Electrical and Computer Engineering

Undergraduate Program in Computer Engineering (AECPEBASC)

Undergraduate Office
Professor Olivier Trescases, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Leanne Dawkins, Program Manager & Academic Advisor
Jennifer Lee, Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator
Meera Puvitharan, Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator
Karen Irving, Student Advisor
Mary Miceli, Information Services Assistant
Neena Peterson, Student & Information Services Assistant (on leave)

Room B600, Sandford Fleming Building

The Computer Engineering undergraduate program is distinctive as it is based on the broad areas of electrical engineering and computer science. These foundations are used in the design and organization of computer systems, the design of programs that turn these systems into useful applications and the use of computers in communication and control systems. Design includes hardware, operating systems and software. Computer engineering students will learn how computer systems work and how they can be integrated into larger systems that serve a wide range of users and businesses. As a result, the program also ensures that our students will gain experience in communications, problem-solving and team management.

A computer engineer may be involved in the design of computers and computer systems. They may also be engaged in the design of computer-based communications and control systems or in the design of microelectronic circuits, including computer-aided design and manufacturing. Computer system analysis and the design of both hardware and software for applications, such as artificial intelligence and expert systems, database systems, wireless networks, computer security and robotics, are included in the scope of the computer engineer’s work.

The first two years of study provide the essential background in basic science and mathematics and introduce students to important concepts in electrical and computer engineering, such as circuits, digital systems, electronics and communication systems. These two years of study are identical to those in electrical engineering.

In the third and fourth years, the curriculum allows flexibility in students' course selections, subject to the program and accreditation requirements. An online program called "Magellan" helps students facilitate the course selection process. All second-year students have access to Magellan by the end of their fall term. If students have questions regarding their curriculum, they should contact the Department's undergraduate office. 

Graduates may decide to go directly into the workforce or pursue studies at the graduate level. Detailed information on graduate studies in the Department can be found online at ECE Graduate Studies.

Graduate Programs in Computer Engineering

Graduate study and research in computer engineering may be pursued through either the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering or the Department of Computer Science. Both theoretical and applied topics are encouraged. Programs lead to the MEng or MASc degrees in engineering or the MSc in computer science and PhD in either department. Prospective graduate students should consult the appropriate department (ECE or Computer Science) early to determine the most appropriate department to register in.


Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering (AEELEBASC)

Undergraduate Office
Professor Olivier Trescases, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Leanne Dawkins, Program Manager & Academic Advisor
Jennifer Lee, Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator
Meera Puvitharan, Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator
Karen Irving, Student Advisor
Mary Miceli, Information Services Assistant
Neena Peterson, Student & Information Services Assistant (on leave)

Room B600, Sandford Fleming Building

Electrical engineering is an exciting and extensive field that applies the principles of science and mathematics with engineering fundamentals which are then used to develop a student’s skills needed to analyze, design and build electrical, electronic and photonics systems. The program includes diverse areas of study such as microelectronics, digital communications, wireless systems, photonics systems, signal processing, control, microprocessors, computer technology, energy systems and electronic device fabrication. This breadth is unique to electrical engineering and opens a wide range of career opportunities. As a result, the program also ensures that through their course work, students gain experience in communications, problem-solving and team management.

An electrical engineer may be involved in the design, development and testing of electrical and electronic equipment such as telecommunication systems, industrial process controls, signal processing, navigation systems, power generation, transmission systems, wireless and optical communications and integrated circuit engineering.

The first two years of study provide the essential background in basic science and mathematics and also introduce students to the important concepts in electrical and computer engineering, such as circuits, digital systems, electronics and communication systems. These two years of study are identical to those in computer engineering.

In third and fourth year, the curriculum allows flexibility in students' course selections, subject to the program and accreditation requirements. An online program called "Magellan" helps students facilitate the course selection process. All second-year students have access to Magellan by the end of their fall term. If students have questions regarding their curriculum, they should contact the Department's undergraduate office. 

Graduates may decide to go directly into the workforce or pursue studies at the graduate level. Detailed information on graduate studies in the Department can be found online at ECE Graduate Studies.

Graduate Programs in Electrical Engineering

Graduate study and research in electrical engineering may be pursued in either the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering or the Department of Computer Science. Both theoretical and applied topics are encouraged. Programs lead to the MEng or MASc degrees in engineering or the MSc in computer science and the PhD in either department. Prospective graduate students should consult the appropriate department (ECE or Computer Science) early to determine the most appropriate department to register in.





Fall Session – Year 1 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
APS100H1: Orientation to EngineeringF1-10.25
APS110H1: Engineering Chemistry and Materials ScienceF3110.50
APS111H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice IF3110.50
CIV100H1: MechanicsF3-20.50
MAT186H1: Calculus IF3-10.50
MAT188H1: Linear AlgebraF3110.50
Winter Session – Year 1 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
APS105H1: Computer FundamentalsS3210.50
APS112H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice IIS22-0.50
ECE191H1: Introduction to Electrical and Computer EngineeringS1--0.15
ECE110H1: Electrical FundamentalsS3120.50
MAT187H1: Calculus IIS3-10.50
MIE100H1: DynamicsS3-20.50

Approved Course Substitutions

  1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
  2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
  3. Students are able to substitute APS110H1 with the online course APS164H1.
  4. Students are able to substitute CIV100H1 with the online course APS160H1.


Fall Session – Year 2 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE201H1: Electrical and Computer Engineering SeminarF1--0.15
ECE231H1: Introductory ElectronicsF31.5020.50
ECE241H1: Digital SystemsF33-0.50
ECE244H1: Programming FundamentalsF3210.50
MAT290H1: Advanced Engineering MathematicsF3-20.50
MAT291H1: Introduction to Mathematical PhysicsF3-20.50
Winter Session – Year 2 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE212H1: Circuit AnalysisS31.5020.50
ECE216H1: Signals and SystemsS3120.50
ECE221H1: Electric and Magnetic FieldsS3120.50
ECE243H1: Computer OrganizationS33-0.50
ECE297H1: Software Design and CommunicationS22m2m0.50

Attention: ECE students may not enroll in 300 and/or 400 level technical courses until passing the 2W term and earning credit for no less than 8 second-year core courses.


Required Course – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE472H1: Engineering Economic Analysis & EntrepreneurshipF/S3-20.50
Required Course – Year 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE496Y1: Design ProjectY1-11.00


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE318H1: Fundamentals of OpticsF31.5010.50
ECE335H1: Introduction to Electronic DevicesF3120.50
ECE427H1: Photonic DevicesF3-20.50
ECE435H1: Quantum Computing HardwareF31.5020.50
ECE442H1: Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication TechnologiesF3210.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE318H1: Fundamentals of OpticsS31.5010.50
ECE330H1: Quantum and Semiconductor PhysicsS3-20.50
ECE437H1: VLSI TechnologyS33-0.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE314H1: Fundamentals of Electrical Energy SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE320H1: Fields and WavesF31.5010.50
BME595H1: Medical ImagingF2310.50
ECE424H1: Microwave CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE520H1: Power ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE526H1: Power System Protection and AutomationF3110.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE313H1: Energy Systems and Distributed GenerationS3.1.5010.50
ECE422H1: Radio and Microwave Wireless SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE463H1: Electric DrivesS31.5010.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE331H1: Analog ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE334H1: Digital ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE424H1: Microwave CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE430H1: Analog Integrated CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE435H1: Quantum Computing HardwareF31.5020.50
ECE446H1: Audio, Acoustics and SensingF31.50-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE334H1: Digital ElectronicsS31.5010.50
ECE412H1: Analog Signal Processing CircuitsS3-20.50
ECE437H1: VLSI TechnologyS33-0.50
ECE532H1: Digital Systems DesignS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE311H1: Introduction to Control SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE316H1: Communication SystemsF31.5010.50
BME445H1: Neural BioelectricityF31.5010.50
BME595H1: Medical ImagingF2310.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE410H1: Linear Control SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE417H1: Digital CommunicationF31.5010.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine LearningF3-20.50
ECE431H1: Digital Signal ProcessingF31.5010.50
ECE441H1: Interfacing & Modulating the Nervous Systemf3320.50
ECE446H1: Audio, Acoustics and SensingF31.50-0.50
ECE470H1: Robot Modeling and ControlF31.5010.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE311H1: Introduction to Control SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE316H1: Communication SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE368H1: Probabilistic ReasoningS31.5030.50
ECE411H1: Adaptive Control and Reinforcement LearningS31.5010.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine LearningS3-20.50
ECE422H1: Radio and Microwave Wireless SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE462H1: Multimedia SystemsS32-0.50
ECE464H1: Wireless CommunicationS31.5010.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50
ECE516H1: Intelligent Image ProcessingS31.5010.50
BME331H1: Physiological Control SystemsS3110.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE361H1: Computer Networks IF31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE461H1: InternetworkingF31.500.500.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
ECE552H1: Computer ArchitectureF31.5010.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityF33-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE342H1: Computer HardwareS33-0.50
ECE361H1: Computer Networks IS31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE462H1: Multimedia SystemsS32-0.50
ECE464H1: Wireless CommunicationS31.5010.50
ECE466H1: Computer Networks IIS31.5010.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50
ECE532H1: Digital Systems DesignS33-0.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE344H1: Operating SystemsF33-0.50
ECE345H1: Algorithms and Data StructuresF3-20.50
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep LearningF31-0.50
CSC317H1: Computer GraphicsF2-10.50
CSC343H1: Introduction to DatabasesF2-10.50
CSC384H1: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceF2-10.50
ECE326H1: Programming LanguagesF31.5010.50
ECE444H1: Software EngineeringF33-0.50
ECE454H1: Computer Systems ProgrammingF33-0.50
ECE461H1: InternetworkingF31.500.500.50
ECE467H1: Compilers & InterpretersF31.5010.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityF/S33-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE344H1: Operating SystemsS33-0.50
ECE345H1: Algorithms and Data StructuresS3-20.50
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep LearningS31-0.50
CSC317H1: Computer GraphicsS2-10.50
CSC343H1: Introduction to DatabasesS2-10.50
CSC384H1: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceS2-10.50
ECE419H1: Distributed SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE448H1: BiocomputationS3-20.50
ECE484H1: Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms & SoftwareS3-20.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
BME440H1: Biomedical Engineering Technology and InvestigationF24-0.50
BME455H1: Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering IIF31.5010.50
CHE353H1: Engineering BiologyF2-20.50
CIV220H1: Urban Engineering EcologyF3-10.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy SystemsF3-20.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE367H1: Matrix Algebra and OptimizationF3-20.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
ESC384H1: Partial Differential EquationsF3-10.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
BME331H1: Physiological Control SystemsS3110.50
CHE354H1: Cellular and Molecular BiologyS3120.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy SystemsS3-20.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE368H1: Probabilistic ReasoningS3-10.50
ECE448H1: BiocomputationS3-20.50
PHY365H1: Quantum InformationS2-10.50



Students registered within this program, and all other undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, may elect to enroll and participate in the Professional Experience Year Co-Op Program (PEY Co-Op). The PEY Co-op program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous work period with a cooperating industry. Details are described in the beginning of this chapter. More information can be found in the PEY Co-op section of the calendar.


