First Year Office
Vice-Dean, First Year Engineering; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream (BME, ISTEP): Dawn M. Kilkenny, PhD
Director, First Year Curriculum; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream (ISTEP): Chirag Variawa, BASc, PhD
Director, First Year Office: Leslie Grife, BA (Hons), MEd
Associate Director, First Year Advising & Communications: Jennifer Fabro, BA (Hons), MEd
First Year Advisor, Intercultural Learning & Experience: Brianna MacDonald, BA (Hons), MA
First Year Advisor, Access & Inclusion: Julie Kang, BEd, MPH, MEd
First Year Advisor, Student Success & Transition: Hannah Bild-Enkin, HBSc, MEd
First Year Office Coordinator: Erin Holliday
Fields Institute, Room 106
The first-year engineering curriculum is designed for students continuing in one of the following programs in second year: Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical or Mineral Engineering. Students are admitted to one of these programs or TrackOne on entering first year. This guarantees a place in a program in subsequent years, subject to maintenance of satisfactory standing. Students who complete first year with a clear record in one of the above programs may request to transfer to another program (see Academic Regulations for details). Students in TrackOne or who wish to transfer at the end of first year must submit their requests to the First Year Office no later than the deadline as listed in the Sessional Dates section of the Calendar.
The academic year consists of two terms, Fall (September through December) and Winter (January through April). Students typically take five 0.5-credit courses plus one partial-credit seminar each term. Timetables, detailing which courses students will take in each term, will be provided to students in August. The first-year curriculum is shown in each program section, with the TrackOne Undeclared Engineering first-year curriculum shown below: