Sessional Dates

Academic Year 2025-2026 Sessional Dates

The dates below are for undergraduate engineering students and courses. Engineering graduate students should refer to the SGS sessional dates

2025 Summer Session

April 2First day students can enrol in engineering elective courses in ACORN (6 a.m. EDT).
April 7First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in Arts & Science courses in ACORN (6 a.m. EDT).
April 23Last day students can pay or defer fees.
May 5F-term and Y-term U of T Engineering classes begin.
May 7Courses removed for non-registered students.
May 8Last day students can waitlist F-term and Y-term engineering courses.
May 11Last day students can enrol in F-term / Y-term engineering elective courses on ACORN.
May 11Last day students can enrol in first-year T-Program courses.
May 12PEY Co-op Program: Last day to opt-out of the Summer Co-op Work Term recruitment cycle for qualified students in Year 2 of study. 
May 16President's Day: University closed.
May 19Victoria Day: University closed.
MayPEY Co-op Program: 2024 Summer work terms begin (duration 3 to 4 months).
PEY Co-op Program: 2024-2025 Professional Experience Year (PEY) work terms begin between May and September (duration 12 to 16 months).
June 2Last day students can drop F-term courses without academic penalty*. Requests to drop T-Program courses must be submitted to the First Year Office by 4 p.m. (EDT).
June 18F-term U of T Engineering classes end.
Y-term engineering elective courses course break.
June 19F-term course study break for U of T Engineering courses. (Make up Friday)
June 20 to 
June 26
Final exams for F-term U of T Engineering courses.  
June 30President's Day: University closed.
July 1Canada Day: University closed.
July 2S-term classes start / Y-term classes resume.
July 4Last day students can waitlist S-term engineering elective courses.
July 8Deadline to enrol in S-term courses in ACORN.
July 22Last day students can drop Y-term courses without academic penalty.*
July 29Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty.*
August 1President's Day: University closed.
August 4Civic Holiday: University closed.
August 15S-term and Y-term  U of T Engineering classes end.
August 18S-term and Y- term course study break for U of T Engineering courses. Make-up Monday.
August 19 to 
August 22
Final exams for S-term and Y- term U of T Engineering courses.

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

2025 Fall Term (F)

July 10First day U of T Engineering students can make changes to their personal timetables on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in Arts & Science courses with reserved seating on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
July 30First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in all Arts & Science (A&S) courses on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
August 5No Arts & Science course enrolment.
August 12 Last day to pay or defer fees.
August 26Courses removed for non-registered students.
September 1Labour Day: University closed.
September 2U of T Engineering F-term and Y-term courses begin.
Arts & Science F-term and Y-term courses begin.
September 2 - September 9U of T Engineering Deferred Exams
September 11Last day waitlists are operational for F-term and Y-term courses.
Last day students can request transfers out of Engineering Science (first-year students).
Last day to enrol in online first-year courses.
September 15Deadline to designate a Fall Term (F-term) or Y-term "Extra" course as a credit course.
Last day U of T Engineering students can enrol in A&S courses with reserved seating.
Last day students can add or substitute F-term or Y-term courses on ACORN.
PEY Co-op Program: Last day to withdraw from the PEY Co-op Program for students in Year 3 of study.
September 16 - September 22Late enrolment for Y-term courses only (Registrar's Office only).
September 16PEY Co-op Program: Career Portal with 2025-2026 job postings opens to qualified students seeking 12-16 month work terms. Interviews, job offers and acceptances begin shortly after. 
September 29Last day students can apply to re-enrol for the 2026 Winter Term.
October 13Thanksgiving Day: University closed. 
October 27PEY Co-op Program: Career Portal with Summer 2025 job postings opens to qualified students seeking Summer Co-op Work Terms. Interviews, job offers and acceptances begin shortly after.
October 27 - 
October 31
Fall Study Break. 
No Engineering classes.
No A&S classes.
October 27 - November 2Study Break: In Engineering courses, no assessments may be scheduled nor assignments made due between Monday and the following Sunday of the study break week, inclusive of those dates. This does not prevent the Faculty from scheduling deferred exams during the break. Accommodations made by an instructor to an individual student as the result of a term-work petition or from accessibility services are also allowed during these days. 
October 31Examination timetable for F-term courses posted.
November 11Deadline to designate an F-term course as "Extra."
Last day students can apply to transfer to part-time studies.*
Last day students can withdraw from the Fall Term without academic penalty.*
Last day students can drop F-term engineering courses without academic penalty.*
Last day students can drop F-term Arts & Science courses without academic penalty.*
NovemberFall Convocation ceremony for the conferring of the Bachelor of Applied Science & Engineering Science degrees. Visit for more details.
December 1Last day of regular Arts & Science classes.
December 3Last day of lectures in the F-term; all term work should be submitted by this date.
December 4Makeup Monday.** 
Study Break for U of T Engineering F-term courses.
December 5 to 
December 22

