processes and laboratory techniques (e.g., IR, RI, GC, TLC). The course includes elements of process and industrial chemistry and practice (including Green Chemistry).
An introduction to mass and energy (heat) balances in open systems. A quantitative treatment of selected processes of fundamental industrial and environmental significance involving phase equilibria, reaction and transport phenomena under both steady state and unsteady state conditions. Examples will be drawn from the chemical and materials processing industries, the energy and resource industries and environmental remediation and waste management.
Fundamentals of heat and transfer, including conduction, convective heat transfer, natural convection, design of heat exchangers, Fick's law of diffusion, analysis of mass transfer problems using Fick's law and mass balances, and effect of chemical reactions on mass transfer. Particular attention is focused on convective heat and mass transfer coefficients as obtained in laminar flow, or from turbulent heat transfer correlations and analogies.
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics including hydrostatics, manometry, Bernoulli's equation, integral mass, linear momentum and energy balances, engineering energy equation, Moody chart, pipe flow calculations, flow measurement instruments and pumps, dimensional analysis, differential analysis of laminar viscous flow, and brief introductions to particle systems, turbulent 1low, non-Newtonian fluids and flow in porous systems.
Topics include the structure, bonding and characteristic reactions of organic compounds including additions, eliminations, oxidations, reductions, radical reactions, condensation/hydrolysis and rearrangements. The chemical relationships and reactivities of simple functional groups are discussed with an emphasis placed on reaction mechanisms involving the formation of organic intermediates, chemicals and polymers. An introduction will be given on biologically relevant compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Examples will be discussed which outline the usefulness of these reactions and chemicals within the broader chemical industry.
The Chemistry and physical properties of inorganic compounds are discussed in terms of atomic structure and molecular orbital treatment of bonding. Topics include acid-base and donor-acceptor chemistry, crystalline solid state, chemistry of main group elements and an introduction to coordination chemistry. Emphasis is placed on second row and transition metal elements.
This course introduces the basic concepts of multivariable calculus (partial derivatives, gradients, multiple integrals and vector analysis, etc.) and methods of solution of ordinary differential equations. The course places a strong emphasis on the application of these concepts to practical design and modeling problems in chemical engineering.
Introduces concepts used in developing mathematical models of common chemical engineering processes, concepts of process dynamics and methods for analyzing the process response to different perturbations, and the numerical methods required for solving and analyzing the mathematical models. The course will also introduce applications of modeling to biochemical engineering.
Provides students with an introduction to statistical learning, namely the building of models from data. The course begins with foundational topics in elementary statistics. In the statistical learning portion of the course, the problem is formulated in terms of a system having input and output variables, the main goals of prediction and inference are presented, mean square error is defined, and the bias-variance trade-off is described in the context of overfitting the data. Statistical learning methodologies that are covered include K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) regression, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and principal component analysis. Cross-validation is introduced as a popular method for model assessment and selection. The tutorial involves extensive computer-based simulation work to help students understand and appreciate the key concepts and to gain experience applying statistical learning to real data.
The chemical phenomena occurring in environmental systems are examined based on fundamental principles of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. The course is divided into sections describing the chemistry of the atmosphere, natural waters and soils. The principles applied in the course include reaction kinetics and mechanisms, complex formation, pH and solubility equilibria and adsorption phenomena. Molecules of biochemical importance and instrumental methods of analysis relevant to environmental systems are also addressed. (formerly EDC230H1S)
Engineering analysis and design are not ends in themselves, but they are a means for satisfying human wants. Thus, engineering concerns itself with the materials used and forces and laws of nature, and the needs of people. Because of scarcity of resources and constraints at all levels, engineering must be closely associated with economics. It is essential that engineering proposals be evaluated in terms of worth and cost before they are undertaken. In this course we emphasize that an essential prerequisite of a successful engineering application is economic feasibility. Hence, investment proposals are evaluated in terms of economic cost concepts, including break even analysis, cost estimation and time value of money. Effective interest rates, inflation and deflation, depreciation and income tax all affect the viability of an investment. Successful engineering projects are chosen from valid alternatives considering such issues as buy or lease, make or buy, cost and benefits and financing alternatives. Both public sector and for-profit examples are used to illustrate the applicability of these rules and approaches.
Classical thermodynamics and its applications to engineering processes. Concepts of energy, heat, work and entropy. First and second laws of thermodynamics. Properties of pure substances and mixtures. Phase equilibrium. Ideal heat engines and refrigerators. Mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. Steady state heat transfer. Solution of conduction equation. Convective heat transfer coefficients. Momentum and heat transfer analogies. Basics of radiative heat transfer..
Each student will learn to identify the central message they wish to communicate. They will learn to articulate this message through effective argumentation. Students will analyze their audience and purpose to select the most effective mode of communication. Students will summarize and synthesize information from external sources and effectively organize information and prioritize it in each mode of communication. They will apply effective strategies to the design of text, visuals and oral presentations.
The unit operations laboratory course provides a hands-on exploration of fundamental chemical engineering principles. Students apply and integrate core engineering concepts and principles, including fluid statics and dynamics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics and phase equilibria, chemical kinetics and reactions, and separations. The course also develops skills in trouble shooting, process scale-up design and optimization, data analysis, and process safety.
The unit operations laboratory course provides a hands-on exploration of fundamental chemical engineering principles. Students apply and integrate core engineering concepts and principles, including fluid statics and dynamics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics and phase equilibria, chemical kinetics and reactions, and separations. The course also develops skills in trouble shooting, process scale-up design and optimization, data analysis, and process safety.
The chemistry and chemical engineering involved in various forms of power generation and storage: alternative liquid fuels, nuclear power, fuel cells, solar cells/photovoltaics. A team-taught course with instruction from leading experts within the Faculty. Lectures will be focused around the presentation and analysis of recent published accounts or a review of the state of the art, while providing the necessary background within each field to enable the students to make objective critiques of the topics discussed. Where applicable, the design of facilities and devices for the forms of generation or storage will be discussed.
Introduction to fluid separations processes used in a variety of industries, such as (petro)chemical, (bio)pharmaceutical, carbon capture, water treatment and desalination, and mining and metals. The course will describe fundamentals of unit operations that comprise these separation processes. Staged-equilibrium processes such as distillation, absorption, and extraction will be discussed. Other unit operations that will be covered include membrane separations, adsorption, chromatography, ion exchange, crystallization, sedimentation, and centrifugation. Energy efficiency and minimum energy of separations will be discussed. Process modeling software will be introduced.
Introduction to the design of control strategies for chemical processes. The first part of the course focuses on the process dynamics of different types of interconnections encountered in chemical engineering, namely feedback, parallel and series connections. The second part of the course focuses on the design of control strategies for these processes, with an emphasis on feedback controllers. Students will learn to interpret these engineered interconnections and controllers in terms of their impact on the overall system's performance and safety. Computer simulation of dynamic processes and controllers is extensively used in the course.
Classical thermodynamics and its applications to engineering processes are introduced. Topics include: the concepts of energy, work and entropy; the first and second laws of thermodynamics; properties of pure substances and mixtures; the concepts of thermal equilibrium, phase equilibrium and chemical equilibrium; and heat engines and refrigeration cycles.
This course presents the philosophy and typical procedures of chemical engineering design projects. The course begins at the design concept phase. Material and energy balances are reviewed along with the design of single unit operations and equipment specification sheets. The impact of recycles on equipment sizing is covered. Safety, health and environmental regulations are presented. These lead to the development of safe operating procedures. The systems for developing Piping and Instrumentation diagrams are presented. Process safety studies such as HAZOPS are introduced. Typical utility systems such as steam, air and vacuum are discussed. Project economics calculations are reviewed.
The rates of chemical processes. Topics include: measurement of reaction rates, reaction orders and activation energies; theories of reaction rates; reaction mechanisms and networks; development of the rate law for simple and complex kinetic schemes; approach to equilibrium; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Performance of simple chemical reactor types.
Covers the basics of simple reactor design and performance, with emphasis on unifying the concepts in kinetics, thermodynamics and transport phenomena. Topics include flow and residence time distributions in various reactor types as well as the influence of transport properties (bulk and interphase) on kinetics and reactor performance. The interplay of these facets of reaction engineering is illustrated by use of appropriate computer simulations.
In this course, team strategies including how teams work, how to lead and manage teams, and decision making methodologies for successful teams will be taught in the context of engineering design. The development of problem solving and design steps will be undertaken. This course will be taught with an emphasis on team development and problem solving as it relates to the practice of process safety management in engineering and engineering design. The teams will develop a PFD and P&ID's, as well as an operating procedure for a portion of the process. Thus, environmental and occupational health and safety becomes the vehicle through which the teamwork is performed.
Using a quantitative, problem solving approach, this course will introduce basic concepts in cell biology and physiology. Various engineering modelling tools will be used to investigate aspects of cell growth and metabolism, transport across cell membranes, protein structure, homeostasis, nerve conduction and mechanical forces in biology.
This course will cover the principles of molecular and cellular biology as they apply to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Topics will include: metabolic conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; nucleic acids; enzymology; structure and function relationships within cells; and motility and growth. Genetic analysis, immunohistochemistry, hybridomis, cloning, recombinant DNA and biotechnology will also be covered. This course will appeal to students interested in environmental microbiology, biomaterials and tissue engineering, and bioprocesses.
Economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals. Cost estimation; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; inflation; equity, bond and loan financing; after tax cash flow; measures of economic merit in the private and public sectors; sensitivity and risk analysis; single and multi-attribute decisions. Introduction to micro-economic. Applications: retirement and replacement analysis; make-buy and buy-lease decisions; economic life of assets; capital budgeting; selection from alternative engineering proposals; production planning; investment selection.
This course consists of three modules: 1) managerial accounting, 2) corporate finance and 3) macro economics. The first module, managerial accounting, will consist of an introduction to financial statements and double entry recordkeeping, then delve deeper into aspects of revenue, expenses, assets, debt and equity.The second module, corporate finance, will introduce the concept of risk and return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, and then delve deeper into capital budgeting, corporate financing, financial statement analysis and financial valuation. The third model, macro economics, will introduce global aspects of business, including economic, political, societal and technological, then discuss factors such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, fiscal debt/surplus and balance of payments, and their impact on the financials of a given country.
This course examines the sources, structures, properties and reactions of organic chemicals with reference to their interactions with the environment. Industrial organic chemistry, biochemical compounds and relevant biochemical reactions will be discussed.
Students are provided with an open-ended and iterative learning experience through a consulting engineering project. Students tackle an authentic design challenge with limited background knowledge, while being guided by instructors who simulate the client-consultant relationship. The project brings together technical and professonal competencies from across eight graduate attributes to enable holistic learning: problem analysis; investigation; design; individual and team work; communication skills; professionalism; economics and project management; lifelong learning.
In this course, lectures and seminars will be given by practicing engineers who will cover the legal and ethical responsibility an engineer owes to an employer, a client and the public with particular emphasis on environmental issues.
Heterogeneous reactors. Mass and heat transport effects including intraparticle transport effects (Thiele modulus). Stability for various rate laws, transport regimes. Time dependent issues - deactivation/regeneration strategies. Emerging processes.
Life expectancy has consistently increased over the past 70 years due to advances in healthcare and sanitation. Engineers have played key roles in developing technologies and processes that enabled these critical advances in healthcare to occur. This course will provide an overview of areas in which chemical engineers directly impacted human health. We will study established processes that had transformative effects in the past as well as new emerging areas that chemical engineers are developing today to impact human health. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative approaches. Engineering tools, especially derived from transport phenomena and chemical kinetics will be used. Required readings, including scientific papers, will be assigned. Industrial visit and/or a hands-on project will be included.
Students work in teams to design plants for the chemical and process industries and examine their economic viability. Lectures concern the details of process equipment and design.
This course advances the understanding of the use of materials in engineering design, with special emphasis on corrosion and the effect of chemical environment on long term failure modes. Students will learn how to apply material property data to specify materials for load bearing applications, thermal and other non-structural applications, and chemical containment and transport. Topics will include strength of materials concepts, an introduction to computerized materials databases, material failure modes and criteria, principles of corrosion, and practical applications of corrosion prediction and mitigation. Students are required to design a component of their choice and do a detailed materials selection as a major design project.
Building upon CHE353 and CHE354, the aim of this course is to learn and apply engineering principles relevant to bioprocess engineering, including energetics and stoichiometry of cell growth, cell and enzyme kinetics, metabolic modeling, bioreactor design, and bioseparation processes. In addition to course lectures, students will complete two laboratory exercises that will provide hands-on learning in bioreactor set-up and use.
This course is aimed at surveying the oil industry practices from the perspective of a block flow diagram. Oil refineries today involve the large scale processing of fluids through primary separation techniques, secondary treating plus the introduction of catalyst for molecular reforming in order to meet the product demands of industry and the public. Crude oil is being shipped in increasing quantities from many parts of the world and refiners must be aware of the properties and specifications of both the crude and product slates to ensure that the crude is a viable source and that the product slate meets quality and quantity demands thus assuring a profitable operation. The course content will examine refinery oil and gas operations from feed, through to products, touching on processing steps necessary to meet consumer demands. In both course readings and written assignments, students will be asked to consider refinery operations from a broad perspective and not through detailed analysis and problem solving.
Review of the nature, properties and elementary toxicology of metallic and organic contaminants. Partitioning between environmental media (air, aerosols, water, particulate matter, soils, sediments and biota) including bioaccumulation. Degradation processes, multimedia transport and mass balance models. Regulatory approaches for assessing possible effects on human health and ecosystems.
The quantitative application of chemical engineering principles to the large-scale production of food. Food processing at the molecular and unit operation levels. The chemistry and kinetics of specific food processes. The application of chemical engineering unit operations (distillation, extraction, drying) and food specific unit operations such as extrusion, thermal processing refrigeration/freezing.
Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor A course which treats environmental engineering from a broad based but quantitative perspective and covers the driving forces for engineering activities as well as engineering principles. Models which are used for environmental impact, risk analysis, health impact, pollutant dispersion, and energy system analysis are covered.
The objective of this course is to provide a foundation for understanding the field of electrochemical conversion devices with particular emphasis on fuel cells. The topics will proceed from the fundamental thermodynamic in-system electodics and ionic interaction limitations to mass transfer and heat balance effects,t o the externalities such as economics and system integration challenges. Guest lecturers from the fuel cell industry will be invited to procide an industrial perspective. Participants will complete a paper and in-class presentation.
This course outlines the methodology for the modelling of biological systems and its applications. Topics will include a review of physical laws, selection of balance space, compartmental versus distributed models, and applications of the conservation laws for both discrete and continuous systems at the level of algebraic and ordinary differential equations. The course covers a wide range of applications including environmental issues, chemical and biochemical processes and biomedical systems.
An overview on structure, processing and application of natural and biological materials, biomaterials for biomedical applications, and fibre-reinforced eco-composites based on renewable resources will be provided. Fundamental principles related to linear elasticity, linear viscoelasticity, dynamic mechanical response, composite reinforcement mechanics, and time-temperature correspondence will be introduced. Novel concepts in comparative biomechanics, biomimetic and bio-inspired material design, and materials' ecological and environmental impact will be discussed. In addition, key material processing methods and testing and characterization techniques will be presented. Structure-property relationships for materials broadly ranging from natural materials, including wood, bone, cell, and soft tissue, to synthetic composite materials for industrial and biomedical applications will be covered.
A complete introduction to small business formation, management and wealth creation. Topics include: the nature of the Entrepreneur and the Canadian business environment; business idea search and Business Plan construction; Buying a business, franchising, taking over a family business; Market research and sources of data; Marketing strategies promotion, pricing, advertising, electronic channels and costing; The sales process and management, distribution channels and global marketing; Accounting, financing and analysis, sources of funding, and financial controls; The people dimension: management styles, recruiting and hiring, legal issues in employment and Human Resources; Legal forms of organization and business formation, taxation, intellectual property protection; the e-Business world and how businesses participate; Managing the business: location and equipping the business, suppliers and purchasing, credit, ethical dealing; Exiting the business and succession, selling out. A full Business Plan will be developed by each student and the top submissions will be entered into a Business Plan competition with significant cash prices for the winners. Examples will be drawn from real business situations including practicing entrepreneurs making presentations and class visits during the term. (Identical courses are offered: ECE488H1, MIE488H1, MSE488H1 and CIV488H1.)
*Complementary Studies Elective
The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of a senior staff member. The project may have an experimental, theoretical or design emphasis. Each thesis will contain a minimum 60% combined Engineering Science and Engineering Design (with a minimum of 10% in each component). This course is open to students with permission of the Department and research project supervisor.
This laboratory course involves experimental investigation in the application of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, chemical pilot scale-up, chemical separation, chemical purification, data acquisition, etc. in chemical production.
The course involves the operation of pilot-scale equipment to investigate common chemical process problems. Experimental investigation Students need to apply and integrate core engineering concepts/principles including fluid statics/dynamics and mechanical systems, thermodynamics and phase equilibria, thermochemistry and kinetics, and separation techniques to solve common unit operation/chemical process issues. In addition, common process design software including Aspen Plus, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Distributed Control Systems such as Delta-V, and Computer Aided Design are used for problem solving and scale-up design process. Students will work as teams to complete projects involving the use of bench and pilot scale equipment, and simulation programs. Course projects will continue developing student’s experimental and design skills; communication skills; critical thinking, problem-solving, and analysis skills.
This course will teach students how to build mathematical models of dynamic systems and how to use these models for prediction and control purposes. The course will deal primarily with a system identification approach to modelling (using observations from the system to build a model). Both continuous time and discrete time representations will be treated along with deterministic and stochastic models. This course will make extensive use of interactive learning by having students use computer based tools available in the Matlab software package (e.g. the System Identification Toolbox and the Model Predictive Control Toolbox).
This course provides an introduction to Process Safety Management. The historical drivers to improve safety performance are reviewed and the difference between safety management and occupational health and safety is discussed. National and international standards for PSM are reviewed. Risk analysis is introduced along with techniques for process hazard analysis and quantification. Consequence and frequency modelling is introduced. Rsik based decision making is introduced, and the course concludes with a discussio of the key management systems required for a successful PSM system.
This course serves as an introduction to concepts in polymer chemistry, polymer science and polymer engineering. This includes a discussion of the mechanisms of step growth, chain growth and ring-opening polymerizations with a focus on industrially relevant polymers and processes. The description of polymers in solution as well as the solid state will be explored. Several modern polymer characterization techniques are introduced including gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis and others.
The processes of pulping, bleaching and papermaking are used to illustrate and integrate chemical engineering principles. Chemical reactions, phase changes and heat, mass and momentum transfer are discussed. Processes are examined on four scales: molecular, diffusional, unit operations and mill. In the tutorial each student makes several brief presentations on selected topics and entertains discussion.
Application of aqueous chemical processing to mineral, environmental and industrial engineering. The course involves an introduction to the theory of electrolyte solutions, mineral-water interfaces, dissolution and crystallization processes, metal ion separations, and electrochemical processes in aqueous reactive systems. Applications and practice of (1) metal recovery from primary (i.e. ores) and secondary (i.e. recycled) sources by hydrometallurgical means, (2) treatment of aqueous waste streams for environmental protection, and (3) production of high-value-added inorganic materials.
A first course in nuclear engineering intended to introduce students to all aspects of this interdisciplinary field. Topics covered include nuclear technology, atomic and nuclear physics, thermonuclear fusion, nuclear fission, nuclear reactor theory, nuclear power plants, radiation protection and shielding, environment and nuclear safety, and the nuclear fuel cycle.
Fundamental and applied aspects of nuclear engineering. The structure of the nucleus; nuclear stability and radioactive decay; the interaction of radiation with matter including radiological health hazards; the interaction of neutrons including cross-sections, flux, moderation, fission, neutron diffusion and criticality. Poison buildup and their effects on criticality. Nuclear engineering of reactors, reactor accidents, and safety issues.
The principles of statics are applied to composition and resolution of forces, moments and couples. The equilibrium states of structures are examined. Throughout, the free body diagram concept is emphasized. Vector algebra is used where it is most useful, and stress blocks are introduced. Shear force diagrams, bending moment diagrams and stress-strain relationships for materials are discussed. Stress and deformation in axially loaded members and flexural members (beams) are also covered.
An introduction to the art and science of designing structures. Topics include: 1) material bodies that sustain or resist force, work, energy, stress and strain; 2) the properties of engineering materials (strength, stiffness, ductility); 3) simple structural elements; 4) engineering beam theory; 5) stability of columns; 6) the practical problems which constrain the design of structures such as bridges, towers, pressure vessels, dams, ships, aircraft, bicycles, birds and trees; and 7) design methods aimed at producing safe, functional, efficient and elegant structures.
This course introduces students to the basic earth sciences with an emphasis on understanding the impact of humans on the natural earth systems. Beginning with a study of the lithosphere, principles of physical geology will be examined including the evolution and internal structure of the earth, dynamic processes that affect the earth, formation of minerals and rocks and soil, ore bodies and fossil- energy sources. Next, the biosphere will be studied, including the basic concepts of ecology including systems ecology and biogeochemical cycles. The influence of humans and the built environment on these natural systems will also be examined with a view to identifying more sustainable engineering practices. Finally, students will study the oceans and the atmosphere and the physical, chemical and thermodynamic processes involved in climate change.
This is a seminar series that will preview the core fields in Engineering. Each seminar will highlight one of the major areas of Engineering. The format will vary and may include application examples, challenges, case studies, career opportunities, etc. The purpose of the seminar series is to provide first year students with some understanding of the various options within the Faculty to enable them to make educated choices for second year. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis.
A field-based course introducing students to current and historical civil engineering works in the urban and natural environments, highlighting the role of the Civil Engineer in developing sustainable solutions. It will run the Tuesday through Thursday immediately following Labour Day, with follow-up assignments coordinated with the course CIV282 Engineering Communications I. Students must have their own personal protective equipment (PPE). One night will be spent at the University of Toronto Survey Camp near Minden, Ontario.
Deals with the basic principles necessary for the use and selection of materials used in Civil Engineering and points out the significance of these in practice. Fundamentals which provide a common basis for the properties of various materials are stressed. The laboratory time is devoted to demonstrations illustrating the fundamentals covered in lectures.
This course provides an introduction to the nature of loads and restraints and types of structural elements, and then reviews the analysis of statically determinate structures. Shear and moment diagrams for beams and frames are considered, along with influence lines, cantilever structures, three-pin arches, cables and fatigue. Virtual work principles are viewed and applied to various structural systems. An introduction to the analysis of indeterminate structures is made, and the Portal method is applied to the analysis of building frames under lateral loads. Displacement methods of an analysis including moment distribution are also studied.
Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor Basic concepts of ecology within the context of urban environments. Response of organisms, populations, dynamic predator-prey and competition processes, and ecosystems to human activities. Thermodynamic basis for food chains, energy flow, biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Biogeochemical cycles, habitat fragmentation and bioaccumulation. Introduction to industrial ecology and life cycle assessment principles. Urban metabolism and material flow analysis of cities. Response of receiving waters to pollution and introduction to waste water treatment. Emphasis is on identifying the environment/engineering interface and minimizing environmental impacts.