ECE Program Requirements

There are nine requirements:

  1. BREADTH REQUIREMENT: A minimum of four kernel courses, each in a different area, must be chosen.
  2. DEPTH REQUIREMENT: Select at least two areas from which one kernel course has been chosen. In each of these two areas, two additional technical courses must be chosen. Kernel courses may also be chosen to meet this requirement.
  3. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS REQUIREMENTS: ECE472H1 must be chosen. Course can be taken in either third or fourth year.
  4. CAPSTONE REQUIREMENT: The Design Project, ECE496Y1, must be taken in fourth year. To be eligible to register for the capstone course, you must have at least 7 technical electives or 6 technical electives plus ECE472H1.
  5. MATH/SCIENCE REQUIREMENT: At least one course from the Math/Science area must be chosen.
  6. TECHNICAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: A minimum of three additional ECE technical courses must be chosen from any of the six areas of study. With approval from ECE, one of the technical electives can be taken from another department. Only 300, 400 and 500 level courses can be used as a technical elective.
  7. FREE ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: One is required, and may be a technical or a non-technical course.
  8. COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES REQUIREMENT: In each of terms 3F, 3S, 4F, and 4S, a complementary studies course must be taken. Of the four complementary studies courses, a minimum of two must be humanities and social science (HSS) courses chosen from an approved list on the Registrar's website: http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Office_of_the_Registrar/Electives.htm
  9. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer vacation periods). Students registered within this program, may elect to enrol and participate in the Professional Experience Year (PEY Co-op) program.

A sample course selection arrangement for third and fourth year is shown in the table below.

3FTechnical ElectiveOther Science/MathArea KernelArea KernelComplementary Studies
3SEngineering EconomicsDepthArea KernelArea KernelComplementary Studies
4FTechnical ElectiveDepthDepth4th Year Design ProjectHumanities & Social Science
4SFree ElectiveTechnical ElectiveDepth4th Year Design ProjectHumanities & Social Science

Degree Designation

If, among the eight courses required to satisfy the Breadth requirement (1) and the Depth requirement (2), at least four are selected from Areas 5 and 6, then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering. If, among these eight courses, at least five are selected from Areas 1 to 4, then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. By appropriate choice of kernel courses as technical or free electives, it may be possible to satisfy these requirements simultaneously; in this case, the student must choose one of the two designations.

In addition to the above program requirements, all CEAB requirements, including the minimum number of accreditation units (AU's) in the various CEAB categories, must be met in order to graduate.

CEAB Requirements

To satisfy CEAB requirements, students must accumulate, during four years of study, a minimum number of academic units in six categories: complementary studies, mathematics, basic science, engineering science, engineering design, combined engineering science and design. For details on how to verify satisfaction of CEAB requirements, students are referred to the ECE Undergraduate website:

It is recognized that the course selection process can be complex in the flexible curriculum for third and fourth year. Students are advised to consult the ECE Undergraduate Office on questions related to course selection. In addition, tools will be provided to assist students to ensure satisfaction of all requirements in their course selection. For complete details, students are referred to the ECE Department Undergraduate Studies office at askece@utoronto.ca.

A student who selects a course of study that does not meet ECE and CEAB requirements will not be eligible to graduate.





Fall Session – Year 1 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
APS100H1: Orientation to EngineeringF1-10.25
APS110H1: Engineering Chemistry and Materials ScienceF3110.50
APS111H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice IF3110.50
CIV100H1: MechanicsF3-20.50
MAT186H1: Calculus IF3-10.50
MAT188H1: Linear AlgebraF3110.50
Winter Session – Year 1 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
APS105H1: Computer FundamentalsS3210.50
APS112H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice IIS22-0.50
ECE191H1: Introduction to Electrical and Computer EngineeringS1--0.15
ECE110H1: Electrical FundamentalsS3120.50
MAT187H1: Calculus IIS3-10.50
MIE100H1: DynamicsS3-20.50

Approved Course Substitutions

  1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
  2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
  3. Students are able to substitute APS110H1 with the online course APS164H1.
  4. Students are able to substitute CIV100H1 with the online course APS160H1.


Fall Session – Year 2 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE201H1: Electrical and Computer Engineering SeminarF1--0.15
ECE231H1: Introductory ElectronicsF31.5020.50
ECE241H1: Digital SystemsF33-0.50
ECE244H1: Programming FundamentalsF3210.50
MAT290H1: Advanced Engineering MathematicsF3-20.50
MAT291H1: Introduction to Mathematical PhysicsF3-20.50
Winter Session – Year 2 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE212H1: Circuit AnalysisS31.5020.50
ECE216H1: Signals and SystemsS3120.50
ECE221H1: Electric and Magnetic FieldsS3120.50
ECE243H1: Computer OrganizationS33-0.50
ECE295H1: Hardware Design and CommunicationS22m2m0.50

Attention: ECE students may not enroll in 300 and/or 400 level technical courses until passing the 2W term and earning no less than 8 second-year core courses.


Required Course – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE472H1: Engineering Economic Analysis & EntrepreneurshipF/S3-20.50
Required Course – Year 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE496Y1: Design ProjectY1-11.00


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE318H1: Fundamentals of OpticsF31.5010.50
ECE335H1: Introduction to Electronic DevicesF3120.50
ECE427H1: Photonic DevicesF3-20.50
ECE435H1: Quantum Computing HardwareF31.5020.50
ECE442H1: Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication TechnologiesF3210.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE318H1: Fundamentals of OpticsS31.5010.50
ECE330H1: Quantum and Semiconductor PhysicsS3-20.50
ECE437H1: VLSI TechnologyS33-0.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50
ECE484H1: Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms & SoftwareS3-20.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE314H1: Fundamentals of Electrical Energy SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE320H1: Fields and WavesF31.5010.50
BME595H1: Medical ImagingF2310.50
ECE424H1: Microwave CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE520H1: Power ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE526H1: Power System Protection and AutomationF31.5010.50
Winter Term - Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE313H1: Energy Systems and Distributed GenerationS31.5010.50
ECE422H1: Radio and Microwave Wireless SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE463H1: Electric DrivesS31.5010.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE331H1: Analog ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE334H1: Digital ElectronicsF31.5010.50
ECE424H1: Microwave CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE430H1: Analog Integrated CircuitsF31.5010.50
ECE435H1: Quantum Computing HardwareF31.5020.50
ECE446H1: Audio, Acoustics and SensingF31.50-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE334H1: Digital ElectronicsS31.5010.50
ECE412H1: Analog Signal Processing CircuitsS3-20.50
ECE437H1: VLSI TechnologyS33-0.50
ECE532H1: Digital Systems DesignS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE311H1: Introduction to Control SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE316H1: Communication SystemsF31.5010.50
BME445H1: Neural BioelectricityF31.5010.50
BME595H1: Medical ImagingF2310.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE410H1: Linear Control SystemsF31.5010.50
ECE417H1: Digital CommunicationF31.5010.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine LearningF/S3-20.50
ECE431H1: Digital Signal ProcessingF31.5010.50
ECE441H1: Interfacing & Modulating the Nervous SystemF3320.50
ECE446H1: Audio, Acoustics and SensingF31.50-0.50
ECE470H1: Robot Modeling and ControlF31.5010.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE311H1: Introduction to Control SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE316H1: Communication SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE368H1: Probabilistic ReasoningS31.5010.50
ECE411H1: Adaptive Control and Reinforcement LearningS31.5010.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine LearningF/S3-20.50
ECE422H1: Radio and Microwave Wireless SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE462H1: Multimedia SystemsS32-0.50
ECE464H1: Wireless CommunicationS31.5010.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50
ECE470H1: Robot Modeling and ControlS31.5010.50
ECE516H1: Intelligent Image ProcessingS31.5010.50
BME331H1: Physiological Control SystemsS3110.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE361H1: Computer Networks IF31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE461H1: InternetworkingF31.500.500.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
ECE552H1: Computer ArchitectureF31.5010.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityF33-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE342H1: Computer HardwareS33-0.50
ECE361H1: Computer Networks IS31.5010.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE462H1: Multimedia SystemsS32-0.50
ECE464H1: Wireless CommunicationS31.5010.50
ECE466H1: Computer Networks IIS31.5010.50
ECE469H1: Optical Communications and NetworksS31.5010.50
ECE532H1: Digital Systems DesignS33-0.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE344H1: Operating SystemsF33-0.50
ECE345H1: Algorithms and Data StructuresF3-20.50
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep LearningF31-0.50
CSC317H1: Computer GraphicsF2-10.50
CSC343H1: Introduction to DatabasesF2-10.50
CSC384H1: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceF2-10.50
ECE326H1: Programming LanguagesF31.5010.50
ECE444H1: Software EngineeringF33-0.50
ECE454H1: Computer Systems ProgrammingF33-0.50
ECE461H1: InternetworkingF31.500.500.50
ECE467H1: Compilers & InterpretersF31.5010.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityF33-0.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
ECE344H1: Operating SystemsS33-0.50
ECE345H1: Algorithms and Data StructuresS3-20.50
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep LearningS31-0.50
CSC317H1: Computer GraphicsS2-10.50
CSC343H1: Introduction to DatabasesS2-10.50
CSC384H1: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceS2-10.50
ECE419H1: Distributed SystemsS31.5010.50
ECE448H1: BiocomputationS3-20.50
ECE484H1: Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms & SoftwareS3-20.50
ECE568H1: Computer SecurityS33-0.50


