Fall Session – Year 3 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE374H1: Economic Analysis and Decision Making F 3 - 1 0.50
ECE360H1: Electronics F 3 1.50 1 0.50
PHY327H1: Advanced Physics Laboratory F - 6 - 0.50
PHY356H1: Quantum Mechanics I F 2 - 1 0.50
ESC301H1: Engineering Science Option Seminar Y 1 - - 0.25
At least one of:
ESC384H1: Partial Differential Equations F 3 - 1 0.50
MAT389H1: Complex Analysis F 3 - 1 0.50
Winter Session – Year 3 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
ECE357H1: Electromagnetic Fields S 3 1.50 1 0.50
PHY354H1: Classical Mechanics S 2 - 1 0.50
ESC301H1: Engineering Science Option Seminar Y 1 - - 0.25
Four (4) Group A Electives S 2.00
  1. It is highly recommended that students take one of ECE342H1, ECE350H1, ECE431H1 or CHE568H1 to reduce accreditation constraints in Year 4.
  2. Students who take 3 Group A electives in the Winter Session must complete 1 Group A elective in the Fall Session. Students must obtain a total of 5.75 credits in Year 3.
  3. Students must take PHY427H1 in 3S, 4F, or 4S.
  4. Students may take APM346H1 in place of ESC384H1.
  5. Students may take MAT334H1 in place of MAT389H1.
  6. Students may take CHE374H1 in 4F.


YEAR 4 Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
ESC499Y1: Thesis Y 3 2 - 1.00
ESC471H1: Engineering Science Capstone Design S - - 2 0.50
Two (2) Complementary Studies Electives F/S/Y 1.00
Three (3) Electives from Group B F/S 1.50
Two (2) Electives from Groups A or B F/S 1.00

Group A and B Electives

Group A Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
AER507H1: Introduction to Fusion Energy F 3 - 1 0.50
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep Learning F/S 3 1 - 0.50
AST320H1: Introduction to Astrophysics S 2 - - 0.50
AST325H1: Introduction to Practical Astronomy F - 3 - 0.50
BME520H1: Imaging Case Studies in Clinical Engineering S 2 2 1 0.50
BME595H1: Medical Imaging F 2 3 1 0.50
CHE507H1: Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE568H1: Nuclear Engineering S 3 - 1 0.50
CSC384H1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence F/S 3 - - 0.50
CSC413H1: Neural Networks and Deep Learning S 2 - 1 0.50
ECE318H1: Fundamentals of Optics S 3 1.50 1 0.50
ECE342H1: Computer Hardware S 3 3 - 0.50
ECE350H1: Semiconductor Electronic Devices S 3 1.50 1 0.50
ECE355H1: Signal Analysis and Communication F 3 - 2 0.50
ECE358H1: Foundations of Computing F 3 - 2 0.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine Learning F/S 3 - 2 0.50
ECE431H1: Digital Signal Processing F 3 1.50 1 0.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and Networks S 3 1.50 1 0.50
ECE427H1: Photonic Devices F 3 - 2 0.50
ESC384H1: Partial Differential Equations F 3 - 1 0.50
MAT301H1: Groups and Symmetries F/S 3 - - 0.50
MAT336H1: Elements of Analysis S 3 - 1 0.50
MAT389H1: Complex Analysis F 3 - 1 0.50
MAT401H1: Polynomial Equations and Fields F 3 - - 0.50
MAT402H1: Classical Geometries S 3 - - 0.50
PHY357H1: Nuclear and Particle Physics S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY358H1: Atoms, Molecules and Solids S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY392H1: Physics of Climate S 2 - - 0.50
JGA305H1: Environmental and Archaeological Geophysics F 2 1 - 0.50
JPE395H1: Physics of the Earth (Formerly PHY395H1) S 2 - - 0.50
PHY408H1: Time Series Analysis S 1 2 - 0.50
PHY427H1: Advanced Physics Laboratory F/S - 6 - 0.50
PHY428H1: Advanced Practical Physics II F/S - 6 - 0.50
PHY429H1: Advanced Practical Physics III F/S - 6 - 0.50
Group B Electives Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
ESS445H1: Global Tectonics S 2 2 - 0.50
ESS450H1: Geophysical Field Techniques F/S - - - 0.50
ESS452H1: Geophysical Imaging with Non-seismic Methods F 2 - - 0.50
JPE493H1: Seismology F 2 - - 0.50
PHY407H1: Computational Physics F 1 3 - 0.50
PHY450H1: Relativistic Electrodynamics S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY452H1: Statistical Mechanics S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY454H1: Continuum Mechanics S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY456H1: Quantum Mechanics II F 2 - 1 0.50
PHY460H1: Nonlinear Physics S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY483H1: Relativity Theory I F 2 - 1 0.50
PHY484H1: Relativity Theory II S 2 - 1 0.50
PHY485H1: Laser Physics S 2 - - 0.50
PHY487H1: Condensed Matter Physics F 2 - - 0.50
PHY489H1: Introduction to High Energy Physics F 2 - - 0.50
PHY492H1: Advanced Atmospheric Physics F 2 - 1 0.50