Scholarships and Financial Aid

Guidelines & Descriptions

Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who achieve scholastic excellence are eligible for scholarships, prizes, bursaries, medals and honours that have been established through the University, its alumni associations, governments, commercial organizations, and other benefactors to encourage and honour outstanding achievement.

The awards are listed alphabetically in four sections: OSOTF Admission Scholarships/Awards and non-OSOTF Admission Scholarships for students entering their first year in the Faculty, and OSOTF In-Course Scholarships/Awards and non-OSOTF In-Course Scholarships and Grants.

The National Scholarship Program

University of Toronto National Scholarships are awarded to Canadian secondary school students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context.

National Scholars are students who not only excel in academic pursuits but also have an enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and involvement in the life of their school and community. The National Scholarship is available to Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents and protected persons currently in their final year of Canadian secondary school or first-year CEGEP who meet the criteria above.

Each Canadian secondary school is invited to nominate one student on the basis of this criteria to receive a University of Toronto National Book Award. These students, and others who identify themselves as meeting the National Scholarship criteria, are invited to enter the National Scholarship Competition. Information is sent to secondary schools in the early fall; the National Scholarship application is available online and the deadline is in October of the student's graduating year.

25 students are normally selected as finalists, with approximately 15 being selected as National Scholars (winners) and the remaining finalists being designated as Arbor Scholars. National scholars receive a scholarship that covers tuition, incidental, and residence fees for up to four years of undergraduate study. Arbor Scholars receive an award valued at $7,500 in the first year and $1,500 per year for three additional years of undergraduate study. Additional information is available online.

University of Toronto Scholars Program

The University of Toronto Scholars Program recognizes outstanding students at admission and on an ongoing basis. There are over 800 admission awards, valued at $10,000 each, which may be held in conjunction with admission awards students may receive from their college/faculty. Outstanding students are automatically considered for these awards.

Awards under the University of Toronto Scholars Program are not renewable. Outstanding students, however, may be eligible for consideration for University of Toronto (in-course) Scholarships at the end of the first, second and third year of their programs. There are approximately 100 scholarships at each level. These in-course awards are worth $1,500 each and are tenable with other in-course scholarships.

President's Scholars of Excellence Program

Approximately 120 of the most highly-qualified students who apply to first-year of direct entry undergraduate studies will be distinguished as President’s Scholars of Excellence. This distinction includes a $15,000 entrance scholarship in first year.

Additional features may be offered by the admitting faculty, which will be communicated in the student's admission letter. Outstanding domestic and international secondary school students are automatically considered for these scholarships. The scholarship is tenable only in the faculty that makes the offer.

Payment of the award is conditional on full-time registration at the University in the fall of the year the award is granted.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program

Introduced in September 2016, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship recognizes international students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within their schools. A special emphasis is placed on the impact the student has had on the life of their school and community, and their future potential to contribute positively to the global community. 

This is U of T's most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students. Each year, approximately 37 students are named Lester B. Pearson Scholars. The value of the scholarship covers tuition, incidental fees, books, and living expenses for four years of undergraduate study. Recipients also have access to enriched programs and services. Eligible international students must be nominated by their home school; nominees must subsequently submit their application for the scholarship by the yearly deadline. 

The University's Commitment

The University's Policy on Student Financial Support states that students should have access to the resources required to meet their financial needs as calculated by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), with modifications if necessary. The commitment is based on the assumption that Canadian citizens/Permanent Residents/protected persons (recognized convention refugees) will first access the government aid for which they are eligible.

University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS) funding is assessed based on OSAP, as it provides a uniform, verified method of assessing student need. The University will ensure unmet needs are met for full-time students (in both terms of an academic year) who are assessed by OSAP as requiring maximum assistance and whose assessed needs are not fully covered by government aid. Full-time students receiving funding from other provincial/territorial government loans and grants or Band funding/community sponsorship are also eligible for consideration.

University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS)

UTAPS is the University of Toronto’s largest need-based support program and covers the financial gap between a student’s actual education costs and the costs recognized by their provincial/territorial government student aid program. All students who wish to be considered for a UTAPS grant must submit an application through the Need Navigator.

The University Registrar's Office website has additional information as well as instructions on how to submit an application. First-year applicants should submit an application in March so they can be considered for need-based admission awards.

Government Financial Aid

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) provides need-based financial assistance to Ontario residents who are Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents, or protected persons (recognized convention refugees).

Students in a course load of 60% or greater (40% for students with a confirmed disability) are considered for both federal and provincial non-repayable grants and interest-free student loans (while they're in full-time studies) to assist with educational and living expenses.

OSAP applications are typically available in the Spring through the OSAP website. Students from other Canadian provinces and territories should apply for government student aid through their home province.


University of Toronto Work-Study Program

This program is funded by the University of Toronto and provides on-campus part-time employment to eligible students. Information and applications are available from the Career Centre


Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities

Non-repayable grants are available through the Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE), to help with disability-related educational services and/or equipment for students with a permanent, persistent or prolonged disability. Information and online applications are available from University Registrar's Office and Accessibility Services.

Part-Time Studies

Both the governments of Ontario and Canada offer funding for part-time students enrolled in course loads of less than 60% or less than 40% for students with a documented disability through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Further information on the combination of grants and/or loan that students may be eligible to receive through OSAP for Part-Time Students is available on the OSAP website.

The Noah Meltz Grant program helps undergraduate students in certificate, degree, diploma programs, including Academic Bridging Program, pursue their University of Toronto studies on a part-time basis. Eligible students receive a non-repayable grant for tuition cost up to two credits during the fall/winter session and up to one credit during the summer session. The grant also includes a set amount for books, transportation to and from classes and, if applicable, child care. Further information and an online application are available through the University Registrar's Office website.

International Students

International students entering Canada or currently in Canada on student authorization are not eligible for government assistance and must ensure they have sufficient funds to cover all probable expenses. Such students cannot depend on gaining part-time employment in Canada to help pay for their studies. In addition, as a publicly funded institution, the University of Toronto is not able to offer direct financial aid to international students. You should look to your home country for financial aid programs.


Admission Scholarships

Please see the "OSOTF" and "Non-OSOTF" Admission Scholarships sections later in this Chapter for details.


In-Course Scholarships & Bursaries

Scholarships, prizes, bursaries and loans available to students in attendance in the Faculty are listed in this Chapter. Where it is necessary to apply for an award, details of how to apply are included. In all other cases, the award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty Council and no application is necessary.


Dean's Honours List

In 1983, Faculty Council instituted the Dean’s Honours List to give special recognition to every student who demonstrated academic excellence in an individual session. The requirements for qualifying for the Dean’s Honours List are outlined in the Academic Regulations section of the Academic Calendar.

The list is posted prominently for a limited time in a place designated by the Faculty for this purpose. Students can request to opt out of being displayed on the published list by submitting the online request form at the end of each term. The lists for successive sessions are compiled in a permanent record maintained in the Office of the Registrar.


General Terms & Conditions of Awards

Scholarships, prizes and medals granted in recognition of academic proficiency are awarded at the end of the Winter Term, and candidates are ranked on the basis of their achievements in the Winter and Fall Sessions previously completed.

To be eligible for any scholarship or award granted solely on academic standing, a student must normally have completed not less than the full course load (normally 5.0 credits) within the two sessions upon which the award is based. A student whose program in these two sessions contains repeated courses will only be eligible if the aggregate of new courses is equal to or greater than the full course load (normally 5.0 credits).

Scholarships, medals, and prizes based solely upon academic standing will be awarded only to students who have achieved honours in the work upon which the award is granted unless otherwise specified in the terms of the award. If the award is based on a single course or on part of the work of the session, the candidate must obtain unconditional pass standing in the work of the session, but not necessarily honours standing, unless the terms of the award so specify.

A candidate will not normally be permitted to hold more than one award in a session unless the statute of each of the awards concerned or the Calendar specifies otherwise.

Tuition and residence fees are the first charge against awards. After the deduction of the applicable charges, any balance remaining will be paid to the recipient in November. Payment will be made only if the candidate is in regular attendance in the Faculty and, if the Calendar so specifies, in the program in which the award is established or granted.

Medals, after they have been suitably engraved, will be given without delay to the winners.

Awards granted to members of graduating classes, other than awards for graduate study and research, will be paid in one installment as soon as possible after the granting of the awards.

The Governing Council may, on the recommendation of the Faculty, permit a candidate to whom an award has been granted to postpone attendance in the Faculty for one year. Further postponement may be permitted on application.

Note: The value of an endowed scholarship or prize is dependent on the actual income of the fund; it is possible that the value of certain scholarships and prizes at the time of payment may be greater or less than the amount stated in the Calendar.

In those cases where the amount of the award is not payable from income earned on an endowed fund, payment will be dependent on the receipt of the amount of the annual award from the donor.


Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) Awards

In the case of all OSOTF awards, eligible candidates must be Ontario residents and they must demonstrate financial need. For the purpose of OSOTF awards, an Ontario resident is either a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada who has lived in Ontario for twelve consecutive months prior to starting a post-secondary program. Financial need is most easily demonstrated with receipt of OSAP for the current year; other examples of financial need may be considered. For OSOTF Admission Awards, it is crucial that applicants for admission Submit an application in March in order to demonstrate financial need.


OSOTF Admission Scholarships

Fernando V. Agostinelli Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 through a generous donation from Tow/Carruthers and Wallace Ltd., Antoinette Agostinelli and the family and friends of Fernando Agostinelli. The scholarship was created to honour Fernando’s many contributions in the field of structural engineering. The award is issued on the basis of financial need and academic merit to a full-time student entering their first year of Civil Engineering studies. In addition, qualities of character and leadership as demonstrated through extra-curricular activities/community involvement are also considered.

Hira & Kamal Ahuja Award in Engineering
Established in 2004 through a generous donation by Professor Hira Ahuja, this award is given to a student entering their first year of studies in any program in the Faculty and is based on financial need. Academic merit is also considered. Additional preference is given to a student who has extra-curricular involvement/service in the East Indian community.

Kenneth Au-Yeung Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Ben and Catherine Au-Yeung in memory of their son. The scholarship is awarded to a Computer Engineering student and is based on financial need, academic achievement in the prerequisite courses, as well as a demonstrated commitment to community service.

Jack & Lily Bell Entrance Scholarship
Created through a generous donation by friends and family of Jack and Lily Bell, this award is given to a student entering first-year Industrial Engineering and is based on financial need and academic merit.

The Robert L. Bullen Admission Scholarship
This scholarship, derived from the income of a capital fund, was established in 1982 in memory of the late Robert L. Bullen, BASc, Metallurgical Engineering, 1929, by his wife, Mrs. Robert L. Bullen. The scholarship is awarded annually on the basis of financial need to one or more students entering their first year of studies in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. Academic standing in prerequisite courses is also considered.

CIBC BASc Scholarships at the University of Toronto
Funded by a donation from CIBC, this fund is used in support of summer fellowships for students who have decided to fully commit (full-time) to the Hatchery Entrepreneurship program for the summer, running from May-August each year. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Class of 5T1 Bursary
This bursary, established in 2001, is provided by the generosity of the Class of 5T1. The bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit to a student entering into the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

Colcleugh Family Award
Established in 2004 through the generosity of the Colcleugh family, this award is given on the basis of financial need to a student entering their first year of Chemical Engineering. Preference is given to students who have achieved a high academic performance. In addition, students should exhibit leadership potential and have a broad range of interests and involvement and volunteerism. The award is renewable in second, third and fourth years providing recipient continues to demonstrate financial need and achieves a minimum average of 75 per cent in each year. If in any given year, the renewal portion is not granted, it shall be awarded, by reversion, to the next qualifying candidate in that year. 

The Sydney C. Cooper Scholarships
Through the generosity of the family educational and charitable foundation of Sydney C. Cooper (CivE 4T5) two awards are established in the Department of Civil Engineering. One award is granted to a student entering first year and one to a student entering fourth year. The first-year award is made on the basis of financial need. Academic achievement, involvement in athletics and participation in extra-curricular activities will also be considered.

I.E.E. Toronto Centre Scholarship
In 1997, the Toronto Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers established this scholarship in memory of the late Al Fabian. The award is granted to a student entering either first-year Electrical or Computer Engineering (alternated annually between the two programs) who demonstrates financial need. Academic merit is also considered.

The Lau Family Scholarships
These scholarships were established in 1997 through the generosity of Mr. Lee-Ka Lau and family. Two scholarships are granted: one to a student entering the first year in Computer Engineering and one to a student entering first year in Electrical Engineering. The awards are based on financial need. Academic achievement will also be considered. Scholarships may be renewed for second year in the designated programs on the basis of continued financial need and the achievement of honours standing.

J. Edgar McAllister Foundation Student Awards Program
Provided by the bequest of the late J. Edgar McAllister, BASc, numerous awards, varying in amounts, are available to students entering or continuing in Mechanical, Electrical, Mining or Chemical Engineering and who demonstrate financial need.  

Motorola Foundation Scholarships
Established in 1996 through the generosity of the Motorola Foundation, two awards are available for students entering first year of either Electrical or Computer Engineering and are based on financial need. Academic standing is also considered.

Vera Catherine Noakes Scholarship
Established in 2001, this scholarship is to be awarded to a student entering first year of any undergraduate program in Engineering on the basis of financial need. Preference is given, when possible, to a student from the Windsor, Ontario, area.

ProScience Inc. Engineering Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2004 through the generosity of ProScience Incorporated, this award is granted to a student entering any undergraduate program in the Faculty who demonstrates financial need and excels academically. Preference is given to students with disabilities.

Robert John Richardson Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2002 from the estate of the late Robert John Richardson (5T0), this scholarship is awarded to a student entering the first year of any undergraduate engineering program and is based on financial need and academic achievement. Preference is given to students from North Bay. If the candidate is from North Bay, the scholarship is renewable for three years on the basis of continued financial need and provided satisfactory achievement (min. 60 per cent) is obtained at the end of each year. After the scholar has completed their four-year program, a new recipient will receive the scholarship. If the candidate is not from North Bay, the scholarship will be for the first year of study only.

Donald Ross Leadership Award
Through a generous gift of Mr. Donald Ross in 1997 this award was established in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. The award is granted to a student entering the first year of the program and is based on financial need, academic achievement and demonstrated leadership skills in high school through participation in team sports and/or student affairs. Community involvement will also be considered. The award may be renewed for second year provided at least 75 per cent standing is maintained and that the awardee remains deserving.

Leon Rubin Scholarships
Established in 1997 through the generosity of William F. McLean, a number of scholarships are available for students entering first-year Chemical Engineering and is based on financial need. Academic standing is also considered. Awards may be renewed for second year on the basis of continued financial need and academic achievement at the end of year one.

Robert Sangster Memorial Admission Award
A gift of the family and friends of the late Robert Sangster (ElecE 4T9), this scholarship, of the approximate value of $800, is awarded annually to a student entering the first year of any program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and is based on financial need and satisfactory academic standing in secondary school.

Fred Schaeffer Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Established in 2004 through a generous donation by Mr. Fred Schaeffer, this award is granted to a student entering first-year Civil Engineering. Financial need and academic merit are considered.

Edward & Helen Swanston Scholarships
The scholarship was established in 1997, made possible by a generous donation from Edward Y. Swanston. The scholarship is awarded to one or more students entering first-year Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. Financial need, academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement in high school through participation in team sports (with an emphasis on sportsmanship) and/or community service is considered. 

Christopher Skrok Memorial Scholarships
(See listing later in this Chapter) 

The Jean Wallace Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 1999 by William L. Wallace (MMS 5T6) in memory of his mother, the late Jean Wallace. The award is granted to students entering first-year Materials Engineering and is based on financial need. Academic achievement and demonstrated leadership qualities through both school and community involvement are also considered. If no suitable candidate is found at the admissions level, the award, based on the same criteria, may be granted to a student completing first-year Materials Engineering. Departmental recommendation.

University of Toronto Engineering International Scholar Award
Several scholarships, of varying amounts, are awarded to international students entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. Candidates must be enrolled in a secondary school outside of Canada.  Decision is made on the basis of exceptional academic record and demonstrated leadership through involvement in the school or the broader community. The award may be renewable for second, third, and fourth year of study provided recipients maintain good academic standing and full-time registration.


Non-OSOTF Admission Scholarships

Paul & Anna Acchione First Year Engineering Award
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Paul Acchione and Anna Acchione, this award is given to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Academic merit may also be considered. Recipients must be Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Betz Entrance Scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Established in 2010 through a generous donation by Vaughn Betz, this scholarship is given on the basis of academic achievement to student(s) entering the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Extra-curricular activities, including a focus on design, may also be considered. 

Jim Balsillie Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Julie Di Lorenzo, this award is given to a student entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit; must be Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident.

The Bi-Cultural Admission Scholarship
The Professional Engineers Wives’ Association established an admission scholarship of the value of the income from the fund that is awarded to a student entering the first year of any program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. In addition to achieving outstanding results in the subjects prescribed for admission to the Faculty, candidates must have excelled in at least one course in either of Canada’s official languages in the final year of high school in Ontario. The first award was made in June 1983.

Brown Family Academic Scholarship
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Craig Brown, this scholarship is given to a female student entering first year, full-time, Chemical Engineering on the basis of academic merit. The award is renewable for second, third and fourth year provided the student remains in good standing and proceeds to the next year in Chemical Engineering. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents. Award is made on admission every four years or in any year in which a recipient does not qualify for renewal.

William Buttimer Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2018 from the Estate of William Buttimer, this scholarship is given annually to an academically strong student entering any undergraduate program in the Faculty with a goal to enhance diversity (female, Indigenous student).

Calgary Skule Admission Scholarship
Granted to one or more students entering the first year (full-time) of any program in the Faculty. Recipient(s) are selected on the basis of promising leadership ability as evidenced by extra-curricular/community involvement. Academic ability is also considered. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Calgary.

ChemE Chair's Admission Scholarships
Established in 2023, up to 10 awards, valued at $3000 each, will be given out annually to international students entering first year of the Chemical Engineering program on the basis of exceptional academic achievement. 

Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Alumni Entrance Scholarships
Established in 1995, these scholarships, provided through the generosity of alumni and friends of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, are open to students entering the first year of the program and is based on academic standing in the subjects required for admission.

Civil Engineering Admission Scholarships
Established in 1995, these scholarships, provided through the generosity of alumni and friends of the Department of Civil Engineering, are awarded to students entering the first year of the Civil Engineering program and is based on academic excellence. Some awards may be renewable provided the student achieves honours standing at the end of first year and proceeds to second year of the program.

Sydney & Florence Cooper Admission Scholarship
Established in 2007 through a generous donation by Sydney and Florence Cooper, this award is given to a student (or students) entering first-year Civil Engineering and is based on academic merit. Preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership in the community and through extra-curricular activities.

Davis-Katz First Generation Admission Award
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Karen Katz, this award is given to students entering any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who is of the first generation in their family to attend University. Preference is given to female students.

Dean's Merit Award
Established in 2015, the Dean's Merit Award is given to students entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit.