Fall Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
BME440H1: Biomedical Engineering Technology and InvestigationF24-0.50
BME455H1: Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering IIF31.5010.50
CHE353H1: Engineering BiologyF2-20.50
CIV220H1: Urban Engineering EcologyF3-10.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy SystemsF3-20.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsF3-20.50
ECE357H1: Electromagnetic FieldsS31.5010.50
ECE367H1: Matrix Algebra and OptimizationF3-20.50
ECE537H1: Random ProcessesF3-20.50
ESC384H1: Partial Differential EquationsF3-10.50
Winter Term – Year 3 or 4 Lect.Lab.Tut.Wgt.
BME331H1: Physiological Control SystemsS3110.50
CHE354H1: Cellular and Molecular BiologyS3120.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy SystemsS3-20.50
ECE302H1: Probability and ApplicationsS3-20.50
ECE368H1: Probabilistic ReasoningS3-10.50
ECE448H1: BiocomputationS3-20.50
PHY365H1: Quantum InformationS2-10.50



Students registered within this program, and all other undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, may elect to enroll and participate in the Professional Experience Year Co-Op Program (PEY Co-Op). The PEY Co-op program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous work period with a cooperating industry. Details are described in the beginning of this chapter. More information can be found in the PEY Co-op section of the calendar.


ECE Program Requirements

There are nine requirements:

  1. BREADTH REQUIREMENT: A minimum of four kernel courses, each in a different area, must be chosen.
  2. DEPTH REQUIREMENT: Select at least two areas from which one kernel course has been chosen. In each of these two areas, two additional technical courses must be chosen. Kernel courses may also be chosen to meet this requirement.
  3. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS REQUIREMENTS: ECE472H1 must be chosen. Course can be taken in either third or fourth year.
  4. CAPSTONE REQUIREMENT: The Design Project, ECE496Y1, must be taken in fourth year. To be eligible to register for the capstone course, you must have at least 7 technical electives or 6 technical electives plus ECE472H1.
  5. MATH/SCIENCE REQUIREMENT: At least one course from the Math/Science area must be chosen.
  6. TECHNICAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: A minimum of three additional ECE technical courses must be chosen from any of the six areas of study. With approval from ECE, one of the technical electives can be taken from another department. Only 300, 400 and 500 level courses can be used as a technical elective.
  7. FREE ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT: One is required and may be a technical or a non-technical course.
  8. COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES REQUIREMENT: In each of terms 3F, 3S, 4F, and 4S, a complementary studies course must be taken. Of the four complementary studies courses, a minimum of two must be humanities and social science (HSS) courses chosen from an approved list on the Registrar's website: http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Office_of_the_Registrar/Electives.htm
  9. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT: Students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer vacation periods). Students registered within this program, may elect to enrol and participate in the Professional Experience Year (PEY Co-op) program.

A sample course selection arrangement for third and fourth year is shown in the table below.

3FTechnical ElectiveOther Science/MathArea KernelArea KernelComplementary Studies
3SEngineering EconomicsDepthArea KernelArea KernelComplementary Studies
4FTechnical ElectiveDepthDepth4th Year Design ProjectHumanities & Social Science
4SFree ElectiveTechnical ElectiveDepth4th Year Design ProjectHumanities & Social Science

Degree Designation

If, among the eight courses required to satisfy the Breadth requirement (1) and the Depth requirement (2), at least four are selected from Areas 5 and 6, then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering. If, among these eight courses, at least five are selected from Areas 1 to 4, then the student is eligible for the B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. By appropriate choice of kernel courses as technical or free electives, it may be possible to satisfy these requirements simultaneously; in this case, the student must choose one of the two designations.

CEAB Requirements

To satisfy CEAB requirements, students must accumulate, during four years of study, a minimum number of academic units in six categories: complementary studies, mathematics, basic science, engineering science, engineering design, combined engineering science and design. For details on how to verify satisfaction of CEAB requirements, students are referred to the ECE Undergraduate website:

It is recognized that the course selection process can be complex in the flexible curriculum for third and fourth year. Students are advised to consult the ECE Undergraduate Office on questions related to course selection. In addition, tools will be provided to assist students to ensure satisfaction of all requirements in their course selection. For complete details, students are referred to the ECE Department Undergraduate Studies office at askece@utoronto.ca.

A student who selects a course of study that does not meet ECE and CEAB requirements will not be eligible to graduate.


Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses

Applied Science and Engineering (Interdepartmental)

APS100H1 - Orientation to Engineering

APS100H1 - Orientation to Engineering
Credit Value: 0.25
Hours: 12.8L/12.8T

Designed to help students transition into first-year engineering studies, and to develop and apply a greater understanding of the post-secondary academic learning environment, the field of engineering, application of mathematics and sciences in an engineering context, and properly frame engineering (education) as a socio-technical, people-centred endeavor. Topics include techniques for effective learning, time management, problem solving, successful teamwork, effective communications, test and exam preparation, stress management and wellness, engineering ethics and professionalism, academic integrity and the Student Code of Conduct, applications of math and science in engineering undergraduate research, extra- and co-curricular involvement, and engineering disciplines and career opportunities.

Total AUs: 18.3 (Fall), 18.3 (Winter), 36.6 (Full Year)

APS105H1 - Computer Fundamentals

APS105H1 - Computer Fundamentals
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/25.6P

An introduction to computer systems and problem solving using computers. Topics include: the representation of information, programming techniques, programming style, basic loop structures, functions, arrays, strings, pointer-based data structures and searching and sorting algorithms. The laboratories reinforce the lecture topics and develops essential programming skills.

Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

APS110H1 - Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science

APS110H1 - Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/12.8P

The principle of the structure-property relationship refers to an understanding of the microstructure of a solid, that is, the nature of the bonds between atoms and the spatial arrangement of atoms, which permits the explanation of observed behaviour. Observed materials behaviour includes mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, and corrosive behaviour. Topics covered in this course include: structure of the atom, models of the atom, electronic configuration, the electromagnetic spectrum, band theory, atomic bonding, optical transparency of solids, magnetic properties, molecular bonding, hybridized orbitals, crystal systems, lattices and structures, crystallographic notation, imperfections in solids, reaction rates, activation energy, solid-state diffusion, materials thermodynamics, free energy, and phase equilibrium.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

APS111H1 - Engineering Strategies & Practice I

APS111H1 - Engineering Strategies & Practice I
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/12.8P

An introduction to, and implementation of, a framework for the design process, which is used to teach in context, problem solving, professional communication, and team skills. Students are introduced to design, communication and teamwork as integral and inter-related components of engineering practice. This first course in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to the process of engineering design, including broader considerations, written professional communication, and to strategies for successful team work. Students will write a series of team and individual engineering reports.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

APS112H1 - Engineering Strategies & Practice II

APS112H1 - Engineering Strategies & Practice II
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/25.6P

An introduction to, and implementation of, a framework for the design process, which is used to teach in context, problem solving, professional communication, and team skills.
Students are introduced to design, communication, and teamwork as integral and inter-related components of engineering practice. Building on the first course, this second course
in the two Engineering Strategies and Practice course sequence introduces students to project management, oral professional communication, and to the design process in greater
depth. Students work in teams on a term length design project. Students will write a series of team based and individual engineering reports and give a team based design project oral

Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

APS360H1 - Applied Fundamentals of Deep Learning

APS360H1 - Applied Fundamentals of Deep Learning
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8P

A basic introduction to the history, technology, programming and applications of the fast evolving field of deep learning. Topics to be covered may include neural networks, autoencoders/decoders, recurrent neural networks, natural language processing, and generative adversarial networks. Special attention will be paid to fairness and ethics issues surrounding machine learning. An applied approach will be taken, where students get hands-on exposure to the covered techniques through the use of state-of-the-art machine learning software frameworks.

Prerequisite: APS105H1/APS106H1/ESC180H1/CSC180H1; APS163/MAT187H1/ESC195H1; MAT185H1/MAT188H1
Recommended Preparation: CHE223H1/CME263H1/ECE302H1/MIE231H1/MIE236H1/MSE238H1/STA286H1/ECE286H1/MIE286H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

BME331H1 - Physiological Control Systems

BME331H1 - Physiological Control Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/12.8P

Introduces physiological concepts and selected physiological control systems present in the human body, and proposes quantitative modeling approaches for these systems. Topics covered will include (1) the endocrine system and its subsystems, including glucose regulation and the stress response, (2) the cardiovascular system and related aspects such as cardiac output, venous return, control of blood flow by the tissues, and nervous regulation of circulation, and (3) the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, including the control of voluntary motion. Linear control theory will be used to develop skills in system modeling and examine concepts of system response and system control in the context of a healthy human body.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME440H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation

BME440H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/51.2P

Fundamental biomedical research technologies with specific focus on cellular and molecular methodologies. Examples include DNA and protein analysis and isolation, microscopy, cell culture and cellular assays. Combines both theoretical concepts and hand-on practical experience via lectures and wet labs, respectively. Specific applications as applied to biotechnology and medicine will also be outlined and discussed.

