Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Director: Professor Milos R. Popovic 

Biomedical engineering aims to use engineering or physical science principles to solve biological and medical problems. The Institute is the largest biomedical engineering hub for education, research and community at the University of Toronto and in Canada. It is the only division that is managed by three different faculties — Applied Science & Engineering, Medicine and Dentistry. The diversity in education and research ecosystems equips our researchers with the ability to address pressing medical questions — ranging from fundamental mechanisms to clinical cases — and to build new companies. The Institute’s core laboratories are principally located in the Rosebrugh Building, Lassonde Mining Building, Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular Research, MaRS Building and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research on the St. George campus. Additionally, the Institute has Faculty with the Bloorview Research Institute, the research arm of the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and the KITE Research Institute, University Health Network. 

There are over 100 faculty (core and cross-appointed) who conduct research in molecular, cell and tissue and clinical engineering. Faculty members lead state-of-the-art research in a series of emerging areas such as nanotechnology, systems biology, regenerative medicine, bioelectronics, and neural and rehabilitation engineering. The Institute offers two research graduate programs at the doctoral- and masters-level (PhD, MASc) in biomedical engineering and a one or two-year course-based professional Master of Engineering (MEng) program. Since an undergraduate degree in engineering is not a prerequisite for admission into the graduate programs, we have welcomed students with backgrounds in engineering, biology, medicine, chemistry, physics and psychology.

While the Institute does not have a full undergraduate program, several undergraduate student bodies are associated with the Institute. Students enrolled in the Division of Engineering Science can select the Biomedical Systems Engineering major. These students take courses in tissue engineering, imaging, control and other relevant topics in Biomedical Engineering. The second student body is the bioengineering minor program, where students can learn the basic principles of Bio and Biomedical Engineering.

Students who graduate from BME work in different industrial sectors (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, computer, marketing), government agencies and academia. Many of our students are involved in building start-up companies. Overall, there is a broad range of job opportunities for BME students.

Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Courses

Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

BME205H1 - Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

BME205H1 - Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/19.2P

Introduction to connecting engineering and biological approaches to solve problems in medicine, science, and technology. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating the connection between organ level function with cellular mechanisms. Topics may include, but are not limited to: design principles of biological systems, medical devices, overviews of anatomy and physiology, and cellular mechanisms as they relate to biotechnological and medical technology applications. Laboratories will provide hands-on experiences with selected concepts and encourage students to understand how to connect their own vital and physiologic signs to current medical technologies.

Exclusion: CHE353H1 or BIO130H1
Total AUs: 39.7 (Fall), 39.7 (Winter), 79.4 (Full Year)

BME330H1 - Patents in Biology and Medical Devices

BME330H1 - Patents in Biology and Medical Devices
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L

The emphasis of the course is on applying the logic of patents to diverse cases of products through biology and biomedical engineering. A commercial context will be ever present the case studies. Students will work in teams on these problems in class. Students will learn to apply tests for obviousness, inventiveness, novelty and enablement based on the use of these tests in technology patents in the past. Claim construction will be introduced towards the end of the course to learn how technologies can be protected in considering a patent. There will be papers for reading in this course but no textbook. This course is designed for senior undergraduate students (3-4 year).

Prerequisite: CHE353H1 or BME205H1
Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

BME331H1 - Physiological Control Systems

BME331H1 - Physiological Control Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/12.8P

Introduces physiological concepts and selected physiological control systems present in the human body, and proposes quantitative modeling approaches for these systems. Topics covered will include (1) the endocrine system and its subsystems, including glucose regulation and the stress response, (2) the cardiovascular system and related aspects such as cardiac output, venous return, control of blood flow by the tissues, and nervous regulation of circulation, and (3) the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, including the control of voluntary motion. Linear control theory will be used to develop skills in system modeling and examine concepts of system response and system control in the context of a healthy human body.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME344H1 - Modeling, Dynamics, and Control of Biological Systems

BME344H1 - Modeling, Dynamics, and Control of Biological Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

Introduction to modeling of physiological control systems present in the human body, combining physiology, linear system modeling and linear control theory. Topics include: representation of physical systems using differential equations and linearization of these dynamic models; graphical representation of the control systems/plants; Laplace transforms; transfer functions; performance of dynamic systems; time and frequency analysis; observability and controllability; and close-loop controller design.