Fluency in graphical communication skills as part of the civil engineering design process is emphasized. Drawings are prepared making use of freehand sketching, drafting equipment and commercially available computer drafting programs. Topics in descriptive geometry are covered to develop spatial visualization skills. Drawing procedures and standards relevant to Civil Engineering projects to be covered include layout and development of multiple orthographic views, sectional views, dimensioning, and pictorial views. Class projects, assignments, and examples demonstrate how graphical skills fit into the overall design process.
The hydrologic processes of precipitation and snowmelt, evapotranspiration, ground water movement, and surface and subsurface runoff are examined. Water resources sustainability issues are discussed, including water usage and water shortages, climate change impacts, land use impacts, and source water protection. Conceptual models of the hydrologic cycle and basics of hydrologic modelling are developed, including precipitation estimation, infiltration and abstraction models, runoff hydrographs, the unit hydrograph method and the Rational method. Methods for statistical analysis of hydrologic data, concepts of risk and design, and hydrological consequences of climate change for design are introduced. Principles of open channel hydraulics are introduced. Energy and momentum principles are studied with application to channel transitions, critical flow, choked flow, and hydraulic jumps.
An introduction to the management of construction projects including: the nature of the industry, project delivery alternatives, legal and ethical considerations, the Safety Act and construction regulations, labour relations, construction contracts, risk distribution, project planning and scheduling, estimating and bidding, controlling of time, cost and quality, accounting leading to financial statements, dispute resolution, as well as new and evolving concepts in managing construction.
This course develops students' communications skills focusing on the specific skills required for work in foundational civil engineering. Target communication areas include: Oral Presentation; Logical Argument; Document Development; Sentence and Discourse Control; and Visual Design. The course will build capacity in support of specific assignments delivered in other courses in the same term.
Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large scale atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel reserves.
Introduction to the applications of turbo-machinery. Description of typical wind and hydroelectric plants; different types of turbo-machines. Fundamental fluid mechanics equations, efficiency coefficients, velocity triangles, characteristic curves, similarity laws, specific speed, vibration, cavitation of hydraulic turbines, pump/turbines; variable speed machines. Estimation of main dimensions of machine units, machine house, waterways, electrical and civil structure; transients and stability. Layout of electric and storage plants. Major and auxiliary equipments and systems. Small and mini plants. Case studies.
An introduction to structural engineering design. Topics discussed include safety and reliability, load and resistance, probability of failure, performance factors, and material properties. A study of basic steel design examines tension members, compression members, beams, framing concepts and connections. Plasticity and composite action in steel structural systems are also discussed. Timber design aspects include beams, compression members and connections.
This course provides an introduction to the design of reinforced concrete structures. Concrete technology, properties of concrete and reinforcing steel, construction practice, and general code requirements are discussed. Analysis and design of members under axial load, flexure, shear, and restraint force are examined in detail. Other aspects of design covered include control of cracks, minimum and maximum reinforcement ratios, fire resistance, durability, distress and failure. A major design project, done in teams of two and accounting for 15% of the final mark, requires students to formulate a complete design for a structural system such as a pedestrian bridge or floor system. Project requirements include consideration of alternative designs in terms of structural efficiency and total costs.
The second geotechnical engineering course expands the theoretical background developed in CME321 by introducing more practical topics and extending the theory to a few common examples of design. It discusses some applications of soil mechanics, introduces common geotechnical structures, classification of soils, compaction, engineering of water in ground, Internal erosion and filter criteria, stresses in soil, shear strength of soil, design of retaining structures, settlements, and design of shallow footings. Laboratories are an essential part of this course and a number of labs will be scheduled for students.
This course introduces the fundamentals of transportation systems and the application of engineering, mathematical and economic concepts and principles to address a variety of transportation issues in Canada. Several major aspects of transportation engineering will be addressed, including transportation planning, public transit, traffic engineering, geometric design, pavement design and the economic, social and environmental impacts of transportation. The course focuses on urban transportation engineering problems.
This course focuses on the fundamental techniques of transportation systems performance analysis with emphasis on congested traffic networks. Topics include transportation demand, supply and equilibrium, traffic assignment, network equilibrium, and system optimality, traffic flow theory, shockwaves, highway capacity analysis, introduction to deterministic and stochastic queuing analyses, intersection signal control types and related timing methods, and traffic simulation. The course also provides an introduction to basic elements of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
Municipal service systems for water supply and wastewater disposal, land development, population forecasting, and demand analysis. Water supply: source development, transmission, storage, pumping, and distribution networks. Sewerage and drainage, sewer and culvert hydraulics, collection networks, and storm water management. Maintenance and rehabilitation of water and wastewater systems, and optimization of network design. Design projects.
Principles involved in the design and operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities are covered, including physical, chemical and biological unit operations, advanced treatment and sludge processing.
The fundamentals of the science of heat transfer, moisture diffusion, and air movement are presented. Using these fundamentals, the principles of more sustainable building enclosure design, including the design of walls and roofs are examined. Selected case studies together with laboratory investigations are used to illustrate how the required indoor temperature and moisture conditions can be maintained using more durable and more sustainable designs.
This course will provide students with knowledge of energy demand and supply from local to national scales. Topics include energy demands throughout the economy, major energy technologies, how these technologies work, how they are evaluated quantitatively, their economics and their impacts on the environment. In addition, the ever changing context in which these technologies (and emerging technologies) are being implemented will be outlined. Systems approaches including life cycle assessment, will be refined and applied to evaluate energy systems. A particular focus will be placed on analysis of energy alternatives within a carbon constrained economy.
Students will assemble a portfolio of communication assignments drawn from their second and third year Civil Engineering courses as a showcase of their ability to meet the graduate attributes for communication. The student will demonstrate competence in discipline specific written, oral, and visual communication through the selection of assignments for the portfolio. Each entry will be framed by a short introduction speaking to the context of the work and its significance in the portfolio. Students whose communication work is not up to standard will be provided with opportunities for revision. The course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis; students who receive no credit must retake the course in year 4.
The application of turbo-machinery including the design and operation of typical wind and hydroelectric plants from first principles to the various types of turbo-machines choices. Fundamental fluid mechanics equations, efficiency coefficients, momentum exchanges, characteristic curves, similarity laws, specific speed, vibration, cavitation of hydraulic turbines, pump/turbines; variable speed machines including transients and hydraulic stability. An introduction to overall system configuration and both component and system optimization. Case studies.
This course covers the behaviour and ultimate strength of reinforced concrete structures. Members subjected to flexure, axial load, shear and torsion are treated. Detailing of reinforcement, the design of floor systems and the design of shear walls are covered. An introduction to the seismic design of reinforced concrete structures is made. Emphasis is given to the relationship between recent research results and current building codes. A brief treatment of the behaviour and design of masonry walls is included.
This course considers the engineering aspects of construction including earthmoving, equipment productivity, fleet balancing, formwork design, shoring, hoisting, aggregate production, equipment operating costs, and modular construction. Several construction projects will be reviewed to demonstrate methods and processes. Students will be expected to visit construction sites, so safety boots and hard hats are required.
Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor. The process and techniques for assessing and managing the impacts on and risks to humans and the ecosystem associated with engineered facilities, processes and products. Both biophysical and social impacts are addressed. Topics include: environmental assessment processes; environmental legislation; techniques for assessing impacts; engineering risk analysis; health risk assessment; risk management and communication; social impact assessment; cumulative impacts; environmental management systems; the process of considering alternative methods for preventing and controlling impacts; and stakeholder involvement and public participation. Examples are drawn from various engineering activities and facilities such as energy production, chemical production, treatment plants, highways and landfills.
This course deals with the structuring, valuing, managing and financing of infrastructure projects. The financing portion builds on material covered in Engineering Economics. Key topics include; structuring projects, valuing projects, the rationale for project financing (types of funds and financing), project viability and financial modeling, risk analysis, externalities and social cost benefit analyses. Financing of large scale projects by the public and private sectors as well as through public/private partnerships is treated in detail. Project management concepts, issues, and procedures are introduced. A series of case studies analyzing both successful and unsuccessful projects are examined.
A course covering selected topics in Civil Engineering not covered in other electives. The topics, which may be different every year, are selected by Staff. Course may not be offered every year and there may be limited enrolment in particular years.
A complete introduction to small business formation, management and wealth creation. Topics include: the nature of the Entrepreneur and the Canadian business environment; business idea search and Business Plan construction; Buying a business, franchising, taking over a family business; Market research and sources of data; Marketing strategies promotion, pricing, advertising, electronic channels and costing; The sales process and management, distribution channels and global marketing; Accounting, financing and analysis, sources of funding, and financial controls; The people dimension: management styles, recruiting and hiring, legal issues in employment and Human Resources; Legal forms of organization and business formation, taxation, intellectual property protection; the e-Business world and how businesses participate; Managing the business: location and equipping the business, suppliers and purchasing, credit, ethical dealing; Exiting the business and succession, selling out. A full Business Plan will be developed by each student and the top submissions will be entered into a Business Plan competition with significant cash prices for the winners. Examples will be drawn from real business situations including practicing entrepreneurs making presentations and class visits during the term. (Identical courses are offered in other Departments: MSE488H1, MIE488H1, ECE488H1 and CHE488H1.)
*Complementary Studies Elective
The Group Design Project is a significant design experience that integrates the mathematics, basic sciences, engineering sciences, complementary studies, and detailed design aspects of the different civil engineering sub-disciplines.
Individual Projects are arranged between the student and a supervising faculty member. The individual project can have either a design project focus or a research focus. If the focus is on design then the design project can be either motivated by the CIV498H1 Group Design Project and MIN466 Mineral Project Design experience, or it can be entirely new. The student's work must culminate in a final design report or a thesis, as well as an oral presentation. The grading of both the final written submission as well as the oral presentation is carried out by the supervising faculty member. The Individual Project may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) or Winter (S) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).
Building performance simulation (BPS) is the process of imitating/predicting aspects of building performance with computational building models. The models draw heavily upon the disciplines of heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, light transmission, and occupant behaviour. BPS allows improving the design and operation of buildings through quantitative analyses.
This course will provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to effectively apply BPS tools in design and analysis contexts focusing on building heating and cooling loads, building HVAC systems, and whole-building HVAC energy consumption. In addition, various building science research methodologies and examples based on BPS will be presented. As the course project, students will be required to either perform building thermal/energy analysis of real buildings with BPS or conduct research on building science topics with BPS.
This course provides a continuing study of the mechanics of deformable solids. Stress and equilibrium conditions, strain and compatibility conditions, stress-strain relations and yield/failure criteria are considered in the context of civil engineering materials. Two-and three-dimensional elasticity theory is developed, with an introduction to the use of tensor notation. Advanced topics in bending, shear and torsion of beams are also covered, as is elementary plate bending theory. The course concludes with a further development and application of energy methods including virtual work, potential energy, strain energy, and related approaches.
Engineering and Architecture students are paired to form a design team for a specified building design project. Lectures are given on design development, aspects of structural system design, the relationship of structure to program and function, modeling and drawing, digital modeling, as well as topics related to the specific term design project. Studio design experience to familiarize students with both the synergistic and divergent goals of the engineering and architectural design and to develop collaboration skills for optimizing the outcome of the interdisciplinary professional interaction. Architecture students in this joint studio are enrolled in ARC3016Y S.
Material aspects of concrete production will be dealt with in the context of various performance criteria with emphasis on durability. The process of material selection, proportioning, mixing, transporting, placing and curing concrete will be the framework within which topics such as: the use of admixtures, choice of cements, environmental influences, methods of consolidation and testing techniques will be studied.
The concept of dynamic equilibrium and corresponding equation of motion will be introduced. The theoretical solution of a songle degree of freedom system will be derived and the effects of verious types of loads, such as impulse load, sinusoidal load, or random vibration on the structural response will be discussed. To solve dynamic problems of multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems, concepts of mass, stiffness, and damping matrix will be introduced, which will be followed by eigen value analysis and modal analysis. The concepts of Fourier Transformation will be introduced, which will be used to interpret dynamic responses of structures or dynamic nature of applied loads. Dynamic experiments of elastic systems will be demonstrated using an educational shaking table.
This course covers a broad range of topics in urban transit operations and planning, with special emphasis on best-practice strategies of modern transit systems. The course will help students: Learn the history of transit and its relationship to urban development, emerging challenges, transit role in society, and new trends and issues; Understand and analyze the factors that affect transit performance and demand; Identify and analyze transit operational and planning problems; Identify possible solutions at the operational level (mostly short-term and line-based) and the strategic level (mostly long-term and network-based), and assess alternative solutions; Understand the relative performance of various transit modes (both conventional and new modes) and their domains of application; and gain knowledge of best-practice transit systems planning and emerging innovations.
An introduction to procedures for predicting the load-deformation response of prestressed concrete elements and structures with emphasis on how these procedures can be used in the design of new structures and in the evaluation of existing structures. Topics include: prestressing technology; control of cracking; response to axial load and flexure; response to shear and torsion; disturbed regions; restraint of deformations; design codes.
The behaviour and design of trusses, frames, members and connections in steel building and bridge structures is presented and design methods are developed. Ultimate strength, stability, and postbuckling are emphasized in topical examples including: plate girders, composite steel/concrete girders, second-order frame behaviour, high-strength bolted and welded framing connections. Design applications considering metal fatigue and brittle fracture, and methods of plastic analysis are also introduced. Canadian design standards and the Limit States Design concepts are used.
The general flexibility and stiffness methods of analysis; multispan beams, trusses, frames and grids; loadings due to force, support displacement, temperature change and member prestrain; axial and flexural stability; basic plasticity. Topics in this course represent the basis for the finite element method of analysis.
This course provides general analytical tools and experimental methods that are used in rock mechanics. The lectures are complemented with laboratory experiments. Theoretical topics include: stress and strain, linear elasticity, failure modes and models of rocks, fracture of rocks, inelastic behavior of rock, seismic waves in rocks.
Experiments include: preparation of rock samples, uniaxial compressive strength measurements, Brazilian disc tests for rock tensile strength, fracture toughness measurements with core-based rock samples.
This course is built around a transportation project that contains all the essential geotechnical investigation and design elements and illustrates how they all come together on a project. The students will be taken through the entire design process from project initiation to construction. In essence, the project will include a bridge over a river with some property constraints requiring the use of a retaining wall as well as deep and shallow foundations and some groundwater control. The highway will require a soil cut. One section crosses a low-lying swampy area that will require embankment construction over deep soft soils. A short tunnel section is planned beneath a railway that cannot be taken out of service. A pavement design will be required along the entire route as well as materials testing and construction monitoring.
This course is intended to provide the student with the following: the ability to design and execute an urban transportation planning study; a working knowledge of transportation planning analysis skills including introductions to travel demand modelling, analysis of environmental impacts, modelling transportation - land use interactions and transportation project evaluation; an understanding of current transportation planning issues and policies; and an understanding of the overall process of transportation planning and its role within the wider context of transportation decision-making and the planning and design of urban areas. Person-based travel in urban regions is the focus of this course, but a brief introduction to freight and intercity passenger transportation is also provided. A "systems" approach to transportation planning and analysis is introduced and maintained throughout the course. Emphasis is placed throughout on designing transportation systems for long-run environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
This is an interdisciplinary course where the challenge of air pollution is introduced with a focus on urban areas. The interdependencies between transportation, air quality, and health are demonstrated. The city and the behaviour of its inhabitants constitute the context for the following course topics: overview of air pollutants in urban areas, urban air quality monitoring networks, mobile source emissions, air pollution and meteorology, atmospheric dispersion, chemical processes specific to cities, personal mobility and exposure to traffic-related air pollution, epidemiology of air pollution.
Principles involved in the design and operation of biologically-based treatment facilities are covered with considerations for energy efficiency and sustainability. The course includes water / wastewater biological unit operations, advanced treatment, sludge processing and composting, natural treatment systems and specialized bioengineered systems such as groundwater remediation and biological air treatment.
Specialized course in the design of timber structures. Topics include physical and mechanical behavioral analysis of wood and wood-based products, description of structural wood-based systems, limit state design concept in timber engineering, design and detailing of timber connections, elements, and components, computer-aided design approach for timber structures, digital fabrication concepts, and design of heavy timber structures.
Global and national water problems, law and legislation. Hydraulic structures. Reservoir analysis. Urban drainage and runoff control: meteorologic data analysis, deterministic and stochastic modelling techniques. Flood control: structural and nonstructural alternatives. Power generation: hydro and thermal power generation. Low flow augmentation. Economics and decision making.
This course examines the basic principles governing the control of heat, moisture and air movement in buildings and presents the fundamentals of building enclosure design. With this background, students are required to research advanced topics related to emerging areas of Building Science, and to write and present to the class an individual comprehensive paper related to their research. Lectures for this course will be jointly offered with those of CIV375H1.
Building systems including the thermal envelope, heating and cooling systems, as well as water and lighting systems are examined with a view to reducing the net energy consumed within the building. Life-cycle economic and assessment methods are applied to the evaluation of various design options including considerations of embodied energy and carbon sequestration. Green building strategies including natural ventilation, passive solar, photovoltaics, solar water heaters, green roofs and geothermal energy piles are introduced. Following the application of these methods, students are introduced to efficient designs including LEED designs that lessen the impact of buildings on the environment. Exemplary building designs will be presented and analyzed.
Developing infrastructure for sustainable cities entails understanding the connection between urban morphology and physiology. This course uses a systems approach to analyzing anthropogenic material flow and other components of urban metabolism, linking them to the design of urban infrastructure. Elements of sustainable transportation, green buildings, urban climatology, urban vegetation, water systems and local energy supply are integrated in the design of sustainable urban neighbourhoods.
A brief summary of the science involved in controlling heat, moisture and air movement in buildings is presented at the outset of the course. With this background, methods of designing enclosures for cold, mixed, and hot climates are examined. Design principles related to the design of walls, windows and roofs are presented and applied. In particular, topics related to the control of rain penetration, air movement, and interstitial condensation are studied in detail. Emphasis is placed on developing designs based on fundamentals which can be verified with computer modelling solutions.
This technical elective course will investigate the role of stakeholders in major civil engineering projects; the complexities of managing project stages, multiple stakeholders, and technical challenges, and, social and environmental factors.
Each week includes a different speaker who can address issues related to technical, social, and environmental challenges in the project and how they were overcome.
An introduction to the mechanics of deformable bodies. General biaxial and triaxial stress conditions in continua are studied, as are elastic stress, strain and deformation relations for members subjected to axial load, bending and shear. Properties of plane sections, moment-area theorems for calculating deflection, and Mohr's circle representation of stress and of moment of inertia are examined, followed by a look at stability.
Humanities and Social Science Elective
This course teaches future engineers to look beyond their specialized domains of expertise in order to understand how technology functions within human life, society and the biosphere. By providing this context for design and decision-making, students will be enabled to do more than achieve the desired results by also preventing or significantly reducing undesired consequences. A more preventively-oriented mode of practicing engineering will be developed in four areas of application: materials and production, energy, work and cities. The emphasis within these topics will reflect the interests of the class.
This course deals with both numerical methods for engineering analysis (solution of linear and non-linear equations, interpolation, numerical integration) and advanced topics in analytical calculus (multiple integrals and vector analysis). Within the numerical methods portion of the course emphasis is placed on problem formulation, solution algorithm design and programming applications. Within the analytical calculus portion emphasis is placed on the mathematical foundations of engineering practice and the interrelationship between analytical and numerical solution methods.
This course continues the study of numerical and analytical methods for civil engineering analysis. Analytical and numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations are treated in some detail, followed by numerical solution methods for partial differential equations. The final major topic of the course deals with an introduction to optimization. Emphasis is placed throughout the course on problem formulation, solution algorithm design and programming applications.
Probability theory as the study of random phenomena in Civil and Mineral Engineering systems, including the definition of probability, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem in discrete and continuous sample spaces. Common single and multivariate distributions. Mathematical expectation including mean and variance. Independence. An introduction to realizations of probability models and parameter estimation.
Fluid and flow characteristics, applications, dimensions and units. Fluid statics. One-dimensional flow including conservation of mass, energy and momentum. Introduction to dimensional analysis and similitude, laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer concept, and flow about immersed objects. Calculation of flow in closed conduits and open channels.
Introduction to soil as an engineering material, its behaviour (stress-strain) and how behaviour is measured, and a brief introduction to geotechnical design. Topics include introduction and fundamentals such as soil types, and phase relations, principle of effective stress, groundwater flow and permeability, consolidation of clay, magnitude of settlement resulting from primary consolidation, consolidation history and compressibility parameters, behaviour of soil in shear, common laboratory tests, drained versus undrained shear, shear strength, peak vs residual friction angle, critical state soil mechanics, geotechnical field characterization, drilling and sampling methods, SPT and CPT, slope stability, analysis and design of a tailings dam. Laboratories are an essential part of this course and a number of labs will be scheduled for students.
This two-week August field camp provides students with the opportunity to further their understanding of the vital interactions between the natural and the built environments. Through fieldwork, students gain hands-on experience in the use of various field instruments used by Civil and Mineral Engineers. The essentials of land surveying and the use of surveying instruments including Global Positioning Systems are taught as students carry out a series of field exercises that include route surveys, topographic surveys and construction surveys. Survey calculations, sources of error, corrections and adjustments are also introduced. In order to better understand our impact on the natural environment, students also perform several additional exercises. These may include the measurement of river flows, remote sensing of soil and rock, remediation of a borrow pit, and the evaluation of the renewable energy potential of the wind and solar radiation. Note: This course requires payment of an extra fee for room and board.
The incorporation of economic and non-monetary considerations for making decision about public and private sector engineering systems in urban and other contexts. Topics include rational decision making; cost concepts; time value of money and engineering economics; microeconomic concepts; treatment of risk and uncertainty; and public project evaluation techniques incorporating social and environmental impacts including benefit cost analysis and multi-objective analysis.
Individual Projects are arranged between the student and a supervising faculty member. The individual project can have either a design project focus or a research focus. If the focus is on design then the design project can be either motivated by the CIV498H1 Group Design Project and MIN466 Mineral Project Design experience, or it can be entirely new. The student's work must culminate in a final design report or a thesis, as well as an oral presentation. The grading of both the final written submission as well as the oral presentation is carried out by the supervising faculty member. The Individual Project may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) or Winter (S) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).
Individual Projects are arranged between the student and a supervising faculty member. The individual project can have either a design project focus or a research focus. If the focus is on design then the design project can be either motivated by the CIV498H1">CIV498H1 Group Design Project experience, or it can be entirely new. The student's work must culminate in a final design report or a thesis, as well as an oral presentation. The grading of both the final written submission as well as the oral presentation is carried out by the supervising faculty member. The Individual Project may be undertaken in either the Fall (F) or Winter (S) Session, but not both (i.e., the Individual Project carries a maximum weight of 0.5; it cannot be made into a full year course)
Geochemistry of acid rock / acid mine drainage (ARD/AMD) which covers the role of bacteria in generating this global mining pollution issue and how mines currently treat and attempt to prevent it. An introduction to the underlying chemical reactions involved, the role of microbes in these processes and the mitigation and treatment strategies currently available.
* Course offering pending Faculty Council approval for 2018-19 academic year.