Prerequisite: CHE353H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity

BME445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/16.2P

Generation, transmission and the significance of bioelectricity in neural networks of the brain. Topics covered include: (i) Basic features of neural systems. (ii) Ionic transport mechanisms in cellular membranes. (iii) Propagation of electricity in neural cables. (iv) Extracellular electric fields. (v) Neural networks, neuroplasticity and biological clocks. (vi) Learning and memory in artificial neural networks. Laboratory experiences include: (a) Biological measurements of body surface potentials (EEG and EMG). (b) Experiments on computer models of generation and propagation of neuronal electrical activities. (c) Investigation of learning in artificial neural networks. This course was previously offered as ECE445H1.

Prerequisite: ECE159H1/ECE110H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

BME455H1 - Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering II

BME455H1 - Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering II
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Engineering and biophysical tools are used to integrate and enhance our understanding of animal cell behaviour from the molecular to the tissue level. Quantitative methods are used to mathematically model the biology of cell growth, division and differentiation to tissue formation. Specific topics include receptor-ligand interactions, cell adhesion and migration, signal transduction, cell growth and differentiation. Examples from the literature are used to highlight applications in cellular and tissue engineering.

Prerequisite: CHE353H1 and CHE354H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

BME595H1 - Medical Imaging

BME595H1 - Medical Imaging
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/38.4P

An introductory course to medical imaging and is designed as a final year course for engineers. The main clinical imaging modalities are covered: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, x-ray and computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and clinical optical imaging. Emphasis is placed on the underlying physical and mathematical concepts behind each modality, and applications are discussed in the context of how different modalities complement one another in the clinical setting. Early year engineering concepts are extensively used, including: basic electromagnetics theory, fields and waves, signals and systems, digital signal processing, differential equations and calculus, and probability and random processes. The laboratories involve image reconstruction and analysis for the various imaging modalities and a live animal imaging session.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

CHE353H1 - Engineering Biology

CHE353H1 - Engineering Biology
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/25.6T

Using a quantitative, problem solving approach, this course will introduce basic concepts in cell biology and physiology. Various engineering modelling tools will be used to investigate aspects of cell growth and metabolism, transport across cell membranes, protein structure, homeostasis, nerve conduction and mechanical forces in biology.

Exclusion: BME205H1
Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

CHE354H1 - Cellular and Molecular Biology

CHE354H1 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/12.8P

This course will cover the principles of molecular and cellular biology as they apply to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Topics will include: metabolic conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; nucleic acids; enzymology; structure and function relationships within cells; and motility and growth. Genetic analysis, immunohistochemistry, hybridomis, cloning, recombinant DNA and biotechnology will also be covered. This course will appeal to students interested in environmental microbiology, biomaterials and tissue engineering, and bioprocesses.

Prerequisite: CHE353H1
Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

Civil Engineering

CIV100H1 - Mechanics

CIV100H1 - Mechanics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

The principles of statics are applied to composition and resolution of forces, moments and couples. The equilibrium states of structures are examined. Throughout, the free body diagram concept is emphasized. Vector algebra is used where it is most useful, and stress blocks are introduced. Shear force diagrams, bending moment diagrams and stress-strain relationships for materials are discussed. Stress and deformation in axially loaded members and flexural members (beams) are also covered.

Exclusion: APS160H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

CIV220H1 - Urban Engineering Ecology

CIV220H1 - Urban Engineering Ecology
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

Core Course in the Environmental Engineering Minor Basic concepts of ecology within the context of urban environments. Response of organisms, populations, dynamic predator-prey and competition processes, and ecosystems to human activities. Thermodynamic basis for food chains, energy flow, biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Biogeochemical cycles, habitat fragmentation and bioaccumulation. Introduction to industrial ecology and life cycle assessment principles. Urban metabolism and material flow analysis of cities. Response of receiving waters to pollution and introduction to waste water treatment. Emphasis is on identifying the environment/engineering interface and minimizing environmental impacts.

Prerequisite: CHE112H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

CIV300H1 - Terrestrial Energy Systems

CIV300H1 - Terrestrial Energy Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Core Course in the Sustainable Energy Minor Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, including the variation of solar energy received by the planet and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers the energy redistribution role of large scale atmospheric systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the important role of energy storage processes in physical and biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel reserves.

Exclusion: ENV346H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

Computer Science

CSC326H1 - Programming Languages

CSC326H1 - Programming Languages
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.

Exclusion: CSC324H1
Total AUs: 51.1 (Fall), 51.1 (Winter), 102.2 (Full Year)

CSC343H1 - Introduction to Databases

CSC343H1 - Introduction to Databases
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36L

Introduction to database management systems. The relational data model. Relational algebra. Querying and updating databases: the query language SQL. Application programming with SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms, and database design. Elements of database system technology: query processing, transaction management.

Prerequisite: CSC111H1/ CSC165H1/ ​CSC240H1/ ​(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/ MAT135Y1/ MAT137Y1/ ​MAT157Y1/ (MAT186H1, MAT187H1)/ (MAT194H1, MAT195H1)/ (ESC194H1, ESC195H1); CSC207H1/ CSC207H5/ CSCB07H3/ ECE345H1/ ESC190H1
Exclusion: CSC343H5, CSCC43H3, MIE253H1. NOTE: Students not enrolled in the Computer Science Major or Specialist program at A&S, UTM, or UTSC, or the Data Science Specialist at A&S, are limited to a maximum of 1.5 credits in 300-/400-level CSC/ECE courses.
Total AUs: 34 (Fall), 34 (Winter), 68 (Full Year)

CSC467H1 - Compilers and Interpreters

CSC467H1 - Compilers and Interpreters
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Compiler organization, compiler writing tools, use of regular expressions, finite automata and context-free grammars, scanning and parsing, runtime organization, semantic analysis, implementing the runtime model, storage allocation, code generation.

Prerequisite: ECE243H1 or ECE352H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE110H1 - Electrical Fundamentals

ECE110H1 - Electrical Fundamentals
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/12.8P

An overview of the physics of electricity and magnetism: Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law. Physics of capacitors, resistors and inductors. An introduction to circuit analysis: resistive circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, 1st order RC and RL transient response and sinusoidal steady-state analysis.

Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE191H1 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE191H1 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Credit Value: 0.15
Hours: 12.2L

This is a seminar series that will introduce first year students to the wealth of subjects within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Instructors will be drawn from the various research groups within the Department. This course will be offered on a credit/no-credit basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 2S session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 2S session will not be permitted to register in session 3F.

Total AUs: 12.2 (Fall), 12.2 (Winter), 24.4 (Full Year)

ECE201H1 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar

ECE201H1 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar
Credit Value: 0.15
Hours: 12.8L

This seminar introduces second year students to the various career pathways within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Instructors from various areas will talk about third and fourth year ECE courses in weekly seminars to guide students with the selection of upper year courses. The course also offers talks and advice to aid students transitioning into second year, as well as enhance students' skills such as stress management and time management. This course will be offered on a credit/no credit basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 3F session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 3F session will not be permitted to register for their 3S session.

Total AUs: 12.2 (Fall), 12.2 (Winter), 24.4 (Full Year)

ECE212H1 - Circuit Analysis

ECE212H1 - Circuit Analysis
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/19.2P

Methods for the analysis and design of electrical circuits and systems with an emphasis on the frequency domain. AC power system concepts such as real and reactive power, power factor, complex power and power flow analysis. For sinusoidal steady-state analysis, topics include phasor analysis, impedance and admittance. Review of circuit analysis techniques, differential equations and second-order RLC circuits. Frequency domain analysis, including the Laplace transform, poles and zeros, s-domain analysis, transfer functions, convolution, frequency response, Bode diagrams, frequency response and filter types (e.g. low-pass, high-pass) Circuit elements introduced include operational amplifiers, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, and the realization of active filters using operational amplifiers.

Total AUs: 56.7 (Fall), 56.7 (Winter), 113.4 (Full Year)

ECE216H1 - Signals and Systems

ECE216H1 - Signals and Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/12.8P

Fundamental discrete- and continuous-time signals, definition and properties of systems, linearity and time invariance, convolution, impulse response, differential and difference equations, Fourier analysis, sampling and aliasing, applications in communications.

Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE221H1 - Electric and Magnetic Fields

ECE221H1 - Electric and Magnetic Fields
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/12.8P

The fundamental laws of electromagnetics are covered, including Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, the Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and Maxwell's equations. Vector calculus is applied to determine the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields and their sources (charges and currents). The interaction of the fields with material media will be discussed, including resistance, polarization in dielectrics, magnetization in magnetic materials, properties of magnetic materials and boundary conditions. Other topics include: electric and magnetic forces, the electric potential, capacitance and inductance, electric and magnetic energy, magnetic circuits, and boundary-value problems.

Total AUs: 53.8 (Fall), 53.8 (Winter), 107.6 (Full Year)

ECE231H1 - Introductory Electronics

ECE231H1 - Introductory Electronics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/19.2P

Provides methods for the analysis and design of electrical circuits based on semiconductor non-linear components (diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors) and operational amplifiers. The course discusses basic physical operation of semiconductor devices, current-voltage characteristics, operating regions, DC modeling, small-signal modelling and biasing. Fundamental circuits are covered, such as rectifiers, limiting and clamping circuits and transistors amplifiers. Finally, operational amplifier is introduced and its non-idealities are addressed, including the impact on circuit applications.

Recommended Preparation: ECE110H1
Total AUs: 56.7 (Fall), 56.7 (Winter), 113.4 (Full Year)

ECE241H1 - Digital Systems

ECE241H1 - Digital Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/15P

Digital logic circuit design with substantial hands-on laboratory work. Algebraic and truth table representation of logic functions and variables. Optimizations of combinational logic, using "don't cares." Multi-level logic optimization. Transistor-level design of logic gates; propagation delay and timing of gates and circuits. The Verilog hardware description language. Memory in digital circuits, including latches, clocked flip-flops, and Static Random Access Memory. Set-up and hold times of sequential logic. Finite state machines - design and implementation. Binary number representation, hardware addition and multiplication. Tri-state gates, and multiplexers. There is a major lab component using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and associated computer-aided design software.

Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE243H1 - Computer Organization

ECE243H1 - Computer Organization
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Basic computer structure. Design of central processing unit. Hardwired control. Input-output and the use of interrupts. Assembly language programming. Main memory organization and caches. Peripherals and interfacing. System design considerations. The laboratory will consist of experiments involving logic systems and microprocessors and a large open project. Design activity constitutes a major portion of laboratory work.

Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE244H1 - Programming Fundamentals

ECE244H1 - Programming Fundamentals
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/25.6P

Provides a foundation in programming using an object-oriented programming language. Topics include: classes and objects, inheritance, exception handling, basic data structures (linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables), big-O complexity analysis, and testing and debugging. The laboratory assignments emphasize the use of object-oriented programming constructs in the design and implementation of reasonably large programs.

Prerequisite: APS105H1
Total AUs: 53.8 (Fall), 53.8 (Winter), 107.6 (Full Year)

ECE295H1 - Hardware Design and Communication

ECE295H1 - Hardware Design and Communication
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/12.8P

Introduction to engineering design processes for hardware systems. In addition to familiarizing students with hardware design practices, tools, and skill sets, it also aims to develop effective oral and written communication in a team context. Principles of engineering design, project management and teamwork are developed and applied as students work in teams to create and implement a complex hardware system comprising analog and digital electronic circuits. Students learn how to synthesize, prototype, and assemble designs realized using printed circuit board technology, as well as how to test them using modern measurement equipment. They learn about computer-aided design (CAD) and other development tools including those for electronic circuit simulation, schematic capture, board layout, version control (git), and instrument control. Students develop and apply communication skills by preparing a variety of documents and presentations, including proposals, status reports, design reviews, and presentations. ​

Prerequisite: ECE231H1, ECE241H1, APS105H1
Corequisite: ECE212H1
Exclusion: ECE297H1
Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

ECE297H1 - Software Design and Communication

ECE297H1 - Software Design and Communication
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/25.6P

An introduction to engineering design processes, illustrated by the design and implementation of a software system, and to effective oral and written communication in a team context. Principles of software design, project management and team work are developed in the lectures and tutorials, and students apply these concepts in the laboratories as they work in a team to design and implement a complex software system. Students learn and practice oral and written communication techniques in lectures and in meetings with their communication instructor, and apply these techniques in a variety of documents and presentations, such as short status reports and longer design proposals and design reviews. Students learn software development tools such as version control (git), debuggers, code verifiers and unit test frameworks and gain experience in graphical user interface design and algorithm development.

Prerequisite: APS105H1, ECE244H1
Exclusion: ECE295H1
Total AUs: 47.2 (Fall), 47.2 (Winter), 94.4 (Full Year)

ECE302H1 - Probability and Applications

ECE302H1 - Probability and Applications
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Events, sample space, axioms of probability. Discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions. Bernoulli trials, Binomial, geometric, Poisson, exponential and Gaussian distributions.
Expectation, moments, characteristic function and correlation coefficient. Functions of random variables. Random vectors, joint distributions, transformations. Applications will be chosen from communication theory, estimation and hypothesis testing, predictive analytics and other areas of electrical and computer engineering.

Prerequisite: MAT290H1 and MAT291H1 and ECE216H1
Exclusion: ECE286H1
Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

ECE311H1 - Introduction to Control Systems

ECE311H1 - Introduction to Control Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential equation models of mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. State variable form. Linearization of nonlinear models and transfer functions. Use of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations. Conversion of models from state variable form to transfer function representation and vice versa. Block diagrams and their manipulation. Time response: transient analysis and performance measures. Properties of feedback control systems. Steady state tracking:the notion of system type. The concept of stability of feedback systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Frequency response and stability in the frequency domain. Root locus. Bode and Nyquist plots and their use in feedback control design.

Prerequisite: MAT290H1, MAT291H1, ECE216H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE313H1 - Energy Systems and Distributed Generation

ECE313H1 - Energy Systems and Distributed Generation
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Three-phase systems; steady-state transmission line model; symmetrical three-phase faults; power system stability; symmetrical components; unsymmetrical faults and fault current calculation; distribution network; equivalent steady-state model of voltage-sourced converter; distributed energy resources (DR); distributed energy storage; interface between DR and power system.

Exclusion: ECE413H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE314H1 - Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Systems

ECE314H1 - Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

High-efficiency energy conversion via switched-mode power electronic circuits: design and steady-state modeling of DC/DC converters, DC/AC converters using pulse-width modulation. Transistor switch realization and basic efficiency analysis in power electronic converters. AC power quality and power factor, including non-sinusoidal currents. Energy conversion via magnetic devices: Faraday's law for time varying fields, characterization of hysteresis and eddy current losses in magnetic materials, modelling of magnetic circuits, transformer and inductor modelling and design. Introduction to electromechanical energy conversion: Lorentz Force, concepts of energy, co-energy, forces between ferromagnetic materials carrying flux, simple magnetic actuators, introduction to synchronous machines.

Prerequisite: ECE212H1 and ECE221H1 and ECE231H1
Exclusion: ECE349H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE316H1 - Communication Systems

ECE316H1 - Communication Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems. Analog and digital signals. Signal representation and Fourier transforms; energy and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems; frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol interference (ISI); Nyquist's ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.

Prerequisite: (MAT290H1, ECE216H1) /(MAT389H1, ECE355H1)
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE318H1 - Fundamentals of Optics

ECE318H1 - Fundamentals of Optics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Geometric Optics: Spherical surfaces, lenses and mirrors, optical imaging systems, matrix method, and aberrations. Polarization: Polarizer and polarizations, anisotropic materials, dichroism, birefringence, index ellipsoid, waveplates, optical activity, Faraday effect. Interference: superposition of waves, longitudinal and transverse coherence, Young's double-slit experiment, Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer, thin-films. Diffraction and Fourier Optics: diffraction theory, single and double slits, diffraction gratings, spatial filtering, basic optical signal processing. (Background preparation in ECE320H1 F - Fields and Waves, or ECE357H1 S - Electromagnetic Fields, is strongly recommended.)

Prerequisite: ECE221H1 or ECE259H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE320H1 - Fields and Waves

ECE320H1 - Fields and Waves
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Voltage and current waves on a general transmission line, characteristic impedance, reflections from the load and source, transients on a transmission line, Smith's chart and impedance matching. Maxwell's equations, wave equation, constitutive relations, dispersion, boundary conditions. Plane wave propagation in lossless and lossy media, polarization, power flow and Poynting vector. Plane wave reflection and transmission at material boundaries. Waveguides; propagating and evanescent waveguide modes and cut-off frequencies.

Prerequisite: ECE221H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE326H1 - Programming Languages

ECE326H1 - Programming Languages
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.

Exclusion: CSC324H1, CSC326H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE330H1 - Quantum and Semiconductor Physics

ECE330H1 - Quantum and Semiconductor Physics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

The course introduces the principles of quantum physics and uses them to understand the behaviour of semiconductors. Topics to be covered include wave-particle duality, Schrodinger's equation, energy quantization, quantum mechanical tunnelling, electrons in crystalline semiconductors and other physical concepts that form the basis for nanotechnology, microelectronics, and optoelectronics.

Prerequisite: ECE221H1/ECE231H1
Exclusion: MSE235H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE331H1 - Analog Electronics

ECE331H1 - Analog Electronics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Transistor amplifiers with an emphasis on integrated circuit (IC) design. Building blocks include differential and multistage amplifiers, IC biasing techniques, and output stage design. Frequency response of amplifiers at low, medium and high frequencies. Feedback amplifier analysis. Stability and compensation techniques for amplifiers using negative feedback.​

Prerequisite: ECE212H1 and ECE231H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE334H1 - Digital Electronics

ECE334H1 - Digital Electronics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Digital design techniques for integrated circuits. The emphasis will be on the design of logic gates at the transistor level. A number of different logic families will be described, but CMOS will be emphasized. Review of: device modeling, IC processing, and Spice simulation, simplified layout rules, inverter noise margins, transient response, and power dissipation, traditional CMOS logic design, transmission gates, RC timing approximations, input-output circuits, latches and flipflops, counters and adders, decoders and muxes, dynamic gates, SRAMs, DRAMs, and EEPROMs.

Prerequisite: ECE241H1 and ECE231H1 or ECE253H1 and ECE360H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE335H1 - Introduction to Electronic Devices

ECE335H1 - Introduction to Electronic Devices
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36.6L/24.4T/18.3P

Electrical behaviour of semiconductor structures and devices. Metal-semiconductor contacts; pn junctions, diodes, photodetectors, LED's; bipolar junction transistors, Ebers-Moll and hybrid-pi models; field effect transistors, MOSFET, JFET/MESFET structures and models; thyristors and semiconductor lasers.

Prerequisite: MAT291H1 and ECE221H1 and ECE231H1
Exclusion: MSE335H1
Total AUs: 58 (Fall), 58 (Winter), 116 (Full Year)

ECE342H1 - Computer Hardware

ECE342H1 - Computer Hardware
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Design of digital hardware components and embedded systems. Finite state machines and the algorithmic state machine representation. Timing analysis of single and multi-clock designs. Numeric representation and arithmetic circuits: binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; IEEE 754 floating point representation. Introduction to hardware architecture of embedded systems; on-chip buses, particularly the AMBA/AXI standard. Processor design and pipelining. Memory types, interfacing and direct memory access. Off-chip peripherals and communication protocols.

Prerequisite: ECE241H1, ECE243H1
Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE344H1 - Operating Systems

ECE344H1 - Operating Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Operating system structures, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems. The laboratory exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system.

Prerequisite: ECE244H1 and ECE243H1
Exclusion: ECE353H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE345H1 - Algorithms and Data Structures

ECE345H1 - Algorithms and Data Structures
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures that are essential to engineers in every aspect of the computer hardware and software industry. Recurrences, asymptotics, summations, trees and graphs. Sorting, search trees and balanced search trees, amortized analysis, hash functions, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, basic graph algorithms, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, introduction to NP completeness and new trends in algorithms and data structures.