Prerequisite: MAT185H1 or equivalent;MAT292H1 or equivalent
Corequisite: BME350H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME346H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technologies

BME346H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technologies
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/51.2P

An introduction to the principles and design of fundamental technologies used in biomedical engineering research. Topics may include but are not limited to tissue culture; spectroscopy; electrophoresis; PCR, genomics, sequencing technologies, and gene expression measurement; protein expression assays and tagging strategies; fluorescence labeling tools, microscopy, and high content imaging; DNA manipulation and transfection, RNAi, and other genetic and molecular tools for transformation of organisms. Laboratories will provide hands-on experience with selected technologies. Students will engage in a major design project in which they will design an experimental plan to investigate a specific research question, also of their design, utilizing available laboratory technologies.

Prerequisite: BME205H1
Exclusion: BME440H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME350H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering I: Organ Systems

BME350H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering I: Organ Systems
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T/12.8P

An introduction to human anatomy and physiology with selected focus on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and endocrine systems. The structures and mechanisms responsible for proper function of these complex systems will be examined in the healthy and diseased human body. The integration of different organ systems will be stressed, with a specific focus on the structure-function relationship. Application of biomedical engineering technologies in maintaining homeostasis will also be discussed.

Prerequisite: BME205H1
Corequisite: BME395H1
Total AUs: 54.9 (Fall), 54.9 (Winter), 109.8 (Full Year)

BME352H1 - Biomaterials and Biocompatibility

BME352H1 - Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

An introduction to the science of biomaterials, focusing on polymeric biomaterials and biocompatibility. Topics include biomaterial surface analysis, hydrogel rheology and swelling, protein adsorption, cell adhesion and migration and the foreign body response. Primary focus is on implantable biomaterials but some attention will be given to applications of biomaterials in biotechnology and drug delivery. Specific device or other examples as well as the research literature will be used to illustrate the topic at hand.

Prerequisite: BME205H1/CHE353H1
Exclusion: MSE452H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME358H1 - Molecular Biophysics

BME358H1 - Molecular Biophysics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

Topics to be covered will include: Building blocks of the living cell; thermodynamics of living systems: interactions and kinetic energy, equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes, entropy, temperature, free energy and chemical potential ; diffusion and friction in liquids, Brownian motion; membrane potential, ion pumps and nerve cells; light and molecules: photon absorption and fluorescence; light microscope, fluorescence as a window into cells, optogenetics and fluorescent reporters; two-photon excitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer; the eye, image formation, and color vision; structural color in animals.

Prerequisite: BME205H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME395H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering II: Cells and Tissues

BME395H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering II: Cells and Tissues
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/25.6T/12.8P

Tissue engineering is largely based on concepts that emerged from developmental biology. This course provides an introduction to the study of animal development, both at the cellular and molecular levels. Topics include developmental patterning, differential gene expression, morphogenesis, stem cells, repair and regeneration.

Corequisite: BME350H1
Exclusion: CHE353H1
Total AUs: 0 (Fall), 0 (Winter), 0 (Full Year)

BME396H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering III: Molecules and Cells

BME396H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering III: Molecules and Cells
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/38.4P

Understanding diversity of cell behaviour at the molecular level. Through discussion of molecular dynamics in living cells in the context of varied microenvironments, develop an understanding of cellular behaviour based on intracellular events in response to extracellular stimuli. Specific topics include receptor-ligand interatctions, morphogens, signal transduction, cell growth & differentiation, cell adhesion and migration, trafficking, and mechanotransduction. Examples from in vitro culture systems and model organisms in vivo are used to support discussions.