Edward L. Donegan Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2007 through a generous donation by Mr. Edward L. Donegan, this scholarship is awarded to student(s) entering the first year of any program in the Faculty. The scholarship is granted on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence (min. 85 per cent average on pre-requisite courses). Recipient(s) shall have demonstrated leadership in extra-curricular and community activities. Preference is given to students who demonstrate a credible interest in pursuing a Juris Doctor or Bachelor of Law degree or its equivalent following undergraduate engineering studies. Financial need may also be considered. The scholarship is renewable at the end of first, second and third year provided recipient(s) maintain an overall minimum average of 80 per cent. This award will be made on admission every four years, or in any year in which recipient(s) do not qualify for renewal.

Engineering Alumni Association Admission Scholarships
Five scholarships are annually provided annually by the University of Toronto Engineering Alumni Association for students entering the first year of any course in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The awards are made on the basis of high standing in an Ontario Secondary school. There are two types of scholarships:

  • The William Ian MacKenzie Turner 2T5 Scholarship, named after a “Schoolman of Distinction,” with a full value of $1,500.
  • Four Centennial Scholarships with a value of $1,000 each when entering first year.

Engineering Science Alumni Admission Scholarships
These scholarships, established by the generosity of various donors, are awarded to two students entering the first year of the Engineering Science program. Academic merit is considered and extra-curricular activities may be considered.

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Admission Scholarship(s)
These awards, derived from the annual income of a capital donation, are granted to students entering the first year of any Engineering program and are based on outstanding academic achievement in the prerequisite courses.

J. Colin Finlayson Admission Scholarship
Established in 2007 through a generous donation by J. Colin Finlayson, this award is given to a student (or students) entering first-year Mechanical or Industrial Engineering and is based on academic merit. Preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership in the community and through extra-curricular activities.

Robert M. Friedland Scholarships
These scholarships were established in 1996 through a generous donation from Robert M. Friedland, Chairman of Indochina Goldfields Ltd. and Bakyrchik Gold PLC. The awards are granted on the basis of academic standing and preference is given to international students entering the first year of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program. If there are no suitable candidates in the program, the award can be granted to international students entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. If there are no suitable candidates in the Faculty, the award can be granted to students entering the first year in any Faculty at the University of Toronto. The admission awards are renewable in second year provided honours standing is maintained at the end of first year and that the candidate proceeds to the second year of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering program.

Paul Gardiner Engineering Science Award
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by the Carswell Family Foundation, this award is given to a student entering first year of Engineering Science on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Preference is given to students who reside in or have attended high school in Scarborough, Ontario. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

James A. Gow Admission Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1982 through donations provided by friends and colleagues to honour James A. Gow (4T6) on his retirement and recognize his many contributions to the Faculty. Jim Gow served the Faculty for 35 years, the last 20 as Secretary and Assistant Dean. During those years he was friend and counsellor to staff and to countless students who remember him as one dedicated to their well-being. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student who achieves high standing in an Ontario secondary school. The award is tenable for any program.

The Grabill Admission Scholarship
The Grabill Admission Scholarship is the gift of Mr. Dayton L. Grabill (2T4). The scholarship is awarded to a candidate with high standing in an Ontario Secondary school.

George A. Guess Admission Scholarships
(See listing later in this Chapter)

Frank Howard Guest Admission Bursary
(See listing later in this Chapter)

Walter Scott Guest Memorial Scholarships
Established in 1995 by the estate of Frank Howard Guest as a memorial to his father, the late Walter Scott Guest, these scholarships are awarded entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic standing.

Reginald & Galer Hagarty Scholarship
This award was established by Lieutenant-Colonel E.W. Hagarty and Charlotte Ellen Hagarty in memory of their sons, Reginald and Galer, and is to be granted to a student entering first year of any undergraduate program on the basis of academic achievement. Recipient must be a graduate of Harbord Collegiate.

Horace Hally Admission Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 from the estate of the late Horace Angus Hally, a friend of the University of Toronto. The award will be granted to a student entering the first year of the Mechanical Engineering program on the basis of satisfactory academic standing in the secondary school courses required for admission.

Jane Elizabeth Ham Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 1993 by Professor and Mrs. James Ham in memory of their daughter. The scholarship will be awarded to a student on entrance to the Faculty, in any program, on the basis of outstanding academic achievement consistently obtained in each of the subjects required and offered for admission. Range of personal interests and financial need is relevant. Half of the total amount of the award is made on entrance and the other half upon registration in the second year, on the condition that the student obtains honours in first year. In addition, there is an OSOTF portion.

William Harland Leadership Award
This award, established in 2000 by Dr. Carlton Smith in memory of the donor’s late wife, Marguerite Smith, and in honour of the donor’s father-in-law, William Harland, is awarded to a student entering first-year civil engineering. Awarded based on academic credentials and leadership potential as demonstrated by involvement in student council activity, participation in athletics and community involvement.

Frank Leslie Haviland Scholarship
Established in 2018 from the estate of Margaret A. Kennedy, this award is given to an international student entering first year of any program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit and is renewable for second, third and fourth year. Recipients must be international students from underrepresented regions, with a preference for Latin America. This scholarship will be made on admission every four years, or in any year in which the recipient does not qualify for the renewal.

Kenneth F. Heddon Memorial Admission Scholarship
Established in 2007 from the estate of Kenneth F. Heddon, this award is granted on the basis of outstanding academic merit to a student entering the first year of any undergraduate program.

The Murray Calder Hendry Scholarship
This award was established by the estate of Mrs. Grace Appel Hendry as a memorial to her husband, a 1905 graduate of this Faculty. It has a value of the income from a capital sum of $10,000 and the recipient must have attained an average of at least 75 per cent on the Ontario Secondary School subjects required for admission and be entering the first year of any course in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The first award issued during the 1962-63 academic year.

Roy Jarvis Henry Admission Scholarships
The estate of the late Roy Jarvis Henry awards up to four scholarships to students who have achieved high standing on the Ontario Secondary school qualifications required for admission — one open to students entering Lassonde Mineral Engineering and the others to students entering any program in the Faculty. If there is no suitable candidate in Lassonde Mineral Engineering, all awards are tenable in any program in the Faculty.

The Hidi Award at the University of Toronto
Established in 2017 through generous donations by friends of Andrew Hidi, this award is given to a student entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of financial need and strong academic achievement, with preference given to students who were born outside of Canada.

John Hirschorn Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 2002 by Ron and Linda Hirschorn to honour the memory of the late John Hirschorn (MechE 4T1). This scholarship is granted on the basis of academic merit to a student entering first-year Mechanical Engineering. The scholarship is renewable for three years provided the recipient maintains a minimum of 65 per cent average at the end of each year.

Hsu Family Sustainable Engineering Award
This award was established 2024 through a generous donation by Chieh-Chieh Jeffrey Hsu and Caroline Yu Ching Chen. The award is given to a student entering first-year in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering first and then alternated annually with the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Arthur B. Johns Award
This award was established in 2007 through generous donations by friends and family of Arthur B. Johns. The award is given to a student (or students) entering first year, full-time studies in Civil Engineering and is based on outstanding academic merit. Preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership in the community and extra-curricular activities.

Albert & Rose Jong Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2006 through a generous donation by Dr. Roberta Jong, Dr. Raynard Jong and Dr. Winston Jong, this scholarship is awarded to a student entering the first year of either Electrical Engineering or Engineering Science. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need. Preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership in the Chinese-Canadian community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

Claire M.C. Kennedy Engineering Admission Award
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by Claire M.C. Kennedy, this award is given to to a student entering first year of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a female student who has demonstrated an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) related activities. Academic merit may also be considered.

Kenneth Raffles Kilburn Scholarship(s)
Established in 2006 by the estate of the late Kenneth R. Kilburn, these scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic ability to students entering or continuing in any program in the Faculty.

The Harvey W. Kriss Admission Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
This scholarship was established in 1989 by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Harvey W. Kriss (EngBus 5T9), S.M. (MIT, 1961). The award, derived from the annual income, is granted to a student entering first-year Industrial Engineering. In addition to academic excellence, qualities of character and leadership as demonstrated in school and community activities are considered.

Helmut Krueger Undergraduate Admission Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2013 through a generous donation by Helmut Krueger, this scholarship is awarded to one or more students entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. Academic merit is considered. 

Gordon S. Lang Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by the Newlands Family Foundation, this award is given to a student entering First Year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need.  Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.  The award is renewable for Second, Third or Fourth Year provided the recipient achieves a minimum year average of 70% and is involved in one or more student clubs, sports teams, and/or research projects at U of T. The award is made on admission every 4 years or in any year in which the recipient does not qualify for renewal.

Lassonde Scholarships
(See listing later is in this Chapter)

John C. H. Lee Memorial Scholarship
The Industrial Engineering Class of 8T7 initiated the John C.H. Lee Memorial Scholarship in memory of their friend and classmate. The scholarship was funded by friends, classmates, the Korean community and family members seeking to recognize full-time students entering the first year in any undergraduate program in the Faculty. The award is made on the basis of high academic achievement in the prerequisite courses, demonstrated athletic proficiency, and extra-curricular involvement both within the community and the high school. Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and must live in residence in order to enjoy this award.

Donald C. Leigh Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 through a generous donation by Mrs. Anne Leigh in memory of her husband. The award is given to a student, based on academic excellence, entering first-year Engineering Science on a full-time basis. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.

James Turner MacBain Scholarship
(See listing later in this Chapter)

Salim Majdalany Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the family and friends of the late Salim Majdalany (BASc, 1980, Civil Engineering). The award is granted on academic standing to a student from Lebanon, Syria, Jordon, Iraq or any other member state of the Arab League, who is entering or is enrolled in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering or the Faculty of Law. The award is open to students in both Faculties; however, priority is given to candidates from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

The Hal Major Memorial Admission Award
This award is provided by the generosity of Mr. George Bird (CivE 4T9) in memory of his uncle, Mr. Hal Major, who died in 1986 at the age of 94. The award is granted to a student entering first-year Civil Engineering. Financial need and demonstrated qualities of character and leadership are considered.

J. Edgar McAllister Foundation Admission Awards
Provided by the bequest of the late J. Edgar McAllister, numerous awards of varying amounts are available to students entering their first year of studies in Mechanical, Electrical, Mineral, or Chemical Engineering on the basis of financial need and high academic achievement in the prerequisite courses for admission.

J. Edgar McAllister Foundation Blueprint Scholarship
Provided by the bequest of the late J. Edgar McAllister, this scholarship is given to a student entering first year of studies in Mechanical, Electrical, Mineral, or Chemical Engineering and who has completed the Blueprint summer enrichment program for Black high school students. The scholarship is renewable for second, third, and fourth year provided the recipient proceeds to the next year of study and remains in one of the eligible programs. Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Barbara McCann Tribute Scholarship
This award was established in 2015 by friends and family of Barbara McCann, along with a match from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, to commemorate Barbara's retirement as Faculty Registrar. The award is given to a student (preferably female) entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated leadership.

The John Wolfe McColl Memorial Awards
The income of this fund is divided equally among the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the Faculty of Arts & Science and the Faculty of Medicine. The funds available to the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering provide admission scholarships for outstanding students entering first year in any program.

Lachlan Dales McKellar Admission Scholarships
Provided by a bequest of the late Leona D. McKellar, one or more scholarships are given to students who achieved high standing in the prerequisite courses for admission to the Faculty.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Admission Scholarship(s)
These scholarships are awarded to students entering first-year Mechanical or Industrial Engineering. Academic merit in the prerequisite courses, as well as involvement in extra-curricular activities, is considered. Some awards may be renewable at the end of first year. The department may also choose to offer an admission scholarship payable at the end of first year provided a minimum average is obtained. The minimum average is at the department’s discretion.

Metallurgy & Materials Science Alumni Admission Scholarships
Established in 1995 by friends and alumni of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, this scholarship is awarded to students entering first-year Materials Engineering. Outstanding academic performance in the subjects required for admission and involvement in school and community activities are considered.

George R. Mickle Admission Bursaries
Provided by a bequest of the late George R. Mickle, several bursaries are available to students entering the first year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The awards are made on the basis of the applicants’ academic standing in the prerequisite courses and financial need.

Steve Mirkopoulos Engineering Science Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Steve Mirkopoulos, this award is given out to students entering first year in the Division of Engineering Science on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Allan Wai Chiu Mok & Isa Po Po Gok Admission Scholarship
Established in 2018 through a generous donation by Alvin Mok, this award is given annually to a full-time student entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit.

Michael M. Mortson Industrial Engineering Admission Scholarship
Established in 2009 through a generous donation by Mr. Michael M. Mortson, this scholarship is given to a student entering first-year Industrial Engineering program and is based on academic merit. Preference is given to students who demonstrate excellence in extra-curricular activities.

Maasland Norman Family Scholarship in Memory of Paul Maasland
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Michael Norman and Lisa Maasland, this scholarship is given to a student, Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit.

Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Entrance Scholarships
The Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education provides two admission scholarships of $1,500 each to students entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic achievement and who demonstrate at least one of the following: A) leadership qualities through participation in extra-curricular activities or programs; B) commitment to participation in extra-curricular activities in school of the community like student government, clubs or team sports; C) superior volunteerism (well beyond requirements for high school graduation); or D) financial need. If possible, the Faculty will endeavour to select at least one student who identifies as female or non-binary. Not tenable with more than $10,000 scholarship from all University sources.

PureFacts PureScholars Award in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by PureFacts Financial Solutions, this award is given to a full-time student entering First Year of Electrical or Computer Engineering on the basis of academic merit, demonstrated engagement in the community in a leadership role and demonstrated financial need.  Recipients must be Canadian citizens of permanent residents.

Norman Ramm Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by a bequest of the late Norman Ramm, is awarded upon admission to a student from a Canadian province or territory (excluding Ontario) and is based on academic standing.

Edward S. Rogers Sr. Admission Scholarships
These awards are made possible through a landmark donation from Ted Rogers Jr. and the Rogers family. Edward S. Rogers Sr. was enrolled in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto from 1919-21. He left the program before graduating to pursue his radio experimentation. In 1925, he invented the world’s first alternating current (AC) radio tube, which enabled radios to be powered by ordinary household current. He also started the world’s first all-electric radio station (CFRB – Canada’s First Rogers Batteryless), which began broadcasting on February 10, 1927. In 1931, Rogers was granted the first television license in Canada. Edward S. Rogers Sr. was inducted into the Canadian Broadcast Hall of Fame in 1982. During his short but productive life, Edward S. Rogers Sr. displayed the qualities we wish to instill in all students of the Faculty.  

The scholarships are awarded to students entering full-time studies in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and are based on academic achievement and extra-curricular activities. Some awards may be renewable.

Edward A. Rolph Scholarships
Established in 1994 by the estate of Edward A. Rolph and Kathryn S. Rolph, these scholarships are granted to one or more first-year Engineering students and are based on academic excellence. Application is not required.

Leslie & Lois Shaw Admission Scholarship
This award was created in 2002 by the friends and family of Leslie and Lois Shaw and is awarded to a student entering their first year of studies in either Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry or Mechanical & Industrial engineering. In addition to academic standing, preference is given to candidates who possess leadership capabilities as demonstrated through involvement in student council, athletics or community service. 

The Shaw Admission Scholarship 
Established in 2002 through a generous donation by William and Barbra Shaw, the Shaw Admission Scholarship is awarded to a student entering the first year of Engineering Science who demonstrates high academic achievement. Preference is given to students who possess leadership skills and design capability as demonstrated in extra-curricular design projects and activities. The selection is made on the recommendation of the chair of the Division of Engineering Science. The scholarship is renewable for three years provided the recipient maintains a minimum 75 per cent overall average and continues in Engineering Science. 

James C. Shen Scholarship in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Established in 2012 through a generation donation by James C. Shen, this scholarship is awarded to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, from outside of Ontario, entering first year in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, on the basis of academic achievement.

Julius D. Solomon Scholarship
Established in 2014 from the estate of the late Julius Dennison Solomon, this award is given to one or more students entering first or second year Civil Engineering and is based on academic merit.

C. J. Dick & Ruth A. Sprenger Scholarship for Mature Students in Engineering
Established in 2018 through a generous donation by Ruth Sprenger, this award is given to a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident entering first year of Electrical or Computer Engineering as a full-time mature student.  Preference will be given to an individual who has been out of full-time studies or has been in the workforce for a number of years. The award is renewable for the second, third and fourth year of study based on academic merit and will revert back to admission once the recipient has convocated or is no longer eligible for the renewal. Candidates will be asked to submit a short essay outlining why they are applying as a mature student and what impact the award would have on their lives.

Irene Sterian Scholarship for Women in Engineering
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by REMAP Network, this award is given to a student entering First Year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who identifies as female. The award will be made on the basis of academic merit; preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. The award is renewable for Second Year provided the recipient proceeds with good academic standing. The award will revert back to admission once the renewal is complete or if the candidate is not eligible for the renewal. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Taiwan Silver Maple Award
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Jacqueline Shen, this award is given to one or two undergraduate students entering first year of any program in the Faculty who demonstrates an interest in addressing environmental, cultural, or social challenges in Taiwan through academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, student clubs, and/or involvement in the broader community. Additional consideration may be given to students with an interest in public policy. If no suitable candidate is found, funds will be held for the following year. 

Joey & Toby Tanenbaum Admission Scholarships
Established in 2007 through a generous donation by Joseph Tanenbaum, these awards, of varying amounts, are granted on the basis of academic merit to students entering the first year of Civil Engineering.

Chand Tarneja Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Vimla Tarneja, this award is given to a student who is Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, entering their first year of studies of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering on the basis of financial need and academic merit.

Stanley Timoshek Scholarship in Engineering
In 2015, at the age of 92, Stanley Timoshek fulfilled a dream to give back to his University, generously giving support to the “Stanley Timoshek Scholarship in Engineering” for Polish descendants studying engineering at the University of Toronto. Proud to have been an Aeronautical Engineering student at the University of Toronto, graduating in 1951, Stanley always shared how his education changed his life. After a short stint with Wardair as an Aeronautical Engineer, Stanley enjoyed a 30-year career with Dow Chemical Corporation where he, early on, advocated the use of magnesium manufacturing.

This award is given to an international student from Poland entering their first year of studies in any undergraduate program in the Faculty. Award is based on merit. Should there be no eligible international students from Poland, the award will be given to a domestic student (with preference to Polish-Canadian candidates) entering their first year of studies. Awarded on the basis of outstanding achievement. 

If the recipient is an international student from Poland, the award is renewable for their second, third, and fourth year provided academic standing is maintained; the next admission candidate will be selected when the incumbent convocates or is no longer eligible for the renewal, whichever comes first. If the recipient is not an international student from Poland, the award is not renewable.