Prerequisite: ECE244H1 or equivalent with the permission of the Chair of the AI certificate/minor.
Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

ECE361H1 - Computer Networks I

ECE361H1 - Computer Networks I
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Layered network architectures; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite. Introduction to sockets; introduction to application layer protocols. Peer-to-Peer Protocols: ARQ; TCP reliable stream service; flow control. Data Link Controls: Framing; PPP; HDLC. Medium access control and LANs: Aloha; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; Bridges. Packet Switching: Datagram and virtual circuit switching; Shortest path algorithms; Distance vector and link state algorithms.

Prerequisite: ECE286H1 or ECE302H1
Corequisite: ECE302H1. (Students must take the co-requisite, ECE302H1 in the same term as ECE361H, OR in a term before taking ECE361H1.)
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE367H1 - Matrix Algebra and Optimization

ECE367H1 - Matrix Algebra and Optimization
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

This course will provide students with a grounding in optimization methods and the matrix algebra upon which they are based. The first past of the course focuses on fundamental building blocks in linear algebra and their geometric interpretation: matrices, their use to represent data and as linear operators, and the matrix decompositions (such as eigen-, spectral-, and singular-vector decompositions) that reveal structural and geometric insight. The second part of the course focuses on optimization, both unconstrained and constrained, linear and non-linear, as well as convex and nonconvex; conditions for local and global optimality, as well as basic classes of optimization problems are discussed. Applications from machine learning, signal processing, and engineering are used to illustrate the techniques developed.

Prerequisite: AER210H1/MAT290H1, MAT185H1/MAT188H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE368H1 - Probabilistic Reasoning

ECE368H1 - Probabilistic Reasoning
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

This course will focus on different classes of probabilistic models and how, based on those models, one deduces actionable information from data. The course will start by reviewing basic concepts of probability including random variables and first and second-order statistics. Building from this foundation the course will then cover probabilistic models including vectors (e.g., multivariate Gaussian), temporal (e.g., stationarity and hidden Markov models), and graphical (e.g., factor graphs). On the inference side topics such as hypothesis testing, marginalization, estimation, and message passing will be covered. Applications of these tools cover a vast range of data processing domains including machine learning, communications, search, recommendation systems, finance, robotics and navigation.

Prerequisite: ECE286H1/ECE302H1
Exclusion: CSC412H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

ECE410H1 - Linear Control Systems

ECE410H1 - Linear Control Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

State space analysis of linear systems, the matrix exponential, linearization of nonlinear systems. Structural properties of linear systems: stability, controllability, observability, stabilizability, and detectability. Pole assignment using state feedback, state estimation using observers, full-order and reduced-order observer design, design of feedback compensators using the separation principle, control design for tracking. Control design based on optimization, linear quadratic optimal control, the algebraic Riccati equation. Laboratory experiments include computer-aided design using MATLAB and the control of an inverted pendulum on a cart.

Prerequisite: ECE311H1
Exclusion: ECE557H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE411H1 - Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning

ECE411H1 - Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

An introduction to adaptive control and reinforcement learning for discrete-time deterministic linear systems. Topics include: discrete-time state space models; stability of discrete time systems; parameter adaptation laws; error models in adaptive control; persistent excitation; controllability and pole placement; observability and observers; classical regulation in discrete-time; adaptive regulation; dynamic programming; Rescorla-Wagner model; value iteration methods; Q-learning; temporal difference learning.

Prerequisite: ECE311H1 or ECE356H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE412H1 - Analog Signal Processing Circuits

ECE412H1 - Analog Signal Processing Circuits
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

This course will provide students with an overview of continuous-time and discrete-time signal processing techniques, and the analysis and design of analog and mixed-signal circuit building blocks used in modern electronic systems. Topics covered include: analysis, specification, simulation, and design of continuous-time filters with linear transconductors and op-amps; phase-domain model, noise model, and design methodology for low phase noise Phase Lock Loops and associated building blocks (VCO, phase-frequency detector, charge pump); discrete-time signal analysis using z-transform; discrete-time filter design based on switched capacitors; as well as fundamentals, architectures, building blocks, and characterization techniques for digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.

Prerequisite: ECE331H1 or ECE354H1
Exclusion: ECE512H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE417H1 - Digital Communication

ECE417H1 - Digital Communication
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Basic concepts of digital communication. Baseband data transmission, intersymbol interference, Nyquist pulse shaping, equalization, line coding, multi-path fading, diversity. Binary and M-ary modulation schemes, synchronization. Signal space concepts, optimum receivers, coherent and noncoherent detectors. Information theory, source encoding, error control coding, block and convolutional codes.

Prerequisite: ECE302H1 and ECE316H1, or ECE286H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE419H1 - Distributed Systems

ECE419H1 - Distributed Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Design issues in distributed systems: heterogeneity, security, transparency, concurrency, fault-tolerance; networking principles; request-reply protocol; remote procedure calls; distributed objects; middleware architectures; CORBA; security and authentication protocols; distributed file systems; name services; global states in distributed systems; coordination and agreement; transactions and concurrency control; distributed transactions; replication.

Prerequisite: ECE344H1 or ECE353H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE421H1 - Introduction to Machine Learning

ECE421H1 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

An Introduction to the basic theory, the fundamental algorithms, and the computational toolboxes of machine learning. The focus is on a balanced treatment of the practical and theoretical approaches, along with hands on experience with relevant software packages. Supervised learning methods covered in the course will include: the study of linear models for classification and regression, neural networks and support vector machines. Unsupervised learning methods covered in the course will include: principal component analysis, k-means clustering, and Gaussian mixture models. Theoretical topics will include: bounds on the generalization error, bias-variance tradeoffs and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. Techniques to control overfitting, including regularization and validation, will be covered.

Prerequisite: ECE286H1/STA286H1, ECE302H1/MIE231H1/CHE223H1/MIE236H1/MSE238H1
Exclusion: CSC411H1, ECE521H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE422H1 - Radio and Microwave Wireless Systems

ECE422H1 - Radio and Microwave Wireless Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Analysis and design of systems employing radio waves, covering both the underlying electromagnetics and the overall system performance aspects such as signal-to-noise ratios. Transmission/reception phenomena include: electromagnetic wave radiation and polarization; elementary and linear dipoles; directivity, gain, efficiency; integrated, phased-array and aperture antennas; beam-steering; Friis transmission formula and link budget. Propagation phenomena include: diffraction and wave propagation over obstacles; multipath propagation; atmospheric and ionospheric effects. Receiver design aspects include: radio receiver architectures, receiver figures of merit, noise in cascaded systems, noise figure, and noise temperature. System examples are: terrestrial communication systems; satellite communications; radar; radiometric receivers; software-defined radio.

Prerequisite: ECE320H1 or ECE357H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE424H1 - Microwave Circuits

ECE424H1 - Microwave Circuits
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Losses in conductors and dielectrics; RF and microwave transmission lines; transients on transmission lines; matching networks; planar transmission lines (microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide); design with scattering parameters; 3- and 4-port RF devices (power dividers/combiners, couplers, isolators & circulators); coupled lines and devices; microwave active circuits (RF amplifiers, mixers, and receiver front ends); RF and microwave filters. The hands-on laboratories engage students in the design, simulation, fabrication, and test of practical passive and active microwave circuits using industry-standard RF/microwave simulation tools and measurement systems.

Exclusion: ECE524H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE427H1 - Photonic Devices

ECE427H1 - Photonic Devices
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

The human visual interface is rapidly evolving with the emergence of smart glasses, AR/VR wearable display, and autonomous vehicles. This course examines the photonic devices and integrated systems that underline such technologies, and how they are shaped by human visual perception and acuity. Advanced integrated photonic systems in optical display and sensing will be deconstructed and the underlying fundamental concepts studied. Topics include introduction to: heads up and wearable display, optical lidar, optical fiber, waveguide circuits, holography, optical switches, light sources (LED, laser), detectors and imaging sensors.

Prerequisite: ECE318H1/ECE320H1/ECE357H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE430H1 - Analog Integrated Circuits

ECE430H1 - Analog Integrated Circuits
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Review of MOSFET semiconductor device equations. Noise in electronic devices. Review of single-stage amplifiers and frequency response, including noise analysis. Basic CMOS op amp. Op amp compensation. Advanced op amp circuits: telescopic and folded-cascode op amps. Fully-differential op amps. Common mode feedback.

Prerequisite: ECE331H1 or ECE354H1
Exclusion: ECE530H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE431H1 - Digital Signal Processing

ECE431H1 - Digital Signal Processing
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

An introductory course in digital filtering and applications. Introduction to real world signal processing. Review of sampling and quantization of signals. Introduction to the discrete Fourier transform and its properties. The fast Fourier transform. Fourier analysis of signals using the discrete Fourier transform. Structures for discrete-time systems. Design and realization of digital filters: finite and infinite impulse response filters. DSP applications in areas such as communications, multimedia, video coding, human computer interaction and medicine.

Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE435H1 - Quantum Computing Hardware

ECE435H1 - Quantum Computing Hardware
Hours: 36.6L/24.4T/18.3P

A review of the principles and practical implementation of quantum processors based on solid state superconducting and semiconductor spin qubits. The focus is on hardware with no overlap with existing Quantum Information or proposed Quantum Algorithms undergraduate EngSci or CompSci courses. A top-down approach is taken starting from the quantum processor architecture and building block specification, to qubit and control and readout circuit modelling, design, fabrication and testing. Topics include the basics of quantum mechanics and quantum computing, superconducting and semiconductor spin qubit physics, fabrication and characterization techniques for qubits, and classical control and readout of qubits. Students will gain hands-on experience with the engineering of a quantum computer, deriving specifications for its quantum and classical hardware building blocks, and designing, modelling, simulating, and testing qubits, control and readout circuits for quantum processors.