Final exams for F-term U of T Engineering courses. (The Faculty will hold exams on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings during this period).*** Exams for courses offered by other Faculties may be held during other periods.

Final exams for F-term Arts & Science courses and midterms for Y-term Arts & Science courses.

December 24, 2025 - January 2, 2026Winter break: University closed.
January 10, 2025Emergency Winter Exam Date. The Faculty will use this date for any cancelled December Exams.

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

**Makeup Monday is on December 4th and will be scheduled the same as a regular Monday; thus, instructors can use this day to make up for the missing Monday of Thanksgiving Day. Use of Makeup Monday in courses is optional. If it is not used, December 4, 2025, will be a study day. 

***Students with exam conflicts or religious observances at the end of the exam period may have their exam rescheduled for Sunday, December 21, as an accommodation. 

2026 Winter Term (S)

January 5U of T Engineering and Arts & Science S-term courses begin and Y-term courses resume.
January 12Last day students can transfer out of Engineering Science (first-year students) to Track One or a Core 8 engineering program.
January 12Lectures begin for T-Program courses.
January 14Last day students can waitlist S-term courses.
January 18Last day students can add or substitute S-term courses.
Deadline to change an "Extra" S-term course to a for credit course.
PEY Co-op Program: Last day to enrol in the PEY Co-op Program for students in Year 2.
February 16Last day students can drop Y-term courses without academic penalty.*
Note: a student taking a Y-term course will not be allowed to drop this course in the Winter Term if a recalculation of their Fall Term load shows that dropping the course will reduce the F-term course load to fewer than 2.5 credits.
Deadline to change a for credit Y-term course to an "Extra" course.
February 16Family Day Holiday: University closed.
February 16 to
February 20
Winter Study Break.
No U of T Engineering classes.
No Arts & Science classes.
Reserved for special deferred exams from the December 2025 examination period.
February 16 - February 22Study Break: In Engineering courses, no assessments may be scheduled nor assignments made due between Monday and the following Sunday of the study break week, inclusive of those dates. This does not prevent the Faculty from scheduling deferred exams during the break. Accommodations made by an instructor to an individual student as the result of a term-work petition or from accessibility services are also allowed during these days. 
February 27Examination timetable for S-term and Y-term courses posted (tentative).
March 16Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty, including S-term courses taken in Arts & Science.*
Last day students can transfer to part-time studies.*
Last day students can withdraw from the S-term without academic penalty.*
Deadline to change a for credit S-term course to an "Extra" course.
Last day students can apply to re-enrol for the 2026 Fall Term.*
April 3Good Friday Holiday: University closed.
April 6End of classes for Arts & Science S-term and Y-term courses.
April 7Last day of U of T Engineering lectures in S-term and Y-term courses; all term work should be submitted by this date.
April 8Study day. Exam Jam.
April 9 to April 30Exams for S-term and Y-term U of T Engineering courses.
Exams for S-term and Y-term Arts & Science courses.
Note: Exams for courses offered by other faculties may be held outside of this period.
May 2 Winter emergency exam day.
May 15Application deadline for transfers between engineering programs.
June 13PEY Co-op Program: Last day to declare a Summer Co-op Work term.