Troost Family Engineering Award
Valued at $20,000, this prestigious award established in 2024 through a generous donation by William (Chem 6T7) and Kathleen Troost, supports three students admitted to the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The award is given out on the basis of financial need and as demonstrated by a personal statement. It is renewable for second, third, and fourth year of study, for a potential total value of $80,000, provided the candidate proceeds to the next year and remains in good academic standing. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

U of T Engineering Entrance Scholarship for Black Students
Established in 2022, this scholarship, valued at $10,000, is awarded to domestic students who self-identify as Black entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of academic achievement and extra-curricular involvement. Financial need may also be considered. The Scholarship is renewable at $10,000 in second, third and fourth year of study (potential total value of $40,000) provided recipients continue with a clear standing.

U of T Engineering Entrance Scholarship for Indigenous Students
Established in 2019, this scholarship is given to students (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) entering any program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of academic merit and financial need. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition and a possible stipend.

U of T Women in Engineering Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by Leigh Ann Shoji-Lee, this award is given annually to a female student entering First Year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering who demonstrates strong extra-curricular involvement. Academic merit may be considered. The award is renewable for Second Year provided the recipient proceeds with good academic standing. 

Sabri & E. Senay Unsal Scholarship
Established in 2024 through the estate of Emine Unsal, this scholarship is given out to one or more students entering first year of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to international students who complete their high school outside of Canada.

Wallberg Admission Scholarship
A number of admission scholarships are annually awarded from the income from the Wallberg bequest on the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty to students entering first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic excellence.

To qualify for the scholarship a candidate must achieve an average of at least 75 per cent in the subjects prescribed for admission and must register in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The scholarship will not be awarded to a student who has spent more than five years in an Ontario Secondary school or its equivalent unless evidence can be provided satisfactory to Council that this extended attendance was for reasons beyond the student’s control.

Wilcox Family Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Peter Wilcox, this award is given to a student entering their first year of studies in Chemical Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit.

Donald Cameron Wilson Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2021 from the estate of Nalda Joan Wilson, this award is given annually to a female student entering any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Elliott M. Wilson Scholarship
Established in 2015 from the estate of Elliott M. Wilson, this scholarship is awarded to student(s) entering their first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering on the basis of academic merit.

Neil C.W. Wood Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by the Walker Wood Foundation, this award is given to a well-rounded student entering first year, full-time, of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of financial need, academic merit, and active involvement within their community (such as extra-curricular activities, volunteerism, student clubs, student council etc.). Preference may be given to students with demonstrated interest in entrepreneurship.  The award is renewable for second, third and fourth year provided the recipient remains in Engineering and maintains a minimum 70% average.  Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. The award is made on admission every 4 years or in any year in which a recipient does not qualify for the renewal.

Dr. Henry and Sylvia Wong Engineering Entrance Scholarship
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by the Dr. Henry and Sylvia Wong Foundation, this award is given to a student entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Robert Worrall Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2022 through the Worrall Family fund, this award is given to two students entering their first year of studies in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of high academic standing and demonstrated volunteerism and community spirit; recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. This scholarship is renewable for second, third and fourth years of study provided recipients continue in Mechanical Engineering, maintain a minimum “A-” yearly average and have continued involvement within the community or involvement within the University. The award is made on admission every four years or in any year in which a recipient does not qualify for renewal.

Robert Worrall Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2020 through the Worrall Family fund, this award is given to two students entering their first year of studies in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of high academic standing and demonstrated volunteerism and community spirit; recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. This scholarship is renewable for second, third and fourth years of study provided recipients continue in Mechanical Engineering, maintain a minimum “A-” yearly average and have continued involvement within the community or involvement within the University. The award is made on admission every four years or in any year in which a recipient does not qualify for renewal.

W. J. T. Wright Admission Scholarship
The W.J.T. Wright Admission Scholarship was established in honour of Professor W. J. T. Wright, a highly regarded emeritus member of the Faculty. The capital donation was provided by the 67th University of Toronto Battery of the Canadian Army. The scholarship is annually awarded to a student entering first-year Civil Engineering who achieved outstanding marks in the Ontario high school subjects prescribed for admission. The first award was made in 1982.


OSOTF In-Course Scholarships

APSC Award
Established in 1997, this scholarship, derived from the annual income of a capital donation, is awarded to an engineering student in need of financial assistance. Academic standing is also considered.

T. Christie Arnold Scholarship
This award was established in 1997 through the generosity of T. Christie Arnold. The award is granted on the basis of financial need to a student proceeding to their fourth year of studies in Industrial Engineering. The recipient should also be recognized for engineering management, good academic achievement in the program and particular ability and creativity in their course work. The individual should be a well-rounded student involved in extra-curricular activities (i.e., athletic involvement with varsity sports).

Anthony A. Brait Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the Division of Engineering Science in 1997 by Margaret Brait in memory of her late husband, Anthony A. Brait. The award is granted to a student entering the second year of the Engineering Science program and is based on financial need. Academic standing is also considered.

Paul Cadario Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1996 in the Department of Civil Engineering through the generosity of Mr. Paul Cadario. The award is granted to a student entering the fourth year of the program and is based on financial need. Additionally, academic achievement in the program and particular ability and creativity in the field of transportation engineering, specifically third-year transportation engineering courses will also be considered. The recipient is expected to continue their studies in transportation engineering in their fourth year.

John Dixon Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2004 by friends, family and colleagues of the late John Dixon Campbell, this award is granted to a student in their fourth year of any program in the Faculty who has demonstrated financial need and has the highest academic merit in the area of Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering. Should the recipient of the John Dixon Memorial Prize demonstrate financial need, they will be eligible to receive this scholarship as well.

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce BASC/MBA Scholarships
These scholarships, established in 2001, are used to support summer fellowships for students who have decided to fully commit full-time to the Hatchery Entrepreneurship Program for the summer running from May - August each year. Recipients must demonstrate financial need.

Chachra Family Scholarship in Engineering Science
This scholarship was established in 2004 by Mrs. Saroj and Mr. Fakir Chachra in honour of their daughter, Debbie, who received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from U of T in 2001. The scholarship is awarded to a student proceeding to second year of Engineering Science and is based on financial need and academic achievement.  Preference is given to female students who meet the criteria.

Chemical Engineering Alumni In-Course Awards
These awards were established in 2004 by staff and alumni of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. Two awards are granted to students completing their second or third year of Chemical Engineering and based on financial need. Academic ability and leadership ability as demonstrated by participation in community and/or University involvement will also be considered.

Class of 3T7 Scholarships
These scholarships, established in 1997 through the generosity of the Class of 3T7, are granted to students in any program in the Faculty and based on financial need.

Class of 5T0 Engineering Leadership Award
This award was established through the generosity of the Class of 5T0 and is granted to a student entering second year of any program who has demonstrated financial need and attained high academic performance. The recipient should also have the ability to inspire and motivate others to become involved and to achieve. Preference is given to students who exhibit leadership potential and have a broad range of interests and involvement including student council activity, participation in athletics, community involvement and volunteerism.

Class of 8T3 Vince Volpe Memorial Award
This award was established through the generosity of friends and classmates of Vince Volpe (CivE 8T3). Volpe was an outstanding leader and friend to all his classmates. He was active in intramural sports, the Civil Engineering Club and was vice-president of the Engineering Society. The award is given to a student entering fourth-year Civil Engineering. Selection is made on the basis of financial need, academic achievement and extra-curricular activities/community involvement.

Class of 9T7 Award
This award, established through the generosity of the Class of 9T7 in their graduating year, is given to a full-time student who has completed second year and is proceeding to third year (full-time) of any program and is based on financial need. Academic standing and extra-curricular/community involvement are also considered. 

Colantonio Family Leadership Award
This award was established in 2004 through the generosity of John Colantonio in memory of his father, the late Mr. Frank Colantonio. This award is granted on the basis of financial need and high academic achievement to a student proceeding to fourth year of Electrical Engineering. Preference is given to students who exhibit leadership potential and have a broad range of interests and involvement as demonstrated through student council activity, participation in athletics, community involvement and volunteerism. 

The Sidney C. Cooper Scholarships
Through the generosity of Sidney C. Cooper (CivE 4T5) two awards have been established in the Department of Civil Engineering. One award is granted to a student entering first year and another to a student entering fourth year. The fourth-year award is made on the recommendation of the Chair on the basis of financial need. Academic achievement in the third-year work and a demonstrated interest (through summer employment) in construction engineering will also be considered.

George and Norma Craig Scholarship
This award, provided through the generosity of Professor Steve J. Thorpe, was established in 1997 for George B. Craig, BASc, MASc, PhD, FASM, PEng, professor emeritus and former speaker of Faculty Council. The award, derived from the annual income, is granted to two students in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering who have demonstrated financial need. Academic achievement will also be considered.

C. William Daniel Leadership Awards
Established in 1998 through the generosity of Mr. C. William Daniel, this award is granted to three students entering either third or fourth year of studies in any undergraduate Engineering program. Decisions will be made on the basis of academic standing and leadership qualities as demonstrated by student council activity, participation in athletics and community involvement. Additionally, two of the recipients must demonstrate financial need.

Duncan R. Derry Scholarships
The scholarship fund was established in 1997 through the generosity of Mrs. Duncan Derry, Mr. Donald M. Ross and friends and family of Mr. Duncan R. Derry. The scholarship is awarded to a student entering second year of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program and is based on financial need. Academic standing, qualities of character and leadership and extra-curricular activities will also be considered. The scholarship is renewable for both third and fourth years provided academic standing is maintained and continued financial need is demonstrated.

Dharma Master Chuk Mor Memorial Scholarship
T. Y. Lung established this endowed scholarship in memory of Buddhist monk Chuk Mor (1913-2002) who was an educator and artist well known in the fields of Chinese poetry, Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy. This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student entering third year of any engineering program on the basis of financial need and academic achievement.

R.A. Downing Scholarship in Civil Engineering
This award was established in 2003 through a generous donation by Lois Downing in memory of the late Robert Downing. The award is awarded to an undergraduate student in Civil Engineering and is based on financial need and academic merit.

ECE Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 through the generous donations of alumni of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. The award will be made to a student, based on financial need, in either Electrical or Computer Engineering. Academic achievement will also be considered.

Engineering Society Award
Established in 1997 and provided by the generosity of the undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, these awards, based on the annual income, are distributed based on financial need. Academic ability and extra-curricular involvement within the undergraduate engineering community is also considered. Awards are made in consultation with the Engineering Society Executive.

Ford Electronics Scholarship
This scholarship, derived from the annual income of a capital donation made in 1997, was established through the generosity of Ford Electronics Manufacturing Corporation. It is granted to a student in financial need who is enrolled in the Electrical Engineering Program. Academic standing is also considered.

Andrew Frow Memorial Award
This award was established in 2004 through a generous donation made by the Engineering Society and augmented by friends and family in memory of Andrew Frow. Andrew, a Mechanical Engineering student, was killed in a two-vehicle collision while driving the Blue Sky Solar Racing team’s solar car on Highway 7/8 near Kitchener-Waterloo. Andrew was a member of the team that was participating in the Canadian Solar Tour to highlight alternative energy technology. The award is granted to an engineering student entering their second, third or fourth year of undergraduate studies and is based on financial need, academic merit and strong extra-curricular involvement within the University of Toronto.

General Motors Environmental Engineering Awards
This award was established in 1997 through a generous donation from the General Motors of Canada Limited. Annual income derived from the capital provides up to seven awards to students entering second, third, and fourth year in Environmental Engineering on the basis financial need. Academic achievement is also considered.

General Motors Women in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Awards
This award was established in 1997 through a generous donation from the General Motors of Canada Limited. Annual income derived from the capital provides up to fifteen awards to female students in first, second, and third year of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering studies on the basis of financial need. Academic achievement is also considered.

Jack Gorrie Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
Established by donations from Mary Louise Gorrie and friends of the late Jack D. Gorrie, this scholarship is given to a student completing their second year of Engineering Science and proceeding into the third year of the same program. The award is made on the basis of financial need, academic achievement and involvement in extra-curricular activities within the University.

Herbert Gladish Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 by Sailrail Automated Systems Inc. in memory of the late Herbert Gladish. The award is granted to a student entering their third year in Engineering Science and is based on financial need. Academic achievement in the program is also considered. Preference is given to a student who has demonstrated innovation and excellence in the second-year design course.

J. Frank Guenther Scholarship
The J. Frank Guenther scholarship was established in 1997 in the Division of Engineering Science through the generosity of BVA Systems Limited. The scholarship is awarded to either a student entering second year who has shown progress and increased effort from the first to second semester or a student entering third year who has demonstrated progress and increased effort from the first to second year. The candidate must demonstrate financial need to receive the award. Selection will be made on the recommendation of the chair of Engineering Science.

Anthony A. Haasz Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 by Anthony A. Haasz, BASc, MASc, PhD, PEng, Professor and Director of the Institute for Aerospace Studies. The scholarship, derived from the annual income, is granted to a student entering the third year in the Aerospace Option in the Engineering Science Program on the basis of financial need. Academic achievement will also be considered.

Lisa Anne Hamann Memorial Award
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Lisa Ann Hamann (nee Anzil) PEng, a graduate of the Class of 8T6 Mechanical Engineering, who passed away in 1995 in her 31st year. Lisa was a successful Nuclear Engineer with Ontario Hydro, whose career path evolved from nuclear design, through project management and lastly as an Account Executive in International Sales. A consummate professional, committed to excellence in all her ventures, Lisa was gifted with intelligence, talent and strength.

Her personality and qualities never failed to inspire and encourage individuals with whom she came into contact with. She excelled in a business environment that is often difficult and challenging for female professionals and earned the respect of those she worked with around the world from Korea, China and Japan, to Kenya, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. She chaired the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Nuclear Society for two years, committed to the promotion of nuclear energy and its benefits to society and the electrical industry.

Lisa promoted an athletic lifestyle while at Ontario Hydro, organizing the annual fun runs and multi-team participation at the YMCA Corporate Challenge. Outside of work, she was an active member of the Ontario Association of Triathletes. She competed for many years and twice successfully completed the Ironman Canada Triathlon, a grueling endurance race consisting of a 2k swim, 180k bike ride and full marathon run.

This endowment fund, created through generous contributions from family, friends and colleagues, has a capital value of approximately $30,000. The annual income will generate an award to be presented to a female student in third or fourth year of Mechanical Engineering. The recipient is chosen on the basis of good academic standing, demonstrated leadership ability, commitment to a healthy and athletic lifestyle, involvement in community activities and financial need. It is hoped that through this Award, Lisa’s values, courage and accomplishments can become a beacon and opportunity for other women to pursue a career in the field of engineering.

Chester B. Hamilton Scholarship
Members of the family of the late Chester B. Hamilton, a 1906 graduate of the Faculty, established an annual scholarship in his memory. The first award was made in the 1958-59 academic year. In 1997, Diana L. MacFeeters, Elizabeth D. Hamilton and David C. Hamilton augmented the fund through a generous gift. The award is granted to a third-year student in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of financial need and who has shown academic ability at the annual examinations of the third year.

John Karl Hergovich Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2011 through a generous donation by Eva Gerhardine Hergovich, this award is given to a student entering second-, third- or fourth-year Chemical Engineering and is based on financial need, academic ability and challenges faced with the same dignity and perseverance John Hergovich was known for during his time at U of T.

Dr. John G. Hogeboom Scholarship
Established in 2011 through a generous donation by the Hogeboom family, this award is given to a student who has completed first year of Track One and proceeding to second year of any engineering program. The award is made on the basis of financial need and outstanding academic achievement; exceptional character and demonstrated leadership involvement is also considered. Former Track One students proceeding to third or fourth year of any engineering program will also be considered.

Johannes Michael Holmboe Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship
This fellowship was established in 2004 through a bequest from the estate of Ruth Anna Holmboe in memory of her late husband, Johannes Michael Holmboe (ChemE 5T0). One or more fellowship(s) are available to student(s) completing years one, two or three and is based on financial need. Additionally, academic ability and the responsibility of the applicant in the research project will also be considered. The fellowship(s) will be awarded to student(s) to work on research project(s) under the supervision of staff and/or graduate students during the summer.

Philip H. Jones Scholarship
Established in 1997, this scholarship is granted to a student entering the fourth year of the Environmental Engineering Option in Civil Engineering and is based on financial need. Academic achievement in the program and particular ability and creativity in the field of Environmental Engineering is also considered. The recipient is expected to continue their studies in Environmental Engineering in the fourth year of the program.

Andrew Alexander Kinghorn Scholarships
Four scholarships are available annually based on financial need. One is awarded to the student on the basis of financial need and academic standing in the first year of Engineering Science; one to the student on the basis of financial need and academic standing in the first year of all programs except Engineering Science and one each to the students on the basis of financial need and academic standing in the second and third years respectively among the candidates of all programs. Should a candidate hold an award of equal or greater value, the award may be made to the next ranking candidate.

Dietmar Koslowski Memorial Bursary in Electrical Engineering
This award was established in 1987 in memory of the late Dietmar Koslowski, P.Eng, (6T7) by his parents and family. The bursary, derived from the annual interest of the capital fund, is granted on the recommendation of the chair to a student completing their third year of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to financial need, good academic standing is also considered. The first award was made in the 1987-88 academic year.

Frankie Kwok Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, established in 1997, is provided through the generosity of McKinsey & Company, family, friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Frankie Kwok. The award is granted to a student entering their third year of Mechanical Engineering and based on financial need. Academic achievement and demonstrated leadership skills through participation in team sports and/or student affairs and community involvement will be considered.

Ronald Paul Manning Scholarships
Provided through the generosity of Ronald P. Manning (BASc,5T9, MEng) in 1997, one or more awards are granted to students entering their fourth year of Electrical Engineering studies and based on financial need. Academic achievement in the program and demonstrated particular ability and creativity in the field of communications or computers will be considered. Recipients must be Canadian citizens working towards a degree in Electrical Engineering and are expected to continue their studies in the fourth year of the program. Special consideration is given to students who have a history of good grades but experienced adversity during the third year due to illness or bereavement.

Eric Miglin Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Eric J. Miglin in 1997 on the occasion on his 25th reunion. Miglin is an Industrial Engineering graduate and was president of the Engineering Society in 1972. This award is granted to a student who has completed third year in any program in the Faculty and is based on financial need. Academic standing and active involvement in student and/or University government will be considered.

Samer Mutlak Memorial Award
Samer Mutlak graduated from Industrial Engineering in 1988. On February 3, 1990, at the age of 23, he passed away after courageously fighting a two-year battle with cancer. Samer was a warm, jovial and caring person, always able to bring a smile to those whose lives he touched. He took part in many social events within the University. He was a leader and an organizer taking part in F!rosh orientation, Lady Godiva Week, hockey and the student Industrial Engineering conferences. Samer took pride in being an Industrial Engineer. He is remembered fondly for his sense of humour. He was a good friend.

The award, derived from the annual income, is made on the recommendation of the Department Chair to a student completing third-year Industrial Engineering and is based on financial need, academic ability and contribution to, and involvement in the activities of the Department and the University.

Barry James O’Sullivan Grant
This grant was established in 2003 through a bequest from the estate of Victoria Doris O’Sullivan in memory of her son Barry James O’Sullivan, whose untimely death in 1969 occurred while he was studying engineering at U of T. This award is made to a student entering or proceeding in any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of financial need. Applications should be through the Undergraduate Grant Application Form.