Prerequisite: (ECE216H1 or ECE355H1) and (ECE286H1/MIE286H1 or ECE302H1) and (ECE335H1 or ECE350)H1 and (ECE231H1 or ECE360H1) and (ECE320H1 or ECE357H1)
Recommended Preparation: PHY365H1
Total AUs: 57.95 (Fall), 57.95 (Winter)

ECE437H1 - VLSI Technology

ECE437H1 - VLSI Technology
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

The introduction to VLSI fabrication techniques, integrated circuit designs and advanced semiconductor devices will give a proper perspective of the past, present and future trends in the VLSI industry. Following the evolution of MOS and bipolar devices, digital and analog CMOS, BiCMOS, deep submicron CMOS, SOI-CMOS, RF-CMOS and HV-CMOS technologies will be studied. Special attention will be given to the physical scaling limits such as short channel effects. In addition, CAD tools and design methodology for the development of advanced semiconductor devices and integrated circuits will be introduced in the laboratory environment. These include the simulation of device fabrication, device characteristics, device modeling, circuit layout, design verification. Finally, advanced technology such as GaN HEMTs, graphene devices, carbon nano-tube devices, power devices, heterojunctions, InP and GaSb HBTs will also be studied.

Prerequisite: (ECE331H1 or ECE334H1 or ECE354H1) and (ECE335H1 or ECE350H1)
Exclusion: ECE535H1 and ECE534H1
Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE441H1 - Interfacing & Modulating the Nervous System

ECE441H1 - Interfacing & Modulating the Nervous System
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/38.4P

Provides an overview of the fundamental principles and clinical applications of neuromodulation. Topics include (i) overview of the human nervous system & neural oscillations, (ii) introduction to electrical-neural interfaces, (iii) fundamentals of neural recording, neural stimulation & signal processing as well as (iv) instrumentation and clinical applications of commonly used neuromodalities including Electroencephalography (EEG), Deep brain stimulation (DBS), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Functional electrical stimulation (FES).

Recommended Preparation: BME445H1
Total AUs: 57.4 (Fall), 57.4 (Winter), 114.8 (Full Year)

ECE442H1 - Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Technologies

ECE442H1 - Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Technologies
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/25.6P

An introduction to the fundamentals of micro- and nano-fabrication processes with emphasis on cleanroom practices. The physical principles of optical lithography, electron-beam lithography, alternative nanolithography techniques, and thin film deposition and metrology methods. The physical and chemical processes of wet and dry etching. Cleanroom concepts and safety protocols. Sequential micro-fabrication processes involved in the manufacture of microelectronic and photonic devices. Imaging and characterization of micro- and nano-structures. Examples of practical existing and emerging micro- and nano-devices. Limited enrollment.

Prerequisite: ECE335H1 or ECE350H1
Total AUs: 57.6 (Fall), 57.6 (Winter), 115.2 (Full Year)

ECE444H1 - Software Engineering

ECE444H1 - Software Engineering
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/38.4P

The collaborative software development process. Software requirements elicitation and specifications. Software design techniques. Techniques for developing large software systems. Software testing, quality assurance, documentation, and maintenance. Open-source software and web application design.​

Prerequisite: ECE344H1/ECE353H1/ECE297H1
Exclusion: CSC444H1
Total AUs: 61 (Fall), 61 (Winter), 122 (Full Year)

ECE445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity

ECE445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Generation, transmission and the significance of bioelectricity in neural networks of the brain. Topics covered include: (i) Basic features of neural systems. (ii) Ionic transport mechanisms in cellular membranes. (iii) Propagation of electricity in neural cables. (iv) Extracellular electric fields. (v) Neural networks, neuroplasticity and biological clocks. (vi) Learning and memory in artificial neural networks. Laboratory experiences include: (a) Biological measurements of body surface potentials (EEG and EMG). (b) Experiments on computer models of generation and propagation of neuronal electrical activities. (c) Investigation of learning in artificial neural networks.

Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE446H1 - Audio, Acoustics and Sensing

ECE446H1 - Audio, Acoustics and Sensing
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36.6L/18.3P

Waves, physical, and musical acoustics, musical instruments, electrical and mechanical interfaces for musical expression, electroacoustic transducers,
sensing and metasensing, ultrasound, measurement (phase-coherent detection), and physiological acoustics. Speech, music, and interface processing and signal processing,
including aspects of the auditory system. Wearable technologies for audio. Engineering aspects of acoustic and electroacoustic design. Electrical models of acoustic systems. Noise,
noise-induced hearing loss, and noise control. Introduction to vision and other modalities. Creative and artistic systems and interfaces.

Total AUs: 45.8 (Fall), 45.8 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE448H1 - Biocomputation

ECE448H1 - Biocomputation
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Modern technologies in the biosciences generate tremendous amounts of biological data ranging from genomic sequences to protein structures to gene expression. Biocomputations are the computer algorithms used to reveal the hidden patterns within this data. Course topics include basic concepts in molecular cell biology, pairwise sequence alignment, multiple sequence alignment, fast alignment algorithms, deep learning approaches, phylogentic prediction, structure-based computational methods, gene finding and annotation.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE454H1 - Computer Systems Programming

ECE454H1 - Computer Systems Programming
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Fundamental techniques for programming computer systems, with an emphasis on obtaining good performance. Topics covered include: how to measure and understand program and execution and behaviour, how to get the most out of an optimizing compiler, how memory is allocated and managed, and how to exploit caches and the memory hierarchy. Furthermore, current trends in multicore, multithreaded and data parallel hardware, and how to exploit parallelism in their programs will be covered.

Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE461H1 - Internetworking

ECE461H1 - Internetworking
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/6.4T/19.2P

This course will cover the fundamentals of protocols for packet switching networks with emphasis on Internet type of networks including the following topics: the Internetworking concept and architectural model; data link layer (Ethernet and PPP); service interface; Internet addresses; address resolution protocol; Internet protocol (connectionless datagram delivery); routing IP datagrams; Internet control message protocol (error and control messages); subnet and supernet address extensions; ping program; traceroute program; user datagram protocol; reliable stream transport service (TCP); the socket interface; routing (GGP, EGP, IP, OSPF, HELLO); Internet multicasting; domain name system; applications such as HTTP, electronic mail, and SNMP; Internet security and firewall design; Ipv6, RSVP, flows, and ISIP.

Prerequisite: ECE361H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE462H1 - Multimedia Systems

ECE462H1 - Multimedia Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6P

Topics in the engineering area of multimedia systems with particular emphasis on the theory, design features, performance, complexity analysis, optimization and application of multimedia engineering technologies. Topics include sound/audio, image and video characterization, compression, source entropy and hybrid coding, transform coding, wavelet-based coding, motion estimation, JPEG coding, digital video coding, MPEG-1/2 coding, content-based processing, and MPEG-7.

Total AUs: 46.1 (Fall), 46.1 (Winter), 92.2 (Full Year)

ECE463H1 - Electric Drives

ECE463H1 - Electric Drives
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Electric drives comprise electric machines (i.e. motors/generators) together with power electronic actuation to enable the control of mechanical motion. Topics include electro-mechanical mechanisms for torque production relevant to rotating machines, speed-torque diagrams, DC machine analysis, dynamics and torque/speed/position control, introduction to space vectors and their application to motion control of synchronous machines and stepper motors. Steady state and variable speed operation of the induction machine using constant flux control is also covered.

Prerequisite: ECE314H1/ECE315H1/ECE349H1/ECE359H1, ECE311H1/ECE356H1/AER372H1
Corequisite: ECE311H1/ECE356H1/AER372H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE464H1 - Wireless Communication

ECE464H1 - Wireless Communication
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

The radio medium, radio communication system examples. Link budget: cable losses, propagation loss, antenna gains. Basic concepts of propagation: path loss, multi-path propagation and fading. Raleigh and Rician fading models, Doppler shift, delay spread, coherence time and coherence bandwidth of the channel. Analog modulation schemes and their bandwidths. Digital modulation schemes and their bandwidths and bit rates: BPSK, QPSK, MSK, GMSK. Basic concepts of speech coding. Error correction coding, interleaving, and multiple access frame structure. The physical layer description of the AMPS, IS-54, and GSM cellular systems. The cellular concept: frequency re-use, re-use cluster concept. Channel allocation. Cellular system architecture for AMPS, IS-54, and GSM. Hand-offs and transmitter power control. Cellular traffic, call blocking, concept of Erlangs. Basic ideas in spread spectrum modulation, spreading codes, bit error probability. Orthogonal and non-orthogonal CDMA Basic concepts in CDMA networks.

Prerequisite: ECE302H1 and ECE316H1 and ECE417H1, or ECE286H1 and ECE417H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE466H1 - Computer Networks II

ECE466H1 - Computer Networks II
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Traffic modeling; network calculus; traffic classification; traffic regulation: shaping, filtering, policing, leaky bucket; queueing systems; scheduling; quality of service: Diffserv and IntServ/RSVP; multi-protocol label switching; call admission control / congestion control; switching; pricing; optical networks.

Prerequisite: ECE361H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE467H1 - Compilers & Interpreters

ECE467H1 - Compilers & Interpreters
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Compiler organization, compiler writing tools, use of regular expressions, finite automata and context-free grammars, scanning and parsing, runtime organization, semantic analysis, implementing the runtime model, storage allocation, code generation.

Prerequisite: ECE243H1/ECE352H1
Exclusion: CSC467H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE469H1 - Optical Communications and Networks

ECE469H1 - Optical Communications and Networks
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

This course provides an introduction to optical communication systems and networks at the system and functional level. Applications range from telecommunication networks (short to long haul) to computing networks (chip-to-chip, on chip communications, optical backplanes). Basic principles of optical transmission and associated components used for transmission of light and optical networks; system design tools for optical links; multi-service system requirements; optical network design tools (routing and wavelength assignment), network management and survivability.

Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE470H1 - Robot Modeling and Control

ECE470H1 - Robot Modeling and Control
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Classification of robot manipulators, kinematic modeling, forward and inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, path planning, point-to-point trajectory planning, dynamic modeling, Euler-Lagrange equations, inverse dynamics, joint control, computed torque control, passivity-based control, feedback linearization.