Introduces fundamental concepts of underground tunneling and its impact on surrounding urban environment. Topics: role of geology on the choice of tunneling methodology; classical and mechanized tunneling excavation methods; interaction between tunnel and surrounding structures; tunnel support methodologies; innovation and current research in tunneling and underground construction.
Bridges between APS106H1 and CME263H1 and upper-level machine learning, computer science and statistics courses. Explores key areas of Data Science including question formulation, data collection and cleaning, visualization, and applied machine learning. All lessons are taught with code and a strong emphasis is placed on the development of a solid foundation in computer programming. This course touches on a range of topics from visualization to machine learning which we believe serves to enhance the learning experience for students by allowing them to gain an appreciation for the close interplay between these topics. This course is introductory and is meant to develop a solid foundation to build on with more advanced courses offered by ECE, MIE, and CS.
Mechanics of saturated and unsaturated fluid flow in porous media. Confined and unconfined flow. Flow to wells. Analytical and numerical solutions of groundwater flow equations. Non-reactive and reactive contaminant transport on groundwater systems. Analytical and numerical solutions of contaminant transport equations. Flow and solute transport in fractured porous media. Assessment of environmental impacts of waste disposal operations. Remediation of contaminated groundwater.
The first of two courses that introduces students to programming and computational thinking, and prepares them for additional study across a breadth of programming fields. Students will learn to use the Python programming language to design and implement computational solutions to problems drawn from their 1F courses, with specific focus on algorithms, data structures, problem decomposition, and the use of programming paradigms appropriate to the problems being solved. Specifically, this course aims to have students work with and understand profiling and runtime analysis, searching and sorting algorithms, and the use of recursion.
Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.
Introduction to database management systems. The relational data model. Relational algebra. Querying and updating databases: the query language SQL. Application programming with SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms, and database design. Elements of database system technology: query processing, transaction management.
Theories and algorithms that capture (or approximate) some of the core elements of computational intelligence. Topics include: search; logical representations and reasoning, classical automated planning, representing and reasoning with uncertainty, learning, decision making (planning) under uncertainty. Assignments provide practical experience, in both theory and programming, of the core topics.
Compiler organization, compiler writing tools, use of regular expressions, finite automata and context-free grammars, scanning and parsing, runtime organization, semantic analysis, implementing the runtime model, storage allocation, code generation.
An overview of the physics of electricity and magnetism: Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law. Physics of capacitors, resistors and inductors. An introduction to circuit analysis: resistive circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, 1st order RC and RL transient response and sinusoidal steady-state analysis.
Topics include: DC linear circuit elements; DC linear circuit analysis; Kirchhoff's Laws and superposition; Thevenin and Norton equivalents; nodal analysis; operational amplifier; transient response of linear circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; phasors; power in AC circuits; frequency response; and resonance phenomena.
This is a seminar series that will introduce first year students to the wealth of subjects within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Instructors will be drawn from the various research groups within the Department. This course will be offered on a credit/no-credit basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 2S session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 2S session will not be permitted to register in session 3F.
This seminar introduces second year students to the various career pathways within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Instructors from various areas will talk about third and fourth year ECE courses in weekly seminars to guide students with the selection of upper year courses. The course also offers talks and advice to aid students transitioning into second year, as well as enhance students' skills such as stress management and time management. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 3F session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 3F session will not be permitted to register for their 3S session.
Methods for the analysis and design of electrical circuits and systems with an emphasis on the frequency domain. AC power system concepts such as real and reactive power, power factor, complex power and power flow analysis. For sinusoidal steady-state analysis, topics include phasor analysis, impedance and admittance. Review of circuit analysis techniques, differential equations and second-order RLC circuits. Frequency domain analysis, including the Laplace transform, poles and zeros, s-domain analysis, transfer functions, convolution, frequency response, Bode diagrams, frequency response and filter types (e.g. low-pass, high-pass) Circuit elements introduced include operational amplifiers, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, and the realization of active filters using operational amplifiers.
Fundamental discrete- and continuous-time signals, definition and properties of systems, linearity and time invariance, convolution, impulse response, differential and difference equations, Fourier analysis, sampling and aliasing, applications in communications.
The fundamental laws of electromagnetics are covered, including Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, the Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and Maxwell's equations. Vector calculus is applied to determine the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields and their sources (charges and currents). The interaction of the fields with material media will be discussed, including resistance, polarization in dielectrics, magnetization in magnetic materials, properties of magnetic materials and boundary conditions. Other topics include: electric and magnetic forces, the electric potential, capacitance and inductance, electric and magnetic energy, magnetic circuits, and boundary-value problems.
Provides methods for the analysis and design of electrical circuits based on semiconductor non-linear components (diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors) and operational amplifiers. The course discusses basic physical operation of semiconductor devices, current-voltage characteristics, operating regions, DC modeling, small-signal modelling and biasing. Fundamental circuits are covered, such as rectifiers, limiting and clamping circuits and transistors amplifiers. Finally, operational amplifier is introduced and its non-idealities are addressed, including the impact on circuit applications.
Digital logic circuit design with substantial hands-on laboratory work. Algebraic and truth table representation of logic functions and variables. Optimizations of combinational logic, using "don't cares." Multi-level logic optimization. Transistor-level design of logic gates; propagation delay and timing of gates and circuits. The Verilog hardware description language. Memory in digital circuits, including latches, clocked flip-flops, and Static Random Access Memory. Set-up and hold times of sequential logic. Finite state machines - design and implementation. Binary number representation, hardware addition and multiplication. Tri-state gates, and multiplexers. There is a major lab component using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and associated computer-aided design software.
Basic computer structure. Design of central processing unit. Hardwired control. Input-output and the use of interrupts. Assembly language programming. Main memory organization and caches. Peripherals and interfacing. System design considerations. The laboratory will consist of experiments involving logic systems and microprocessors and a large open project. Design activity constitutes a major portion of laboratory work.
Provides a foundation in programming using an object-oriented programming language. Topics include: classes and objects, inheritance, exception handling, basic data structures (linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables), big-O complexity analysis, and testing and debugging. The laboratory assignments emphasize the use of object-oriented programming constructs in the design and implementation of reasonably large programs.
Digital system design principles. Logic circuits, logic synthesis. Registers, arithmetic circuits, counters, finite state machines, and programmable logic devices. Verilog hardware description language. Computer structure, machine language instruction execution and sequencing, addressing techniques. Processors, input/output techniques, and memory hierarchy. The laboratory work consists of exercises involving the design of logic circuits, and microprocessor systems. Modern computer-aided design tools and FPGA technology are used. Design aspects constitute a major portion of laboratory work.
The fundamental laws of electromagnetics are covered; including Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, the Biot-Savart's law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and Maxwell's equations. Vector calculus is applied to determine the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields and their sources (charges and currents). Field-matter interaction is studied, including polarization in dielectric materials and magnetization in magnetic materials. Circuit elements such as the resistor, capacitor and inductor are introduced from an electromagnetic point of view. Other topics include: electric and magnetic forces, the electric potential, capacitance and inductance, electric and magnetic energy, magnetic circuits, boundary-value problems and transmission-lines.
Introduction to engineering design processes for hardware systems. In addition to familiarizing students with hardware design practices, tools, and skill sets, it also aims to develop effective oral and written communication in a team context. Principles of engineering design, project management and teamwork are developed and applied as students work in teams to create and implement a complex hardware system comprising analog and digital electronic circuits. Students learn how to synthesize, prototype, and assemble designs realized using printed circuit board technology, as well as how to test them using modern measurement equipment. They learn about computer-aided design (CAD) and other development tools including those for electronic circuit simulation, schematic capture, board layout, version control (git), and instrument control. Students develop and apply communication skills by preparing a variety of documents and presentations, including proposals, status reports, design reviews, and presentations.
An introduction to engineering design processes, illustrated by the design and implementation of a software system, and to effective oral and written communication in a team context. Principles of software design, project management and team work are developed in the lectures and tutorials, and students apply these concepts in the laboratories as they work in a team to design and implement a complex software system. Students learn and practice oral and written communication techniques in lectures and in meetings with their communication instructor, and apply these techniques in a variety of documents and presentations, such as short status reports and longer design proposals and design reviews. Students learn software development tools such as version control (git), debuggers, code verifiers and unit test frameworks and gain experience in graphical user interface design and algorithm development.
Events, sample space, axioms of probability. Discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions. Bernoulli trials, Binomial, geometric, Poisson, exponential and Gaussian distributions.
Expectation, moments, characteristic function and correlation coefficient. Functions of random variables. Random vectors, joint distributions, transformations. Applications will be chosen from communication theory, estimation and hypothesis testing, predictive analytics and other areas of electrical and computer engineering.
An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential equation models of mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. State variable form. Linearization of nonlinear models and transfer functions. Use of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations. Conversion of models from state variable form to transfer function representation and vice versa. Block diagrams and their manipulation. Time response: transient analysis and performance measures. Properties of feedback control systems. Steady state tracking:the notion of system type. The concept of stability of feedback systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Frequency response and stability in the frequency domain. Root locus. Bode and Nyquist plots and their use in feedback control design.
Three-phase systems; steady-state transmission line model; symmetrical three-phase faults; power system stability; symmetrical components; unsymmetrical faults and fault current calculation; distribution network; equivalent steady-state model of voltage-sourced converter; distributed energy resources (DR); distributed energy storage; interface between DR and power system.
High-efficiency energy conversion via switched-mode power electronic circuits: design and steady-state modeling of DC/DC converters, DC/AC converters using pulse-width modulation. Transistor switch realization and basic efficiency analysis in power electronic converters. AC power quality and power factor, including non-sinusoidal currents. Energy conversion via magnetic devices: Faraday's law for time varying fields, characterization of hysteresis and eddy current losses in magnetic materials, modelling of magnetic circuits, transformer and inductor modelling and design. Introduction to electromechanical energy conversion: Lorentz Force, concepts of energy, co-energy, forces between ferromagnetic materials carrying flux, simple magnetic actuators, introduction to synchronous machines.
An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems. Analog and digital signals. Signal representation and Fourier transforms; energy and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems; frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol interference (ISI); Nyquist's ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.
Geometric Optics: Spherical surfaces, lenses and mirrors, optical imaging systems, matrix method, and aberrations. Polarization: Polarizer and polarizations, anisotropic materials, dichroism, birefringence, index ellipsoid, waveplates, optical activity, Faraday effect. Interference: superposition of waves, longitudinal and transverse coherence, Young's double-slit experiment, Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer, thin-films. Diffraction and Fourier Optics: diffraction theory, single and double slits, diffraction gratings, spatial filtering, basic optical signal processing. (Background preparation in ECE320H1 F - Fields and Waves, or ECE357H1 S - Electromagnetic Fields, is strongly recommended.)
Voltage and current waves on a general transmission line, characteristic impedance, reflections from the load and source, transients on a transmission line, Smith's chart and impedance matching. Maxwell's equations, wave equation, constitutive relations, dispersion, boundary conditions. Plane wave propagation in lossless and lossy media, polarization, power flow and Poynting vector. Plane wave reflection and transmission at material boundaries. Waveguides; propagating and evanescent waveguide modes and cut-off frequencies.
An introduction to machine learning engineering, with a focus on neural networks. The entire process of developing a machine learning solution, from data collection to software development, as well as ethics in machine learning, will be discussed. Practical techniques in machine learning will be covered, including data augmentation and the use of pre-trained networks. Topics covered will include the fundamentals of neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, generative adversarial networks and transformer networks. Students will complete a major hands-on project in machine learning.
Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.
The course introduces the principles of quantum physics and uses them to understand the behaviour of semiconductors. Topics to be covered include wave-particle duality, Schrodinger's equation, energy quantization, quantum mechanical tunnelling, electrons in crystalline semiconductors and other physical concepts that form the basis for nanotechnology, microelectronics, and optoelectronics.
Transistor amplifiers with an emphasis on integrated circuit (IC) design. Building blocks include differential and multistage amplifiers, IC biasing techniques, and output stage design. Frequency response of amplifiers at low, medium and high frequencies. Feedback amplifier analysis. Stability and compensation techniques for amplifiers using negative feedback.
Digital design techniques for integrated circuits. The emphasis will be on the design of logic gates at the transistor level. A number of different logic families will be described, but CMOS will be emphasized. Review of: device modeling, IC processing, and Spice simulation, simplified layout rules, inverter noise margins, transient response, and power dissipation, traditional CMOS logic design, transmission gates, RC timing approximations, input-output circuits, latches and flipflops, counters and adders, decoders and muxes, dynamic gates, SRAMs, DRAMs, and EEPROMs.
Electrical behaviour of semiconductor structures and devices. Metal-semiconductor contacts; pn junctions, diodes, photodetectors, LED's; bipolar junction transistors, Ebers-Moll and hybrid-pi models; field effect transistors, MOSFET, JFET/MESFET structures and models; thyristors and semiconductor lasers.
Design of digital hardware components and embedded systems. Finite state machines and the algorithmic state machine representation. Timing analysis of single and multi-clock designs. Numeric representation and arithmetic circuits: binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; IEEE 754 floating point representation. Introduction to hardware architecture of embedded systems; on-chip buses, particularly the AMBA/AXI standard. Processor design and pipelining. Memory types, interfacing and direct memory access. Off-chip peripherals and communication protocols.
Operating system structures, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems. The laboratory exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system.
Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures that are essential to engineers in every aspect of the computer hardware and software industry. Recurrences, asymptotics, summations, trees and graphs. Sorting, search trees and balanced search trees, amortized analysis, hash functions, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, basic graph algorithms, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, introduction to NP completeness and new trends in algorithms and data structures.
Design and steady-state modeling of DC/DC and DC/AC (single- and three-phase) converters using modified-square-wave and pulse-width modulation. Three-phase, balanced connections and analysis of harmonics via superposition. Modeling of non-ideal components in power electronic converters to determine practical conversion ratios and efficiency. Energy conversion based on magnetic field interactions: Faraday's law for time varying fields, characterization of primary loss mechanisms (hysteresis and eddy currents) in magnetic materials, magnetic circuit analysis, transformer and inductor modeling and design. Introduction to electromechanical energy conversion: Lorentz Force, calculation of electromechanical forces in conservative systems using energy and co-energy, simple magnetic actuators and sensors, introduction to synchronous machines.
An explanation of the basic operation, design and limitations of semiconductor electronic devices, such as diodes and transistors. The topics covered include: electrons in semiconductors, semiconductors in equilibrium, transport of carriers, p-n diodes, metal-semiconductor contacts, bipolar junction transistors, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors, and MOS field effect transistors. In addition, optoelectronic devices (e.g. photodiodes, light emitting diodes and lasers), semiconductor heterostructures, nanostructures (quantum dots, qubits) and transistor scaling will be discussed.
A continuation of some of the topics introduced in ECE253H1. Embedded system design: Input-output and the use of interrupts, peripherals and interfacing. Processor design: pipelining, integer and floating point arithmetic, cache hierarchies and memory organization. Design of combinational and sequential circuits in Verilog.
Operating system structure, processes, threads, synchronization, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems, input/output, multiple processor systems, virtualization, protection, and security. The laboratory exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system.
A course on analog and digital electronic circuits. Topics include single-stage amplifiers, current mirrors, cascode amplifiers and differential pairs. Amplifier frequency response, feedback and stability are also covered. Digital CMOS logic circuits are introduced.
An introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Topics include characterization of linear time-invariant systems, Fourier analysis, linear filtering, sampling of continuous-time signals, and modulation techniques for communication systems.
An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential equation models of physical systems using transfer functions and state space models. Linearization. Initial and input response. Stability theory. Principle of feedback. Internal Model Principle. Frequencey response. Nyquist stability. Loop shaping theory. Computer aided design using MATLAB and Simulink.
An introduction to transmission lines: voltage and current waves, characteristic impedance, reflections from the load and source, transients on a transmission line, Smith's chart, impedance matching. Fundamentals of electromagnetic theory: Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions, wave equation and its solutions in lossless and lossy media. Constitutive relations and dispersion. Plane wave propagation, reflection and transmission at boundaries. Waveguides; propagating and evanescent waveguide modes and cut-off frequencies. Introduction to radiation and antennas.
Fundamentals of algorithm design and computational complexity, including: analysis of algorithms, graph algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, network flow, approximation algorithms, the theory of NP-completeness, and various NP-complete problems.
An introduction to electronics. Basic electronic circuits: introductory frequency-domain analysis, operational amplifiers, diodes, field-effect transistors, bipolar junction transistors, small-signal analysis, single-stage amplifiers.
Layered network architectures; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite. Introduction to sockets; introduction to application layer protocols. Peer-to-Peer Protocols: ARQ; TCP reliable stream service; flow control. Data Link Controls: Framing; PPP; HDLC. Medium access control and LANs: Aloha; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; Bridges. Packet Switching: Datagram and virtual circuit switching; Shortest path algorithms; Distance vector and link state algorithms.
An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems. Analog and digital signals. Probability and random processes. Energy and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems; frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol interference (ISI); Nyquist's ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.
This course will provide students with a grounding in optimization methods and the matrix algebra upon which they are based. The first past of the course focuses on fundamental building blocks in linear algebra and their geometric interpretation: matrices, their use to represent data and as linear operators, and the matrix decompositions (such as eigen-, spectral-, and singular-vector decompositions) that reveal structural and geometric insight. The second part of the course focuses on optimization, both unconstrained and constrained, linear and non-linear, as well as convex and nonconvex; conditions for local and global optimality, as well as basic classes of optimization problems are discussed. Applications from machine learning, signal processing, and engineering are used to illustrate the techniques developed.
This course will focus on different classes of probabilistic models and how, based on those models, one deduces actionable information from data. The course will start by reviewing basic concepts of probability including random variables and first and second-order statistics. Building from this foundation the course will then cover probabilistic models including vectors (e.g., multivariate Gaussian), temporal (e.g., stationarity and hidden Markov models), and graphical (e.g., factor graphs). On the inference side topics such as hypothesis testing, marginalization, estimation, and message passing will be covered. Applications of these tools cover a vast range of data processing domains including machine learning, communications, search, recommendation systems, finance, robotics and navigation.
State space analysis of linear systems, the matrix exponential, linearization of nonlinear systems. Structural properties of linear systems: stability, controllability, observability, stabilizability, and detectability. Pole assignment using state feedback, state estimation using observers, full-order and reduced-order observer design, design of feedback compensators using the separation principle, control design for tracking. Control design based on optimization, linear quadratic optimal control, the algebraic Riccati equation. Laboratory experiments include computer-aided design using MATLAB and the control of an inverted pendulum on a cart.
An introduction to adaptive control and reinforcement learning for discrete-time deterministic linear systems. Topics include: discrete-time state space models; stability of discrete time systems; parameter adaptation laws; error models in adaptive control; persistent excitation; controllability and pole placement; observability and observers; classical regulation in discrete-time; adaptive regulation; dynamic programming; Rescorla-Wagner model; value iteration methods; Q-learning; temporal difference learning.
This course will provide students with an overview of continuous-time and discrete-time signal processing techniques, and the analysis and design of analog and mixed-signal circuit building blocks used in modern electronic systems. Topics covered include: analysis, specification, simulation, and design of continuous-time filters with linear transconductors and op-amps; phase-domain model, noise model, and design methodology for low phase noise Phase Lock Loops and associated building blocks (VCO, phase-frequency detector, charge pump); discrete-time signal analysis using z-transform; discrete-time filter design based on switched capacitors; as well as fundamentals, architectures, building blocks, and characterization techniques for digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.
Basic concepts of digital communication. Baseband data transmission, intersymbol interference, Nyquist pulse shaping, equalization, line coding, multi-path fading, diversity. Binary and M-ary modulation schemes, synchronization. Signal space concepts, optimum receivers, coherent and noncoherent detectors. Information theory, source encoding, error control coding, block and convolutional codes.
Design issues in distributed systems: heterogeneity, security, transparency, concurrency, fault-tolerance; networking principles; request-reply protocol; remote procedure calls; distributed objects; middleware architectures; CORBA; security and authentication protocols; distributed file systems; name services; global states in distributed systems; coordination and agreement; transactions and concurrency control; distributed transactions; replication.
An Introduction to the basic theory, the fundamental algorithms, and the computational toolboxes of machine learning. The focus is on a balanced treatment of the practical and theoretical approaches, along with hands on experience with relevant software packages. Supervised learning methods covered in the course will include: the study of linear models for classification and regression, neural networks and support vector machines. Unsupervised learning methods covered in the course will include: principal component analysis, k-means clustering, and Gaussian mixture models. Theoretical topics will include: bounds on the generalization error, bias-variance tradeoffs and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. Techniques to control overfitting, including regularization and validation, will be covered.
Analysis and design of systems employing radio waves, covering both the underlying electromagnetics and the overall system performance aspects such as signal-to-noise ratios. Transmission/reception phenomena include: electromagnetic wave radiation and polarization; elementary and linear dipoles; directivity, gain, efficiency; integrated, phased-array and aperture antennas; beam-steering; Friis transmission formula and link budget. Propagation phenomena include: diffraction and wave propagation over obstacles; multipath propagation; atmospheric and ionospheric effects. Receiver design aspects include: radio receiver architectures, receiver figures of merit, noise in cascaded systems, noise figure, and noise temperature. System examples are: terrestrial communication systems; satellite communications; radar; radiometric receivers; software-defined radio.
Losses in conductors and dielectrics; RF and microwave transmission lines; transients on transmission lines; matching networks; planar transmission lines (microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide); design with scattering parameters; 3- and 4-port RF devices (power dividers/combiners, couplers, isolators & circulators); coupled lines and devices; microwave active circuits (RF amplifiers, mixers, and receiver front ends); RF and microwave filters. The hands-on laboratories engage students in the design, simulation, fabrication, and test of practical passive and active microwave circuits using industry-standard RF/microwave simulation tools and measurement systems.
The human visual interface is rapidly evolving with the emergence of smart glasses, AR/VR wearable display, and autonomous vehicles. This course examines the photonic devices and integrated systems that underline such technologies, and how they are shaped by human visual perception and acuity. Advanced integrated photonic systems in optical display and sensing will be deconstructed and the underlying fundamental concepts studied. Topics include introduction to: heads up and wearable display, optical lidar, optical fiber, waveguide circuits, holography, optical switches, light sources (LED, laser), detectors and imaging sensors.
Review of MOSFET semiconductor device equations. Noise in electronic devices. Review of single-stage amplifiers and frequency response, including noise analysis. Basic CMOS op amp. Op amp compensation. Advanced op amp circuits: telescopic and folded-cascode op amps. Fully-differential op amps. Common mode feedback.
An introductory course in digital filtering and applications. Introduction to real world signal processing. Review of sampling and quantization of signals. Introduction to the discrete Fourier transform and its properties. The fast Fourier transform. Fourier analysis of signals using the discrete Fourier transform. Structures for discrete-time systems. Design and realization of digital filters: finite and infinite impulse response filters. DSP applications in areas such as communications, multimedia, video coding, human computer interaction and medicine.