James A. Peers Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
The James A. Peers Scholarship was established in 1997 by Jim Peers, who graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering in 1973. This award, derived from the annual income, is granted on the recommendation of the chair to a student proceeding to the second year in Industrial Engineering and based on financial need. Academic standing, qualities of character, leadership and commitment to the profession will be considered. Not tenable with other awards.

Ryn Pudden Memorial Award
Through the generosity of her family, the Ryn Pudden Memorial Award was established in 1999 in Ryn's honour. The award is granted to a female student in Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. Preference is given to students entering their third year of the Aerospace Option and involved in extra-curricular activities (e.g., music, student council, athletics).

The Peter Sands Award in Engineering Science
This award was established by family and friends in memory of the late Peter Sands, BASc (1962), MASc (1966). The award is made on the recommendation of the Chair to a student completing their second year of Engineering Science studies and based on financial need. Good academic standing (not necessarily honours), qualities of character, leadership and commitment to the profession will also be considered. Students must be registered in the Computer Option in third year in order to receive the award.

Kenneth A. Selby Scholarship in Construction Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering
This scholarship was established in 1997 by Kenneth A. Selby, BASc, MBA, PhD (ILL), PEng. The award is granted to a student entering fourth-year Civil Engineering and based on financial need. Academic achievement in the program and particular ability and creativity in the field of construction engineering, specifically second and third-year construction engineering-related courses will also be considered.

Douglas Scott Shaw Memorial Scholarship
This award was established by Andrea Boucher-Shaw in loving memory of her husband, the late Douglas Scott Shaw. The award is granted to a student who has completed their first, second or third year of Industrial Engineering and is based on financial need and a shown marked improvement in grades from the previous year.

Shell Canada Limited Engineering Scholarships Program
Established in 1997 through the generosity of Shell Canada Limited, these scholarships are granted to two students entering third year and two entering fourth year in each of the following three departments: Mineral Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. The awards are granted on the basis on financial need. Academic performance will also be considered. The first awards were granted in the 1998-99 academic year.

William Bernard Silverston Scholarship
William Bernard Silverston, having received a degree in Mechanical Engineering in Poland, went on to lead a distinguished international career in engineering, management and business. To recognize his tremendous innovation in design and management, his son, Robert Silverston, established this scholarship in the Faculty in 1997. The award, derived from the annual income, is granted to a student entering third-year Mechanical Engineering and is based on financial need. The recipient should also demonstrate the ability to produce innovative and original designs which are based on sound engineering and applied science principles. Candidates should convey a spirit and love for the discipline.

Jeffrey Skoll Scholarships at the University of Toronto
As a result of an amendment to the original scholarship set up by a generous donation from the Skoll Foundation, funds are now being directed to support business education for undergraduate engineering students.  Several awards are now available to FASE students who can demonstrate financial need, and are pursuing a Business Minor, with special consideration given to students who have demonstrated goals to address pressing global challenges. Other conditions may apply.

Christopher Skrok Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships were established in 2003 through the generosity of Stanislawa Skrok, in honour of her husband Christopher Skrok (CIV 6T0). The awards will be granted to three students entering first-year and three students entering fourth-year Civil Engineering on the basis of financial need and academic standing. 

Gordon R. Slemon Scholarship
Established in 1997 through the generosity of Gordon R. Slemon, OC, BASc, MASc, DIC (Imperial College), PhD,(London), DSc (London), DEng (Memorial), Hon. FIEE, FEIC, FCAE, CEng, PEng, former chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and former dean of the Faculty. The award is granted to a student entering third year of Electrical Engineering on the basis of financial need. Academic achievement in the second year of the program and an aptitude in design will also be considered. The award is made on the recommendation of the chair.

Kenneth Carless Smith Award in Engineering Science
Established in 2004 through a generous donation by Professor Kenneth Carless Smith and Ms. Laura Fujino, this award is made on the recommendation of the chair of the Division of Engineering Science to one or more students completing second- or third-year Engineering Science. The award is made on the basis of financial need and a demonstrated interest and aptitude in the area of electronics. Interest may be shown by strong performance in appropriate courses and/or research and design projects. 

Kenneth Ward Smith Scholarships
Provided through the generosity of Carlton G. Smith, two awards are granted on the recommendation of the Chair of the Division to students completing second year of Engineering Science and who are proceeding to third year in the Aerospace Option. Recipients are selected on the basis of financial need, academic standing and qualities of character and leadership.

Robert M. Smith Scholarships
These scholarships, made possible by a generous donation, were established in 1996. The awards are granted to a student entering the third year of Lassonde Mineral Engineering and are based on financial need. Academic standing is also considered. The scholarship is renewable in the fourth year on the basis of continued financial need and academic standing. Should the candidate not qualify for the renewal, the award can be granted by reversion to the next qualifying candidate in the fourth year of the program.

SNC-Lavalin Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 through the generosity of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. and is awarded to a student entering second year of the Lassonde Mineral or Materials Engineering Program on the basis of financial need. Academic standing will also be considered.

Dr. Irving H. Spinner Scholarship in Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
This scholarship, established in 2011 by family and friends of Dr. Irving H. Spinner, is awarded to a student in any year of Chemical Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need as well as significant involvement in extra-curricular activities within the University and local community. Candidates must have strong academic background and achieve a minimum overall 75 per cent in the previous year.

The St. George's Society of Toronto Endowment Fund
This award, valued at $5,000, was established through a generous donation by the St. George's Society of Toronto. Several awards are available to students within the University, one of which is specifically for the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. In Engineering, the fund is awarded based on financial need and a minimum B average to an undergraduate or graduate student. Preference is given to in-course students.

Peter K. Strangway Scholarship
This award was established in 1997 through the generosity of Dr. Peter K. Strangway. The scholarship is granted to a student entering the third or fourth year in Materials Engineering on the basis of financial need. Academic credentials will also be considered.

The Maurice Stren Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1995 by Mrs. Sadie Stren in memory of her husband, Maurice, who graduated from Mechanical Engineering in 1943. Throughout his long career, Mr. Stren possessed an unbounded enthusiasm for all facets of Engineering. The award, which is derived from the annual income of a bequest of a capital sum of $10,000, is granted on the recommendation of the chair to a student completing the second year of Mechanical Engineering. In addition to academic excellence, qualities of character and financial need will also be considered. The first award was granted in the 1995-96 academic year.

Sullivan Memorial Scholarship
The Sullivan Memorial Scholarship commemorates May and Philip Sullivan, of Sydney, Australia. Being denied the benefits of an advanced education, they fostered their three children's ambitions. All became university faculty — one in Australia, one in New Zealand and one in Canada. The award is derived from the annual income and is awarded to a student entering second-year Engineering Science and is based on financial need. Academic standing is also be considered. The selection is made by the chair of the Division. The first award was granted in the 1998-99 academic year.

James M. Toguri Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2004 by friends and family in memory of Professor James M. Toguri. The award is to be granted to a full-time student proceeding third- or fourth- year Materials Engineering and based on financial need and academic achievement. Additionally, candidates should have a genuine interest in a career in chemical process metallurgy, as demonstrated by either course selection, summer research experience, PEY Co-op placement and/or fourth-year thesis topic. Preference is given to students with demonstrated qualities of leadership. This scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Chair or their designate.

The Trenwith & Galipeau Aerospace Science Award
This award was established in 1997 through a donation from Mr. John Galipeau. The income derived from the capital provides a scholarship to a student in the third or fourth year of the Aerospace Option in Engineering Science based on financial need. Academic merit is also considered. If given at the third-year level, the award may be renewed for the fourth year provided the criteria is still met.

William Ian MacKenzie Turner Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
This award was established in recognition of the professional achievements of William Ian MacKenzie Turner (ElecE 2T5), and of his dedication to the interests of the undergraduates and graduates of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The scholarship, derived from the annual income, is awarded to a student based on financial need who, having obtained Honours standing, ranks in first place on the results of Industrial Engineering's third-year examinations. Should the candidate hold an award of greater value, the award may be made to the next ranking candidate. The first award was made in the 1998-99 academic year.

University of Toronto Women’s Association Scholarship
In 1995 the University of Toronto Women’s Association donated a capital sum to the University, a portion of which provides an award in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. This scholarship is awarded to a student in any year of any program in the Faculty and is based on financial need and academic standing. The value of the award is derived from the annual income.

Lloyd George Webber Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 in memory of Lloyd George Webber (ChemE 3T6). The award will be granted to a student completing third-year Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry and is based on financial need. Academic standing is also considered.

Julie Wilkinson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by family and friends of the late Julie Wilkinson. Julie was the office manager of the Engineering Society for 11 years. In addition to her job in the Faculty, she worked part-time for the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) where she eventually became Treasurer. On top of all this responsibility, Julie went back to school part-time to work towards a degree in Industrial Engineering. Julie was a warm and caring person who always had a smile for everyone. 

In honour of her memory, the scholarship is awarded to a student registered in any year of Industrial Engineering and is based on financial need, extra-curricular activities, demonstrated involvement in the Engineering Society and academic standing. Recommendations will be made by the departmental chair in consultation with the president of the Engineering Society.

WSP Scholarships in Building Engineering
Provided in 1997 through the generosity of Halsall Associates Ltd. (now owned by WSP Canada), these awards are tenable in the Department of Civil Engineering. One award is made to a student completing second year and one to a student completing third year on the basis of financial need. The recipients should also exhibit a high level of interest and academic achievement in civil engineering applied to buildings, as well as a significant contribution to the community and/or student activities. The relevant course content would include structures, materials and building science.

WSP Scholarship in Civil Engineering
This award was established in 1997 through a generous donation from Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited (now owned by WSP Canada). The award, derived from the annual income, is granted to a student in Civil Engineering and is based on financial need and academic ability.

Yolles-Bergmann Scholarship
This Civil Engineering scholarship was established in 1997 through the generosity of Yolles Partnership Inc. in recognition of the significant accomplishments of the Yolles Group, and, in particular, the contribution made to structural engineering by Mr. Morden Yolles and Mr. Roland Bergmann. The scholarship is awarded to a student proceeding to the fourth year of the program who achieved a high academic standing and who successfully completed a structural design project in their third year that demonstrated a creative interest and talent in linking structure and architecture. Department nomination.


Non-OSOTF In-Course Scholarships & Grants

Harvey Aggett Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was donated by the late Mr. J.T. Aggett of Toronto as a perpetual memorial to his son, the late Lieutenant Harvey Aggett, who enlisted in the military in March 1915, during his second year in the Faculty. He was killed in action at Passchendaele on November 6, 1917.

This annual scholarship is awarded to a second-year engineering honour student who ranked one of the first three in the annual examinations and adjudged the highest of the three in general student activities and service in the University during first year. The annual value of the scholarship is the income from the fund. When regulations do not permit the winner to hold this scholarship, the students considered for the award shall be the first three in the year exclusive of any student who holds a scholarship of higher value.

American Concrete Institute, Ontario Chapter Scholarship
Established in 1992 through the generosity of The Ontario Chapter of the American Concrete Institute, this scholarship is awarded, on the recommendation of the Chair, to a student, or team of students, graduating from Civil Engineering with the most meritorious final-year thesis and/or capstone design project related to the use of concrete.

Donald L. Angus Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Established in 2014 through a generous donation by HH Angus, this award is given to a full-time student entering their third or fourth year of Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated leadership on a design intensive extra-curricular team or activity. 

Ardagh Scholarship
The Ardagh Scholarship has been provided by Professor E.G.R. Ardagh, BASc, FRSC, formerly professor of Applied Chemistry, in memory of his parents. It is awarded to a student completing second year of Chemical Engineering who demonstrated academic achievement and exemplary leadership within the University or the broader community. The first award was issued in 1946.

Wellington Thomas Ashbridge Memorial Bursaries
Established by members of the family of Wellington Thomas Ashbridge, C.E., a graduate of the School of Practical Science in 1888, this fund provides bursary assistance to students in good standing in any year of the Civil Engineering program who are in need of financial assistance. In any session, any residue of income remaining after the awards to Civil Engineering students may be used to provide bursaries for students in other programs in the Faculty. Application is made through the Undergraduate Grant Application Form.  

The Babb Bursary Fund
Bursaries from this fund are available to students in any year of the Aerospace Option in Engineering Science. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

Ballan Family Scholarship in Civil Engineering
This scholarship, established through a generous donation by Steven Ballan, is awarded to a student completing second year Civil Engineering and is based on their aggregate performance on assignments in both Introduction to Civil Engineering and Construction Management, as recommended by the Chair of the Department.

Baptie Scholarship
The Baptie Scholarship is derived from a bequest under the will of the late Mrs. Margaret W. Baptie of Ottawa. The Governing Council has directed that a scholarship of one half the annual income shall be awarded annually to an engineering student on the record of their first year. The Board of Governors also authorizes a remission of fees, up to $75, in the case of the holder of the scholarship.

The conditions of the award are that the scholarship is awarded to the student who, in the annual examinations of first year, enrolled in any of the programs of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Materials Engineering, obtained the highest aggregate percentage of marks in those subjects which are common to the first-year curricula. The first award was issued during the 1925-26 academic year.

Ben Bernholtz Memorial Prize in Operational Research
This prize is awarded to the student completing Third year of Industrial Engineering who achieved the highest aggregate mark in Operational Research I and II.

The prize was established in 1980 by colleagues and friends of the late Dr. Ben Bernholtz, twice Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering and a founder of the Canadian Operational Research Society. Should the candidate be qualified for another award of higher value, the award may be reverted to the student with the next highest aggregate mark in the specified courses.

The BFMI Sesquicentennial Trust Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2019 through a generous donation by the BFMI Sesquicentennial Trust (2017). The scholarship, valued at $5,000, is awarded to a full-time student proceeding to second, third, or fourth year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering on the basis of academic merit.

Rob & Sky Bicevskis Research Opportunities Award in Engineering Science
This award was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Robert Bicevskis and is given to a first- or second-year student in the Division of Engineering Science's Research Opportunities program. Selection is made on the basis of academic merit and appropriateness of the proposed research project, and as determined at the discretion of the Chair of the Division of Engineering Science.

Rob & Sky Bicevskis Scholarship
This award was established in 2014 through a generous donation by Rob and Sky Bicevskis. The award is given to a full-time student entering their second, third or fourth year of studies in Engineering Science. There is an increasing demand for people who can work across boundaries and in many different fields. With the term polymath in mind, students will be selected based on academic merit and having demonstrated interests in a variety of fields through involvement in extra-curricular activities or volunteer experience, which could include sports, arts and cultural and/or international exchanges. On the recommendation of the Chair of the division (or alternate). 

Bixler Family Scholarship in Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
Established in 2019 through a generous donation by Harris J. Bixler, this scholarship is given out annually to one or more undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry on the basis of academic merit and at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty or their alternate.

Aaron Botelho Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Orianna Botelho, this award is given to an undergraduate Civil or Mineral Engineering student who demonstrates strong participation in the U of T Civil and/or Mineral Engineering community through extra-curricular activities, such as student clubs, networking events, volunteerism, departmental social activities, etc. Preference will be given to students in this order: mature students, students who overcome adversity, and/or Mineral Engineering students. Academic merit may also be considered.

Bill Bowers Bursary
This bursary was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Ian McGregor. The grant is given to an Indigenous undergraduate student on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to Indigenous students who demonstrate an interest in sustainability. Application is made by completing a grant application.

The Edith Grace Buchan Summer Research Fellowship
A summer research fellowship is provided by a bequest of the late Edith Grace Buchan. The fellowship is open to students who have completed the first, second or third year in any program in the Faculty. Interested students should apply by application to the chair of their department early in the Winter Session. The selection will be made based on the applicant’s academic background and interests.

Building Knowledge Award for Female Engineers in Construction
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by Gordon E. Cooke, this award is given annually to two female full-time or part-time undergraduate students in Civil Engineering who are proceeding to Third Year with a demonstrated interest in the field of residential construction.

Ann & Myrtle Bumgardner Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
This scholarship was established in 2019 through a generous donation by Carl Bumgardner. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student proceeding to third or fourth year of Chemical Engineering based on academic achievement and a spirit of humanity and civic-mindedness as demonstrated through relevant extra-curricular activities, student clubs, and/or volunteerism. Preference will be given to students from the Maritimes.

Professor Bill Burgess Award
This award was established in 2024 through a generous donation by Ruth Burgess. The award is granted to a full-time student in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering proceeding to Third Year, who is the most improved academically from First to Second Year and has taken (during Year 2) and/or is enrolled in (for Year 3) courses relating to Thermodynamics. First preference will be given to full-time students in Chemical Engineering, second preference will be given to full-time students in Engineering Science.

Carman Burton Bursary
This bursary was established in 1986 in memory of the late Carman Burton (ElecE 2T0) by his wife, Mrs. C.E. Burton. The annual income from a capital donation will provide bursaries to students registered in the Faculty in any undergraduate program on the basis of good academic standing and financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Norman E. Byrne Award
This $1,000 award is made annually by the University Masonic Lodge in honour of one of their members. A past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, Mr. Norman E. Byrne was also a graduate of U of T Mechanical Engineering. The award is made on the recommendation of the chair to a first-, second-, or third-year Mechanical Engineering student and is based on financial need, academic excellence and qualities of character as demonstrated by University and community activities. 

John Dixon Campbell Memorial Prize
Established in 2004 by friends, family, and colleagues of the late John Dixon Campbell, this award, in the form of a certificate, is granted to a student in fourth year of any program in the Faculty who achieved the highest academic merit in the area of maintenance optimization and reliability engineering. Should the recipient of this prize demonstrate financial need, he or she will be eligible to receive the John Dixon Memorial Scholarship as well.

#2 Canadian Army University Course Award
Established in 2002, this award is granted to a student entering the third year of any undergraduate program and is based on high academic achievement and participation in other activities (i.e., sports, drama, school activities). The student must demonstrate financial need.

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum  GTA West Scholarship
Established in 2018 through a generous donation by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum — GTA West, this award is given to a student proceeding, full-time, to their third or fourth year of studies in any undergraduate program in the Faculty who demonstrates interest and passion in the mining sector through course selection, extra-curricular activities, and/or PEY Co-Op placements. Preference is given to Canadian citizens or permanent residents that currently reside or have completed high school in Mississauga, Oakville, or Burlington.

Canadian Society of Industrial Engineering Scholarship
The Toronto Chapter, Canadian Society for Industrial Engineering, offers a scholarship of $300 to a student entering the fourth-year Industrial Engineering. The student must have consistently maintained high, though not necessarily honours standing, during the previous three years, and must be an active member of the University of Toronto Student Chapter of CSIE. The selection is made on the recommendation of the chair of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering.

Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Medal
The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering provides a medal and a cash award of $100 to the student registered in Chemical Engineering who, having achieved Honours, receives the highest standing in third year written and laboratory work. The first award was made on the results of the final examinations of 1947. From 1985 onwards, the cash portion of the prize has been provided by the Local Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.

Ruth E. & Harry E. Carter Memorial Scholarship for Engineering
This award was established in 2018 through a generous donation by Glenn H. Carter.  The award is granted on the basis of academic merit to a second, third, or fourth year Computer Engineering student who has completed Track One. If a suitable candidate cannot be identified in any given year, it is to be awarded to a student in another Engineering program who has completed Track One, with a preference for the Mineral Engineering program.

Centennial Senior Project Awards
The Centennial Thesis Awards were established in 1972-73 in honour of the Faculty's centennial. To recognize excellence in a fourth-year thesis or capstone design project, one award is made annually to a student or team of students in each of the Faculty’s nine-degree programs. The decision is based on departmental recommendations. The award is in the form of a $500 prize and an accompanying certificate. Original funding was provided through the Office of the Dean and is continued through the generosity of the University of Toronto Engineering Alumni Association.

CGI Scholarship for the Advancement of Black Women in Engineering
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by CGI Inc, this award is given annually to two Black female students proceeding to second, third, or fourth year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering based on academic merit. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

The Wallace G. Chalmers Engineering Design Scholarships
In 1986, Mrs. Clarice Chalmers established the Wallace Chalmers Engineering Design Awards to encourage and provide recognition for students in Mechanical Engineering creative design courses. In 1997, Mrs. Chalmers converted the Wallace Chalmers Engineering Design Awards to the Wallace G. Chalmers Engineering Design Scholarships in order that the scholarship may continue in perpetuity. Throughout his career, Wallace Chalmers (Mech 5T0) demonstrated a keen interest in design and perceived the need to place greater emphasis on the design aspect of engineering education.

The three awards (one issued in second year, one in third year, and one in fourth year) are given to students (or a team of students) in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering who demonstrate strong academic performance and design capabilities in design-intensive courses. Department recommendation and financial need is also considered.

CHE 8T2 Emerging Leaders Award in Chemical Engineering
This award was established in 2014 through donations by the ChemE Class of 8T2. The award is given to a student in second-year Chemical Engineering who has shown the potential of becoming an exceptional leader through their ability to inspire others to action as demonstrated through involvement and leadership in engineering leadership development programs, student councils or clubs, community organizations and/or athletics.

8T1 Chemical Engineering Award
This award was established in 2021 through donations by the 8T1 Chemical Engineering Class. The award is given to an undergraduate Chemical Engineering student proceeding to second or third year on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit (min. 70 per cent year average in the previous year of study). Preference will be given to students with significant involvement in sports, arts, or community. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

7T6 Chemical Engineering Scholarship
This award was established in 2019 through a generous donation by Sidney Siu. The award is given to a full-time student proceeding to fourth year in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry on the basis of academic success, with a preference for student(s) who excelled in Engineering Thermodynamics.

Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship
This award was established in 2014 through a generous donation from an anonymous donor. The award is given to a student completing first, second or third year of Chemical Engineering on the basis of strong merit and a strong record of extra-curricular activities and/or community involvement. Department recommendation.

Chemical Institute of Canada Book Prize (Toronto Section)
This award consists of a $100 book prize plus a certificate and a one-year membership in the relevant constituent society of the CIC. The award is presented to the student in third year of Chemical Engineering who has shown the most improvement in a chemistry and/or chemistry-related program. The award does not necessarily go to the student who achieved the second-highest standing in a particular program.

Frank Chik & Lai Nar Man Award
This award was established in 2022 through a generous donation by Dr. Raymond Y V Chik.  The award is given to a graduating student or team of students with the most meritorious final year thesis and/or capstone design project related to integrated circuits, semi-conductors, electronics.

Chodas Family Scholarship for Space Exploration
This award, valued at $3,000, was established through generous donations by Dr. Janis Chodas and Dr. Paul Chodas. The award is granted to a student proceeding to third or fourth year who demonstrates leadership and passion for space exploration. The scholarship will be awarded based on declared Major (Aerospace), performance in relevant courses, and/or activities outside of the classroom.

Chim Chuen and Foon Yan Chow Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 2022 through generous donations by Wing-Chi Chow, Chung-Wai Chow, and Chung-Yee Chow.  he award is given annually to a full-time student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of Chemical Engineering on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

5T6 Civils Scholarship
This award was established by the 5T6 Civils, consisting of the graduating members of the 1956 Civil Engineering Class of the University of Toronto. The scholarship is granted to a student who completes second year of Civil Engineering on the basis of high academic merit and leadership as demonstrated through involvement in extra-curricular activities. The award is not tenable with any other scholarship of greater value with the exception of OSOTF/OTSS awards. The first award was made in 1964.

Ross L. Clark Memorial Scholarship
The friends of Ross L. Clark, 3T7 Civil graduate, have set up a scholarship to honour his substantial contributions to municipal and environmental engineering, practiced so well by him as Commissioner of Works for Metropolitan Toronto for many years. The value of the scholarship is the annual income. It will be awarded to a student entering the fourth year of Civil Engineering, who has demonstrated a significant interest in Environmental Engineering and has a high academic standing. Recommendation for the scholarship is made by the chair of Civil Engineering. The scholarship is not tenable with other awards of $1,000 or higher value. Application is not required.

Richard M. Clarke Awards for Leadership in Engineering Design for the Improvement of the Environment
Established through a generous donation by Richard M. Clarke, this award was created to encourage the leadership development of engineering students working towards improving the environment. Winning teams will be selected through a process developed and executed by the Director of ILead with approval from the Dean of the Faculty. The process will include expert judges, public presentations made by finalists, and an online, video/digital archive. Prizes may be given in multiple categories and at multiple levels (first place, second place, etc.).

Class of 2004 Grant
This grant, established through the generosity of the Class of 2004 in their graduating year, is given to one or more undergraduate student(s) in the Faculty on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Class of 4T3 Engineering James Ham Award
This award was established in 2004 through the generosity of the members of the class of 4T3 in memory of James Ham. Professor Ham, a 4T3 Electrical Engineering graduate, served as the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1964 and then as Dean of the Faculty for seven years starting in 1966. From 1974 to 1976, he chaired the Royal Commission on Health and Safety of Workers in Mines. His Commission’s Report was the impetus for the government’s 1978 Occupational Health and Safety Act governing worker Safety in the Province of Ontario. The Report’s challenge to the mining industry to develop and maintain an Internal Responsibility System (IRS) for the protection of workers has been heeded by many other industries as well. The IRS model is now the recognized standard for safe and healthy workplaces around the world.

James Ham became Dean of the School of Graduate Studies in 1976 and, two years later, University President for five years. While still President, in 1980, Professor Ham was bestowed with our country’s highest honour, the Order of Canada. After his term as President, Professor Ham returned to teaching for the Department of Industrial Engineering.

This award is granted to a student entering either third or fourth year of any undergraduate program. The recipient must have achieved an average of 70 per cent or higher. In addition, the award will be made on the basis of demonstrated leadership qualities as exhibited through participation in athletics, community involvement and/or student council activity. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident.

Class of 4T7 Bursaries
The bursaries, established in 1997, are provided by the generosity of the Class of 4T7. Derived from the annual income, the bursaries are awarded to an engineering student in financial need. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

Class of 5T5 Civil Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2004 through the generosity of the Class of 5T5 Civil Engineering, this award is granted to a student entering fourth-year Civil Engineering and is based on financial need. Preference is given to students who excel academically. Additional preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership qualities as exhibited through student council activity, participation on Faculty/University teams and clubs, community involvement and athletics.

Class of 5T9 Chemical Engineering Leaders of Tomorrow Award
This award was established in 2006 through a generous donation by the Chemical Engineering Class of 5T9. The objective of this award is to recognize students in their third year of Chemical Engineering who have shown the potential to become outstanding leaders and to inspire others to action and to excellence. This may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including participation in student council or clubs, community organizations, cultural groups or athletics. Candidates should enumerate their service to others through volunteering or community work.

Class of 6T5 Electrical Engineering Award
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Jean and Lauri Hiivala, this award is given to an undergraduate student proceeding to Second, Third or Fourth Year in Electrical & Computer Engineering on the basis of financial need and academic merit.

Class of 7T0 Industrial Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2020 by the Industrial Engineering Class of 7T0, this award is given to a full-time student (Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident) proceeding to second, third or fourth year of Industrial Engineering. The student must have a minimum ‘B’ average and demonstrate a well-rounded student experience through a broad range of extracurricular and volunteer activities within the University or broader community.

Class of EngSci 7T2 Legacy Award 
Established in 2024 by the Engineering Science Class of 7T2, this award is given to a student proceeding to Second, Third, or Fourth year in Engineering Science on the basis of financial need and having faced challenges with dignity and perseverance.

William D. and John R. Cocchio Award
This award was established in 2024 through a generous donation by John Cocchio. The award is given to an undergraduate student proceeding the 4th year of Chemical Engineering on the basis of financial need, academic merit (minimum GPA 2.33), and involvement in extra-curricular activities, student clubs, and/or broader community. First preference will go to students who graduated from a downtown Toronto high school. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Second preference will be given to a student who self-identifies as Indigenous.

Professor Morris A. Cohen Scholarship in Engineering Science
This award was established in 2016 through a generous donation by Professor Morris A. Cohen. The award is given based on academic merit to a full-time student proceeding to third or fourth year of Engineering Science and enrolled in the Engineering Business Minor.

Constant Temperature Control Ltd. Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous donation by Constant Temperature Control Ltd. It is awarded to a student who achieved a high academic standing in their third year of studies and is proceeding into their fourth year of studies in engineering.

Crocker Foundation Bursaries
The income from a capital fund established from the estate of the late Beatrice Crocker Glazier in memory of her brother, James William Crocker, provides bursaries for students in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who are in need and are worthy of financial assistance. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

Igor Danyliuk Engineering Science Award
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Igor Danyliuk, this award is given to an undergraduate student in Engineering Science on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Preference will be given to international students from Ukraine.

Gavin Dass Memorial Scholarship
Established in the Faculty of Arts & Science, on the recommendation of the Department of Physiology, this award is granted to a student completing fourth year of the Specialist or Major Program in Biology and Physics, the Specialist Program in Theoretical Physiology or the Biomedical Engineering option in Engineering Science. The student should demonstrate a strong interest in theoretical physiology, either through classroom projects or summer research, and, additionally, should show an interest in the world around them. The student should have some significant involvement in student or community organizations. A letter outlining the applicant’s extra-curricular activities and motivation for studying theoretical biology should be submitted to the Department of Physiology by April 1.

Roger E. Deane Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Professor Roger E. Deane by his colleagues within the University and the geology profession; it is in commemoration of his distinguished contributions to geology. The scholarship is awarded annually to the students, full or part-time, who show the best performance at the department geological field camp.

Joseph A. Devine Bursary
Established in 2010 from the estate of the late Joseph A. Devine, one or more bursaries awarded to students on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

Eric Dittmar Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Tim Dittmar, this scholarship is given to a student proceeding to second, third, or fourth year in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering who has faced challenges with dignity and perseverance. Selection made on the recommendation of Department Chair or alternate.

Satinder Kaur Dhillon Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2011 from the Estate of the late Satinder Kaur Dhillon, this award is given to a student completing first or second year of Engineering Science on the basis of outstanding academic achievement.

G.W. Ross Dowkes Memorial Prize
Donated by W.J. Dowkes, a graduate of the class of 1962, in memory of his father, the late G.W. Ross Dowkes, this prize is awarded to the student in the Chemical Engineering Program who, in the opinion of the Chair, has demonstrated the most marked improvement in academic standing. Preference is given to a final-year student.

Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Earl H. Dudgeon Bursary
This bursary was established in 1997 through the generosity of T. Christie Arnold. The bursary is awarded to a student in any year of the Mechanical Engineering Program on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

Duhamel Helsing Environmental Engineering Scholarship
This award was established in 2013 through a generous donation by Dr. Melanie Duhamel. The scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student entering third or fourth year who is pursuing their studies with concentrated and focused attention on environmental and sustainability-oriented challenges. Candidates are selected on the basis of strong academic performance and demonstrated financial need.

Douglas Dunbar Memorial Scholarship
Established through a generous donation by Professor Craig Dunbar, this award is given to a student in any year of Civil Engineering on the basis of academic excellence and extra-curricular involvement.

William Dunbar Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2014 from the estate of the late William Dunbar, this scholarship is awarded to students in any year of the Mechanical Engineering program on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. Recommendation of the chair of the department. 

Oluwatobi "Tobi" Edun Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Oluwatobi "Tobi" Edun, this award is given to a student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering on the basis of high academic merit and leadership as demonstrated through involvement in extra-curricular activities.

Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Top Student Award
Awarded to the top 3 students with the highest GPA in both fall and winter terms in each program, Electrical & Computer Engineering in years one, two and three — 18 awards in total annually.  Students must have been in full-time studies (minimum five courses) to be eligible.

Stuart Ellam Grant
The income from a capital fund established from the estate of the late Ida Maud Lillian Ellam in memory of her late son Stuart Ellam. The grant is given to an undergraduate student in the Faculty on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

The John M. Empey Scholarships
This fund was established by a bequest of $10,000 in the will of the late John Morgan Empey, BASc, 1903. Three scholarships of equal value are provided from the income from the fund. A scholarship is awarded to a student in the first, second and third years on the annual examinations who, obtaining Honours, achieved the highest average percentage of marks in the year's written and laboratory subjects. The scholarships are open to engineering students. If the winner does not attend the Faculty during the session following the award, the right to the scholarship is forfeited and it will be issued to another eligible student. The scholarships were awarded for the first time in 1944.

Enbridge Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2006 through a generous donation by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., this scholarship is awarded to a student entering their third year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. The recipient must have achieved a minimum ' B' average in second year. Preference is given to students who demonstrate significant community involvement and volunteer work. Additional preference is given to students who exhibit leadership qualities as demonstrated through involvement in extra-curricular activities, athletics and student council.

Enbridge Student Excellence Award
Established in 2013 through a generous donation by Enbridge Inc., 8 awards, each valued at $2500, are given annually to students from underrepresented groups, which currently include women, Black, and/or indigenous students, who have completed third year in Engineering Science; selection is made on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit with a preference for students pursuing majors in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Statistics and Finance, Robotics Engineering, Machine Intelligence and Engineering Physics. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Energy Systems Excellence Award
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Michael Chai, this award is given to a student completing third year of the Energy Systems Engineering major, or its equivalent, in the Division of Engineering Science. Preference will be given to students who have exemplified leadership skills along with demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Energy Systems Scholarship in Engineering Science
Established in 2022 through an annual donation by Sean Haberer, this award is given to a student proceeding to Third or Fourth Year of Engineering Science whose focus relates to Energy Systems.  Preference will be given to a student from underrepresented groups in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering with both demonstrated financial need and academic merit.  Underrepresented groups include black, indigenous, and female students.

EngSci Class of 2011 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2022 through generous donations by the Engineering Science Class of 2011 and members of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. The award is given to an undergraduate student in the Division of Engineering Science on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit. For candidates with comparable academic merit and financial need, preference will be given to students from an underrepresented student group.

Engineering Alumni Centennial Bursaries
Through the generosity of the Engineering Alumni Association, several bursaries have been established in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The bursaries are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Preference is given to third- and fourth-year students. Application is made by completing a Grant Application.

5T3 (1953) Engineering Award
The Class of 5T3 established the 5T3 (1953) Engineering Award in 2003. This award is given to a third-year, full-time or part-time student in any undergraduate program on the basis of high academic achievement, financial need and qualities of character and leadership as demonstrated through involvement in extra-curricular activities both within the University and the community at large. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. 

Engineering 8T4 Leadership Award
Established in 2009 by the Engineering Class of 8T4, this award is given to a full-time student entering second, third or fourth year in any program in the Faculty and is based on academic achievement. Recipients must demonstrate leadership skills through involvement in extra-curricular and/or community involvement. Financial need may also be considered.

Engineering Class of 5T6 Award of Merit
The award, of the value of the annual income, is granted to a student who successfully completes first year in any Engineering undergraduate program. In addition to having excelled in their academic studies, the recipient must demonstrate qualities of strong leadership and character and be motivated to making a positive difference in the world through involvement in extracurricular activities either within the University of Toronto or the community at large. Selection will be made in consultation with the Class of 5T6 Selection Committee, wherever possible. 

Engineering Science Chairs' Scholarship
This award was established in 2011 through generous donations by former chairs of the Division of Engineering Science. The award is given to a student completing the foundation years and proceeding to year three of Engineering Science. The scholarship is issued on the chair's recommendation on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and extra-curricular involvement. 

Engineering Science Foundation Scholarship
This award was established in 2011 through a generous donation by Dr. Rong Kai Hong. The award is given to three full-time students entering third-year Engineering Science and is based on strong academic achievement and on a recommendation from the Chair (or alternate) of the Division of Engineering Science.

ERCO Worldwide Leaders of Tomorrow Award
This award was established in 2011 through a generous donation by ERCO Worldwide Division of Superior Plus LP. The award is given to a student in third- or fourth-year Chemical Engineering who has shown the potential to become an outstanding leader and to inspire others to action and to excellence. This may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including participation in student councils or clubs, community organizations, cultural groups, or athletics. Applicants should enumerate their service to others through volunteering or community work.

Etkin Medal for Excellence
This Etkin medal was established by University Professor Bernard Etkin, formerly Chair of Engineering Science (1967-1972) and dean of the Faculty (1973-1979). The prize was first awarded in 2003. It is an award for academic excellence that commemorates a career-long interest in the theory and application of solid and fluid mechanics, subjects he taught for many years to students in Engineering Science, and which were the basis of most of his research and professional work. The award is presented to a third-year Engineering Science student. Each year, the chair of Engineering Science chooses one or more courses from among the relevant offerings in solid and fluid mechanics in the second and third-year curriculum and nominates the recipient of the medal for outstanding performance in those courses.

Jim Ewanusiw (ChemEng 6T8) Family Award
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Lynn Couillard in 2024, this award is given to a student who identifies as a woman proceeding into third year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic standing. Additional consideration will be given to a student with demonstrated involvement in the arts, student councils or clubs, community organizations, and/or athletics. The Award is renewable for fourth year provided the recipients proceeds with good standing and will revert back to third year once the renewal is complete or in any year in which the recipient is not eligible for the renewal. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents. 

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Leadership Award(s)
Established in 2006, these awards are available to students entering second, third, or fourth year of any program in the Faculty. Though academic ability is considered, candidates must have shown the potential to become outstanding leaders and to inspire others to action and excellence. This may be done through participation in student council or clubs, community organizations, cultural groups or athletics. Candidates should enumerate their service to others through volunteering or community work.

Manual A. Fine Scholarship
Established in 2009 through a generous donation by Heavy Construction Association of Toronto, this award is given to a full-time student entering third- or fourth-year Civil Engineering on the basis of strong academic achievement and a demonstrated interest in construction as evidenced by their focus of study, extra-curricular activities and/or summer employment.

J. A. Findlay Scholarships
These scholarships were established through a legacy bequeathed by the late Janet Findlay to the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. Two scholarships are available, each the value of half the fund’s income. One is for a third-year student in Mechanical Engineering; the other is intended for a fourth-year student, but only if the student continues in Mechanical Engineering.