Prerequisite: ECE311H1 or ECE356H1
Exclusion: AER525H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)

ECE472H1 - Engineering Economic Analysis & Entrepreneurship

ECE472H1 - Engineering Economic Analysis & Entrepreneurship
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

The economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals are discussed. Cost concepts; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; the time value of money and compound interest; inflation; capital budgeting; equity, bond and loan financing; income tax and after-tax cash flow in engineering project proposals; measures of economic merit in the public sector; sensitivity and risk analysis. Applications: evaluations of competing engineering project alternatives; replacement analysis; economic life of assets; lease versus buy decisions; break-even and sensitivity analysis. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian business environment will be discussed.

Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

ECE484H1 - Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms & Software

ECE484H1 - Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms & Software
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36.6L/24.4T

Provides a comprehensive understanding of quantum information processing, focusing on software tools and algorithms for quantum computing. The material covers foundational quantum mechanics background, introduces quantum computing basics, and explores key software frameworks and algorithms. Through programming exercises and projects, students develop skills in designing and implementing quantum algorithms. Exercises are conducted using prominent quantum simulators.

Prerequisite: MIE286H1 or ECE302H1
Recommended Preparation: PHY365H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

ECE496Y1 - Design Project

ECE496Y1 - Design Project
Credit Value: 1.00
Hours: 12.8L/12.8T

A full year capstone design project course intended to give students an opportunity to apply their technical knowledge and communication skills. Working in teams under the direct supervision of a faculty member, students develop a design project of their choice from an initial concept to a final working prototype. In the first session, a project proposal is submitted early on, followed by a project requirements specification. A design review meeting is then held to review the proposed design. Lectures given during the first session will develop expertise in various areas related to design and technical communication. In the second session, the teams present their work in a number of ways, including an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a final demonstration at the Design Fair, an individual progress report, and a group final report. Course deliverables are evaluated by both the team's supervisor and one of several course administrators.

Prerequisite: Students taking capstone must have successfully completed 7 technical elective courses, or 6 technical elective courses plus ECE472H1.
Exclusion: APS490Y1
Total AUs: 102.8 (Fall), 102.8 (Winter), 205.6 (Full Year)

ECE499H1 - Research Thesis

ECE499H1 - Research Thesis
Credit Value: 0.50

The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student’s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).

Prerequisite: Approval of Associate Chair, Undergraduate
Total AUs: 47.2 (Fall), 47.2 (Winter), 94.4 (Full Year)

ECE499Y1 - Research Thesis

ECE499Y1 - Research Thesis
Credit Value: 0.50

The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student’s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).

Prerequisite: Approval of Associate Chair, Undergraduate
Total AUs: 94.6 (Fall), 94.6 (Winter), 189.2 (Full Year)

ECE516H1 - Intelligent Image Processing

ECE516H1 - Intelligent Image Processing
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Provides fundamental knowledge in the expanding field of Intelligent Image Processing, Humanistic Intelligence, Wearable AI, Spatial XR (VR/AR/MR), Wearable Computing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI)", "Mobile Multimedia", "Augmented Reality," "Mediated Reality," CyborgLogging," vision-based mobility devices and assistive technologies like the "Freehicle" (vehicle of freedom for mobility for persons with disabilities). Key topics include Mersivity (Socio-Cyber-Physical border or boundary between  us and our surroundings), vision-based human-computer interaction. Personal Safety Devices, lifelong personal video capture, EyeTap principle, comparametric equations, photoquantigraphic imaging, lightvector spaces, anti-homomorphic imaging, application, algebraic projective geometry of 360-degree imaging, underwater imaging.

Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE520H1 - Power Electronics

ECE520H1 - Power Electronics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/16.2P

Focuses on power electronic converters utilized in applications ranging from low-power mobile devices to higher power applications such as electric vehicles, server farms, microgrids, and renewable energy systems. Concepts covered include the principles of efficient electrical energy processing (dc-dc, dc/ac, and ac/ac) through switch-mode energy conversion, converter loss analysis, large- and small-signal modeling of power electronic circuits and controller design.

Prerequisite: ECE314H1/ECE349H1/ECE359H1
Exclusion: ECE514H1, ECE533H1
Total AUs: 50.5 (Fall), 50.5 (Winter), 101 (Full Year)

ECE526H1 - Power System Protection and Automation

ECE526H1 - Power System Protection and Automation
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/16.2P

Presents the concepts of short-circuit fault analysis, protective relaying, and automation in power systems. The course starts by discussing the causes and types of short-circuit faults using real-world examples. The consequences of faults for different power system components are reviewed using event reports from field data. The method of symmetrical components for analyzing unbalanced three-phase systems are introduced. Analytical methods and computer-based approaches for deriving fault voltages and currents are discussed and the effect of system grounding during transient conditions, including faults, are introduced. Students also learn the concept of power system automation and its role in monitoring, protection, and control of modern power systems. Critical devices used in an automation system, such as breakers, relays, reclosers, capacitor bank controllers, and tap changer controllers are presented.

Prerequisite: ECE313H1/ECE314H1/ECE349H1
Total AUs: 50.5 (Fall), 50.5 (Winter), 101 (Full Year)

ECE532H1 - Digital Systems Design

ECE532H1 - Digital Systems Design
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

Advanced digital systems design concepts including project planning, design flows, embedded processors, hardware/software interfacing and interactions, software drivers, embedded operating systems, memory interfaces, system-level timing analysis, clocking and clock domains. A significant design project is undertaken and implemented on an FPGA development board.

Prerequisite: ECE342H1 or ECE352H1
Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

ECE537H1 - Random Processes

ECE537H1 - Random Processes
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Introduction to the principles and properties of random processes, with applications to communications, control systems, and computer science. Random vectors, random convergence, random processes, specifying random processes, Poisson and Gaussian processes, stationarity, mean square derivatives and integrals, ergodicity, power spectrum, linear systems with stochastic input, mean square estimation, Markov chains, recurrence, absorption, limiting and steady-state distributions, time reversibility, and balance equations.

Prerequisite: ECE286H1 and ECE355H1 or ECE302H1
Corequisite: ECE355H1 (can be taken at the same time as ECE537H1)
Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

ECE552H1 - Computer Architecture

ECE552H1 - Computer Architecture
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Performance analysis and metrics and cost. Instruction set architectures. Instruction-level parallelism: pipelining, superscalar, dynamic scheduling, VLIW processors. Data-level prallelism: vector processors, GPUs. Thread-level parallelism: multiprocessors, multi-core, coherence, simultaneous multi-threading. Memory hierarchies: caches and virtual memory support. Simulation tools and methods. Limited Enrollment.

Prerequisite: ECE243H1 or ECE352H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

ECE568H1 - Computer Security

ECE568H1 - Computer Security
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/38.4P

As computers permeate our society, the security of such computing systems is becoming of paramount importance. This course covers principles of computer systems security. To build secure systems, one must understand how attackers operate. This course starts by teaching students how to identify security vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited. Then techniques to create secure systems and defend against such attacks will be discussed. Industry standards for conducting security audits to establish levels of security will be introduced. The course will include an introduction to basic cryptographic techniques as well as hardware used to accelerate cryptographic operations in ATM's and webservers.

Prerequisite: ECE344H1 or ECE353H1
Total AUs: 50.9 (Fall), 50.9 (Winter), 101.8 (Full Year)


MAT186H1 - Calculus I

MAT186H1 - Calculus I
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

Topics include: limits and continuity; differentiation; applications of the derivative - related rates problems, curve sketching, optimization problems, L'Hopital's rule; definite and indefinite integrals; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; applications of integration in geometry, mechanics and other engineering problems.

Exclusion: APS162H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

MAT187H1 - Calculus II

MAT187H1 - Calculus II
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

Topics include: techniques of integration, an introduction to mathematical modeling with differential equations, infinite sequences and series, Taylor series, parametric and polar curves, and application to mechanics and other engineering problems.

Prerequisite: APS162H1/MAT186H1
Exclusion: APS163H1/MAT197H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

MAT188H1 - Linear Algebra

MAT188H1 - Linear Algebra
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/12.8P

This course covers systems of linear equations and Gaussian elimination, applications; vectors in Rn, independent sets and spanning sets; linear transformations, matrices, inverses; subspaces in Rn, basis and dimension; determinants; eigenvalues and diagonalization; systems of differential equations; dot products and orthogonal sets in Rn; projections and the Gram-Schmidt process; diagonalizing symmetric matrices; least squares approximation. Includes an introduction to numeric computation in a weekly laboratory.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

MAT290H1 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics

MAT290H1 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

An introduction to complex variables and ordinary differential equations. Topics include: Laplace transforms, ordinary higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; transform methods; complex numbers and the complex plane; complex functions; limits and continuity; derivatives and integrals; analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; power series as analytic functions; the logarithmic and exponential functions; Cauchy's integral theorem, Laurent series, residues, Cauchy's integral formula, the Laplace transform as an analytic function. Examples are drawn from electrical systems.

Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

MAT291H1 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics

MAT291H1 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

The chain rule for functions of several variables; the gradient, directional derivative, tangent plane and small signal modeling and Jacobians. Multiple integrals; change of variables and Jacobians, line integrals: parametric and explicit representations, the divergence and curl of a vector field, surface integrals; parametric and explicit representations, multi-variable Dirac Delta distribution, superposition of vector fields, Helmholtz decomposition theorem, Divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem and application from electromagnetic fields.

Total AUs: 48.1 (Fall), 48.1 (Winter), 96.2 (Full Year)

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

MIE100H1 - Dynamics

MIE100H1 - Dynamics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

This course on Newtonian mechanics considers the interactions which influence 2-D, curvilinear motion. These interactions are described in terms of the concepts of force, work, momentum and energy. Initially the focus is on the kinematics and kinetics of particles. Then, the kinematics and kinetics of systems of particles and solid bodies are examined. Finally, simple harmonic motion is discussed. The occurrence of dynamic motion in natural systems, such as planetary motion, is emphasized. Applications to engineered systems are also introduced.

Exclusion: APS161H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

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