A review of the principles and practical implementation of quantum processors based on solid state superconducting and semiconductor spin qubits. The focus is on hardware with no overlap with existing Quantum Information or proposed Quantum Algorithms undergraduate EngSci or CompSci courses. A top-down approach is taken starting from the quantum processor architecture and building block specification, to qubit and control and readout circuit modelling, design, fabrication and testing. Topics include the basics of quantum mechanics and quantum computing, superconducting and semiconductor spin qubit physics, fabrication and characterization techniques for qubits, and classical control and readout of qubits. Students will gain hands-on experience with the engineering of a quantum computer, deriving specifications for its quantum and classical hardware building blocks, and designing, modelling, simulating, and testing qubits, control and readout circuits for quantum processors.
The introduction to VLSI fabrication techniques, integrated circuit designs and advanced semiconductor devices will give a proper perspective of the past, present and future trends in the VLSI industry. Following the evolution of MOS and bipolar devices, digital and analog CMOS, BiCMOS, deep submicron CMOS, SOI-CMOS, RF-CMOS and HV-CMOS technologies will be studied. Special attention will be given to the physical scaling limits such as short channel effects. In addition, CAD tools and design methodology for the development of advanced semiconductor devices and integrated circuits will be introduced in the laboratory environment. These include the simulation of device fabrication, device characteristics, device modeling, circuit layout, design verification. Finally, advanced technology such as GaN HEMTs, graphene devices, carbon nano-tube devices, power devices, heterojunctions, InP and GaSb HBTs will also be studied.
Provides an overview of the fundamental principles and clinical applications of neuromodulation. Topics include (i) overview of the human nervous system & neural oscillations, (ii) introduction to electrical-neural interfaces, (iii) fundamentals of neural recording, neural stimulation & signal processing as well as (iv) instrumentation and clinical applications of commonly used neuromodalities including Electroencephalography (EEG), Deep brain stimulation (DBS), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Functional electrical stimulation (FES).
An introduction to the fundamentals of micro- and nano-fabrication processes with emphasis on cleanroom practices. The physical principles of optical lithography, electron-beam lithography, alternative nanolithography techniques, and thin film deposition and metrology methods. The physical and chemical processes of wet and dry etching. Cleanroom concepts and safety protocols. Sequential micro-fabrication processes involved in the manufacture of microelectronic and photonic devices. Imaging and characterization of micro- and nano-structures. Examples of practical existing and emerging micro- and nano-devices. Limited enrollment.
The collaborative software development process. Software requirements elicitation and specifications. Software design techniques. Techniques for developing large software systems. Software testing, quality assurance, documentation, and maintenance. Open-source software and web application design.
Generation, transmission and the significance of bioelectricity in neural networks of the brain. Topics covered include: (i) Basic features of neural systems. (ii) Ionic transport mechanisms in cellular membranes. (iii) Propagation of electricity in neural cables. (iv) Extracellular electric fields. (v) Neural networks, neuroplasticity and biological clocks. (vi) Learning and memory in artificial neural networks. Laboratory experiences include: (a) Biological measurements of body surface potentials (EEG and EMG). (b) Experiments on computer models of generation and propagation of neuronal electrical activities. (c) Investigation of learning in artificial neural networks.
Waves, physical, and musical acoustics, musical instruments, electrical and mechanical interfaces for musical expression, electroacoustic transducers,
sensing and metasensing, ultrasound, measurement (phase-coherent detection), and physiological acoustics. Speech, music, and interface processing and signal processing,
including aspects of the auditory system. Wearable technologies for audio. Engineering aspects of acoustic and electroacoustic design. Electrical models of acoustic systems. Noise,
noise-induced hearing loss, and noise control. Introduction to vision and other modalities. Creative and artistic systems and interfaces.
Modern technologies in the biosciences generate tremendous amounts of biological data ranging from genomic sequences to protein structures to gene expression. Biocomputations are the computer algorithms used to reveal the hidden patterns within this data. Course topics include basic concepts in molecular cell biology, pairwise sequence alignment, multiple sequence alignment, fast alignment algorithms, deep learning approaches, phylogentic prediction, structure-based computational methods, gene finding and annotation.
Fundamental techniques for programming computer systems, with an emphasis on obtaining good performance. Topics covered include: how to measure and understand program and execution and behaviour, how to get the most out of an optimizing compiler, how memory is allocated and managed, and how to exploit caches and the memory hierarchy. Furthermore, current trends in multicore, multithreaded and data parallel hardware, and how to exploit parallelism in their programs will be covered.
Review of sampling and discrete-time signals in one or more dimensions; linear shift-invariant systems; the Z-transform; the discrete-time Fourier transform; the discrete Fourier transform and computationally efficient implementations (fast Fourier transforms); general orthogonal representations; wavelet bases; discrete-time filters: finite and infinite impulse response filters; fixed-point implementations and finite word-length effects; multidimensional filters and multidimensional signal processing. Illustrative applications are drawn from audio and biomedical signal processing, communication systems, and image and video signal processing.
This course will cover the fundamentals of protocols for packet switching networks with emphasis on Internet type of networks including the following topics: the Internetworking concept and architectural model; data link layer (Ethernet and PPP); service interface; Internet addresses; address resolution protocol; Internet protocol (connectionless datagram delivery); routing IP datagrams; Internet control message protocol (error and control messages); subnet and supernet address extensions; ping program; traceroute program; user datagram protocol; reliable stream transport service (TCP); the socket interface; routing (GGP, EGP, IP, OSPF, HELLO); Internet multicasting; domain name system; applications such as HTTP, electronic mail, and SNMP; Internet security and firewall design; Ipv6, RSVP, flows, and ISIP.
Topics in the engineering area of multimedia systems with particular emphasis on the theory, design features, performance, complexity analysis, optimization and application of multimedia engineering technologies. Topics include sound/audio, image and video characterization, compression, source entropy and hybrid coding, transform coding, wavelet-based coding, motion estimation, JPEG coding, digital video coding, MPEG-1/2 coding, content-based processing, and MPEG-7.
Electric drives comprise electric machines (i.e. motors/generators) together with power electronic actuation to enable the control of mechanical motion. Topics include electro-mechanical mechanisms for torque production relevant to rotating machines, speed-torque diagrams, DC machine analysis, dynamics and torque/speed/position control, introduction to space vectors and their application to motion control of synchronous machines and stepper motors. Steady state and variable speed operation of the induction machine using constant flux control is also covered.
The radio medium, radio communication system examples. Link budget: cable losses, propagation loss, antenna gains. Basic concepts of propagation: path loss, multi-path propagation and fading. Raleigh and Rician fading models, Doppler shift, delay spread, coherence time and coherence bandwidth of the channel. Analog modulation schemes and their bandwidths. Digital modulation schemes and their bandwidths and bit rates: BPSK, QPSK, MSK, GMSK. Basic concepts of speech coding. Error correction coding, interleaving, and multiple access frame structure. The physical layer description of the AMPS, IS-54, and GSM cellular systems. The cellular concept: frequency re-use, re-use cluster concept. Channel allocation. Cellular system architecture for AMPS, IS-54, and GSM. Hand-offs and transmitter power control. Cellular traffic, call blocking, concept of Erlangs. Basic ideas in spread spectrum modulation, spreading codes, bit error probability. Orthogonal and non-orthogonal CDMA Basic concepts in CDMA networks.
Traffic modeling; network calculus; traffic classification; traffic regulation: shaping, filtering, policing, leaky bucket; queueing systems; scheduling; quality of service: Diffserv and IntServ/RSVP; multi-protocol label switching; call admission control / congestion control; switching; pricing; optical networks.
Compiler organization, compiler writing tools, use of regular expressions, finite automata and context-free grammars, scanning and parsing, runtime organization, semantic analysis, implementing the runtime model, storage allocation, code generation.
This course provides an introduction to optical communication systems and networks at the system and functional level. Applications range from telecommunication networks (short to long haul) to computing networks (chip-to-chip, on chip communications, optical backplanes). Basic principles of optical transmission and associated components used for transmission of light and optical networks; system design tools for optical links; multi-service system requirements; optical network design tools (routing and wavelength assignment), network management and survivability.
Classification of robot manipulators, kinematic modeling, forward and inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, path planning, point-to-point trajectory planning, dynamic modeling, Euler-Lagrange equations, inverse dynamics, joint control, computed torque control, passivity-based control, feedback linearization.
The economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals are discussed. Cost concepts; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; the time value of money and compound interest; inflation; capital budgeting; equity, bond and loan financing; income tax and after-tax cash flow in engineering project proposals; measures of economic merit in the public sector; sensitivity and risk analysis. Applications: evaluations of competing engineering project alternatives; replacement analysis; economic life of assets; lease versus buy decisions; break-even and sensitivity analysis. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian business environment will be discussed.
Provides a comprehensive understanding of quantum information processing, focusing on software tools and algorithms for quantum computing. The material covers foundational quantum mechanics background, introduces quantum computing basics, and explores key software frameworks and algorithms. Through programming exercises and projects, students develop skills in designing and implementing quantum algorithms. Exercises are conducted using prominent quantum simulators.
A full year capstone design project course intended to give students an opportunity to apply their technical knowledge and communication skills. Working in teams under the direct supervision of a faculty member, students develop a design project of their choice from an initial concept to a final working prototype. In the first session, a project proposal is submitted early on, followed by a project requirements specification. A design review meeting is then held to review the proposed design. Lectures given during the first session will develop expertise in various areas related to design and technical communication. In the second session, the teams present their work in a number of ways, including an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a final demonstration at the Design Fair, an individual progress report, and a group final report. Course deliverables are evaluated by both the team's supervisor and one of several course administrators.
The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student’s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).
The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student’s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).
Provides fundamental knowledge in the expanding field of Intelligent Image Processing, Humanistic Intelligence, Wearable AI, Spatial XR (VR/AR/MR), Wearable Computing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI)", "Mobile Multimedia", "Augmented Reality," "Mediated Reality," CyborgLogging," vision-based mobility devices and assistive technologies like the "Freehicle" (vehicle of freedom for mobility for persons with disabilities). Key topics include Mersivity (Socio-Cyber-Physical border or boundary between us and our surroundings), vision-based human-computer interaction. Personal Safety Devices, lifelong personal video capture, EyeTap principle, comparametric equations, photoquantigraphic imaging, lightvector spaces, anti-homomorphic imaging, application, algebraic projective geometry of 360-degree imaging, underwater imaging.
Focuses on power electronic converters utilized in applications ranging from low-power mobile devices to higher power applications such as electric vehicles, server farms, microgrids, and renewable energy systems. Concepts covered include the principles of efficient electrical energy processing (dc-dc, dc/ac, and ac/ac) through switch-mode energy conversion, converter loss analysis, large- and small-signal modeling of power electronic circuits and controller design.
Presents the concepts of short-circuit fault analysis, protective relaying, and automation in power systems. The course starts by discussing the causes and types of short-circuit faults using real-world examples. The consequences of faults for different power system components are reviewed using event reports from field data. The method of symmetrical components for analyzing unbalanced three-phase systems are introduced. Analytical methods and computer-based approaches for deriving fault voltages and currents are discussed and the effect of system grounding during transient conditions, including faults, are introduced. Students also learn the concept of power system automation and its role in monitoring, protection, and control of modern power systems. Critical devices used in an automation system, such as breakers, relays, reclosers, capacitor bank controllers, and tap changer controllers are presented.
Advanced digital systems design concepts including project planning, design flows, embedded processors, hardware/software interfacing and interactions, software drivers, embedded operating systems, memory interfaces, system-level timing analysis, clocking and clock domains. A significant design project is undertaken and implemented on an FPGA development board.
Introduction to the principles and properties of random processes, with applications to communications, control systems, and computer science. Random vectors, random convergence, random processes, specifying random processes, Poisson and Gaussian processes, stationarity, mean square derivatives and integrals, ergodicity, power spectrum, linear systems with stochastic input, mean square estimation, Markov chains, recurrence, absorption, limiting and steady-state distributions, time reversibility, and balance equations.
Performance analysis and metrics and cost. Instruction set architectures. Instruction-level parallelism: pipelining, superscalar, dynamic scheduling, VLIW processors. Data-level prallelism: vector processors, GPUs. Thread-level parallelism: multiprocessors, multi-core, coherence, simultaneous multi-threading. Memory hierarchies: caches and virtual memory support. Simulation tools and methods. Limited Enrollment.
State-space approach to linear system theory. Mathematical background in linear algebra, state space equations vs. transfer functions, solutions of linear ODE’s, state transition matrix, Jordan form, controllability, eigenvalue assignment using state feedback, observability, designing observers, separation principle, Kalman filters, tracking and the regulator problem, linear quadratic optimal control, stability. Laboratories cover the state space control design methodology.
As computers permeate our society, the security of such computing systems is becoming of paramount importance. This course covers principles of computer systems security. To build secure systems, one must understand how attackers operate. This course starts by teaching students how to identify security vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited. Then techniques to create secure systems and defend against such attacks will be discussed. Industry standards for conducting security audits to establish levels of security will be introduced. The course will include an introduction to basic cryptographic techniques as well as hardware used to accelerate cryptographic operations in ATM's and webservers.
Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large-scale atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel reserves.
Praxis I is the cornerstone course of the Engineering Science Foundation Design sequence and introduces the foundational models and tools of engineering design, communication, teamwork, and professionalism that underlie design education within Engineering Science. In Praxis I students work both individually and in small teams to develop their knowledge and skills in through a combination of active lectures, structured interactive studios, and hands-on practical sessions. The design projects in Praxis I are scoped to the individual student and the broader University community. Each student and team is responsible for both defining and resolving their own opportunities. Praxis I also supports students as they transition into their engineering studies and into the Engineering Science learning community. This support integrates conceptual models, concrete techniques, and University resources, and addresses both academic and non-academic concerns. All courses within the Foundation Design sequence use engineering design to provide a context in which students integrate their knowledge, develop their emerging engineering identity, and codify their individual approach to engineering practice.
Praxis II develops the models and tools of design, communication, teamwork, and professionalism introduced in Praxis I. The course also introduces additional complementary considerations including ethics and equity. In Praxis II students work primarily in small teams to develop and refine their knowledge and skills in through a combination of active lectures, structured interactive studios, and hands-on practical sessions. The design projects in Praxis II are scoped to communities within the broader City of Toronto. Student teams are responsible for identifying and engaging with these communities, and for first framing and then resolving a collaboratively identified opportunity. Praxis II culminates in a public showcase where teams present and demonstrate their designs to their stakeholders and to the general public. Praxis II also continues to support students as they integrate more fully into the Engineering Science learning community. All courses within the Foundation Design sequence use engineering design to provide a context in which students integrate their knowledge, develop their emerging engineering identity, and codify their individual approach to engineering practice.
Introduces students to mathematics in an engineering context, In particular, linear algebra and computational techniques. Emphasis is placed on developing students’ ability to visualize in 2-D, 3-D, and higher dimensions. Linear algebra topics include: vectors, lines and planes, viewing systems of linear equations using row picture and column picture, independence, dependence and column space, matrix multiplication and factorization (A=CR), solving linear systems using elimination, connecting rank and shape of a matrix, and inverse matrices. Computational problems include numerical integration, solving the least squares problem, and numerical solutions to initial value problems (IVP) and boundary value problems (BVP). Course content is complemented with the use of computational software.
The first of two courses that introduce students to programming and computational thinking. Students will learn to use the Python programming language to implement computational solutions to problems, and will be introduced to the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. Runtime analysis and searching and sorting algorithms will be introduced. Some computational problems will be drawn from other 1F courses.
The second of two courses that introduce students to programming and computational thinking. The course introduces the C programming language as well as fundamental algorithms and data structures. Students will work with lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs.
Topics include: theory and applications of differential and integral calculus, limits, basic theorems and elementary functions. An introduction to differential equations is also included.
Topics include: techniques of integration, improper integrals, sequences, series, Taylor's theorem, as well as an introduction to vector functions, functions of several variables, partial derivatives and the optimization of multivariable functions.
Through this course, students will examine the relationship between engineering and society, emphasizing a humanities and social sciences perspective. Building on the Praxis courses, students will develop and apply an understanding of ethics and equity to broader sociotechnical systems and challenges. Using models of critical thinking, active learning activities and discussion seminars, students will develop an understanding of the social and environmental impacts of technology. Students will further develop their communication, teamwork and professional skills through persuasive writing, facilitation and formal debate. Upon completion of the course, students will have an appreciation for the complex interaction between human society and technology, and will be able to analyze and evaluate the social, technological, political, and ethical dimensions of technology.
Humanities and Social Science elective.
Praxis III is the capstone course of the Engineering Science Foundation Design sequence. It challenges students to extend and apply the models of engineering design, communication, teamwork, and professionalism introduced and developed in Praxis I and II to engineering design in a complex collaboration setting. Students integrate the design, technical, and complementary knowledge gained across the Engineering Science Foundation curriculum in the context of a single, major, mechatronic design project.
Teams in Praxis III choose from a curated set of opportunity areas that integrate technical, complementary, and optionally, multidisciplinary, considerations. They are responsible both for framing a specific opportunity within their chosen area and for developing a valid design idea for the opportunity supported by a mechatronic prototype. Praxis III culminates in a public showcase where teams present their design process and outcomes to an external audience. All courses within the Foundation Design sequence use engineering design to provide a context in which students integrate their knowledge, develop their emerging engineering identity, and codify their individual approach to engineering practice.
The Option Seminar provides students with an introduction to their upper-year discipline of study, and encourages students to consider different educational and career pathways. Students will participate in sessions with other students from their Option/Major, with a focus on research and industry directions and the relationship between the Option/Major and it’s social & environmental context. Students will also participate in program-wide seminars which feature opportunities for career exploration. This course is offered on a credit/no credit basis, and students receive credit for attending sessions and completing a small set written deliverables.
Introduces techniques to analyze and solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Concepts covered include Fourier series, Sturm-Liouville theory, separation of variables, fundamental solutions, Green's functions, method of characteristics, and numerical methods. Applications are in model PDEs in continuum mechanics: heat, Laplace's, wave, and transport equations.
Humanities and Social Science elective.
Through this course, students have the opportunity to propose a topic for exploration in the realm of technology and society studies to run as a student-led seminar course. Accepted course topics in any given year will be based on student interest. The student course leader(s) are expected to work with the course coordinator to create a full course plan, including learning objectives, course topics and methods of assessment. All participants are expected to contribute to the learning experience, through presentations, suggestions of readings and subtopics. The student directed seminar provides an opportunity to explore a topic of interest, and gain experience in course planning and delivery in a collaborative learning environment. Suggested topics may include engineering & international development, engineering education & outreach, the politicization of science, gender & technology, or cross-profession collaboration; however, students may propose any topic in the broad realm of technology and society studies. Deadlines for student directed seminar proposals and seminar registration will be publicized by the Division of Engineering Science.
A half-year capstone design course in which students work in teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. The course focus is on context-appropriate energy systems design and simulation, incorporating generation, transmission and storage of energy from across a range of traditional and alternative energy sources. Students identify, frame, and design solutions to problems that align with that focus, and the resulting designs are assessed on their engineering quality and design credibility. In addition, each student engages in individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team comprising both design and domain experts.
A half-year capstone design course in which students work in small teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. The course focus is the (re)design and implementation of experiments suitable for the undergraduate classroom or laboratory. Students identify, frame, and design solutions to problems that align with that focus, and the resulting designs are assessed on their engineering quality and design credibility. In addition, each student engages in individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team comprising both design and domain experts.
A half-year capstone design course in which students work in small teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. Each team is expected to design a complex engineered system, implemented (a) fully in software, (b) fully in hardware or (c) in a mixture of hardware and software, using concepts drawn from the ECE Major curriculum and resulting in a functional prototype. Teams are expected to integrate their design, technical, and complementary knowledge, to design for safety, and to consider relevant interdisciplinary factors such as economic, health, environmental, social, and similar concerns.
In addition, each student will complete an individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. This reflection is intended to prepare the student for the next stage of their engineering career
Independent study courses are student initiated projects, open to Engineering Science students, which allow students to work one-on-one with a division faculty member. The student and supervising faculty member will develop a learning plan for the semester within the first week of term (Limited Enrollment).
Every student in Fourth Year Engineering Science is required to conduct a thesis on an approved subject under the supervision of any faculty member at the University of Toronto. The thesis provides students with an opportunity to conduct, document, and experience engineering related research as an undergraduate student. This course is structured to provide resources to support that process, in particular the documentation of research, through a series of lectures and workshops. While the final thesis document is the main deliverable, students are also required to submit a set of interim deliverables to support ongoing documentation and reflection.
Every student in Fourth Year Engineering Science is required to conduct a thesis on an approved subject under the supervision of any faculty member at the University of Toronto. The thesis provides students with an opportunity to conduct, document, and experience engineering related research as an undergraduate student. This course is structured to provide resources to support that process, in particular the documentation of research, through a series of lectures and workshops. While the final thesis document is the main deliverable, students are also required to submit a set of interim deliverables to support ongoing documentation and reflection.
Humanities and Social Science elective
Trees and their components have been used through the centuries for shelter, heat, entertainment, weapons, sport, furnishings, communication, food and medicines. This course explores the co-evolution of nature and culture by examining the social and economic impacts that the forest and its exploitation had in the development of societies throughout the ages. Focus will be on the cultural history of wood and products derived from it and its influence on developing societies from biblical times to modern day. The course will examine how wood's versatility and usefulness in varied applications has been discovered by society as needs for survival to austerity develop. The unique properties of woody materials will be examined to expose its ability to meet the varied demands of societies throughout the ages. This course will allow students to explore the place and role of wood derived products in sustainable society.
Complementary Studies elective
With over 80% of the world's population now living in cities, tomorrow's forests will be urban. Increasing global recognition of nature deficit disorder and the values of green infrastructure to mitigate broader human impacts gives a new meaning to the term 'urban forestry', coined here at UofT and now recognized widely. Trees in and around the city are key to providing multiple engineered and ecological services that only recently have been brought into the responsible fiscal planning of every municipality around the globe. If managed properly (a key concept), urban forests mitigate climate change and urban heat island effects, act as carbon sinks, air filters, water purifiers, air conditioners, noise dampeners, wildlife and/or biodiversity refuges, and green spaces for the human spirit. Here, we explore the challenges and opportunities of this exciting new applied field at the cross-roads of ecology, engineering and planning to ensure future global sustainability.
Sustainable materials are a mandate for sustainable societies. This course will explore the manufacturing, engineering principles and design fundamentals for creating sustainable materials from renewable resources. Special emphasis will be on bioplastics, biofibre, nanobiofibre, biocomposites and nanobiocomposites. Written communication and design skills will be developed through tutorials and assignments.
Technological advances and approaches in deriving biofuels, chemical feedstocks from forest and other biomass resources. Fundamental chemical attributes of biomass, as they affect the fuel value and potential for deriving liquid, solid and gaseous fuels and valuable chemicals for other applications will be explored.
Geography matters in the success of both public and private sector organizations. Using mostly retail examples contemporary location problems are addressed. The geographies of demand and supply are analyzed and trade area and site selection techniques are applied. The relevance of the planning context and utility of geovisualization techniques such as GIS are also briefly considered.
This culminating capstone course draws students together in a studio course to work on a group project with an external partner organization. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams, mentored by a faculty expert, to draw on content and experiences from their previous coursework and experience. The goal is for students to demonstrate leadership in addressing an issue that is active, real, and seen as having global reach, relevance, or implications. This course will challenge students to draw on their own learning to date, analogize to other fields where relevant, and to collaborate with peers to address complex questions. In addition to submitting a final capstone report, students will present their projects at an annual capstone event. This course will be delivered primarily online through synchronous/asynchronous delivery with specific in-person activities scheduled throughout the course.
