Fall Session - Year 1   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CIV102H1: Structures and Materials - An Introduction to Engineering Design F 3 1 1 0.50
ESC101H1: Praxis I F 3 2 2 0.50
ESC103H1: Engineering Mathematics and Computation F 2 - 2 0.50
ESC180H1: Introduction to Computer Programming F 3 3 - 0.50
ESC194H1: Calculus I F 3 - 1 0.50
PHY180H1: Classical Mechanics F 3 2 - 0.50
Winter Session - Year 1   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
ECE159H1: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits S 3 1.50 1 0.50
ESC102H1: Praxis II S 3 2 2 0.50
ESC190H1: Computer Algorithms and Data Structures S 3 3 - 0.50
ESC195H1: Calculus II S 3 - 1 0.50
MAT185H1: Linear Algebra S 3 - 1 0.50
MSE160H1: Molecules and Materials S 3 - 1 0.50


Fall Session - Year 2   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
AER210H1: Vector Calculus & Fluid Mechanics F 3 0.50 2 0.50
CHE260H1: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer F 3 0.50 1 0.50
ECE253H1: Digital and Computer Systems F 3 3 - 0.50
ESC203H1: Engineering and Society F 2 - 2 0.50
MAT292H1: Ordinary Differential Equations F 3 - 2 0.50
PHY293H1: Waves and Modern Physics F 3 1 1 0.50
Winter Session - Year 2   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
BME205H1: Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering S 2 1.50 1 0.50
ECE259H1: Electromagnetism S 3 - 1 0.50
ESC204H1: Praxis III S 3 2 2 0.50
MIE286H1: Probability and Statistics S 3 - 1 0.50
PHY294H1: Quantum and Thermal Physics S 3 1 1 0.50
Complementary Studies Elective S       0.50
  1. All students must graduate with 1.0 credit in Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS). Students will gain 0.5 HSS credit from ESC203H1.
  2. Please note that additional lectures may be scheduled for ESC204H1 in place of laboratory and test times in the first few weeks of the Winter Session.


Students registered within this program, and all other undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, may elect to enroll and participate in the Professional Experience Year Co-Op Program (PEY Co-Op). The PEY Co-op program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous work period with a cooperating industry. Details are described in the beginning of this chapter. More information can be found in the PEY Co-op section of the calendar.