MSE292H1: Materials Thinking and Communication I


Materials come in all sorts of forms and exhibit a wide range of behaviours, yet there is more in common to their explanation than there is difference. Materials thinking involves recognizing how various ways of understanding materials work together in a holistic materials paradigm. Materials Thinking and Communication I and II will put the threads from the second-year curriculum into a common informational framework more reflective of the emerging state-space based approach to materials thinking. In addition to supporting students in building a holistic understanding of materials science, these courses also build on the principles of engineering communication students learned in first year. We challenge students to develop their understanding of materials science through assignments that use key forms of engineering communication (writing, oral presentations, visual representations). We use critical self-reflection and analysis to help students learn materials thinking, improve their communication and teamwork skills, and develop metacognitive and self-regulated learning skills.

24.4 (Fall), 24.4 (Winter), 48.8 (Full Year)