Humanities and Social Science elective
The emphasis in this course will be more on the history of engineers as workers, members of professional groups, and managers rather than engineering proper, although obviously engineering cannot be ignored when we talk about engineers' work. The aim of the course is to give an understanding of the heritage of engineers as participants in the economy and society.
Complementary Studies elective
Introduces a brief overview of essential concepts in accounting and corporate finance. The first part of the course covers the fundamentals of accounting. We start by exploring the basic language of accounting and the fundamental concepts of financial reporting. Students learn to read and analyze basic financial statements including the statements of financial position, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows. We then introduce key management accounting concepts and explore various methods of costing for decision-making. The second part of the course covers the fundamentals of corporate finance. In the second half, students will learn how to make financial projections and how to value complex investment opportunities. Following this, students learn various techniques for controlling risk and how to determine the appropriate cost of capital. Finally, the course considers issues in cash flow management and overviews project valuation as it relates to corporate mergers.
Complementary Studies elective
Introduces the basic concepts, frameworks and methodologies useful to managers in crafting and executing entrepreneurial business strategies in technology-based and selected CPG companies. In the first part of the course, students gain an understanding of the external, internal, and dynamic environments of a business and the elements of a superior competitive position. In the second part, we focus on designing and delivering customer value, which involves strategic decisions about segmentation, targeting and positioning, and tactical decisions related to product introductions, marketing communications, distribution channels and pricing. In the third part of the course, we build on these fundamentals and examine considerations related to commercialization, modes to exploit technology/product, intellectual property, and approaches to business start-up.
Spans three inter-related topics within organizational behavior and human resources: individual behaviour, group behaviour, and leadership. It provides students with both the theory and practice of how to work, lead, and thrive in organizations. Topics include theories of personality, learning, power, decision making, ethics, culture, leadership, teamwork, and motivation. These topics are taught in three ways:
Topics include: include: linear systems, matrix algebra, Rn as a vector space, a normed space and an inner-product space, linear transformations on Rn, eigenvalues, applications to circuits, mechanics and an introduction to computer methods.
Topics include: limits and continuity; differentiation; applications of the derivative - related rates problems, curve sketching, optimization problems, L'Hopital's rule; definite and indefinite integrals; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; applications of integration in geometry, mechanics and other engineering problems.
Topics include: techniques of integration, an introduction to mathematical modeling with differential equations, infinite sequences and series, Taylor series, parametric and polar curves, and application to mechanics and other engineering problems.
This course covers systems of linear equations and Gaussian elimination, applications; vectors in Rn, independent sets and spanning sets; linear transformations, matrices, inverses; subspaces in Rn, basis and dimension; determinants; eigenvalues and diagonalization; systems of differential equations; dot products and orthogonal sets in Rn; projections and the Gram-Schmidt process; diagonalizing symmetric matrices; least squares approximation. Includes an introduction to numeric computation in a weekly laboratory.
Topics include: limits and continuity, differentiation, maximum and minimum problems, definite and indefinite integrals, application of integration to geometry, mechanics and other engineering problems as well as an introduction to first order differential equations.
Ordinary differential equations. Classification. Equations of first order and first degree. Linear equations of order n. Equations of second order. Bessel's equation. Legendre's equation. Series solutions. Systems of simultaneous equations. Partial differential equations. Classification of types. The diffusion equation. Laplace's equation. The wave equation. Solution by separation of variables.
Ordinary differential equations. Equations of first order and first degree. Linear equations of order n. Systems of simultaneous equations. Difference equations. Forecasting. Business dynamics. Basic Set Theory. Counting, Cartesian Product, Combinations, Permutations. Basic Propositional Logic and Proofs. Throughout the course: formulating and analysing differential equation, difference equation, and discrete mathematical models for real-world problems.
An introduction to complex variables and ordinary differential equations. Topics include: Laplace transforms, ordinary higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; transform methods; complex numbers and the complex plane; complex functions; limits and continuity; derivatives and integrals; analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; power series as analytic functions; the logarithmic and exponential functions; Cauchy's integral theorem, Laurent series, residues, Cauchy's integral formula, the Laplace transform as an analytic function. Examples are drawn from electrical systems.
The chain rule for functions of several variables; the gradient, directional derivative, tangent plane and small signal modeling and Jacobians. Multiple integrals; change of variables and Jacobians, line integrals: parametric and explicit representations, the divergence and curl of a vector field, surface integrals; parametric and explicit representations, multi-variable Dirac Delta distribution, superposition of vector fields, Helmholtz decomposition theorem, Divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem and application from electromagnetic fields.
Existence and uniqueness of solution for first-order differential equations, general second-order linear ODEs, homogeneous equations, nonhomogeneous equations, variable coefficients, variation of parameters, Systems of ODEs, Fourier series, Laplace transform, interpretation of problems in mathematical terms, single-step numerical methods for ODEs. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.
Partial differentiation, grad, div, curl, multiple integrals, line integrals, surface integrals, differential equations, first order differential equations, homogeneous linear differential equations, boundary conditions. Formulation of various problems relevant to materials and mining engineering - the concepts above are used.
This course provides the foundations of analysis and rigorous calculus for students who will take subsequent courses where these mathematical concepts are central of applications, but who have only taken courses with limited proofs. Topics include topology of Rn, implicit and inverse function theorems and rigorous integration theory.
Construction of Real Numbers. Metric spaces; compactness and connectedness. Sequences and series of functions, power series; modes of convergence. Interchange of limiting processes; differentiation of integrals. Function spaces; Weierstrass approximation; Fourier series. Contraction mappings; existence and uniqueness of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Countability; Cantor set; Hausdorff dimension.
Function spaces; Arzela-Ascoli theorem, Weierstrass approximation theorem, Fourier series. Introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces; contraction mapping principle, fundamental existence and uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations. Lebesgue integral; convergence theorems, comparison with Riemann integral, L^p spaces. Applications to probability.
Course examines the following: analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, contour integration, Cauchy's theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, singularities, residue calculus, conformal mapping, harmonic functions, Dirichlet and Neumann problems and Poisson integral formulas. Course includes studies of linear differential equations in the complex plane, including Bessel and Legendre functions.
This course on Newtonian mechanics considers the interactions which influence 2-D, curvilinear motion. These interactions are described in terms of the concepts of force, work, momentum and energy. Initially the focus is on the kinematics and kinetics of particles. Then, the kinematics and kinetics of systems of particles and solid bodies are examined. Finally, simple harmonic motion is discussed. The occurrence of dynamic motion in natural systems, such as planetary motion, is emphasized. Applications to engineered systems are also introduced.
This is a seminar series that will preview the core fields in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Each seminar will be given by a professional in one of the major areas in MIE. The format will vary and may include application examples, challenges, case studies, career opportunities, etc. The purpose of the seminar series is to provide first year students with some understanding of the various options within the Department to enable them to make educated choices for second year. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis. Students who receive no credit for this course must re-take it in their 2S session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 2S session will not be permitted to register in session 3F.
Humanities and Social Science elective
This course explores the relationship between changing technologies and cultural representations and teaches a methodology that bridges the world of the artist and the world of the engineer. It enables engineers to explore how the analysis of art has been used in the discussion of the social impacts of technological innovation and to use these methods as they develop new skills in essayistic argument and increase critical vocabulary.
This is a basic course in engineering thermodynamics. Topics covered include: properties and behaviour of pure substances; equation of states for ideal and real gases; compressibility factor; first and second laws of thermodynamics; control mass and control volume analyses; applications of first and second laws of thermodynamics to closed systems, open systems and simple thermal cycles.
Production Fundamentals: Metal casting; metal forming - rolling, forging, extrusion and drawing, and sheet-metal forming; plastic/ceramic/glass forming; metal removal - turning, drilling/ boring/reaming, milling, and grinding; non-traditional machining - ECM, EDM and laser cutting; welding; surface treatment; metrology. Environmental issues in manufacturing processes, recycling of materials. Automation Fundamentals: Automation in material processing and handling - NC, robotics and automatically-guided vehicles; flexible manufacturing - group technology, cellular manufacturing and FMS; and computer-aided design - geometric modelling, computer graphics, concurrent engineering and rapid prototyping.
Instruction and assessment of communication centered around course deliverables that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio.
Design of mechanical joints. Elasto-plastic torsion of circular sections. Elasto-plastic bending of beams. Residual stresses. Shearing stresses in beams. Analysis of plane stress and plane strain problems. Pressure vessels. Design of members using strength criteria. Deflection of beams. Statistically indeterminate structures.
Introduction to the methods of Data Science. Exploratory data analysis and visualization; tools for reproducible analysis. Principles and tools for data collection; awareness of bias in collection methods. Data cleaning. Descriptive statistics and feature analysis. Assessment of data with respect to scientific theories. Data interpretation fallacies. Geographical data representation and manipulation. Text processing, the natural language processing pipeline, and sentiment analysis. Fundamentals of social network analysis and centrality measures. Cloud-based data processing.
Introduction to complex analysis. Multivariate integration with application to calculation of volumes, centroids and moments. Vector calculus. Divergence, curl and gradient operators. Green's theorem. Gauss' theorem. Stokes' theorem. Integral transforms. Laplace transforms and Fourier series, integral and transform.
Use of data in engineering decision processes. Elements of probability theory. Discrete and continuous random variables. Standard distributions: binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric, exponential, normal etc. Expectation and variance. Random sampling and parameter estimation. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing. Goodness-of-fit tests. Regression and correlation. Statistical Process Control and quality assurance. Engineering applications in manufacturing, instrumentation and process control.
This introductory course to numerical methods includes the following topics: polynomial interpolation, numerical integration, solution of linear systems of equations, least squares fitting, solution of nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation, solution of ordinary differential equations, and solution of partial differential equations. Tutorial assignments using MATLAB will focus on engineering applications relevant to the background of students taking the course.
Introduction to probability (the role of probability and data in engineering; concepts of population vs. sample). Sample space and events. Definitions of probability. Conditional probability and Bayes' rule. Concept of random variables. Discrete, continuous, and joint distributions. Statistical independence. Expectation, variance, covariance, and correlation. Important discrete and continuous distributions that explain engineering-related phenomena. Brief introduction to the homogeneous Poisson process and related distributions. How to derive distributions. Transformation of random variables. Fundamental sampling distributions, Chi-square, t, and F distributions. Central limit theorem, laws of large numbers. One sample estimation (methods of maximum likelihood, bootstrapping, and jackknife) and hypothesis testing.
Data gathering motivation and methods (observational vs. experimental). Modeling for inference vs. prediction. Data visualizations. Two sample estimation and hypothesis testing. Choice of sample size. Fitting distributions to data. Goodness of fit tests. Simple linear regression and correlation. Multiple linear regression. Model building and model assessment. Design and analysis of single and multi-factor experiments. Analysis of variance. Fixed and random effects models. Multiple comparisons.
Introduction to principles, methods, and tools for the analysis, design, and evaluation of human-centred systems. Consideration of impacts of human physical, physiological, perceptual, and cognitive factors on the design and use of engineered systems. Basic concepts of anthropometrics, work-related hazards, shiftwork, workload, human error and reliability, system complexity, and human factors standards. The human-centred systems design process, including task analysis, user requirements generation, prototyping, and usability evaluation. Design of work/rest schedules, procedures, displays and controls, and information and training systems; design for error prevention and human-computer interaction; design for accessibility and aging populations.
Introduction to neuroanatomy and processes that are core to perception, memory, executive functions, language, decision making, and action. Introduction to stress and emotions, regulation of thought and behaviour, and reward processing. Case studies in Addiction, Depression, Dementia, ADHD, and Dyslexia. Role of neuroimaging and brain lesions in demonstrating the functioning of different pathways and regions of interest within the brain. Use of experiments to test hypotheses concerning brain activities and computations. Conducting a literature review and reporting experimental research, use of elementary statistics, and satisfaction of research ethics requirements.
Introduction to basic mechanical parts and mechanisms: gears, cams, bearings, linkages, actuators and motors, chain and belt drives, brakes and clutches, hydraulics and pneumatics. Tutorials on engineering drawing, sketching, and CAD/CAM in SolidWorks: views and drawing types, 2D sketching, 3D modeling and engineering drawing generation, modeling of assembly and motion analysis/animation. Conceptual design examples and mechanical engineering design process, including selection and applications of mechanisms. Dissection and reverse engineering of selected mechanical devices, mechanisms, and subsystems. Competitive group design project including technical report and 3D printing.
Instruction and assessment of communication centered around course deliverables that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio.
Introduction to algorithms (principles involved in designing, analyzing, and implementing algorithms). Basic data structures (lists, sets, maps, stacks, queues). Graphs and graph search. Decision algorithms (greedy methods and approximation algorithms). Sorting, divide-and-conquer, and recursive algorithms. Trees, heaps, and priority queues. Hashing and hash tables. Algorithmic analysis: big-O complexity. Numerical methods as examples of algorithms and big-O analysis (matrix inversion, matrix decomposition, solving linear system of equations).
Introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language with heavy emphasis on practical application; variable types; console and file input/output; arithmetic; logical expressions; control structures; arrays; modularity; functions; classes and objects; access modifiers; inheritance; polymorphism; common data structures; regular expressions; GitHub; Java Swing; unit testing; introduction to complexity analysis; introduction to parallel computing; design and implementation of programs relevant to industrial engineering needs according to strict specifications.
Introduction to deterministic operations research. Formulations of mathematical models to improve decision making; linear and integer programming; the simplex method; the revised simplex method; branch-and-bound methods; sensitivity analysis; duality; network models; network simplex method; Dijkstra's algorithm; Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms; deterministic dynamic programming; applications of deterministic OR in machine learning; common metaheuristics.
Modeling and analysis of systems subject to uncertainty using probabilistic methods. Derivation and application of Bernoulli and Poisson processes, Markov chains, Markov decision processes, Monte Carlo simulation, and queuing models. Applications to engineering, health care, finance, and management.
Corrosion and degradation of materials; Phase transformation and strengthening mechanisms; Mechanical failure, fatigue, creep, impact; Electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical properties of materials; Composite materials.
A course in probability and statistics for Engineering Science students focusing on building solid probabilistic and statistical foundations both mathematically and in terms of engineering application. Topics include: sample space, events, definitions of probability, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, important classes of discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, joint, conditional, and marginal distributions, expectation, moment generating and characteristic functions, transformations of random variables, central limit theorem and approximations. Graphical methods, quantile plots, point and interval estimation of population parameters, method of maximum likelihood. Hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression, correlation analysis, and introduction to Bayesian statistics.
Classifications of mechanisms, velocity, acceleration and force analysis, graphical and computer-oriented methods, gears, geartrains, cams, flywheels, mechanism dynamics.
Instruction and assessment of engineering communication that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio.
Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an environmental framework; Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines. Fossil fuel combustion, Alternative fuel combustions, fusion processes and introduction to advanced systems of fuel cells.
Introduction to quality engineering. Quality standards and certification. TQM. Modeling processes with simulation. Making inferences about product quality from real or simulation output data. Introduction to statistical process control. Control charts for variables and attributes. Process capability analysis. Lot Acceptance Sampling.
Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an environmental framework. Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines. Refrigeration, psychrometry and air conditioning. Fossil fuel combustion and advanced systems includes fuel cells.
Fluid statics, pressure measurement, forces on surfaces. Kinematics of flow, velocity field, streamlines. Conservation of mass. Fluid dynamics, momentum analysis, Euler and Bernoulli equations. Energy and head lines. Laminar flow. Flow at high Reynolds numbers, turbulence, the Moody diagram. External flows. Boundary layers. Lift and drag. Flow separation.
Exact and numerical analysis of steady and transient conduction in solids. Solutions of one-dimensional and multidimensional systems. Principles of convection and solutions under laminar and turbulent flow over flat plates and inside and over pipes. Free convection. Thermal radiation between multiple black and grey surfaces. Analysis of open-ended design problems for improving thermal transport in commercial products.
Life Cycle Assessment for the measurement of environmental impacts of existing products and processes. Design for Environment principles for the reduction of environmental impacts in new product and process designs. Functional, economic, and societal analysis taught for use in a major team-written project to compare and contrast two product or process alternatives for a client.
Instruction and assessment of communication centered around course deliverables that will form part of an ongoing design portfolio.
Three-dimensional stress transformation, strain energy, energy methods, finite element method, asymmetric and curved beams, superposition of beam solutions, beams on elastic foundations, buckling, fracture mechanics, yield criteria, stress concentration, plane stress and strain.
This course presents analysis of complex circuits and application of circuit principles to design circuits for mechanical engineering systems. Discussions will center around circuits and instrumentation. In-depth discussions will be given on a number of topics: (1) Mechatronics design applications of circuit principles; (2) Network theorems, node-voltage, mesh-current method, Thévenin equivalents; (3) Operational amplifier circuits; (4) 1st and 2nd order circuits; (5) Laplace transform, frequency response; (6) Passive and active filter design (low- and high-pass filters, bandpass and bandreject filters); (7) Interface/readout circuits for mechanical engineering systems, sensors, instrumentation; (8) Inductance, transformers, DC/AC machines; (9) Digital circuit and data sampling introduction.
Application of information and interaction design principles in interactive systems. Focus on design and methods for understanding user needs, making sense of user research, prototyping, evaluation methods and iterative design. The course will include in depth coverage of rapid prototyping, scenario-based design, usability inspection methods, summative and formative usability evaluation, and comparison tests. Eye tracking, remote testing and experience/ journey mapping will be introduced.
A detailed analysis will be made of several cases in which human factors methods have been applied to improve the efficiency with which human-machine systems operate. Examples will be chosen both from the area of basic ergonomics and from high technology. Emphasis will be placed on the practical use of material learned in earlier human factors courses.
A study of the fundamental behaviour of the major semiconductor devices (diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors). Development of analysis and design methods for basic analog and digital electronic circuits and devices using analytical, computer and laboratory tools. Application of electronic circuits to instrumentation and mechatronic systems.
The course covers the software lifecycle of user-centered, computer-based information systems. Topics include software development methodologies, requirement engineering, use case analysis, process modelling, data flow diagrams, UML, design, model-driven architecture, and implementation. The course will emphasize user-centered perspectives and effective communication across the software lifecycle of information systems.
This course provides an understanding of the principles and techniques of information modelling and data management, covering both relational theory and SQL database systems (DBMS), as well as entity-relation conceptual modelling. The course also provides an introduction to graph databases (RDF, SPARQL, and knowledge graphs), as well as UML class diagrams. The laboratory focuses on database application development using SQL DBMS, OLAP queries and data modelling.
This course focuses on understanding and applying multiple perspectives for organizing, assessing, designing, and implementing integrated distributed information systems to support an organization's objectives. The emphasis is on; 1) understanding how Business Process Management techniques and tools can contribute to align an organization's business and information technology perspectives; 2) designing, developing, and deploying Business Processes as information systems. The course introduces Blockchain technologies, an emerging class of distributed information system providing the foundation for decentralized applications. Students will work in the laboratory to develop business processes that integrate blockchain smart contracts. The business processes will be specified using process modeling languages such as BPMN (an industry standard diagrammatic notation). Students will implement and test executable business processes that combine code generated from process models with additional programming.
This course provides students with knowledge and skills for understanding, analyzing, and solving decision making problems which involve economic concepts. These problems deal with deciding among alternatives in engineering projects with respect to costs and benefits over time. The overarching goal of the course is preparing engineers with the skills and knowledge for analyzing economic decisions quantitatively and making suitable decisions by acknowledging and incorporating the ramifications of factors like interest, depreciation, taxes, inflation, and risk in engineering projects.
Study of work systems design in new and existing organizations. Consideration will be given to fundamental organizational theory topics such as structure, lifecycle, culture, and ethics. These concepts will be the foundation for an understanding of concepts such as bureaucracy, incentives, innovation, international business, trends in technology, and hiring. An emphasis will be placed on applying these concepts to real-world organizational examples and case studies.
Principles for developing, testing and using discrete event simulation models for system performance improvement. Simulation languages, generating random variables, verifying and validating simulation models. Statistical methods for analyzing simulation model outputs, and comparing alternative system designs. Fitting input distributions, including goodness of fit tests. Role of optimization in simulation studies.
This course focuses on features of production/service systems and methods of modelling their operation; the material flow, information flow and control systems. Topics include demand forecasting, inventory management, supply chain management, capacity planning, and lot size planning. Emphasis will be placed on the modelling aspects of operations management, as well as the application of analytical methods in the design of production/service systems. Students will be asked to address open-ended design problems in various activities of the course.
Linear programming extensions: goal programming. Cooperative game theory (shapley values and nucleolus), interior point methods, large scale decomposition methods (Lagrangian relaxation, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, benders decomposition and column generation), stochastic programming. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions with application to quadratic programming and bi-level programming. Mathematical Programming formulation choices. Markov Decision Process (MDP) problems.
The course provides an introduction to circuit analysis and design for mechatronics applications. The focus is on building a working knowledge of: (1) op-amp circuits, (2) step response, steady-state response, and frequency response, (3) passive and active filter design, and (4) applications of the above to mechatronics systems, including sensors and instrumentation. The course will continue with a study of the fundamental behaviour and specific applications of the major semiconductor devices, including (5) diodes and (6) field effect transistors. Additional ‘design assignments' will require students to design real-world viable circuits for mechatronics applications, and laboratory experiments will present additional applications for all circuits being studied.
This course focuses on the integration of the results from earlier operations research courses and an assessment of the different methods with regard to typical applications. The course is taught using the case method. Students are expected to analyze cases based on real applications on their own, in small groups and during lecture sessions, and solve them using commercial software packages.
This course showcases the impact of analytics focusing on real world examples and case studies. Particular focus on decision analytics, where data and models are combined to ultimately improve decision-making. Methods include: linear and logistic regression, classification and regression trees, clustering, linear and integer optimization. Application areas include: healthcare, business, sports, manufacturing, finance, transportation, public sector.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Search. Constraint Satisfaction. Propositional and First-order Logic Knowledge Representation. Representing Uncertainty (Bayesian networks). Rationality and (Sequential) Decision Making under Uncertainty. Reinforcement Learning. Weak and Strong AI, AI as Engineering, Ethics and Safety in AI.
Intro to Machine Learning, Hypothesis Spaces, Inductive Bias. Supervised Learning: Linear and Logistic Regression. Cross Validation (CV). Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Regression. Empirical Risk Minimization and Regularization. Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and PCA. Decision Trees, Ensembles and Random Forest. Neural Net Fundamentals. Engineering Design considerations for Deployment: Explainability, Interpretability, Bias and Fairness, Accountability, Ethics, Feedback Loops, and Technical Debt.
This course provides a background in the fundamental areas in financial engineering including relevant concepts from financial economics. Major topics include interest rate theory, fixed income securities, bond portfolio construction term structure of interest rates, mean-variance optimization theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), arbitrage pricing theory (APT), forwards and futures, and introduction to option pricing and structured finance.