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

Graduate Student Courses

Engineering graduate students should refer to SGS Sessional Dates.

Arts & Science Courses

For Arts & Science courses offered at the St. George Campus, the Academic Dates & Deadlines are available at



Academic Year 2024-2025 Sessional Dates

The dates below are for undergrad engineering students and courses pending approval by Faculty Council. Engineering graduate students should refer to the SGS sessional dates.

 2024 Summer Session

April 4First day students can enrol in engineering elective courses in ACORN (6 a.m. EDT).
April 8First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in Arts & Science courses in ACORN (6 a.m. EDT).
April 24Last day students can pay or defer fees.
May 6F- and Y-session U of T Engineering classes begin.
May 8Courses removed for non-registered students.
May 9Last day students can waitlist F-term engineering minor courses.
May 12Last day students can enrol in F-term / Y-term engineering elective courses on ACORN.
Last day students can enrol in first-year T-Program courses.
May 20Victoria Day: University closed.
MayPEY Co-op Program: 2024 Summer work terms begin (duration 3 to 4 months).
PEY Co-op Program: 2024-2025 Professional Experience Year (PEY) work terms begin between May and September (duration 12 to 16 months).
June 3Last day students can drop F-term courses without academic penalty*. Requests to drop T-Program courses must be submitted to the First Year Office by 4 p.m. (EDT).
June 19F-session U of T Engineering classes end.
Y-session engineering elective courses course break.
June 20F-session course study break for U of T Engineering courses.
June 21 to 
June 27
Final exams for first-year U of T Engineering courses.  
June 28Presidential Day: University closed.
July 1Canada Day: University closed.
July 2S-term classes start / Y-term courses resume.
July 5Last day students can waitlist S-term engineering elective courses.
July 8Deadline to enrol in S-term courses in ACORN.
July 22Last day students can drop Y-term courses without academic penalty.*
July 29Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty.*
August 5Civic Holiday: University closed.
August 15S- and Y-term  U of T Engineering classes end.
August 16S- and Y- term course study break for U of T Engineering courses.
August 19 to 
August 23
Final exams for S- and Y- term U of T Engineering courses.
August 28PEY Co-op Program: Recruitment cycle closes for 2024-2025 Professional Experience Year (PEY) work terms (duration 12 to 16 months).

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

2024 Fall Term (F)

July 11First day U of T Engineering students can make changes to their personal timetables on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in Arts & Science courses with reserved seating on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
July 31First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in all Arts & Science (A&S) courses on ACORN (6:00 a.m. EDT).
August 1No Arts & Science course enrolment.
August 13 Last day to pay or defer fees.
August 27Courses removed for non-registered students.
September 2Labour Day: University closed.
September 3U of T Engineering lectures in F- and Y-term courses begin.
Arts & Science lectures in F- and Y-term courses begin.
September 12Last day waitlists are operational for F- and Y-term courses.
Last day students can request transfers out of Engineering Science (first-year students).
Last day to enrol in online first-year courses.
September 16Deadline to designate a Fall Term (F-term) or Y-term "Extra" course as a credit course.
Last day U of T Engineering students can enrol in A&S courses with reserved seating.
Last day students can add or substitute F- or Y-term courses on ACORN.
PEY Co-op Program: Last day to withdraw from the PEY Co-op Program for students in Year 3 of study.
TBDLate enrolment for Y-term courses only (Registrar's Office only).
September 16PEY Co-op Program: Career Portal with 2025-2026 job postings opens to qualified students seeking 12-16 month work terms. Interviews, job offers and acceptances begin shortly after. 
September 30Last day students can apply to re-enrol for the 2025 Winter Term.
October 14Thanksgiving Day: University closed. 
October 28PEY Co-op Program: Career Portal with Summer 2025 job postings opens to qualified students seeking Summer Co-op Work Terms. Interviews, job offers and acceptances begin shortly after.
October 28 to 
November 1
Engineering Fall Study Break. No Fall Term Engineering courses offered.
A&S Fall Reading Week. No Fall Term A&S courses offered.
October 31Examination timetable for F-term courses posted (tentative).
November 4Deadline to designate an F-term course as "Extra."
Last day students can apply to transfer to part-time studies.*
Last day students can withdraw from the Fall Term without academic penalty.*
Last day students can drop F-term engineering courses without academic penalty.*
Last day students can drop F-term Arts & Science courses without academic penalty.*
NovemberFall Convocation ceremony for the conferring of the Bachelor of Applied Science & Engineering Science degrees. Visit for more details.
December 3Last day of A&S classes.
December 4Last day of lectures in the F-term; all term work should be submitted by this date.
December 5Makeup Monday.**
December 6 to 
December 21