The selection is made on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department from the four students with the highest average percentage of marks at the annual examinations in second and third year respectively. The student’s general character, fitness for the profession and financial circumstances are given consideration. If a student wins one of the scholarships and changes program or does not attend this University during the next following session, the award shall be made to another eligible student.

The Denis Flynn Memorial Scholarship
Established through the generosity of the Metropolitan Toronto Road Builders Association, this award has a value of $1,000 and is granted to a student completing first-year Civil Engineering and is based on good academic standing and qualities of character and leadership. In order to receive the award, the recipient must register in the second year of the program.

The James Franceschini Foundation Scholarship
Scholarships of the annual value of the income of this foundation are awarded to students in first-, second- and third-year Civil Engineering. Students must have achieved high standing, with Honours, at the annual examinations.

Laura Chizuko Fujino Scholarship in Engineering Science
This scholarship was established in 2012 through a generous donation by Kenneth Carless Smith and Laura Chizuko Fujino. The award is given to a female student entering the third or fourth year of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Option in the Division of Engineering Science and is based on academic achievement.  Extra-curricular activities may also be considered.

Fujino/Smith Emergence Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2015 through a generous donation by Kenneth Carless Smith and Laura Chizuko Fujino. The award is given to a full-time student in first year Engineering Science who receives the highest average grade after term 1F, is proceeding to the Winter Term in Engineering Science and who did not receive an entrance scholarship. Preference will be given to students who graduated from Ontario high schools.

Hugh Gall Award
The Hugh Gall Award was established in 1946 by the graduating class of 1910 to "commemorate a deceased classmate who was a splendid type of student, a loyal friend and nationally outstanding in athletic achievement during his undergraduate career." Upon expiration of the original gift in 1951, the award was supported by Mrs. Hugh Gall until her death in 1970; under the terms of her will a sum of $5,000 was provided to support the award in perpetuity, the annual value of the award being the income from the bequest.

The award is made to a student who, having completed first year with a general average of at least 66% without conditions, has entered their second-year and requires financial assistance to continue. It is desirable, but not necessary, that the recipient has not already been given any other scholastic award or scholarship applicable to the second year and shows indications of a firm intention and ability to follow successfully the profession of engineering. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Joseph F. Goetz Engineering Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2022 through a generous donation by Jeanette Goetz. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated leadership involvement with Skule Music or similar groups and/or demonstrated leadership involvement with University of Toronto Engineering Industry/Professional Development Clubs.

Danny Goldberg Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2019 by the friends and family and Danny Goldberg. The award is given to a student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of Electrical Engineering on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, and demonstrated involvement with the U of T Engineering Skule community. Preference will be given to a student with a demonstrated interest in music.

Vern Gomes Memorial Award
Established by classmates and friends of the late J. Vernon Gomes, this award is given to a student completing  third-year in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering who, having obtained an average not lower than 60% in third year, is considered to have made the most valuable contribution to the Department. Preference is given to Electrical Engineering students.

The Blake H. Goodings Memorial Award in Mechanical Engineering
The Blake H. Goodings Memorial Award was established in 1987 by his wife, Mrs. Gloria Goodings, in memory of her husband, a 1949 graduate of this Faculty. The award, which is the value of the annual income of a capital donation, is set up in perpetuity. It is made on the recommendation of the chair of the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and awarded to a student completing second-year Mechanical Engineering who has attained good academic standing, is of sound character and has limited financial resources to support the costs of their education. This award is tenable with other awards.

H.J. Greeniaus ESROP Fellowship
This award was established in 2002 by the H.J. Greeniaus family and is awarded to a student who has been accepted to the ESROP Program, which was created to provide undergraduate students in Engineering Science with the opportunity to undertake research over the summer with a faculty member. 

The George A. Guess Scholarships
The estate of Edna F. Guess, wife of George A. Guess, formerly Head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science, has bequeathed funds to the University to establish the George A. Guess Memorial Fund for the assistance of needy students in the Materials Engineering program.

The annual income of the fund is used to provide graduate fellowships; summer studentships and an undergraduate fund in the Department and two kinds of undergraduate scholarships: the Guess Admission Scholarship and the Guess In-Course Scholarships, in recognition of academic achievement in the Faculty.

The Guess Admission Scholarship is awarded to student(s) with high standings in the subjects needed for admission to the first year of the Materials Engineering program. The Guess In-Course Scholarships are awarded to students completing their first, second or third year of Materials Engineering and are made on the basis of achievement a minimum average of 75 per cent. Extra-curricular/leadership qualities may also be considered.

Frank Howard Guest Admission Bursary
Established in 1995, this bursary, based on academic achievement and financial need, is awarded to students entering the first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

Selvarani Gulasekaram Award
This award was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Sahana Kesavarajah and Jeyashankar Gulasekaram. This annual award is given to one or two full-time undergraduate engineering students who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and who demonstrate financial need. Priority is given to students who self-identify as Black or Indigenous, in that order. If no student is eligible, then rank-order priority will go toward student members of these clubs Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & Trans People of the University of Toronto (LGBTOUT), Tamil Students' Association, Hindu Students' Council, Bangladeshi Students' Association, Pakistan Students' Association and/or the University of Toronto Punjabi Association. Academic standing may be considered. 

Frank Howard Guest In-Course Bursary
Established in 1995, this bursary is awarded to students enrolled in any year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and is based on academic standing and financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application. Special attention is given to applicants who are participating in exchange programs in other universities and countries.

Norm and Nellie Hann Scholarship
Established in 2015 through a generous donation by Normal and Cornelia Hann, this award is given annually to a student who, after term 1F finds themselves on academic probation (1F average less than 60 per cent, or less than 55 per cent if Engineering Science), and who has improved the most after Fall Term of second year (term 2F average) — an indication that they never gave up.

B. Conrad Hansen Memorial Award Fund
The fund was established in 1979 in memory of the late B. Conrad Hansen (ElecE 6T2). The income from the fund is used to provide one or more bursaries for students in need of financial assistance, preference being given to students in second- or third-year Electrical or Computer Engineering.

Sydney George Harris Bursary
Established in 1994, the bursary is granted, on the recommendation of the Chair, to a student entering third or fourth year in any program. In addition to mental capacity, the student must show leadership ability and give promise, through activities, of becoming a worthwhile influence in the affairs of the profession and community. While attention is given to scholastic ability, as evidenced by academic standing, it is not the governing factor. The recipient must, however, stand in the top quarter of the class. Special consideration is given to students in financial need. The annual value is approximately $1,000.

Glenn and Richard Hauck Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2010, through a generous donation by Stephen and Linda Hauck, this scholarship is awarded to a student entering third-year Engineering Science who faces challenges with dignity and perseverance and who participates in extra-curricular activities. Recommendation by the chair of the Division.

Dr. Arthur Herrmann Memorial Award
The family of Dr. Arthur Alexander Herrmann has established a memorial fund in memory of the 100th anniversary of his birth (July 4, 1891). The award is derived from the income of the fund and will be granted to a fourth-year student in Mechanical Engineering whose major interest and thesis topic reflect concern for the protection of the environment. Dr. Herrmann won international recognition as an expert on plywood and its applications; he invented a machine for the manufacture of plywood pipes or tubes, and was a well-known researcher, lecturer and author.

Mackay Hewer Memorial Prize
This prize, of the value of the annual income, was established in memory of the late Professor Mackay Hewer, a member of the teaching staff in the former Department of Mining Engineering and later in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. The prize is awarded to the student completing their fourth year of Chemical Engineering who achieved the highest standing in fourth-year courses related to environmental studies. The first award was made during the 1980-1981 academic year.

General D. M. Hogarth Bursary
Established in 1992, this bursary is awarded to students registered in any year in either Lassonde Mineral Engineering or Materials Engineering and is based on financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Otto Holden Scholarship
Otto Holden, BASc, CE, DEng, was a distinguished hydraulic engineer of international reputation. He served Ontario Hydro for 47 years and retired as Chief Engineer in 1960, having been involved in almost all of the major hydro-electric developments in Ontario. On his death, Mr. Holden left a sum of money that was later augmented by his widow, the late Florence Holden, to establish a scholarship in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. This scholarship, which has a value of approximately $900, is awarded to the student who, completing their fourth year of either Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering studies with Honours, achieves the highest aggregate marks in hydraulic engineering subjects in the program. The first award was made during the 1967-68 academic year.

William V. Hull Scholarship
Established in 1981 from a bequest of the late William V. Hull, this award of the annual value drawn from the income of the fund is made to a student ranked first place in any program in third-year exams.

Darius & Bapsy Irani Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2024 through a generous donation by Darius Irani and is awarded to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering on the basis of academic merit, with preference given to female full-time students.

Hugh S. Irvine Award
This award was established in 2021 through a generous donation by the Irvine family to honour the remarkable life of Hugh S. Irvine. In the spirit of Hugh's perseverance and dedication to education and his career, this award is given to a student entering fourth year, who has excelled academically and demonstrates financial need. First preference will be given to a student with a demonstrated interest in Nuclear Engineering. The interest can be demonstrated through, but not limited to, enrolment in the Nuclear Engineering Certificate or relevant courses. Second preference will be given to Mechanical Engineering students and third preference will be given to Chemical Engineering students.

Sue Joel CIV6T5 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 by the Department of Civil Engineering in honour of the first five women to graduate from Civil Engineering, of which Sue Joel was one. In 2022, through a generous donation by Nick Walker, this award was endowed. The award is given to a student entering their second year of Civil Engineering, having completed first year of any program in the Faculty, who achieves the highest mark in the first year Statics course (CIV100/102).

Margaret Kende CIV6T0 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 by the Department of Civil Engineering in honour of the first five women to graduate from Civil Engineering, of which Margaret Kende was one. The award, valued at $500, is awarded to a student entering second-year Civil Engineering, having completed first year of any program in the Faculty and displays the most improvement between first and second session of first year as measured by the full-time term averages.

Konrad Group Women in Technology Scholarship
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by the Konrad Group Inc., this award is given to a female student proceeding to third or fourth year of studies in the Faculty on the basis of strong academic achievement and a demonstrated interest in technology based on course selection, extra-curricular activities, and/or work terms.

Konrad Group Digital Innovation Scholarship
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by the Konrad Group Inc., this award is given to a full-time student proceeding to third or fourth year of studies in the Faculty on the basis of strong academic achievement. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an interest in software development based on course selection, extra-curricular activities, and/or work terms and demonstrate creativity and innovation with respect to the field of technology.

Kordellas-Tripp Foundation Engineering Award
This award was established in 2015 through a generous donation by Nicolas Kordellas and Shirley Tripp. Nicolas Kordellas was a student from Greece who graduated from U of T Engineering in 1959. It was his grandfather, Andreas Kordellas, a very successful engineer in Lavrion, Greece, who inspired him to study Mechanical Engineering in Canada. This award is given to student(s) entering third or fourth year and is based on financial need and social awareness. To apply, a student must submit an application, which includes a personal statement that outlines their views on how society should function so humanist values are honoured.

Kwong Family Scholarship
Established in 2019 through a generous donation by Professor Raymond Kwong, this award is given to a full-time student proceeding to fourth year in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering who has demonstrated consistent improvement from years one through three, with preference given to students who demonstrate financial need. Selection is made on the recommendation of the Department Chair or designate.

Hok Chee Poon and Yim Hung Kwong Bursary
This bursary was established in 2019 through a generous donation by Pak Kin Poon and is given to a domestic full-time or part-time student in the Division of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Catherine Lacavera Hatchery Award
This award was established in 2014 through a generous donation by Catherine Lacavera and is to provide summer fellowships for student entrepreneurs enrolled in the Hatchery Entrepreneurship Program at the Faculty. Recipients will be selected based on the merit of their entrepreneurial ideas by recommendation of the chair of the Hatchery Advisory Board.

Lacavera Prize for Entrepreneurship
This prize was established in 2013 through a generous donation by Anthony Lacavera. Recipients are selected based on the merit of their entrepreneurial ideas by recommendation of the Chair of the Hatchery Board.

LAPORTE Award in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by LAPORTE Engineering Inc., this award is given to an undergraduate student entering first year of either Mechanical or Electrical Engineering on the basis of academic merit and who self-identifies as Indigenous, Black, and/or as a female. While all prospective candidates will be assessed, rank order priority will be Indigenous, then Black, then female.

Lassonde Scholarships
The Lassonde Scholarships were established through the generosity of Mr. Pierre Lassonde. These scholarships, derived from the annual interest of the capital fund. Several scholarships are granted on admission to the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program or Lassonde Institute of Mining based on academic standing and qualities of character and leadership. The remaining scholarships are divided among students in the second, third and fourth years of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program on the basis of academic standing and qualities of character and leadership. The recipients of these awards will be known as the Lassonde Scholars.

Lassonde Bursaries
In addition to the above scholarships, Lassonde Bursaries have also been established. The bursaries are granted to students in any year of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering program and based on financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Stavros Leventis Award
Provided by Mrs. Elsha Leventis, classmates 6T8 and friends of the late Stavros Leventis, this award is given to a student in second- or third-year Electrical Engineering who, while maintaining a B average or better, contributed to the University and community at large through volunteer participation. The student must possess qualities of leadership and integrity and demonstrate a keen interest in computers.

William Ma and Bessie Li Scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by William Man Leung Ma, this award is given to a student proceeding into their third year in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) on the basis of academic merit and financial need, supported by demonstrated commitment to community service. Preference will be given to a student who identifies as a woman. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents.

W. & J. Loui Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Winston Loui, this award is given to a student proceeding to third or fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. The award is given out on the basis of good academic standing and a demonstrated passion for developing innovative solutions to address health or environmental issues to support one or more of the global sustainable development goals of the United Nations or of a similar international organization. Preference is given to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents.

Loumankis Family Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Anthony Loumankis, this scholarship is given to a student graduating from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering with a minimum B average, demonstrated financial need, and leadership during their tenure at the University, as well as involvement in the Great Toronto Area (GTA) community.

Charles A. Lowry Prize
Gift of the late Mrs. B. Lowry, this prize is awarded to a student in Mechanical, Electrical or Computer Engineering who, having successfully completed the first year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, achieved the highest mark in Structures, Materials and Design (CIV101F).

Jimmy Lu Jump Up and Down for Skule Award
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Jimmy Lu, this award is given to a student who volunteered as an Engineering Society Vice-President in the last year on the basis of demonstrated significant involvement in the Skule Community that greatly benefits the student community. Preference may be given to those who demonstrate financial need. Past recipients are not eligible to receive the award again.

John Richard Luke Scholarship for Women
This scholarship was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Carolyn Ray and is given to an undergraduate female student in Engineering with a demonstrated interest in healthcare engineering. This interest can be demonstrated in many ways, such as but not limited to, pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering Systems, a minor in Bioengineering or other demonstrated involvement related to healthcare. First preference will be given to Black or Indigenous students. Secondary preference will be given to students from Oshawa. Academic merit will also be considered.

Paul Lupinacci Bursary Fund
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Paul Lupinacci, this bursary is given to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need and who are in good academic standing. Preference is given to full-time students enrolled in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.  Application is made by completing a grant application.

The Earl Charles Lyons Memorial Award
The Earl Charles Lyons Memorial Award was established in 1983 by his wife, Mrs. Earl C. Lyons, in memory of her husband, Earl Charles Lyons (3T3). The award, which is set up in perpetuity, is of the value of the annual income of a capital donation. It awarded on the recommendation of the chair of the department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering to a student completing the third-year Mechanical Engineering. In addition to honours standing, consideration is given to character and leadership capabilities through involvement in student and professional activities. This award is not tenable with other awards. The first award was issued during the 1983-84 academic year.

James Turner MacBain Scholarship and Bursaries
Established in 1990, this bequest from the estate of James Turner MacBain provides awards annually from the income of the fund. The James Turner MacBain scholarship, derived from half of the income, is awarded to a student entering the first year in any program in the Faculty on the basis of academic excellence. One half of the annual income will provide one or more bursaries to students registered in any year in the Faculty on the basis of financial need. Application for the James Turner MacBain bursaries should be made on the Undergraduate Grant Application form. The first awards were made during the 1991-92 academic year.

J.R. MacCoon Footsteps Grant
Established in 2014 through a generous donation by Jacquelyn Rebecca MacCoon, this grant is given to a student who has enrolled in the T-Program and is proceeding to the summer session to complete first year. The grant is given to a student who has demonstrated financial need and experienced hardship during first year. Application is made by completing a grant application.

The Elsie Gregory MacGill Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1995, this award is granted to an outstanding female student in the fourth year of any program in the Faculty and is based on academic standing and demonstrated a commitment to women’s issues within the Faculty and the community at large. In addition to academic standing, qualities of character and leadership abilities are also considered. The award alternates with the Faculty of Arts & Science.

The Alexander MacLean Scholarship
The scholarship was established by graduates of the University of Toronto and other friends in honour of Professor Alexander MacLean (0T8) who retired in 1954. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student in GLG 318H and/or GLG 319H in the Department of Geology, Faculty of Arts and Science or completing third-year Lassonde Mineral Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The first award was made in 1955.

MacLennan-MacLeod Memorial Prize
The graduating class of 1910 donated an annual prize in memory of their first class president, George MacLennan, who was killed in action in France in 1917, and Doug MacLeod, their first secretary, who died in France in 1916 from wounds received in action.

The prize, of the value of approximately $25, is awarded to the first-year student in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who ranked highest in Calculus among those who obtain standing without condition at the annual examinations; or, in the event of more than one student obtained equally high rank in Calculus, to the one of these who also has the highest standing in some other subject common to the competitors, such as Algebra, such subject to be determined by the Council of the Faculty.

An award will not be made in any year in which, in the opinion of the Council, no student obtains a sufficiently high standing in Calculus to merit the award. If in any year no award is made, a second award will be available the next year.

Charles Gordon Manning Prize
The Charles Gordon Manning Prize was established by a bequest under the will of the late Jennie Manning in the amount of $500, the annual income from which is to be used to buy books for the winner of the prize. The recipient must be enrolled in the second year of a course offered by the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and, in the opinion of the Council, rank second to the student awarded the Harvey Aggett Memorial Scholarship in the considerations for the award of that scholarship. Specifically, these are: achieving Honours in the final examinations and being ranked one of the first three at those examinations relative to the pass requirements in the department; being adjudged highest of the three in general student activities, and service in the University during first year. The first award was made on the results of the annual examinations in 1954.

Oscar J. Marshall Scholarship
This award was established through a donation from the estate of Oscar J. Marshall. The scholarship is to be awarded to a full-time student in third year Civil Engineering who has obtained the highest academic standing in the Survey Camp course.

Christina and Logan Martin Scholarship in Engineering
Established in 2018 through a generous donation by George W. Martin, this award is given to a full-time student proceeding to fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.

Nicole & Michael Martin Scholarship Engineering Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Nicole and Michael Martin, this award is given to one or more upper-year female undergraduate engineering students on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

Edward Masionis Memorial Award
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Thornhill Research Inc., this award is given to an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Science pursuing the Biomedical Systems Engineering Major; the award is made on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit. In addition, recipients must have completed third year and be enrolled in the PEY Co-Op program. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents.

J. Edgar McAllister Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Award
Provided by the bequest of the late J. Edgar McAllister, BASc, this award is given to students in Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, or Chemical Engineering who are completing first, second or third year (with preference to students completing third year). The awards are given to students to work on research projects on campus over the course of the summer. Financial need is also considered.

John B. McGeachie Grant
Established in 2002 through a generous donation by John B. McGeachie, this grant is given to a third-year student in any program on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

The Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Scholarship in Engineering Science
Mrs. Garnet W. McKee and Professor Lachlan Gilchrist each contributed $1,000 to create a scholarship for a first-year Engineering Science student. The value of the scholarship is the annual income from the capital fund and is awarded to the student who ranks first in honours in first-year examinations in Engineering Science. If for any reason the student is ineligible to hold the scholarship, it will be awarded by reversion to the second-ranked student. To receive payment the winner must register in second-year Engineering Science. The scholarship was awarded for the first time in 1947.

The Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarships
Professor Lachlan Gilchrist of the Department of Physics, University of Toronto, received financial assistance from certain organizations and individuals to help him in the prosecution of his research work in geophysics. With the consent of the contributors, the unexpended balance of these gifts was transferred by Professor Gilchrist to the Board of Governors of the University to be used as an endowment for scholarships, two of which were established in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. Additional amounts received from the estate of Garnet W. McKee and from the Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd. have been added to this fund. The scholarships are awarded by Governing Council to a student on the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The first awards were made on the results of the annual examinations in 1941.

The First Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to the student in second-year Engineering Science who has the highest aggregate standing at the examinations of the first and second years in the program provided the student obtains honours standing in second-year exams.

The Second Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to the student who ranks second in second-year Engineering Science and achieves the highest aggregate standing in the first and second years of that course provided the student obtains honours standing in second-year exams.

If, in any year there is no student who has fulfilled the condition as laid down for the Second Lachlan Gilchrist Geophysics Scholarship, it shall be awarded to the student in the second year of Engineering Science who achieves the second highest aggregate standing at the examinations of the first and second years of that course, provided the student obtains honours standing in second-year examinations.

METSCO Award for Energy Innovation 
Established in 2018 through a generous donation by METSCO Energy Solutions, this award is given to a full-time student proceeding to fourth year of Engineering Science, Electrical, Computer, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering and whose academic focus relates to the Energy Sector. In addition to academic merit, participation in extra-curricular activities related to the energy sector (including employment or student clubs) may be considered.

Marlene Metzger CIV6T0 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 by the Department of Civil Engineering in honour of the first five women to graduate from Civil Engineering, of which Marlene Metzger is one. The award, valued at $500, is given to a student entering second-year Civil Engineering, having completed first year of any program in the Faculty, who achieves the second-highest mark in the first-year statics course CIV100/102.

Microelectronics Excellence Award
This Award was established in 2023 through a generous donation by Xin Ma and is given to an undergraduate student proceeding to third year of Electrical or Computer Engineering and has achieved the highest grade in a second year Microelectronics course. In the event of a tie, the award goes to the student with the highest year average. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Hugh Middleton Bursary
This bursary, established in 2001, is awarded to a student in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and is based on financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

MIE 8T2 Engineering Student Award
Established in 2021 through generous donations by the 8T2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Class, this award is given to an undergraduate student proceeding to second, third, or fourth year of Mechanical or Industrial Engineering of the basis of three equally weighted components: demonstrated financial need, involvement in extra-curricular activities, and academic achievement.

Mike & Hana CIV 8T8 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2020 through a generous donation by Michael Volpatti. The scholarship is given to a full-time student proceeding to third year of Civil Engineering on the basis of academic merit and an interest in entrepreneurship. This interest may be demonstrated in various ways including, but not limited to, a stated interest, involvement with an entrepreneurship program, involvement with a start-up, plans to pursue entrepreneurship / business education, or any other indication the awarding body feels displays an authentic interest in entrepreneurship.

Steve Mirkopoulos Engineering Science Second Year Scholarship
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Steve Mirkopoulos, this award is given out to students proceeding to third year in the Division of Engineering Science on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Steve Mirkopoulos Engineering Science Third Scholarship
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Steve Mirkopoulos, this award is given out to students proceeding to fourth year in the Division of Engineering Science on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need. First preference will be given to students who self-identify as Indigenous. Secondary preference will be given to students who identify as a woman and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

R.W. Missen Memorial Prize in Thermodynamics
This award was created in 2008 through a generous donation by family and friends of the late Professor Ronald W. Missen, a faculty member of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry for 35 years, in memory of his professional and scholarly achievements. The award is given to the student who receives the highest mark in CHE 323H1: Engineering Thermodynamics, which was taught by Professor Missen for many years.

Alec Monro Award in Chemical Engineering
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by H. Alexander B. Monro, this award is given to full-time student proceeding to their third year of Chemical Engineering studies on the basis of financial need and academic standing. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Kiyoharu & Kiyoaki Momose Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship in the amount of approximately $300 was bequeathed by Yoshiko Momose. The award is made to a student entering their penultimate or final year in Medicine, Engineering or Sociology. It was the hope of the donor that the recipient would exhibit qualities of leadership and all-around participation in extracurricular activities. The award will alternate among the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Arts & Science.

Joseph G. Monkhouse Memorial Bursary in Engineering
This award, established in 2000 by the Estate of Margaret E. Monkhouse, is awarded to a student who has high academic qualifications and shows financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application. 

James L. Morris Memorial Prize
The James L. Morris Memorial Prize is the gift of Mrs. J.H. Craig and Mr. J.R. Morris, K.C., in memory of their father, James L. Morris, CE, OLS, DEng, the first graduate of the School of Practical Science, who died in 1946 after a distinguished career.

As the sole member of his 1881 graduating class in Civil Engineering, Dr. Morris engaged in railway work for some time, first as an engineer and then as a contractor. For forty-three years he conducted a successful civil engineering practice in Pembroke, Ontario.

The prize, the value of the annual income from $3,000, is awarded annually to the student in second-year Civil Engineering who achieved the highest aggregate percentage at the annual examinations of the first and second years of the program, provided the student achieved Honours standing second-year exams.

Rosita Mousavi Award for Women in Materials Science and Engineering
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Rosita Mousavi, this award is given annually to an undergraduate female student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Sundar Devi Mullick Scholarship in Materials Science and Engineering
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Prakash C. Mullick, this scholarship is given annually to a student who identifies as a woman entering first year of Materials Engineering on the basis of academic merit and demonstrated financial need. First preference is given to students who self-identify as Indigenous. Secondary preference will be given to Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Henry and Mary Nahrgang Bursaries
The income of the capital sum donated by the late Armond R. Nahrgang, class of 1923, is used to provide bursaries for qualified students in need of financial assistance. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Ross C. Norgrove 5T0 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Bursary
Established in 2022 through the estate of Marian Norgrove, this grant is given to undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application. 

Ontario Power Generation Award
Provided through the generosity of Ontario Power Generation, this scholarship is awarded to students entering the second year of either electrical, mechanical, chemical, computer, or environmental engineering, with a preference for electrical, mechanical or chemical engineering. Students must be a member of an employment equity target group (women, aboriginal, disabled, visible minority).

In addition to academic standing (minimum B average), the following will also be considered: demonstrated leadership skills, strong oral and written communication skills, and involved in extra-curricular activities. Candidates must be legally eligible to work in Canada upon graduation. Will not be receiving more than one award of equal or greater value in second year. 

Otegbade Scholarship for Students and Africa
This award was established in 2014 through a generous donation by Adediran Otegbade. The award is given to a student from Africa with a preference for students who have shown a marked and consistent improvement from one academic year to the next, and for students involved in Skule activities including international student clubs and associations.

Gary L. Palmer Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 2009 through the generosity of Anne Palmer in memory of her late husband, Gary Palmer, and by her two daughters, Jennifer and Kristianne, in honour of their father who died in an airplane accident in 2006. 

Gary, a former student of the Engineering Physics program at the University of Toronto, went on to enjoy a successful career in computer engineering and telecommunications. A lifelong passion for cycling led Gary to race competitively in Canada, the United States, and France. He also shared his enthusiasm for aviation through his involvement with the EAA, ultimately holding the position of president of his local chapter for 13 years. Gary was a man blessed with great intellect, a rich sense of humour, compassion and a desire to contribute. A natural leader, he was always eager to share his knowledge and help others.

The award is presented to a student who is entering third-year Engineering Science and who demonstrates financial need and promise in their field as evidenced by a year-to-year academic improvement.

Fu Siang Pang and Ying Au Yeung Bursary
Established in 2019 through a generous donation by Pak Kin Poon, this bursary is granted to a domestic student (full-time or part-time) in the Division of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Joseph C. Paradi Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
This scholarship was established in 2018 through a generous donation by Linda Zhixing Li and Jixin Huang in honour of Dr. Joseph C. Paradi who is the founder of the Hatchery and through his work over the years he has established and grew the entrepreneurship program of the Faculty.  The scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate student, individual or team who has participated in the NEST program at The Entrepreneurship Hatchery's Demo Week or those reaching the Hatchery "Go-to-Market" stage. The selection may also be from such equivalent programs related to entrepreneurship as they may evolve at the Faculty from time to time. The recipient is selected by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering or his or her designate.

Edward J. Parker Scholarship
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by Sylvia and Edward J. Parker, this award is given to a full-time undergraduate student in any program of the Faculty on the basis of academic merit.

The Dr. John Hamilton Parkin Scholarship
Established by family friends and colleagues in 1983, this award honours the late Dr. John Hamilton Parkin, a graduate and former faculty member of this Faculty.

His class of 1908-11 was the last in the SPS Diploma course with degree option. From the mechanical field, he moved to a pioneering role in aeronautics on staff in the University of Toronto’s new Mechanical Department from 1912 until 1929 (Associate Professor), with a three-year wartime leave, to the chemical industry. He set up Canada’s first university wind tunnel (1919), initiated Canada’s first undergraduate Aeronautical Program (1928) and began a lifelong career in applied research.

Moving to Ottawa, he gave strong leadership at the National Research Council, becoming Director, Division of Mechanical Engineering (1937), and founding Director, National Aeronautical Establishment (1951). His authorship was prolific, and his career accomplishments have been widely acknowledged through distinguished honours and awards, including CBE and FRSC.

The award, the value of which is the annual income of a donation, is given to a student completing the third year of the Aerospace Option in the Engineering Science Program on the basis of financial need, academic standing and a demonstrated sincere interest in the aerospace field. This award is tenable with other awards.

Joseph C. Paradi Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
This scholarship was established in 2018 through a generous donation by Linda Zhixing Li and Jixin Huang. The award is given to a full-time undergraduate student in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering who has demonstrated interest in entrepreneurship through participation in the Engineering Entrepreneurship Hatchery.  Students will be selected by the Director, Engineering Entrepreneurship Hatchery or a designate upon recommendations from the Hatchery Mentors.

Professor William Paul Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Sarah and Cary Lavine, this award is given to a student proceeding to third or fourth year of Engineering and who is pursuing either a major in Biomedical Systems Engineering or a minor in Biomedical Engineering. Recipients must demonstrate financial need. Academic standing will also be considered.

Paulin Memorial Scholarship
The Paulin Memorial Scholarship, provided through the generosity of the late Mr. Fred W. Paulin, a 1907 graduate of this Faculty, was established in memory of his brother, John Cameron Paulin, a student of this Faculty who was fatally injured in 1906 during a football practice. The scholarship, which has the value of the income from a capital fund of $10,000, is awarded to a student who obtained high standing in the work of the first year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

Peri Family Industrial Engineering Design Award
Established in 2017 through a generous donation by John Peri, this award is given to the team that demonstrates exceptional design capabilities in the fourth-year Industrial Engineering capstone design course. A design panel, appointed by the Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, will select the winner.

Nelly Pietropaolo Scholarship
Established in 2024, through donations by Alumni, friends, and family of Nelly Pietropaolo, this scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate student(s) enrolled in Civil or Mineral Engineering proceeding to second year in good standing. Candidates must demonstrate a passion for the profession through involvement in extracurricular activities with a preference given to professional activities, such as CSCE/CIM, or other professional organizations/clubs.  Financial need will be considered. 

A. B. Platt Award, Toronto Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Funded in perpetuity by a capital donation from the Toronto Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), this prize is awarded annually to the student in the fourth year of either Mechanical, Chemical or Materials Engineering program whose work in tribology (friction, wear, lubrication, wear resistant coatings) is considered to be of suitable quality and the most satisfactory. The award has a value of $100, of which $75 is presented to the student and the remaining $25 is given to the department for the purchase of publications on tribology.

Chi Shing Poon and Dip Loi Lee Bursary
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Dr. Pak Kin Poon, this bursary is given to a domestic student (full-time or part-time) in the Division of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Prasad Family Foundation Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by the Prasad Family Foundation, this award is given to an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated academic merit. First preference will be given to female students. Additional preference will be given to those who identify as Indigenous and/or Black. Financial need may also be considered. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

Florence Evelyn & William Leonard Prideaux Award
This award, established by the estates of Florence Evelyn and William Leonard Prideaux is to be awarded to an Inuit or Indigenous scout from the North West or Moosonee area who is entering or registered in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Architecture programs in the Faculty of Arts & Science, or Wycliffe College. It is to be awarded on the basis of scouting service and experience.

Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Undergraduate Scholarships
The Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education offers a total of eight scholarships (each valued at $1,500) to students in their first, second oe third year of study in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering in any program. The awards are granted to students who demonstrate at least one of the following:  financial need, high engineering aptitude, leadership through participation in professional affairs, sustained participation in extra-curricular activities either on or off-campus or continued volunteerism either on or off-campus. If possible, the Faculty will also consider the following: endeavour to select an equal number of students who identify as female or non-binary as those who identify as male, endoeavour to give preference to students from under-represented minorities. Not tenable with more than $10,000 scholarship from all University sources.

Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Gold Medal for Academic Achievement
The Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education has established in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering an award in the form of a medal. The award will be made to the student graduating from any undergraduate program in the Faculty who has achieved the highest academic standing in the graduating class.

Ransom Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
The Ransom Scholarship in the Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry was established by A.C. Ransom, Esq. of Toronto to encourage and give financial assistance to students in the Department. This donation, consisting of $5,000, provides for a perpetual scholarship of an annual amount derived from the income of the donation. The first award was made on results of the annual examinations in 1938. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student registered in Chemical Engineering who achieved the highest aggregate percentage of marks in the examinations of the first year. The scholarship will be paid to the winner only if the recipient proceeds to the second year of the program at the University of Toronto.

Ewing Rae Undergraduate Scholarship
This award was established through a generous donation by Ewing Rae and is awarded annually to a full-time student who has completed first year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty and is enrolled in either second, third, or fourth year of Mechanical Engineering. The award is made on the basis of strong academic achievement, extracurricular involvement will also be considered.

Reginald J. Redrupp Award
This award was established in 1987 by the friends and colleagues of the late Reginald J. Redrupp, a distinguished mining banker with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce who was active in the Prospectors and Developers Association and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Two awards derived from the income will be given annually to students proceeding to the second year of Lassonde Mineral Engineering. Academic standing, financial need and commitment to the Canadian mining industry may be considered.

J.E. Reid Memorial Prize
This prize, established in 1967 in memory of the late Professor J.E. Reid, is awarded to the student in the fourth-year Electrical or Computer Engineering who, graduating with Honours, achieved the highest aggregate marks in electronic communication.
Russell Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
This award, established in 2001, is awarded to a student entering third-year Engineering Science. This student must have displayed high academic achievement. Preference is given to students who demonstrate financial need. This scholarship is not tenable with other awards.

Dagmar Rinne Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2012 through generous donations by Inga Rinne and friends. The award is given to a student entering their third year of full-time studies in Industrial Engineering who has demonstrated the most improved academic standing from first to second year.

Ripple Therapeutics Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Scholarship
This award was established in 2019 through a generous donation by Ripple Therapeutics (formerly Interface Biologics Inc.) and is awarded to a student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of any undergraduate program on the basis of the following: 1) must demonstrate a strong interest in biomedical engineering (i.e., pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering Systems or a minor in Bioengineering); 2) involvement in any area of community service and/or extra-curricular activities not just those related to biomedical engineering; 3) must have a minimum overall program average of at least 80 per cent in the year prior to qualifying for the scholarship (i.e., proceeding to second year, first year average must be min. 80 per cent). Scholarships are annual awards and are available for competitive renewal (i.e., incumbent students are eligible in subsequent years provided they meet the award criteria).

The Bertrand G. W. Robinson Award
The annual income from a bequest made in 1991 from the Estate of the late Bertrand G.W. Robinson provides one or more bursaries to students in the third year in any program, on the basis of financial need. Mr. Robinson graduated in Mining Engineering in 1930 and was employed in managerial positions in the gold mining industry of Northern Ontario. He was the Canadian representative of Hardinge Mining Equipment of York, Pennsylvania, and acted as a consultant to mining projects in Canada, England, and East Indies. After retiring, he returned to the University of Toronto and in November 1979 graduated with his Master of Engineering. Applications should be submitted through the Undergraduate Grant Application Form.

Hugh Rose Scholarship
The annual income from a bequest made in 2018 from the Estate of Mary Margaret Rose will be used to provide a scholarship to one or more students in the Department of Civil Engineering on the basis of academic performance in the Survey Camp course.

Ian and Shirley Rowe Innovation & Community Impact Award
This award, established through a generous donation by Ian H. and Shirley Rowe, is given to an undergraduate student team or teams enrolled in the Division of Engineering Science who have recently completed the Praxis II course, or its equivalent. Team award recipients will be chosen from students in Praxis II who, through a written application with a deadline set by the Course Instructor, demonstrate values of innovation and teamwork while also exhibiting passion for community impact through their Praxis II project.  

Ian and Shirley Rowe Innovation & Global Impact Award
This award, established through a generous donation by Ian H. and Shirley Rowe, is given to an undergraduate student team or teams enrolled in the Division of Engineering Science who have recently completed the Praxis III course, or its equivalent. Team award recipients will be chosen from students in Praxis III who, through a written application with a deadline set by the course instructor, demonstrate collaboration, commitment, and passion to create sustainable impact through Praxis III project.

The Richard Rowland Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Richard Rowland, an active member of Phi Delta Theta and a 1989 Mechanical Engineering graduate. Richard passed away in 1996 as a result of an automobile accident. While Richard was successful in his work as an engineer, he found time to explore the outdoors when canoeing and skiing. He was also active in amateur theatricals. His circle of friends reflected these varied activities. The scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Chair to a student completing third year of Mechanical Engineering and who has a good overall academic record, intends to continue to fourth year and has demonstrated an interest in heating, ventilating and air conditioning. By request of the donor, this award is restricted to students who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Canadian residents and is not tenable with other awards of equal or greater value.