This course deals with the formulation of optimization models for the design and operation of systems that produce goods and services, and the solution of such problems with mathematical programming methods, including linear programming: the simplex method, sensitivity analysis, duality, the revised simplex, column generation, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and linear programming with recourse; minimum cost network flows; dynamic programming; integer programming; non-linear programming models.
This course deals with the formulation of optimization models for the design and selection of an optimal investment portfolio. Topics include Risk Management, Mean Variance Analysis, Models for Fixed Income, Scenario Optimization, Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Stochastic Programming, Index Funds, Designing Financial Products, and Scenario Generation. These concepts are also applied to International Asset Allocation, Corporate Bond Portfolios and Insurance Policies with Guarantees.
Fundamental concepts of vibration of mechanical systems. Free vibration single degree of freedom systems. Various types of damping. Forced vibrations. Vibration measuring instruments. Steady state and transient vibrations. Vibration of multi-degree of freedom systems. Vibration isolation. Modal analysis. Lagrange equations and Hamilton's principle. Vibration of continuous systems. Special topics.
Analysis of stability, transient and steady state characteristics of dynamic systems. Characteristics of linear feedback systems. Design of control laws using the root locus method, frequency response methods and state space methods. Digital control systems. Application examples.
This course covers the basic principles of the neutronic design and analysis of nuclear fission reactors with a focus on Generation IV nuclear systems. Topics include radioactivity, neutron interactions with matter, neutron diffusion and moderation, the fission chain reaction, the critical reactor equation, reactivity effects and reactor kinetics. Multigroup neutron diffusion calculations are demonstrated using fast-spectrum reactor designs.
This course covers the basic principles of the thermo-mechanical design and analysis of nuclear power reactors. Topics include reactor heat generation and removal, nuclear materials, diffusion of heat in fuel elements, thermal and mechanical stresses in fuel and reactor components, single-phase and two-phase fluid mechanics and heat transport in nuclear reactors, and core thermo-mechanical design.
Finite Element Method (FEM) is a very powerful numerical tool that has a wide range of applications in a multitude of engineering disciplines; such as mechanical, aerospace, automotive, locomotive, nuclear, geotechnical, bioengineering, metallurgical and chemical engineering. Typical applications include: design optimisation, steady and transient thermal analysis/stress analysis, wave propagation, natural frequencies, mode shapes, crashworthiness analysis, nuclear reactor containment, dynamic analysis of motors, manufacturing process simulation, failure analysis, to name a few. The focus of this course is to provide seniors and graduate students with a fundamental understanding of the principles upon which FEM is based, how to correctly apply it to real engineering problems using a commercial code. Specifically, participants will learn the principles governing model generation, discretization of a continuum, element selection, applying the loads and the constraints to real world problems. Participants will also learn how to scrutinize their model predictions, and avoid the pitfalls of this essential design tool.
This course builds upon the material introduced in Fluid Mechanics I and focuses on technical applications of fluid flow. Discussed topics include the pressure drop in pipe and channel flow networks, transient flow phenomena, external flows, performance characteristics of different pumps and turbines, systems of flow networks and flow machines, and an overview of modern flow measurement techniques. Lectures are complemented by laboratory experiments on topics such as pipe/channel networks, flow transients, and flow machines.
Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Definitions, terminology. Organization of manufacturing systems. Introduction to NC machines. Introduction to robotics. Types of robot motion. Robot kinematics. Jacobians, singularities. Robot motion trajectories. Interpolation, spline fits. Robot joint control. Flexible manufacturing systems, justification. Robot cell design. Group technology. Design of group technology cell. Programmable logic controllers. Limited enrolment.
1. To enable deeper understanding and more flexible use of standard machine learning methods, through development of machine learning from an Optimization perspective.
2. To enable students to apply these machine learning methods to problems in finance and marketing, such as stock return forecasting, credit risk scoring, portfolio management, fraud detection and customer segmentation.
A half-year capstone design course in which students work in small teams to apply the engineering design, technical, and communication skills learned previously, while refining their skills in teamwork and project management. The course will take a "systems approach" to machine intelligence design, where students will identify, frame and design solutions to real-world problems in the field. Students will engage with industry partners, and work through a process that results in a functional prototype. The resulting designs are assessed on their engineering quality and design credibility. In addition, each student engages in individual critical reflection on their course activities, team performance, and on their growth as an engineering designer across their undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team comprising both design and domain experts.
The Biology of Work: anatomical and physiological factors underlying the design of equipment and workplaces. Biomechanical factors governing physical workload and motor performance. Circadian rhythms and shift work. Measurement and specification of heat, light, and sound with respect to design of the work environment. The influence of practical and psychosocial factors on workplace ergonomic decision-making.
This course will present design methods that focus on the conceptual and configuration stages of product design. Methods include: identification of unmet/underserved user needs through lead users; roles of function and affordance in products; fixation and cognitive biases as obstacles to creativity; concept generation methods (e.g., Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ/TIPS), use of stimuli and analogy); configuration design methods (e.g., design for transformation, manufacture, assembly, reuse, repair, and recycling).
Injury biomechanics uses the principles of mechanical engineering to understand how injuries occur in various body regions and the main approaches to prevent them. In this course, we will review the injury mechanisms at the tissue level and the injury criteria for the lower extremities, upper extremities, head, neck, and trunk. Topics in injury prevention methods through safety devices and safely designing the equipment will be studied as well as engineering design considerations in treating a skeletal injury. The course also covers the computational (finite element analysis, and statistical analysis) and experimental (mechanical testing of crash test dummies, artificial bones, PMHS, and ex-vivo specimens) research methods used in injury and orthopedic biomechanics. Students will have the opportunity to apply their learning in forensic biomechanics case studies, and design and analysis of protective equipment.
Review (number systems, CPU architecture, instruction sets and subroutines); Interfacing Memory; Interfacing Techniques; Transistors and TTL/CMOS Logic; Mechanical Switches & LED Displays; Interfacing Analog, A/D & D/A Conversions; Stepper Motors & DC Motors; RISC Technology and Embedded Processors; DAS Systems; Embedded Microcontroller System Design; CPU-based Control.
Introduction to the application of the principles of mechanical engineering - principally solid mechanics and rheology - to living systems. Topics include cellular mechanics and hard and soft tissue mechanics, with consideration of both experimental approaches and analytical modelling. Applications of these topics to biomimetic and biomechanical design are emphasized through a major, integrative group project.
Products should be used as intended to be effective. Thus, product design must better incorporate possible user behavior. For example, sustainability-minded products should be both technically efficient, and support people to use such products more sustainably. In addition, many products and systems nudge people to behave in ways contrary to the user's best interests. To address the above, the course focuses on design that increases intended product use, and pro-social / pro-environmental behaviors. For projects, students will develop, prototype and test concepts that aim to increase desired behaviors.
Problem definition and formulation for optimization, optimization models, and selected algorithms in optimization. Design for Tolerancing, Design for Manufacturing, and Design for Assembly. State of the art Computer Aided Design packages are introduced with case studies. Emphasis is placed on gaining practical skills by solving realistic design problems.
Introduction to the fundamental elements of mechanical design including the selection of engineering materials, load determination and failure analysis under static, impact, vibration and cyclic loads. Surface failure and fatigue under contact loads, lubrication and wear. Consideration is given to the characteristics and selection of machine elements such as bearings, shafts, power screws and couplings.
The course aims to raise practical design awareness, provide pertinent project engineering methodology, and generate a know-how core in integration of complex automation. This course has mainly practical content, and is integral and useful in the training and education of those students who plan to be employed in areas related to intelligent automation, as well as to the breadth of knowledge of all others. Although emphasis will be on robotic-based automation (mechatronics), the learning will be useful in all domains of system integration. This course will introduce students to the basics of integration, methodology of design, tools, and team project work. The course will be monitored based on projects from a selected list of topics. The lectures will be in format of tutorials as preparation and discussions on project related issues. A main goal is to bring the methods, means and spirit of the industrial design world to the class room. Emphasis will be on understanding the elements of integration, methodology and approaches, and will involve numerous case studies. Specifically the course will provide a practical step-by-step approach to integration: specifications, conceptual design, analysis, modeling, synthesis, simulation and bread-boarding, prototyping, integration, verification, installation and testing. Issues of project management, market, and economics will be addressed as well. Limited Enrolment.
This course provides students with the tools to design, model, analyze and control mechatronic systems (e.g. smart systems comprising electronic, mechanical, fluid and thermal components). This is done through the synergic combination of tools from mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science and information technology to design systems with built-in intelligence. The class provides techniques for the modeling of various system components into a unified approach and tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems. The class also presents the procedures and an analysis of the various components needed to design and control a mechatronic system including sensing, actuating, and I/O interfacing components.
Provides students with an understanding of the role of a decision support system in an organization, its components, and the theories and techniques used to construct them. Focuses on information analysis to support organizational decision-making needs and covers topics including information retrieval, descriptive and predictive modeling using machine learning and data mining, recommendation systems, and effective visualization and communication of analytical results.
This course explores both the modelling of knowledge and its management within and among organizations. Knowledge modelling will focus on knowledge types and their semantic representation. It will review emerging representations for knowledge on the World Wide Web (e.g., schemas, RDF). Knowledge management will explore the acquisition, indexing, distribution and evolution of knowledge within and among organizations. Emerging Knowledge Management System software will be used in the laboratory.
This course will teach students how to apply fundamental fluid mechanics to the study of biological systems. The course is divided into three modules, with the focus of the first two modules on the human circulatory and respiratory systems, respectively. Topics covered will include blood rheology, blood flow in the heart, arteries, veins and microcirculation, the mechanical properties of the heart as a pump; air flow in the lungs and airways, mass transfer across the walls of these systems, the fluid mechanics of the liquid-air interface of the alveoli, and artificial mechanical systems and devices for clinical aid. The third and final module will cover a range of other fluid problems in modern biology.
Integrated System Design is a capstone course that integrates the various perspectives of an integrated system taught in third year, including: Optimization, Quality, Management, Information, and Economics. The course approaches systems design from a Business Process perspective. Beginning with the Business Processes, it explores the concept of Business Process Re-engineering. It extends the concept of business processes to incorporate perspectives such as cost, quality, time, behaviour, etc. The second part of the course focuses on business process design tools. Namely, software tools to both design, simulate and analyse business processes. The third part of the course explores the application of process design to various domains. Guest speakers are used to provide domain background.
An introduction to the life cycle costing concept for equipment acquisition, operation, and replacement decision-making. Designing for reliability and determination of optimal maintenance and replacement policies for both capital equipment and components. Introduction to quality engineering, statistical process control and process capability analysis. Topics include: identification of an item's failure distribution and reliability function, reliability of series, parallel, and redundant systems design configurations, age and block replacement policies for components, the economic life model for capital equipment, provisioning of spare parts.
This will be a group project oriented course that focuses on the development of tools for solving a practical financial engineering problem. In particular, a decision support system will be developed that integrates both the mathematical and statistical modeling techniques learned in the option along with relevant computing technologies. Problems that contain a real-time economic decision making component will be emphasized, but does not necessarily or explicitly involve financial markets. An important goal of the capstone is the articulation of the requirements to non-specialists as an exercise in communication with non-technical members of an organization.
An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby student teams meet specific client needs through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include:
• The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design,
• The demonstration of engineering judgment in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors,
• Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, and
• A demonstration of proof of the design concept.
An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby students teams meet specific client needs or the requirements of a recognized design competition through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. The project must include:
The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design,The demonstration of engineering judgement in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors,
Elements of teamwork, project management and client interaction, and
A demonstration of proof of the design concept.
An opportunity to conduct independent research under the supervision of a faculty member in MIE. Admission to the course requires the approval of a project proposal by the Undergraduate office. The proposal must: 1) Explain how the research project builds upon one or more aspects of engineering science introduced in the student's academic program, 2) provide an estimate of a level of effort not less than 130 productive hours of work per term, 3) specify a deliverable in each term to be submitted by the last day of lectures, 4) be signed by the supervisor, and 5) be received by the Undergraduate Office one week prior to the last add day.
Note: Approval to register for the fourth-year thesis course (MIE498H1 or MIE498Y1) must be obtained from the Associate Chair - Undergraduate and is normally restricted to fourth year students with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7.
An opportunity to conduct independent research under the supervision of a faculty member in MIE. Admission to the course requires the approval of a project proposal by the Undergraduate office. The proposal must: 1) Explain how the research project builds upon one or more aspects of engineering science introduced in the student's academic program, 2) provide an estimate of a level of effort not less than 130 productive hours of work per term, 3) specify a deliverable in each term to be submitted by the last day of lectures, 4) be signed by the supervisor, and 5) be received by the Undergraduate Office one week prior to the last add day.
Note: Approval to register for the fourth-year thesis course (MIE498H1 or MIE498Y1) must be obtained from the Associate Chair - Undergraduate and is normally restricted to fourth year students with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7.
The course is designed for Students with no or little Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) knowledge who want to learn CFD application to solve engineering problems. The course will provide a general perspective to the CFD and its application to fluid flow and heat transfer and it will teach the use of some of the popular CFD packages and provides them with the necessary tool to use CFD in specific applications. Students will also learn basics of CFD and will use that basic knowledge to learn Fluent Ansys CFD software. Most CFD packages have a variety of modules to deal with a specific type of flow. Students will be introduced to different modules and their specific applications. They will then be able to utilize the CFD package to simulate any particular problem. Ansys software will be the commercial package that will be used in this course. Ansys Fluent is the most common commercial CFD code available and most of the engineering companies use this code for their research & development and product analysis.
This course will not be offered for the 2022-23 academic year.
This course will cover the design, modeling, fabrication, and control of miniature robot and micro/nano-manipulation systems for graduate and upper level undergraduate students. Micro and Nano robotics is an interdisciplinary field which draws on aspects of microfabrication, robotics, medicine and materials science.
In addition to basic background material, the course includes case studies of current micro/nano-systems, challenges and future trends, and potential applications. The course will focus on a team design project involving novel theoretical and/or experimental concepts for micro/nano-robotic systems with a team of students. Throughout the course, discussions and lab tours will be organized on selected topics.
This course will present the fundamental basis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Topics will include: micromachining/microfabrication techniques, micro sensing and actuation principles and design, MEMS modeling and simulation, and device characterization and packaging. Students will be required to complete a MEMS design term project, including design modeling, simulation, microfabrication process design, and photolithographic mask layout.
Introduction to the fundamentals of HVAC system operation and the relationship between these systems, building occupants and the building envelope. Fundamentals of psychrometrics, heat transfer and refrigeration; determination of heating and cooling loads driven by occupant requirements and the building envelope; heating and cooling equipment types and HVAC system configurations; controls and maintenance issues that influence performance; evaluation of various HVAC systems with respect to energy and indoor environmental quality performance.
The issue of design and development of AI systems that have beneficial social impact will be discussed and analyzed. The focus will not be on the mechanics of AI algorithms, but rather on the implementation of AI methods to address societal problems. Topics to be covered will include: Safeguarding of human interests (e.g., fairness, privacy) when AI methods are used; partnering of humans and AI systems to implement AI effectively; evaluation of AI assisted interventions; practical considerations in the selection of AI methods to be used in addressing societal problems. The issues that arise in implementing AI for beneficial social impact will be illustrated in a set of case studies aimed at creating beneficial social impact. Class activities will include lectures, seminars, labs, and take-home assignments.
Introduction to combustion theory. Chemical equilibrium and the products of combustion. Combustion kinetics and types of combustion. Pollutant formation. Design of combustion systems for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. The use of alternative fuels (hydrogen, biofuels, etc.) and their effect on combustion systems.
Thermodynamics and electrochemistry of fuel cell operation and testing; understanding of polarization curves and impedance spectroscopy; common fuel cell types, materials, components, and auxiliary systems; high and low temperature fuel cells and their applications in transportation and stationary power generation, including co-generation and combined heat and power systems; engineering system requirements resulting from basic fuel cell properties and characteristics.
This course is designed to provide an integrated multidisciplinary approach to Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, and provide a strong foundation including fundamentals and applications of advanced manufacturing (AM). Topics include: additive manufacturing, 3D printing, micro- and nano-manufacturing, continuous & precision manufacturing, green and biological manufacturing. New applications of AM in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, biomedical, and electronics.
Application of conservation relations and momentum balances, dimensional analysis and scaling, mass transfer, heat transfer, and fluid flow to biological systems, including: transport in the circulation, transport in porous media and tissues, transvascular transport, transport of gases between blood and tissues, and transport in organs and organisms.
An examination of the relation between behavioural science and the design of human-machine systems, with special attention to advanced control room design. Human limitations on perception, attention, memory and decision making, and the design of displays and intelligent machines to supplement them. The human operator in process control and the supervisory control of automated and robotic systems. Laboratory exercises to introduce techniques of evaluating human performance.
Introduction to data mining and machine learning algorithms for very large datasets; Emphasis on creating scalable algorithms using MapReduce and Spark, as well as modern machine learning frameworks. Algorithms for high-dimensional data. Data mining and machine learning with large-scale graph data. Handling infinite data streams. Modern applications of scalable data mining and machine learning algorithms.
The course is designed for students who are interested in more advanced studies of applying wave principles to engineering applications in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) and imaging (NDI). Topics will cover: Review of principles and characteristics of sound and ultrasonic waves; thermal waves; optical (light) waves; photons: light waves behaving as particles; black body radiation, continuous wave and pulsed lasers. The course will focus on NDT and NDI applications in component inspection and medical diagnostics using ultrasonics, laser photothermal radiometry, thermography and dynamic infrared imaging.
Challenges of meeting net-zero, fundamentals of markets, structures and participants, spot markets, economic dispatch, day-ahead markets, optimal unit commitment, forward markets, settlement process, storage and demand management, renewable and distributed energy resources, trading over transmission networks, nodal pricing, reliability resources, generation and transmission capacity investment models, capacity markets.
This course takes a 360° perspective on product design: beginning at the market need, evolving this need into a concept, and optimizing the concept. Students will gain an understanding of the steps involved and the tools utilized in developing new products. The course will integrate both business and engineering concepts seamlessly through examples, case studies and a final project. Some of the business concepts covered include: identifying customer needs, project management and the economics of product design. The engineering design tools include: developing product specifications, concept generation, concept selection, Product Functional Decomposition diagrams, orthogonal arrays, full and fractional factorials, noises, interactions, tolerance analysis and latitude studies. Specific emphasis will be placed on robust and tunable technology for product optimization.
The integration of human factors into engineering projects. Human factors integration (HFI) process and systems organizational/process constraints, HFI tools, and HFI best practices. Examples of HFI are drawn from energy, healthcare, military, and software systems. Application of HFI theory and methods to a capstone design project, including HFI problem specification, requirements generation, concept development, communication of design issues, and consideration of risk, through an iterative and open-ended design process.
This course observes: conservation of mass, momentum, energy and species; diffusive momentum, heat and mass transfer; dimensionless equations and numbers; laminar boundary layers; drag, heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients; transport analogies; simultaneous heat and mass transfer; as well as evaporative cooling, droplet evaporation and diffusion flames.
MIE 561 is a "cap-stone" course. Its purpose is to give students an opportunity to integrate the Industrial Engineering tools learned in previous courses by applying them to real world problems. While the specific focus of the case studies used to illustrate the application of Industrial Engineering will be the Canadian health care system, the approach to problem solving adopted in this course will be applicable to any setting. This course will provide a framework for identifying and resolving problems in a complex, unstructured decision-making environment. It will give students the opportunity to apply a problem identification framework through real world case studies. The case studies will involve people from the health care industry bringing current practical problems to the class. Students work in small groups preparing a feasibility study discussing potential approaches. Although the course is directed at Industrial Engineering fourth year and graduate students, it does not assume specific previous knowledge, and the course is open to students in other disciplines.
This course takes a practical approach to scheduling problems and solution techniques, motivating the different mathematical definitions of scheduling with real world scheduling systems and problems. Topics covered include: job shop scheduling, timetabling, project scheduling, and the variety of solution approaches including constraint programming, local search, heuristics, and dispatch rules. Also covered will be information engineering aspects of building scheduling systems for real world problems.
This course explores analytic and numerical solution techniques for heat/mass diffusion and vibration/wave equations. Emphasis is placed on intuitive derivation of these equations, and analytic solution techniques like separation of variations, eigenfunction expansions, Fourier analysis, integral transforms, coordinate transforms, and special functions. Numerical solutions are introduced via finite difference methods. A key learning outcome of this course is understanding the central role that analytic solutions play in developing intuition about engineering physics, and how this is a fundamental step in learning to verify, validate, and properly use advanced computational modelling tools.
Smart materials are characterized by new and unique properties that can be altered in response to environmental stimuli. They can be used in a wide range of applications since they can exceed the current abilities of traditional materials especially in environments where conditions are constantly changing. Smart manufacturing refers to the use of the holistic integration of modern technologies with the data analytics, automation and computing to form a new efficient and adaptable manufacturing framework. This course is designed to provide an integrated introduction to smart materials and manufacturing, and provide a strong foundation for further studies and research. Topics include: smart materials processing and design; mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic and optical smart materials systems with applications in sensors, soft robotics, energy systems; introduction to industry 4.0 and Smart Factory, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, advanced human-machine interfaces, wearables, smart sensors, smart machines.
Methods of analysis for decision making in the face of uncertainty and opponents. Topics include subjective discrete and continuous probability, utility functions, decision trees, influence diagrams, bayesian networks, multi-attribute utility functions, static and dynamic games with complete and incomplete information, bayesian games. Supporting software.
This course is to provide fundamental concepts and mathematical frameworks for sequential decision making of a team of decision makers in the presence of uncertainty. Topics include Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning, theory of games and stochastic games, multi-agent reinforcement learning and decentralized Markov decision processes. The course places an emphasize on conceptual understanding of core concepts and expects students to be able to implement the concepts to demonstrate their understanding.
A comprehensive introduction to the global minerals industry using international regulatory requirements as a thematic structure. Engineering applications together with current and emerging issues are emphasized throughout. Principal topics include: mineral resources in the economy; stakeholder concerns and responsible mining; mineral exploration; surface and sub‑surface mine development and operation; fundamentals of mineral processing; mineral industry finance.
This is a seminar series that will introduce students to the community, upper-year experience, and core fields of Mineral Engineering. Seminar presenters will represent the major areas in Mineral Engineering and will also be drawn from an array of groups, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni. The format will vary and may include application examples, case studies, career opportunities, and research talks. The purpose of the seminar series is to provide first year students with some understanding of the various options within the Department to enable them to make educated choices as they progress through the program. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis.
A field-based course introducing students to mineral engineering activities in open pit and underground mines, and mineral processing plants. The course will provide essential contextual experience for later courses in years 2 to 4 of the program, as well as highlight the key role of mineral engineers in developing safe, economical, and sustainable solutions for extracting and processing natural mineral resources. A mine operation in Ontario will be visited which, depending on the site location, will require one or two overnight stays in the nearest town/city. The mine operation will provide all personal protective equipment (PPE) and will ensure that students receive comprehensive safety induction training before entering the operation. The course will run in the first week of September immediately following Labour Day.
Operational aspects of open pit mine design and mine planning. Topics will include: open pit design and pit optimization; long term and short term planning considerations; materials handling; equipment selection and optimization; industrial minerals production; mine safety and mine regulations; mining and the environment; mine personnel organization; ethics and professional issues. Pit dewatering, the location and stability of waste dumps and an examination of equipment cost and production statistics are also included.