F-term U of T Engineering exams (the Faculty will hold exams on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings during this period).*** Exams for courses offered by other Faculties may be held during other periods.

F-term A&S exams and Y-term A&S midterms.

December 24 Winter break: University closed.
January 11, 2025Emergency Winter Exam Date. The Faculty will use this date for any cancelled December Exams.

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

**Makeup Monday is on December 5th and will be scheduled the same as a regular Monday; thus, instructors can use this day to make up for the missing Monday of Thanksgiving Day. Use of Makeup Monday in courses is optional. If it is not used, December 5, 2024, will be a study day. 

***Students with exam conflicts or religious observances at the end of the exam period may have their exam rescheduled for Sunday, December 22, as an accommodation. 

2025 Winter Term (S)

January 6Lectures begin in U of T Engineering S-term courses and resume in Y-term courses.
Lectures begin in S-term courses and resume in Y-term courses for A&S. 
January 13Last day students can transfer out of Engineering Science (first-year students) to Track One or a Core 8 engineering program.
January 13Lectures begin for T-Program courses.
January 14Last day students can waitlist S-term courses.
January 19Last day students can add or substitute S-term courses.
Deadline to change an "Extra" S-term course to a for credit course.
PEY Co-op Program: Last day to enrol in the PEY Co-op Program for students in Year 2.
February 14Last day students can drop Y-term courses without academic penalty.*
Note: a student taking a Y-term course will not be allowed to drop this course in the Winter Term if a recalculation of their Fall Term load shows that dropping the course will reduce the F-term course load to fewer than 2.5 credits.
Deadline to change a for credit Y-term course to an "Extra" course.
February 17Family Day holiday: University closed.
February 17 to
February 21
Reading Week: No lectures, tutorials or practicals.
Reserved for special deferred exams from the December 2024 examination period.
February 28Examination timetable for S- and Y-term courses posted (tentative).
March 10Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty, including S-term courses taken in Arts & Science.*
Last day students can transfer to part-time studies.*
Last day students can withdraw from the S-term without academic penalty.*
Deadline to change a for credit S-term course to an "Extra" course.
Last day students can apply to re-enrol for the 2025 Fall Term.*
April 4End of classes for Arts & Science S- and Y-term courses.
April 7Last day of U of T Engineering lectures in S- and Y-term courses; all term work should be submitted by this date.
April 8Winter study day. Exam Jam.
April 18Good Friday holiday: University closed.
April 9 to April 30S- and Y-term U of T Engineering exams.
S- and Y-term exam period for A&S courses.
Note: Exams for courses offered by other faculties may be held outside of this period.
May 3 Winter emergency exam day.
May 15Application deadline for transfers between engineering programs.
June 10PEY Co-op Program: Last day to declare a Summer Co-op Work term.

*Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines:

Graduate Student Courses

Engineering graduate students should refer to SGS Sessional Dates.

Arts & Science Courses

For Arts & Science courses offered at the St. George Campus, the Academic Dates & Deadlines are available at