Margaret Agnes Runciman and James Dempsey Runciman Bursary 
This bursary was established in 2014 through the Estate of Margaret Agnes Runciman. The bursary is given to one or more undergraduate students in the Faculty on the basis of financial need. Preference is given to students in their second or third years of study. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Don Salt Memorial Scholarships
In memory of Donald John Salt, a graduate of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and a practicing geophysicist, the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society provides two scholarships valued at $500 each. The scholarships are open to students in the third and fourth years of certain courses in the Faculty of Arts & Science and Lassonde Mineral Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The award is made on evidence of the interest and ability of the applicant in relation to the field of mining geophysics. Application should be made either to the chair of the Department of Physics or the chair of the Department of Geology and Applied Earth Science by March 1 in the calendar year in which the award is to be made.

John Gordon Saunders Memorial Scholarship
This award was established in 2019 through the Estate of John Gordon Saunders and is awarded to an undergraduate student in the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

Michael Schenker Scholarship
Established in 2020 from the Estate of Alda Schenker, this award is given to a student proceeding to second, third or fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of academic merit.

Manley and Odette Schultz Scholarship
Established in 2024 through the estate of Estate of Marie-Therese Odette Arseneau Schultz, this scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students proceeding to second, third, or fourth year of any program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering on the basis of academic merit.

Frederick W. Schumacher Scholarship
The Frederick W. Schumacher Scholarship was established in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and in the Faculty of Arts under a bequest of the late Frederick W. Schumacher. It has a value of the income from the fund. The scholar must be enrolled in the second, third or fourth year in Lassonde Mineral Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, or in Physics and Geology of Geological Sciences in the Faculty of Arts & Science and must have high academic standing.

Marcia Lamont Scott CIV4T7 Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 by the Department of Civil Engineering in honour of the first five women to graduate from Civil Engineering, of which Marcia Lamont Scott is one. The award, valued at $500, is given to a student entering second year of Civil Engineering, having completed first year of any program in the Faculty, who achieves the third-highest mark in the first year Statics course (CIV100/102).

Scrymgeour Scholarship in Engineering Entrepreneurship I
This scholarship was established in 2020 through a generous donation by David Scrymgeour. This scholarship is given to a full-time domestic student in third year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of enrolment in the Engineering Business Minor in addition to entrepreneurial spirit and leadership demonstrated through involvement in sports, cultural and extracurricular activities and community engagement. Written application with video submission is required for consideration. The scholarship is renewable for fourth year provided the candidate continues in the Business Minor with a minimum annual GPA of 3.0.

Scrymgeour Scholarship in Engineering Entrepreneurship II
This scholarship was established in 2021 through a generous donation by David Scrymgeour. This scholarship is given to a full-time domestic student in third year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of enrolment in the Engineering Business Minor in addition to entrepreneurial spirit and leadership demonstrated through involvement in sports, cultural and extracurricular activities and community engagement. Written application with video submission is required for consideration. The scholarship is renewable for fourth year provided the candidate continues in the Business Minor with a minimum annual GPA of 3.0.

Scrymgeour Scholarship in Engineering Entrepreneurship III
This scholarship was established in 2021 through a generous donation by David Scrymgeour. This scholarship is given to a full-time domestic student in third year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty on the basis of enrolment in the Engineering Business Minor in addition to entrepreneurial spirit and leadership demonstrated through involvement in sports, cultural and extracurricular activities and community engagement. Written application with video submission is required for consideration. The scholarship is renewable for fourth year provided the candidate continues in the Business Minor with a minimum annual GPA of 3.0.

Class of 3T5 Second Mile Award
This award was established by the Engineering Class of 3T5 and has been awarded every year since 1945. The name is based on the biblical text “Whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him twain." The second mile is the voluntary mile. Convinced that a successful engineer must be not only professionally competent but also constantly aware of their broader responsibilities, the donors encourage undergraduates to participate fully in extra-curricular activities of all kinds. The award is comprised of a monetary prize and a certificate that is presented to a student in their final year. Consideration is given to academic standing, voluntary service and breadth of extra-curricular activities. The ultimate objective is to encourage each engineer to engage in "second mile" activities throughout their career, resulting in benefits for the individual, the profession and for society.

Adel S. Sedra Bursary Fund
This bursary fund was established in 1997 by Adel S. Sedra, BSc, MASc, PhD, a graduate of the Faculty, former chair of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and vice-president and provost of the University of Toronto. The awards, derived from the annual income from a capital donation, are granted to students in any year in Electrical and Computer Engineering on the basis of financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Adel S. Sedra Gold Medal
This award was established in 2002 through the donation of J. Robert S. Prichard, former president of the University of Toronto, to recognize Professor Sedra’s exceptional contributions to both the discipline of engineering and the leadership of the University of Toronto through his service as professor, chair and vice president and provost. The medal is awarded annually to two students in the graduating class who have earned the highest cumulative grade point average in each of Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Rudolph and Frieda Seidl Memorial Award in Mechanical Engineering
This award was originally established by Mrs. Rudolph Seidl in memory of her husband, Mr. Rudolph Seidl, an employee in Mechanical Engineering until his retirement in 1975.  Upon Mrs. Seidl's passing in 2018, their daughter, Caroline Seidl Farrell, provided an additional donation. The award is given to a student who has achieved honours standing in the second year of Mechanical Engineering and has demonstrated a strong character and has financial need. Issued by departmental recommendation.

The Joseph Seidner Bursary Fund
The Joseph Seidner Bursary Fund was established in 1987 by Mr. Joseph Seidner, a principal in the firm of Brady & Seidner Associates Ltd., a large mechanical contractor in Ontario. For many years, Mr. Seidner contributed to the well-being of the construction industry. The annual income of the capital in the bursary fund, which was established in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto, is awarded to one or more deserving second or third year students in mechanical engineering in Ontario and on the basis of financial need arising during the course of an academic year. This award is open to Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Som Seif Scholarship
This award was established in 2013 through a generous donation by Som Seif. The award is given to full-time students in Industrial Engineering with preference to students who demonstrate an interest in business and/or entrepreneurship based on course selection and/or extra-curricular activities such as, but not limited to, the Hatchery or participation in external start-ups.

John W. Senders Award for Imaginative Design
This award was established in 2013 through a generous donation by John W. Senders and Ann Crichton-Harris. The award is given to a student or students who, in their graduating year, demonstrate an imaginative and successful application of engineering to the design of a medical device capable in the generality of its application to restore normal human functions. The award is issued on the recommendation of the Multi-Disciplinary Capstone Lead Committee.

The Shaw Design Scholarship(s)
Established in 2002 through a generous donation by William and Barbra Shaw, these scholarships are awarded to students beginning their third year of Engineering Science. Preference is given to students who have achieved a high academic standing in the first two years of their studies. Additional preference will be given to students who demonstrate strong achievement in the second-year Engineering Design course and involved in extracurricular design projects. The selection is made by departmental nomination and announced on a suitable occasion, such as the annual Engineering Science dinner.

Francis Shen Hatchery Award
Established in 2019 by the Shen Family Charitable Foundation, this award is given to student entrepreneurs enrolled in the Hatchery Entrepreneurship Program at the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, chosen on the merit of their entrepreneurial ideas by recommendation of the Chair of the Hatchery Advisory Board

Gia Sandhu Singh Award for Leadership Education in Engineering
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Justin Singh, this award is given to a full-time student in fourth year in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering with a demonstrated interest in leadership as demonstrated by enrollment in the Engineering Leadership Certificate; selection is made on the basis of academic performance in Leadership courses at the recommendation of the Director of iLEAD.

Rob West Skule™ Nite Award
Established in 2020 through a generous donation by Mathew Szeto, this award is given an undergraduate Engineering student with demonstrated financial need who is part of the Skule™ Nite team. Preference will be given to a first- and/or second-year student with significant involvement in Skule™ Nite. Academic standing may be considered.

Skule™ Mental Health Bursary
Established in 2021, the Engineering Society (EngSoc) and the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering partnered to create this bursary to provide financial aid to undergraduate engineering students experiencing challenging or unforeseen circumstances, with particular focus on students in need of increased mental health and wellness financial support. Applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate students (part- or full-time) within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. An application is required and is available in Award Explorer and on the current engineering undergraduate website.

Gordon R. Slemon Capstone Design Award in Electrical and Computer Engineering
This award was established in 2013 through generous donations by the friends and family of Gordon R. Slemon. The award is given to student(s) in Electrical and Computer Engineering on the basis of completion of an exceptional fourth-year capstone design project.

K.C. Smith Memorial Award in Electronics & Computer Engineering
Established in 2024 through a generous donation by Laura Fujino, this award is given to full-time undergraduate students entering third or fourth year of Electrical or Computer Enginering on the basis of academic merit. Recipients are selected on the basis of course selection in circuits, electronics, and computer engineering. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

KC Smith and Laura Fujino Scholarship in Electronics
This scholarship was established in 2018 through a generous donation by KC Smith and Laura Fujino. The scholarship is to be awarded to a full-time student in either the Electronics Circuit or the Analog Electronics course.  Preference will be given to students who have a demonstrated passion in electronics, on the recommendation from the Electronics Group Chair for the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Students in both the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Division of Engineering Science, ECE Option, are eligible.

Kenneth Carless Smith Engineering Science Research Fellowship
Established in 2011, this fellowship will be awarded to students in the Division of Engineering Science on the basis of academic merit and suitability for the fellowship.

Professor James W. Smith Chemical Engineering Leaders of Tomorrow Award
This award was established in 2006 through generous donations by Dr. Stephen G. Dunn, Dr. Joseph C. Paradi, Dr. Larry E. Seeley and Dr. Bert O. Wasmund who are former students of Professor J.W. Smith; an additional donation was made by Hatch Limited. The objective of this award is to recognize students in their second year of Chemical Engineering who have shown the potential to become outstanding leaders and to inspire others to action and to excellence. This may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including participation in student council or clubs, community organizations, cultural groups or athletics. Candidates should enumerate their service to others through volunteering or community work.

Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award
The Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award presents a Certificate each year to the student in fourth-year Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry who achieved the highest weighted average over four years.

Murray F. Southcote Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1965 through the generosity of friends and associates of the late Murray F. Southcote (through W.R. Laidlaw). This scholarship is granted to a student who obtains high academic standing at the end of their third year in any program in the Faculty.

C. H. E. Stewart Bursaries
Under the provisions of the will of the late Mary Jones Stewart, a sum of $10,000 was bequeathed to the University, the income of which is to be used to provide a number of bursaries to students in third and fourth years of courses in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The awards are made on the basis of financial need, scholastic ability and general character with preference given to students who are descendants of veterans of the First and Second World Wars. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Victor and Nadia Szenhereta Scholarship
Established in 2020 from the Estate of Nadia Szenhereta, this award is given to a student in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and is based on academic merit. Preference is given to a student from Ukraine or a student involved in the Ukrainian community. If no eligible student can be found under these parameters in any given year, consideration will be given to any other student enrolled in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Leigh-McNeil Taboika Spirit of Godiva Award
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by Carlos Fiel, this award is given annually to two undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional Skule™ spirit and have contributed to building a sense of community within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering through extra-curricular, co-curricular, and/or volunteer activities at Skule™. Outgoing PEY Co-op students may be considered for this award. Academic standing may also be considered.

TD-FCCP Education Foundation New Horizon Scholarship
Established in 2022 through a generous donation by the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals, this award is given out to a student completing fourth year of Engineering Science, who is enrolled in the Machine Intelligence or Robotics Major and whose final year thesis demonstrates exceptional innovation. Preference will be given to a student with academic merit and leadership skills through involvement in extra-curricular and/or community initiatives.

Jo-Ann Terrence Award
Established in 2023 through a generous donation by Sreemoyee Chakraborty, this award is given to an undergraduate student who identifies as a woman and is proceeding to second, third, or fourth year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and academic merit. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Gordon F. Tracy Scholarship
Donated by the family of the late Gordon F. Tracy, professor of Electrical Engineering in this Faculty, this scholarship has the value of the annual income on the capital fund of $10,000. It is awarded to the student who, achieving honours standing in the third year of Electrical Engineering, obtained the highest aggregate marks in third-year examinations in the subjects that pertain to electromechanical energy conversion.

Charles Edwin Trim Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 1991 by Mrs. Hazel Trim in memory of her husband Charles Edwin Trim. The income derived from the capital will provide one or more scholarships on the basis of academic excellence. Preference will be given to students entering the third or fourth year.

Troost ILead Difference Maker Award
Established in 2021 through a generous donation by the Private Giving Foundation — The Bodhi Tree Fund, this award is given to an undergraduate student enrolled in their final year in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The individual has shown the potential to become an outstanding leader and to inspire others to action and excellence as demonstrated by extra-curricular activities. Preference will be given to students who participated in Troost ILead courses.  

Troost Family Leaders of Tomorrow Award
This award was established in 2010 through a generous donation by Mr. William (Bill) and Mrs. Kathleen Troost. The objective of this award is to recognize students in their fourth year of Chemical Engineering who have shown the potential to become outstanding leaders and to inspire others to action and to excellence. This may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including participation in student council or clubs, community organizations, cultural groups, or athletics. Candidates should enumerate their service to others through volunteer or community work.

Marjorie Hilda Merrick Turner Award
The President of the Engineering Society receives the Marjorie Hilda Merrick Turner Award, which is derived from the income of a capital fund, established in 1985 by the sons of Mrs. Marjorie H.M. Turner. As a granddaughter, daughter, wife, mother and grandmother of engineers, and as wife, mother, and grandmother of members of Engineering Societies, Mrs. Turner has observed first-hand the evolution and growth of the engineering profession in Canada, from the construction of the country’s infrastructure, through the expansion of its resource and secondary manufacturing industries, to the development of its high technology capabilities. This award reflects her recognition and support of the well-rounded individual, as typified by the President of the Engineering Society. It was her wish to provide some modest financial assistance to the incumbent with the hope that it will further encourage the recipient to strive for excellence in all areas of life.

Dr. Chris Twigge-Molecey Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
This award was established in 2012 through a donation by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Twigge-Molecey and is awarded to a student in any year of Mechanical Engineering on the basis of financial need, high academic merit and a demonstrated interest in sustainable energy.

James W. and H. Grattan Tyrrell Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Established in 1976 by H. Grattan Knox Tyrrell of the United States in memory of James W. Tyrrell and H. Grattan Tyrrell, graduates of the School of Practical Science in 1883 and 1886 respectively, this scholarship recognizes academic excellence in the work of the third year of the Civil Engineering program. The award is restricted (by request of the donor) to students holding Canadian citizenship.

UMA Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Established in 1984 through the generosity of the UMA Group, this scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Chair to a student completing the second year of the Civil Engineering program. In addition to high academic achievement, diversity of interests and suitability for leadership in the engineering profession will be considered. The first award was made on the results of the 1984-85 session.

U.S. Steel Canada Undergraduate Scholarships
These scholarships, derived from the annual income of a capital donation were established in 1997 through the generosity of U.S. Steel Canada (formerly Stelco Inc.). Several scholarships are available to students in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on the basis of academic standing. In addition, leadership qualities as demonstrated through extra-curricular activities may also be considered.

The Lorne Wagner Memorial Bursary
Annually, two or more awards derived from the annual income will be made to students registered in any year in the Engineering Science Program. The selection will be made by the Chair on the basis of financial need to students who show promise and have a commitment to the Engineering Science Division. The award was established in memory of the late Lorne Steven Wagner, who was killed in an automobile accident in 1980 after completing his first year in Engineering Science. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Wallberg Undergraduate Scholarships
These scholarships, eight in number and valued at $1,500 each, are derived from the Wallberg bequest. They are awarded annually on the basis of academic standing. Four scholarships are awarded in first year and two in each of the third and fourth years. The first awards were made on the results of the annual examinations in 1947.

Irene Gordon Warnock Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2009 by the estate of the late Irene Gordon Warnock, this scholarship is awarded to a student entering their second year of Materials Engineering studies and is based on academic achievement. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and must have achieved honours.

John H. Weber Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Established in 2017 through a generous donation by H. Partners Management, this award is given to a student, or team of students, in Mechanical Engineering with a demonstrated interest in automotive and/or aviation design. The scholarship will be awarded to the student/team with the highest rating, as determined by the MIE Capstone showcase judges.

Paul Wilde ChemE 7T8 Award
This award was established in 2014 through a generous donation by William G. Timbers of Timbers Consulting Inc., on behalf of the Chemical Engineering Class of 7T8. The award is given to a student entering their second, third, or fourth year of studies in Chemical Engineering and is based on financial need, academic ability and demonstrated qualities of selflessness akin to those of Paul Wilde as evident by extra-curricular involvement in support of others in the community. Recommendation of the Department Chair or an alternate. 

W.S. Wilson Prize
The Prize, previously a medal, has been provided by the Engineering Alumni Association in recognition of the service to the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering of former Assistant Dean and Secretary William Stewart Wilson. A monetary award of $500 is awarded to the student in each graduating course, who, attaining Honours, achieved the highest standing in the final year of the course. The first awards were issued during the 1962-63 academic year.

David Woods Family Scholarship(s)
Established in 2020 by the Estate of David Harold Woods, this scholarship is given to undergraduate students enrolled in Electrical Engineering on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

William R. Worthington Memorial Scholarship
The William R. Worthington Memorial Scholarship, the gift of Ida R. Worthington in memory of her brother, William R. Worthington, DIPL (1904), BASc (1905), of the value of the income from the fund, is awarded annually to a student in the second year of the civil engineering program who ranks highest at the annual examinations of that year. The first award was made in the 1954-55 academic year.

Joseph W. Wright Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $5,000, was established in 2019 through a generous donation by the Marjorie and Joseph Wright Memorial Foundation. The award is given to a student proceeding to third or fourth year of Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated financial need, minimum B average and qualities of leadership as demonstrated through academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and/or involvement in the broader community.

Lauren Wu and Dave Liu Grant in Industrial Engineering
This grant, established in 2022 through a generous donation by Lauren Wu and Dave Liu, is given to female students enrolled in Industrial Engineering on the basis of demonstrated financial need. Application is made by completing a grant application.

Victor Xin Scholarship in eSports
Established in 2017 through a generous donation by Victor Xin, this scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student in the Faculty who has achieved academic excellence, preferably a minimum 3.5 GPA, but can be flexible if there is an outstanding candidate who does not meet the minimum GPA. Students will also demonstrate a passion for eSports or gaming through engagement in a leadership role or participation in extra-curricular clubs or activities.

Jack Young Memorial Award for Survey Camp
This award was established in 2019 through a generous donation by The Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Educational Foundation. This award is given to a student who obtains the highest academic standing in CME358: Civil & Mineral Practicals (Survey Camp) with one recipient chosen for each of the two Survey Camp cohorts (each recipient receives $750). If there is a tie, the recipient will be chosen based on their topographic mapping grade.

Barbara Zdasiuk Memorial Scholarship
An award fund has been established by the family and friends of Barbara Zdasiuk, a graduate of Engineering Science, who died in a traffic accident in 1980. The award is given on the basis of academic merit to a full-time student proceeding to second year of Engineering Science.