Introduction to Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation is an advanced level course that focuses on the stages of a mineral resource and mineral reserve estimation program from assembling the database through to reporting under industry guidelines. Major course topics include: statistical analysis of sampling data, geologic interpretation and deposit models; mineral resources estimation approaches and methods, mineral reserve estimation, classification of resources and reserves, and reporting under regulatory standards and industry guidelines for professional practice.
Efficient drilling and blasting is important to successful mining in rock formations. This course studies the planning, design, and economics of rock blasting for a full range of surface and underground, mining and construction projects. Emphasis will be on optimization of fragmentation using blast geometry and those variables available to the field engineer. This course covers the selection of modern industrial explosives, their history, physical properties, and safe handling, including an introduction to the theory of detonation, and rock response. Safety procedures in storage and transportation will be studied along with the monitoring and control of blast side effects. A field trip is associated with this course.
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of rock mechanics and their application to rock engineering. The following rock mechanics topics are covered: stress and strain; in situ stress; intact rock strength; discontinuity geometry, strength and stiffness; rock mass behavious; anisotropy, heterogeneity and the size effect; rock mass classifcation schemes. Rock engineering topics include: rock excavation; rock stabilisation; instability mechanisms in foundationas and slopes; rock slope design methods; underground openings in discontinuous and continuous rocks; rock-support interaction; synopsis of numerical methods. Associated laboratory sessions involve stress measurement, core logging, compressive strength determination and index testing.
This course provides an overview of the major aspects of mining environmental management from exploration, through design and development of the property, into operation, and final closure implementation. An applied approach is taken utilizing case studies and examples where possible. Participation and discussion is an integral part of the course. Topics include sustainable development, environmental impacts, designing for mitigation, environmental management systems and reclamation.
Course covers the evaluation of mineral projects, mining operations, and mining companies. Topics will include: discounted cash flow techniques including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), net asset value (NAV); feasibility studies and due diligence reports; reserves and resources, data sources; metal prices and markets; cash flow modeling including revenue calculations, capital and operating costs, taxes, depreciation, inflation; risk and risk assessment, discount rates, red flags, checklists; financing. Guest lectures will provide industry insights into financing, fund raising, consulting, project control, and evaluation. There are two assignments: review of an annual report; due diligence report and net asset value calculation.
Operational aspects of underground mine design and mine planning. Topics will include: underground mining methods for hard and soft rock; shaft sinking, hoisting and materials handling; equipment selection and optimization; mine safety and mine regulations; mine personnel organization; ethics and professional issues. Development and production costs associated with mining are an inherent aspect of this course.
At Geology Field Camp, students will learn to incorporate geological observations into their engineering data sets. The course will focus on the recognition of rock types in the field, mapping of geological structures related to mineralization of potential economic importance, and field measurement techniques for obtaining rock engineering data. Students will learn how to make geological observations that are of critical importance to their success as mineral engineers, and to foster a sense of excitement and curiosity about the rocks that form the physical environment within which they will work as professionals. The course will be taught in the Sudbury region where there are several operating mines, numerous excellent field exposures of rocks related to the formation of the impact-related Sudbury structure, inexpensive accommodations, as well as unrelated older rock sequences typical of Archean greenstone belts where much of Canada's mineral exploration takes place. Students attend the two week Geology Field Camp prior to the start of Fourth Year Fall Session.
Introduction to Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation is an advanced level course that focuses on the stages of a mineral resource and mineral reserve estimation program from assembling the database through to reporting under industry guidelines. Major course topics include: statistical analysis of sampling data, geologic interpretation and deposit models; mineral resources estimation approaches and methods, mineral reserve estimation, classification of resources and reserves, and reporting under regulatory standards and industry guidelines for professional practice.
This course provides an overview of the major aspects of mining environmental management from exploration, through design and development of the property, into operation, and final closure implementation. An applied approach is taken utilizing case studies and examples where possible. Participation and discussion is an integral part of the course. Topics include sustainable development, environmental impacts, designing for mitigation, environmental management systems and reclamation.
Mineral Project Design is a two-part capstone course that draws on all course materials developed in the first three years of the Mineral Engineering Curriculum. The course will culminate in the design of a mining or civil rock engineering project. In the first half of the course (F) students perform individual detailed case history analyses. Additional instruction in technical aspects of communication is provided during both semesters (preparing and writing technical reports, industry research and analysis, presentation skills, as well as other technical elements as required). These skills will form a foundation for students to use in industry. Critical non-technical aspects of rock engineering projects will also be examined, and guest speakers will present on specialized topics such as: cultural and social effects of rock engineering projects on communities and the environment; economic planning and impact; ethical considerations; aboriginal land claims, etc.. The social license to operate will be emphasized. Students will receive a final grade at the end of each term course, but both courses must be taken in sequence. (MIN 467H1 S cannot be taken without successful completion of MIN 466H1 F)
Mineral Project Design is a two-part capstone course that draws on all course materials developed in the first three years of the Mineral Engineering Curriculum. Part II (S) focuses on the design of a mining or civil rock engineering project. Students will be grouped into teams and provided with one or more data sets and a design problem to solve. The end product is a major engineering design report and oral presentation (including several interim reports and presentations). Technical aspects will serve to examine a "cradle to grave" view of a project, from initial planning through to final closure and site remediation. The course will include an intensive two-day Professional Supervisors Short Course. Topics include: Discovering a commonality among supervisors and their key role in maintaining standards. The importance of sharing information and expectations about costs, production goals and business objectives are explored in the context of motivation. The necessity of successful communication skills and techniques are discussed and demonstrated to achieve behaviours on the job, producing consistent results. A reliable methodology for handling difficult situations is provided. The fundamental rationale for safety and loss control is presented as well as a relevant perspective on management structure. A workable code of conduct that is a guide to professional behaviour is developed. Students will receive a final grade at the end of each term course, but both courses must be taken in sequence (MIN 467H1 S cannot be taken without successful completion of MIN 466H1 F)
Hydraulics of air flow through underground openings is studied leading to mine ventilation design calculations and ventilation network analysis. Related topics discussed in the course include: statutory regulations and engineering design criteria; application and selection of ventilation fans; auxiliary fan design; air conditioning (heating and cooling); dust and fume control; ventilation economics. Health hazards related to mine gasses, dust and radiation along with relevant statutory requirements are reviewed. Air quality and quantity measurement and survey techniques are presented.
The engineering design of conventional mine waste management systems, including tailings ponds, rock dumps, and underground mine backfill systems, is considered first. Emerging trends in integrated mine waste management systems, including paste stacking and "paste rock" on surface, and cemented paste backfill forunderground mining will then be covered. Engineering case studies will be used throughout, and each case study will be evaluated in terms of how the mine waste systems used contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of the mining operation.
Introduces principles and fundamental concepts involved in the optimization of different aspects of mineral resource extraction. Explores the key sources of uncertainty that affect a final mine plan and design such as orebody, technological and economic uncertainties. Stochastic simulation techniques will be introduced for the quantification of uncertainties and risk management.
Other topics related to optimizing mine production and performance such as delaying or eliminating waste stripping, and more efficient resource use through better blending and cut-off grade decisions, as well as holistic mine-to-mill process optimization will be introduced.
The process of wireline logging of boreholes for mineral, hydrocarbon and groundwater exploration, geotechnical and environmental studies involve a number of measurement devices, or sondes. Some of these are passive measurement devices; others exert some influence over the rock formation being traversed. Their measurements are transmitted to the surface by means of wire line. Logging applications include the identification of geological environment, reservoir fluid contact location, fracture detection, estimate of hydrocarbon or water in place, determination of water salinity, reservoir pressure determination, porosity/pore size distribution determination, and reservoir fluid movement monitoring.
Geomechanical issues concerning the design of underground openings in hard rock are covered in the course: ground support [i.e. rock mass reinforcement] design, the dimensioning and sequencing of underground excavations and rock pillar design in hard rock applications. A review of modern concepts concerning rock and rock mass failure modes with application to support design is given. Both static and dynamic [rockburst] support design issues are addresses. Lastly instrumentation and monitoring techniques and backfill design and behaviour are also covered. Design issues are illustrated through the use of numerous field case studies .
This course covers an introduction to the field of materials science and engineering following a design-led approach. Application areas such as stiffness-limited design, fracture-limited design, strength-limited design will be used to guide further investigations into elements of the processing-structure-properties-performance paradigm. Topics covered will include material property charts, computer-aided design and materials selection, crystallographic planes and directions, crystal structures, stiffness, strength, plasticity, yielding, ductility, fracture and fracture toughness, cyclic loading and fatigue, friction and wear, thermal properties of materials, electrical properties, optical properties, materials corrosion, and materials processing.
This course will cover both the fundamentals and applications of molecular chemistry as it relates to the properties of materials. Fundamental topics will include: (1) the design of chemical structures and their relationship to optical and electronic properties; (2) the chemistry and physics of covalent and non-covalent bonding; (3) the relationship of atomic bonding to molecular geometry and local symmetry; (4) crystal structures of extended solids; and (5) extension of these principles to electronic structure, elasticity, and vector and tensor descriptions of materials properties. Applications to diverse areas of engineering will be discussed.
This is a seminar series that will introduce students to the community, upper-year experience, and core fields of Materials Science and Engineering. Seminar presenters will represent the major areas in Materials Science and Engineering and will also be drawn from an array of groups, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni. The format will vary and may include application examples, case studies, career opportunities, and research talks. The purpose of the seminar series is to provide first year students with some understanding of the various options within the Department to enable them to make educated choices as they progress through the program. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis.
Fundamental Thermodynamics Laws. Thermodynamic Variables and Relationships. Understanding Reversible and Irreversible Processes. Thermodynamic Equilibrium and the Gibbs
Phase Rule. Exploring the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. Practical Thermodynamic Applications for Unary Phase Diagrams. Multicomponent Multiphase Reacting Systems in Standard State. Analyzing the Ellingham Diagram and Pre-dominance Diagrams. Binary Phase Diagrams for Materials Processing and Properties.
Topics in the Diffusion part include: diffusion mechanisms, steady-state and non-steady-state diffusion, Fick's first and second laws, Kirkendall effect, short-circuit diffusions, diffusion in metallic, polymeric, ionic and semiconducting materials, Darken's first and second equations, marker's velocity, thin film diffusion. Topics in the Kinetics part include: experimental rate laws, reaction orders, determination of order of reaction (integral, differential, and half-life methods), Arrhenius equation, elucidation of mechanism, fluid-particle reactions, kinetic models (progressive-conversion, unreacted core, shrinking core model), reactor design (batch, plug flow, and mixed flow reactors).
A key part of MSE is focused on explaining how material systems transform from one condensed phase to another. These phase transformations are a critical aspect of understanding the behaviour of a material. MSE 218 builds on the thermodynamics and phase stability of MSE 202 and runs in parallel to the rates of transformation seen in MSE 217. In MSE 218 we will consider phase transformations in one component, two component, and multicomponent systems. We will look at both diffusional and diffusionless transformations, focusing on the nucleation and growth aspects of each case. Specific examples will include: solidification, precipitation, recrystallization, spinodal, massive, and order-disorder transformations. Both experimental and computational labs will be used to outline specific transformations in more depth.
Introduction to two and three-dimensional crystallography and crystal structures of solids. Topics include: Pearson and Hermann-Mauguin symbols, reciprocal space, point group and space group symmetry analysis, stereographic projections. Introduction to tensor analysis of crystalline material properties, and symmetry breakdown by imperfections in crystals. Experimental techniques used to interpret structure and chemistry of solids and their defects will be covered theoretically and in the laboratory including: X-ray diffractometry, optical, electron and scanning probe microscopy, and surface/bulk spectroscopies based on optical, X-ray, electron and ion-beam analysis methods.
Principles of stress and strains; Axial loading; Torsion; Shear forces and bending moments; Stresses in Beams; Plane stresses and strains; Pressure vessels; Deflection of beams; Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
This course will teach engineering statistics and numerical methods with Python. Topics on statistics will include probability theory, hypothesis testing, discrete and continuous distribution, analysis of variance, sampling distributions, parameter estimation, regression analysis, statistical quality control and six-sigma. The topics on numerical methods will include curve fitting and interpolation, solving linear and nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation and integration, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, initial and boundary value problems.
Review of atomic, molecular, and crystal structures. Covering acid-base and redox reactions and chemical properties of the groups in the periodic table. Concluding with an introduction to materials and energy balance in reactions, as well as kinetics and catalysis. Hands-on qualitative and quantitative analyses of inorganic compounds, by both classical "wet" volumetric and instrumental methods. Emphasis will be placed on a chemistry-based motivation of the course content.
Introduction to organic chemistry and organic materials. Naming, bonding and shapes of organic molecules. Properties and reactions of organic compounds. Key mechanisms including electrophilic addition, nucleophilic aliphatic substitution, β-elimination reactions and electrophilic aromatic substitution. Syntheses of polymers (step-growth and radical chain growth polymerization) and processing methods. Structure and properties of polymeric materials (amorphous, crystalline, elastomeric). Thermo-transition properties of polymers. Life-cycle of polymers, mechanisms of degradation and strategies of polymer recycle. Hands-on organic syntheses and separation experiments.
This is part I of two laboratory, tutorial, and lecture courses building on the communication principles students learned in first year. Students will work in teams on open-ended design projects, and scaffolded assignments will provide students the opportunity to report on their projects in written reports, podium presentations, and poster presentations. The projects in this course are supported by laboratory exercises and tutorial activities.
This is part II of two laboratory, tutorial, and lecture courses building on the communication principles students learned in first year. Students will work in teams on open-ended design projects, and scaffolded assignments will provide students the opportunity to report on their projects in written reports, podium presentations, and poster presentations. The projects in this course are supported by laboratory exercises and tutorial activities.
Introduction to the theory and practice of mineral beneficiation. Topics covered include comminution, sizing, froth flotation, gravity separation, magnetic separation, electrostatic separation, dewatering and tailings management. The course also covers relevant aspects of sampling, particle size measurement, metallurgical accounting, material balances, surface chemistry and the movement of solid particles in liquid media. Open to 3rd and 4th year Minerals, Materials, and Chemical Engineering students, or with permission of the instructor.
Ternary Phase Diagrams for Materials Processing and Properties. Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics. Exploring the Concept of Chemical Potential in Solution Thermodynamics. Understanding Solution Models. Equilibrium in Multi-component Multi-phase Systems. Utilizing Thermodynamic Models for Creating Binary Phase Diagrams. Practical Applications of Thermodynamics with Industrial Examples. Analyzing Equilibrium Conditions in Electrochemical Systems and Their Practical Uses. Computational Thermodynamics for Advanced Understanding.
The mechanical behaviour of engineering materials including metals, alloys, ceramics and polymeric materials. The following topics will be discussed: macro- and micro-structural response of materials to external loads; load-displacement and stress-strain relationships, processes and mechanisms of elastic, visco-elastic, plastic and creep deformation, crystallographic aspects of plastic flow, effect of defects on mechanical behaviour, strain hardening theory, strengthening mechanisms and mechanical testing.
Fundamental concepts of momentum, heat, and mass transfer as applied in materials engineering. Development of approximate analytical descriptions of fluid velocity, temperature, and concentration distributions, including momentum, mass, and thermal boundary layers. Steady state and transient analyses of heat and mass transport in slabs, cylinders, and spheres. Emphasis on appreciating physical behaviour through solutions of problems in metallurgy and material processing.
Application of solid state physics to describe properties of materials. Thermal properties of solids: lattice vibrations (phonons), heat capacity, thermal conductivity. Electrical properties of metals: simple circuits, resistivity of metals (classical and quantum descriptions), Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects. Electrical properties of semiconductors: band structure and occupancy, conductivity, Hall effect, simple devices. Electrical properties of insulators: polarization, capacitance, optical properties, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. Magnetic properties: diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials, magnetic domains, B-H curves.
Provides an overview of the field of biomaterials, introducing fundamental biological and materials design and selection concepts, and is open to CHE students. Key applications of materials for biomedical devices will be covered, along with an introduction to the expected biological responses. The concept of biocompatibility will be introduced along with the essential elements of biology related to an understanding of this criterion for biomaterial selection and implant design. In addition, structure-property relationships in both biological and bio-inspired materials will be highlighted.
An overview of computer modeling approaches to analyze various macro-scale phenomena involved in materials processing, product design, and manufacturing. These approaches will include weighted residual methods, finite element and finite difference methods, computational fluid dynamics, and multiphysics simulations. The students will apply these methods to study heat transfer, fluid flow, stress analysis, structural dynamics, and coupled behavior. Practical experience will be provided on commercial finite element (FE) and computer-aided design (CAD) packages such as ANSYS and SOLIDWORKS.
Materials life cycle, primary and secondary resources, resource life and sustainability. Technologies and unit operations used in the production of light metals, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Energy use and conservation in production of materials. Benefits and technologies of recycling. Treatment of waste streams for value recovery and safe disposal
Bringing together concepts from across our entire curriculum, including Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Phase Transformations, Heat and Mass Transport, and Thermodynamics, this course explains the processing-microstructure-properties-performance paradigm underlying several manufacturing techniques. This part I of two courses connecting materials selection, CAD drawing (and simulation) and the basics of manufacturing methods for component and product design. The course culminates in a project in which students complete the design, prototyping, simulation, cost modelling and validation for product design of their own choosing.
Bringing together concepts from across our entire curriculum, including Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Phase Transformations, Heat and Mass Transport, and Thermodynamics, this course explains the processing-microstructure-properties-performance paradigm underlying several manufacturing techniques. This part II of two courses connecting materials selection, CAD drawing (and simulation) and the basics of manufacturing methods for component and product design. The course culminates in a project in which students complete the design, prototyping, simulation, cost modelling and validation for product design of their own choosing.
Provides a rationale for materials selection in the design of engineered components and commercial products, with a general aim towards structural optimization and sustainability. Defines concepts of life cycle analysis and embodied energy, reviews material recycling technologies and methods, and environmental issues associated with materials in manufactured products, and waste. Develops a rationale for advanced materials selection, using the Ansys Granta CES materials software (a database for thousands of materials), for component design, based on an identification of the functional requirements. Develops a method for 'eco-audit' estimation of the total embodied energy of products. Altogether, materials selection includes structural and material processing considerations, and a range of case studies provides examples of optimized and sustainable design. Hybrid (composite) materials design and options for sustainable bio-composites discussed, including basic composite mechanics and topology optimization for structural optimization. There are two main design projects associated with proposed products, involving materials selection and multiple component design, to demonstrate an optimization of material usage and overall product sustainability.
Course objectives: (1) Define the role that materials play in product design (properties, performance); (2) Define the embodied energy and sustainability of materials and products; (3) Establish a rationale for materials selection (a material index) by defining a design objective and constraints to optimize structural efficiency and sustainability; (4) Learn to apply software tools (Ansys CES) for materials selection; (5) Find compromise with multiple constraints; (6) Perform iteration in the optimization of product design, considering materials, shape and processing; (7) Design a device/product with multiple components, considering optimal performance, manufacturing and environmental sustainability.
Delving into the cutting- edge field of AI-driven materials discovery, equipping students with the tools to develop advanced algorithms that can autonomously learn from data, make predictions, and direct future experiments.
Students will explore how AI models such as decision trees, Bayesian optimization, and other statistical methods can be combined with adaptive strategies to propose new experiments and calculations in an iterative loop. Building on the foundations from MSE 465, with a hands-on emphasis on the design and implementation of AI workflows. Students will practice balancing exploration and exploitation strategies, as well as design their own. Culminating in a final project where students will deploy their workflows to control a self-driving lab, guiding an autonomous materials optimization campaign.
This course deals with four major areas: electrochemistry of low temperature aqueous solvents, the corrosion of materials, mechano-chemical effects in materials and corrosion prevention in design. Electrochemistry deals with thermodynamics of material-electrolyte systems involving ion-solvent, ion-ion interactions, activity coefficients, Nernst equation and Pourbaix diagrams, and rate theory through activation and concentration polarization. Corrosion of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, composite, electronic and biomaterials will be explored along with mechano-chemical effects of stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and corrosion fatigue. Corrosion prevention in terms of case histories and the use of expert systems in materials selection.
Fracture mechanisms and mechanics of solid materials. Topics include: nature of brittle and ductile fracture, macro-phenomena and micro-mechanisms of failure of various materials, mechanisms of fatigue; crack nucleation and propagation, Griffith theory, stress field at crack tips, stress intensity factor and fracture toughness, crack opening displacement, energy principle and the J-integral, fracture mechanics in fatigue, da/dN curves and their significance. Practical examples of fatigue analysis and fundamentals of non-destructive testing.
Materials parameters and electronic properties of semiconductors are discussed as basic factors in the engineering of semiconductor devices. Materials parameters are related to preparation and processing methods, and thus to the electronic properties. The implications of materials parameters and properties on selected simple devices are discussed.
The course provides participants with an understanding of scientific and engineering investigation methods and tools to assess potential sources, causes and solutions for prevention of failure due to natural accidents, fire, high and low speed impacts, design defects, improper selection of materials, manufacturing defects, improper service conditions, inadequate maintenance and human error. The fundamentals of accident reconstruction principles and procedures for origin and cause investigations are demonstrated through a wide range of real world case studies including: medical devices, sports equipment, electronic devices, vehicular collisions, structural collapse, corrosion failures, weld failures, fire investigations and patent infringements. Compliance with industry norms and standards, product liability, sources of liability, proving liability, defense against liability and other legal issues will be demonstrated with mock courtroom trial proceedings involving invited professionals to elucidate the role of an engineer as an expert witness in civil and criminal court proceedings.
Optical and photonic materials play a central role in a variety of application fields including telecommunications, metrology, manufacturing, medical surgery, computing, spectroscopy, holography, chemical synthesis, and robotics - to name a few. The properties of light and its interaction with matter lie at the heart of this ever-expanding list of applications. The syllabus comprises the nature of light, wave motion, lasers, interference, coherence, fibre optics, diffraction, polarized light, photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonic materials, and practical design applications.
The production and refining of liquid iron in the iron blast furnace, the production and refining of liquid steel, secondary refining operations, continuous casting and thermomechanical processing (hot rolling). Specialty steels and newly emerging technologies (e.g. thin slab casting, direct ironmaking) are also discussed in terms of process/environment and productivity. Downstream topics will include cold rolling, batch and continuous annealing, and coating operations.
Introduces computational design of materials at atomic scale by focusing on two of the most powerful techniques - density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD). At the heart of both these techniques lies atomistic understanding originating from quantum mechanics; thus the initial lectures will review basics of quantum mechanics to inspire the foundational principles of modern-day DFT approaches. Thereafter theoretical background of DFT and its implementation and application for materials design will be covered. Specific topics on DFT will include Kohn-Sham equations, plane-wave basis sets, exchange and correlation, and nudged-elastic band calculations. Topics concerning MD will include foundational principles, Born-Oppenheimer hypothesis, time integration schemes such as velocity-verlet scheme, and interatomic potential functions. Finally, students will be exposed to the concepts and case-studies pertaining to multi-scale modeling. A particular emphasis of the course is providing hands-on training on open source software packages such as VESTA, Quantum-ESPRESSO, and LAMMPS.
Currently used biomaterials for formation of surgical implants and dental restorations include selected metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. The selection and processing of these materials to satisfy biocompatibility and functional requirements for applications in selected areas will be presented. Materials used for forming scaffolds for tissue engineering, and strategies for repair, regeneration and augmentation of degenerated or traumatized tissues will be reviewed with a focus on biocompatibility issues and required functionality for the intended applications.
Various production processes use simulation software to shorten the route from the initial design to finished product. Simulation software provides the designer and practicing engineer with a powerful tool in the tasks of improving and optimizing the industrial processes. Expensive trials can be avoided and the quality of the finished product secured from the beginning of production. First, this course will cover the basics of the process simulation used in industrial setting. Subsequently, the course will focus on industrial process simulation software used extensively in foundry industry worldwide. Essential elements of CAD/CAM techniques will be covered. Numerical simulation of the filling and solidification in castings will be presented. Calculation of foundry processes with multiple production cycles will be analyzed. Another course feature will be the graphical presentation of the results on the screen. Limited enrolment.
The unique surface properties and the ability to surface engineer nanocrystalline structures renders these materials to be ideal candidates for use in corrosion, catalysis and energy conversion devices. This course deals with the fabrication of materials suitable for use as protective coatings, and their specific exploitation in fields of hydrogen technologies (electrolysis, storage, and fuel cells) linked to renewables. These new devices are poised to have major impacts on power generation utilities, the automotive sector, and society at large. The differences in observed electrochemical behavior between amorphous, nanocrystalline and polycrystalline solid materials will be discussed in terms of their surface structure and surface chemistry. A major team design project along with demonstrative laboratory exercises constitutes a major portion of this course. Limited Enrolment.
Various synthesis techniques to produce nanostructured materials will be introduced. These synthesis techniques are categorized into chemical methods and physical methods. The chemical methods module discusses the general principles of nucleation and growth and covers specific chemical reactions for nanomaterial synthesis. The physical methods module introduces nanomaterials synthesis by solid-state processing, liquid-phase processing, vapor-phase processing, etc. In addition, the fundamental properties of nanomaterials introduced and the basic solid-state physics for nanocrystalline materials and advanced technologies for nanomaterial characterizations reviewed.
The unique combinations of physical, electrical, magnetic, and thermomechanical properties exhibited by advanced technical ceramics has led to a wide range of applications including automobile exhaust sensors and fuel cells, high speed cutting tool inserts and ball bearings, thermal barrier coatings for turbine engines, and surgical implants. This course examines the crystal and defect structures which determine the electrical and mass transport behaviours and the effects of microstructure on optical, magnetic, dielectric, and thermomechanical properties. The influence of these structure-property relations on the performance of ceramic materials in specific applications such as sensors, solid oxide fuel cells, magnets, and structural components is explored.
Electron quantum wave theory of solid-state materials will be introduced. Quantum phenomena in various materials systems, in particular nano materials, will be discussed. Electronic properties of materials such as charge transport, dielectric properties, optical properties, magnetic properties, and thermal properties will be discussed using appropriate quantum theory. Materials systems to be studied may include metals, semiconductors, organics, polymers, and insulators.
In this course students will be exposed to the applications of machine learning for materials design, including physical metallurgy, catalysis and mechanics of materials. We will begin by conducting a review of statistical and numerical methods, and programming in R and Python. Then, the most important machine learning techniques of relevance to materials science will be described. This will include linear, nonlinear and logistic regression, decision trees, artificial neural networks, deep learning, supervised and unsupervised learning. Thereafter, the students will be provided hands-on experience on analyzing data and apply ML approaches through a set of case studies, pertaining to alloy design, additive manufacturing, and catalyst design. Finally, students will apply these skills through a term project on materials science problem of their interest.
Due to the broad nature of course topics, we encourage students from Chem Eng, MIE, Chemistry, and other departments.
Understanding how different materials fail is a key design consideration in materials science. In this course students will be exposed to the mechanisms leading to the damage and failure of engineering materials, and modeling of failure at atomic and continuum levels. First, we will describe different mechanisms by which various materials fail, including metals, alloys, ceramics, composite materials, and nanomaterials; and the nature of failure – brittle vs. ductile. Then, various approaches to model and analyze damage and failure in materials will be discussed, including finite element-based failure analysis at the macroscale, and molecular dynamics at the atomic scale. Hands-on practice will be provided through practical case studies using softwares. Finally, students will apply these skills through a term project on a materials science problem of their interest.
The various roles of a practicing engineer in industry and society will be presented through a series of seminars. The lecturers will include practicing engineers from local companies and consulting firms and representatives from professional and technical societies.
The course offers an opportunity to carry out an independent research under the supervision of an academic staff for the students interested in expanding their research capabilities. The students will submit a proposal in the beginning of the course that describes the problem and work plan together with an estimate of the level of effort (hours of work). The grading will be based on a final report and presentation, assessed by a minimum of two faculty members. Students may take this as a half-credit course in the F semester or complement it with the equivalent S semester course for a full credit, in the case of more extensive thesis projects in consultation with the supervising faulty.
The course offers an opportunity to carry out an independent research under the supervision of an academic staff for the students interested in expanding their research capabilities. The students will submit a proposal in the beginning of the course that describes the problem and work plan together with an estimate of the level of effort (hours of work). The grading will be based on a final report and presentation, assessed by a minimum of two faculty members. Students may take this as a half-credit course in the S semester or complement it with the equivalent F semester course for a full credit, in the case of more extensive thesis projects, in consultation with the supervising faulty.
The students, working in small groups complete a project involving design of a materials processing plant, leading to a design report delivered at the conclusion of the course. The topics covered in the lectures and design process include basic materials processing flowsheet for primary processing and recycling of materials, materials and energy balance of individual units and of overall process flowsheets, use of computer software for flowsheet evaluation, translating process flowsheets to resource and utility requirements, energy analysis, capital/operating cost, basics of equipment sizing, operation scheduling, safety and HAZOP, plant layout, and design for sustainability.
This course is designed to provide an integrated approach to composite materials design, and provide a strong foundation for further studies and research on these materials. Topics include: structure, processing, and properties of composite materials; design of fillers reinforcements and matrices reinforcements, reinforcement forms, nanocomposites systems, manufacturing processes, testing and properties, micro and macromechanics modeling of composite systems; and new applications of composites in various sectors.
Mechanics forms the basic background for the understanding of physics. This course on Classical, or Newtonian mechanics, considers the interactions which influence motion. These interactions are described in terms of the concepts of force, momentum and energy. Initially the focus is on the mechanics of a single particle, considering its motion in a particular frame of reference, and transformations between reference frames. Then the dynamics of systems of particles is examined.
The first half of the semester will give an introduction to the basic ideas of classical oscillations and waves. Topics include simple harmonic motion, forced and damped harmonic motion, coupled oscillations, normal modes, the wave equation, travelling waves and reflection and transmission at interfaces. The second half of the semester will first give an introduction to Einstein's special relativity, including evidence for the frame-independence of the speed of light, time dilation, length contraction, causality, and the relativistic connection between energy and momentum. Then we will follow the historical development of quantum mechanics with the photo-electric and Compton effects, the Bohr atom, wave-particle duality, leading to Schrödinger's equation and wave functions with a discussion of their general properties and probabilistic interpretation.
The first half of the semester will continue with the development of quantum mechanics. Topics will include Shrödinger's wave mechanics, tunneling, bound states in potential wells, the quantum oscillator, and atomic spectra. The second half of the semester will give an introduction to the basic ideas of classical statistical mechanics and radiation, with applications to experimental physics. Topics will include Boltzmann's interpretation of entropy, Maxwell-Boltzman statistics, energy equipartition, the perfect gas laws, and blackbody radiation.
Experiments in this course are designed to form a bridge to current experimental research. A wide range of experiments are available using contemporary techniques and equipment. In addition to the standard set of experiments a limited number of research projects are also available. Many of the experiments can be carried out with a focus on instrumentation.
Experiments in this course are designed to form a bridge to current experimental research. A wide range of experiments are available using contemporary techniques and equipment. In addition to the standard set of experiments, a limited number of research projects may be available. This laboratory is a continuation of PHY327H1.
An introduction to microeconomics, for application in public policy analysis. Designed specifically for students with training in calculus and linear algebra, and who are pursuing a certificate in public policy, the course will explore preference and choice, classical demand theory and the utility maximization problem as well as expenditure minimization problem, welfare evaluation of economic changes, regression analysis and ordinary least squares.
Knowledge of how governmental and non-governmental institutions work is essential to the study and development of public policy. This course will examine the formation, consequences and dynamics of institutions – from legislatures and courts to militaries and interest groups – in both democratic and authoritarian societies. We will also consider how institutions inform the relationship between individuals and the state, and how these social structures are instruments of policy implementation.
This course introduces students to the field of public policy - the means by which governments respond to social issues – and considers both why and how governments respond in these ways. To that end, we’ll examine the policy cycle, including how policy is proposed, made and reformed, as well as the role of regulation. And we’ll explore both theories of public policy and case studies of policy-making in action.
The course is intended to provide an introduction and a very interdisciplinary experience to robotics. The structure of the course is modular and reflects the perception-control-action paradigm of robotics. The course, however, aims for breadth, covering an introduction to the key aspects of general robotic systems, rather than depth, which is available in later more advanced courses. Applications addressed include robotics in space, autonomous terrestrial exploration, biomedical applications such as surgery and assistive robots, and personal robotics. The course culminates in a hardware project centered on robot integration.
The course addresses advanced mathematical concepts particularly relevant for robotics. The mathematical tools covered in this course are fundamental for understanding, analyzing, and designing robotics algorithms that solve tasks such as robot path planning, robot vision, robot control and robot learning. Topics include complex analysis, optimization techniques, signals and filtering, advanced probability theory, and numerical methods. Concepts will be studied in a mathematically rigorous way but will be motivated with robotics examples throughout the course.
An introduction to the fundamental principles of artificial intelligence from a mathematical perspective. The course will trace the historical development of AI and describe key results in the field. Topics include the philosophy of AI, search methods in problem solving, knowledge representation and reasoning, logic, planning, and learning paradigms. A portion of the course will focus on ethical AI, embodied AI, and on the quest for artificial general intelligence.
This course will introduce students to the topic of machine learning, which is key to the design of intelligent systems and gaining actionable insights from datasets that arise in computational science and engineering. The course will cover the theoretical foundations of this topic as well as computational aspects of algorithms for unsupervised and supervised learning. The topics to be covered include: The learning problem, clustering and k-means, principal component analysis, linear regression and classification, generalized linear models, bias-variance tradeoff, regularization methods, maximum likelihood estimation, kernel methods, the representer theorem, radial basis functions, support vector machines for regression and classification, an introduction to the theory of generalization, feedforward neural networks, stochastic gradient descent, ensemble learning, model selection and validation.
The Robotics Capstone Design course is structured to provide students with an opportunity to integrate and apply the technical knowledge gained throughout their degree program toward the solution of a challenging real-world robotics problem. During the half-year course, students work in small teams and have considerable freedom to explore the design space while developing a complete robotic hardware and software system. The challenge task incorporates all aspects of the "sense-plan-act" robot design paradigm, with designs assessed based on engineering quality and performance relative to a series of benchmarks. In addition, each student completes a critical reflection on their team's performance and the evolution of their experience with design during their undergraduate program. Students are supported by a teaching team comprised of domain experts.
An introduction to aspects of computer vision specifically relevant to robotics applications. Topics include the geometry of image formation, image processing operations, camera models and calibration methods, image feature detection and matching, stereo vision, structure from motion and 3D reconstruction. Discussion of the growing role of machine learning and deep neural networks in robotic vision, for tasks such as segmentation, object detection, and tracking. The course includes case studies of several successful robotic vision systems.
The course addresses fundamentals of mobile robotics and sensor-based perception for applications such as space exploration, search and rescue, mining, self-driving cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, etc. Topics include sensors and their principles, state estimation, computer vision, control architectures, localization, mapping, planning, path tracking, and software frameworks. Laboratories will be conducted using both simulations and hardware kits.
Describes important fixed income securities and markets. The course emphasizes traditional bond and term structure concepts crucial to understand the securities traded in these markets. Students are required to work in the Rotman Financial Research & Trading Lab to solve the assigned problems using real time data. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details.
This course examines the ways in which risks are quantified and managed by financial institutions. The principal risks considered include market risk, credit risk and operational risk. The course also covers the evolution of bank regulation and the regulatory limits on risk taking. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details.
This course will use finance theory applied with Excel applications to understand potential returns and risks inherent in particular investment/trading strategies. Learning-by-doing will be facilitated by simulation-based Rotman Interactive Trader cases focused on particular risks. This training will be analogous to using a flight simulator for learning to fly. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. Contact Rotman Commerce for details.
Introduction to data analysis with a focus on regression. Initial Examination of data. Correlation. Simple and multiple regression models using least squares. Inference for regression parameters, confidence and prediction intervals. Diagnostics and remedial measures. Interactions and dummy variables. Variable selection. Least squares estimation and inference for non-linear regression.
An overview of probability from a non-measure theoretic point of view. Random variables/vectors; independence, conditional expectation/probability and consequences. Various types of convergence leading to proofs of the major theorems in basic probability. An introduction to simple stochastic processes such as Poisson and branching processes.
Programming in an interactive statistical environment. Generating random variates and evaluating statistical methods by simulation. Algorithms for linear models, maximum likelihood estimation, and Bayesian inference. Statistical algorithms such as the Kalman filter and the EM algorithm. Graphical display of data.
Discrete and continuous time processes with an emphasis on Markov, Gaussian and renewal processes. Martingales and further limit theorems. A variety of applications taken from some of the following areas are discussed in the context of stochastic modeling: Information Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Analyses of Stochastic Processes, Population Growth Models, Reliability, Queuing Models, Stochastic Calculus, Simulation (Monte Carlo Methods).
Complementary Studies elective
Part 1 of the 2 Part Entrepreneurship Program
The age of enterprise has arrived. Strategic use of technology in all sorts of businesses makes the difference between success and failure for these firms. Wealth creation is a real option for many and the business atmosphere is ready for you! Increasingly, people are seeing the advantages of doing their own thing, in their own way, in their own time. Entrepreneurs can control their own lives, structure their own progress and be accountable for their own success - they can fail, but they cannot be fired! After all, engineers are the most capable people to be in the forefront of this drive to the business life of the 21st century.
This course is the first of a series of two dealing with entrepreneurship and management of a small company. It is intended the student would take the follow-up course TEP432 as they progress toward their engineering degree. Therefore, it is advisable that the descriptions of both courses be studied, prior enrolling in this one.
This is a limited enrolment course. If the number of students electing to take the course exceeds the class size limit, selection of the final group will be made on the basis of the "Entrepreneur's Test". A certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of both courses, attesting to the student having passed this Entrepreneurial Course Series at the University of Toronto.
The course is based on real life issues, not theoretical developments or untried options. Topics covered include: Who is an entrepreneur; Canadian business environment; Acquisitions; Different business types (retail, wholesale, manufacturing, and services); Franchising; Human resources, Leadership, Business Law; and many others. Several invited visitors provide the student with the opportunity to meet real entrepreneurs. There will be several assignments and a session project. Please note, the 5 hours per week would be used for whatever is needed at the time. Tutorials will not normally happen as the calendar indicates them.
Humanities and Social Science elective
An examination of representations of science/scientists in theatre. Reading and/or viewing of works by contemporary playwrights and related materials on science and culture. Critical essays; in-class discussion and scene study.
Humanities and Social Science elective
Introduces students to the history, theory and practice of communicating science to the public. We first establish a theoretical foundation for understanding the complex relationship between science, scientists, and the public, closely examining techniques and strategies for communicating about science to non-technical readers with a variety of backgrounds and ideological perspectives. We apply these concepts to contemporary case studies in multiple media, focusing on (mis)representations of climate, environmental, and biomedical sciences, breakthroughs in engineering. In doing so, we explore how the shift from traditional news to new media – including videos, podcasts, and social media – has changed how science is communicated to the public, plus the implications of this shift for scientists and engineers.
Humanities and Social Science elective
This course explores Rhetoric historically to understand its development and practically to understand how ideas are constructed, disseminated, shared or imposed. The course explores worldview - the organizing structure by which we view the world - to position the student as rhetorically effective in multiple contexts. Students analyze political, cultural, and scientific discourse from great speeches to advertising to research papers. Students develop their rhetorical, communication, and persuasive abilities.
This course uses writing in various modes as an exploratory process.Students strengthen their communication skills by exploring different expressive voices, each with a different potential to uncover and communicate ideas. A synthesis of various voices strengthens each of them; hence, by exploring their poetic, story-telling, scientific and analytic voices, students becomes better analytic, scientific or creative writers.
The purpose of this course is to enable future engineers to initiate, facilitate and moderate discussion between stakeholders with differing and/or opposing values and ideologies. The relationship between engineering and the concepts of social justice to develop the skills needed to take practical action in a complex world is explored. This course facilitates building personal responses to ideas of justice, bias and marginalization. These ideas affect Engineers and Engineering in general, domestically and globally, in projects and in contexts, such as the workplace and academic environment. Readings will be drawn from current writers on Engineering and Social Justice. Students will rehearse action through theatre techniques, developed to enable communities to practice and critique action.
In this course, students will explore the creative writing process, with an emphasis on the giving and receiving of critical feedback. This exploration will reinforce the iterative principles of the engineering design process and will provide students with flexible and transferable tools for them to apply to future engineering work. They will examine up to two genres of creative writing (fiction, science fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, screenwriting, playwriting, etc.) in order to hone their own creative and critical thinking skills. Students will be introduced to relevant elements of craft, will analyze representative literary examples, will create original creative work both in generative weekly exercises and in longer at-home assignments, will give and receive feedback from their peers through structured in-class workshops, and will apply this feedback to their own writing.
Upon graduating university and entering the workforce, engineering students have little idea about how frequently in their professional lives their interactions, decisions, and actions will touch on various areas of law. This course is designed to highlight the amount of overlap between these two pillars in today's society. Some examples include: acting as an expert witness, preparing a patent, creating a contract for supplies and more. By the end of this course, students will have a working understanding of the intersection between Engineering and Law, and be able to navigate the legal complexities in their professional and business lives.
Complementary Studies elective
Develop a practical approach to being a more productive engineer, based on the premise that for technology to become a reality, it must be translated through people. A key is understanding engineers lead in ways that reflect their skills and mind set. Learning frameworks and personal working styles inventories provide practical tools to assist the student to understand human nature and to become a competent leader of self and of teams. The student prepares to become a competent leader by first developing a deeper understanding of self and then undertaking to learn (understand and integrate) key skills, character attributes,and purposeful behaviours. Strategies for development of high-performance teams are also presented. The material is delivered through lectures, readings, in-class discussion and a team project. Attendance is mandatory to enable learning through experiential activities and critical reflection.The project is based on the team interviewing a senior leader at an engineering-intensive company or senior leader in the community
We live in a data driven world, with the total volume of global data projected to be 181 zettabytes by 2025. New ways of measuring and analyzing data in the field of global development are opening the door to a better understanding of global challenges and data-driven innovations have significant economic and societal potential. For example in the healthcare sector, the use of new devices and analytics can improve diagnosis and triage of disease, improve health system efficiency, and reduce costs. However, there have also been many instances of sensing technologies and algorithms that perpetuate or enhance inequalities rather than reducing them. Through the use of lectures, case studies, readings, and guest speakers working at the health-water-climate nexus of global challenges, students will learn about innovations in sensing, and data analytics that are helping to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They will learn to analyze and assess historical data and data that is currently being collected in the global development and engineering space and will critically examine examples of biases and flaws with the ways we develop sensors/measurements and train algorithms. Students will have a practical opportunity to develop entrepreneurship skills through proposing and researching a sensing or data analytics innovation for tackling global challenges, developing a business case for this innovation, and pitching their solution to their peers.
Behind every engineering feat is a human story. Students will learn to examine this often-overlooked perspective of engineering and its implications for engineering work. Engineering is at its core a human activity geared at helping to attain human goals, which requires the integration of many viewpoints, technical and non-technical. Drawing on perspectives from humanities and social science disciplines (e.g., sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, and political science) students will explore aspects of the human condition as it relates to engineering work: particularly the complexity of individuals, the contexts in which they operate, and how this shapes collaborative work. They will develop an appreciation for and skills to engage in the interdisciplinary work that engineering entails by examining conceptions of engineering, as well as the humanities and social and their intersections with engineering. Students will integrate these themes in projects that investigate the human stories behind various technologies.
Complementary Studies elective
This course investigates the cognitive and psychological foundations of effective leadership. Students will explore current theories driving effective leadership practice, including: models of leadership, neurophysiological correlates of leadership, and psychodynamic approaches to leadership. Students will learn and apply skills, including: mental modeling, decision-making, teamwork and self-evaluation techniques. This course is aimed at helping Engineering students to gain practical skills, which will enhance their impact as leaders throughout their careers.
Humanities and Social Science elective
Many disciplines have explored happiness - philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology, neurobiology, film, art and literature - to name a few. Why not engineering? During the first part of the course, we will play catch-up, examining the scholarly and creative ways that people have attempted to understand what makes for a happy life. Then we turn our attention to our own domain-expertise, applying engineering concepts like: "balance", "flow", "amplitude", "dynamic equilibrium", "momentum" and others, to explore the ways your technical knowledge can contribute to a deep understanding of happiness. This course is designed to challenge you academically as we analyze texts from a variety of disciplines. It is also designed to challenge you personally, to explore happiness as it relates to yourself, your own personal development and your success and fulfillment as an engineer.
Humanities and Social Science elective
This course offers an introduction to relational, authentic and transformational leadership theory, by focusing on narrative and the power of storytelling. Students will practice storytelling techniques by: learning about the mechanics of stories; improve their public speaking by engaging in regular storytelling practice; explore their personal history by reflecting on their identities; and develop critical thinking skills regarding the stories (meta-narratives) that surround us; particularly as they relate to engineering problems/ethics. This is a highly experiential course with a focus on reading, discussion, practice and reflection.
The primary objective of this course is to help engineering students navigate the ambiguous world of engineering ethics and equity using case studies drawn from the careers of Canadian engineers. This course tackles complex ethics and equity challenges by focusing on multiple levels of practice: from design work to organizational practice and governance. By applying a systems lens, students will learn to develop the knowledge and skills needed for short-term and long-term action strategies. In addition to being exposed to a range of ethical theories, the PEO code of ethics, and the legal context of engineering ethics, students enrolled in this course will engage in ethical decision-making on a weekly basis.
Engineers are taught to think in systems, but often these are limited in scope to the technical realm. Yet, many of today’s “wicked problems” are as much dictated by social and environmental considerations as by any technical considerations. System mapping is a system thinking tool frequently used in fields such as public health and environmental policy to describe complex, multi-stakeholder problems. Students will apply system mapping techniques to describe complex problems with technical, social and environmental aspects. Students will explore fields outside of engineering critical to these challenges, including: public policy, sociology, and law. Students will complete a team project to develop a system map of a complex problem. The emphasis will be on problem definition, not problem solution, though it is expected maps will point to potential paths for solution.