Prerequisite: BME350H1, BME395H1
Total AUs: 61 (Fall), 61 (Winter), 122 (Full Year)

BME410H1 - Regenerative Engineering

BME410H1 - Regenerative Engineering
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

The course encompasses the new multidisciplinary area of Regenerative Engineering by integrating various components of Regenerative Medicine, Clinical Engineering, Human Biology & Physiology, Advanced Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, bringing all these disciplines into the clinical perspective of translational medicine. The course starts with the key concepts of stem cell biology and their properties at the cellular and subcellular levels working our way to complex tissues and organs. In the first half of the course, 2D and 3D tissue and organ formation will be our main focus. In the second half, we will discuss the integration of medical devices, technologies and treatments into healthcare as well as clinical trial logistics, ethics and processes. The course materials will integrate cutting-edge research in regenerative medicine and current clinical trials by inviting scientists and clinicians as guest lecturers. Students will be given the rare opportunity to incorporate into their written assignments experiment-based learning via participation in workshops, tours of research facilities, seminars and independent projects integrated into the course during the semester.

Prerequisite: BME396H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME428H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering IV: Computational Systems Biology

BME428H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering IV: Computational Systems Biology
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/25.6T

Through systematic mathematical analysis of biological networks, this course derives design principles that are cornerstones for the understanding of complex natural biological systems and the engineering of synthetic biological systems. Course material includes: transcriptional networks, autoregulation, feed-forward loops, global network structure, protein networks, robustness, kinetic proofreading and optimality. After completion of the course, students should be able to use quantitative reasoning to analyze biological systems and construct mathematical models to describe biological systems.

Prerequisite: BME350H1, BME395H1, BME396H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME435H1 - Biostatistics

BME435H1 - Biostatistics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T

This is intended to provide students interested in biomedical research with an introduction to core statistical concepts and methods, including experimental design. The course also provides a good foundation in the use of discovery tools provided by a data analysis and visualization software. The topics covered will include: i) Importance of being uncertain; ii) Error bars; iii) Significance, p-values and t-tests; iv) Power and sample size; v) Visualizing samples with box plots; vi) Comparing samples; vii) Non parametric tests; viii) Designing comparative experiments; ix) Analysis of variance and blocking; x) Replication; xi) Two-factor designs; xii) Association, correlation and causation; xiii) Simple linear regression; xiv) Regression diagnostics. The concepts will be illustrated with realistic examples that are commonly encountered by biomedical researchers (as opposed to the simpler examples described in entry-level textbooks). The statistical softwares used in this course are JMP and R Studio.

Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME440H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation

BME440H1 - Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/51.2P

Fundamental biomedical research technologies with specific focus on cellular and molecular methodologies. Examples include DNA and protein analysis and isolation, microscopy, cell culture and cellular assays. Combines both theoretical concepts and hand-on practical experience via lectures and wet labs, respectively. Specific applications as applied to biotechnology and medicine will also be outlined and discussed.

Prerequisite: CHE353H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity

BME445H1 - Neural Bioelectricity
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/16.2P

Generation, transmission and the significance of bioelectricity in neural networks of the brain. Topics covered include: (i) Basic features of neural systems. (ii) Ionic transport mechanisms in cellular membranes. (iii) Propagation of electricity in neural cables. (iv) Extracellular electric fields. (v) Neural networks, neuroplasticity and biological clocks. (vi) Learning and memory in artificial neural networks. Laboratory experiences include: (a) Biological measurements of body surface potentials (EEG and EMG). (b) Experiments on computer models of generation and propagation of neuronal electrical activities. (c) Investigation of learning in artificial neural networks. This course was previously offered as ECE445H1.

Prerequisite: ECE159H1/ECE110H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

BME455H1 - Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering II

BME455H1 - Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering II
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 38.4L/12.8T/19.2P

Engineering and biophysical tools are used to integrate and enhance our understanding of animal cell behaviour from the molecular to the tissue level. Quantitative methods are used to mathematically model the biology of cell growth, division and differentiation to tissue formation. Specific topics include receptor-ligand interactions, cell adhesion and migration, signal transduction, cell growth and differentiation. Examples from the literature are used to highlight applications in cellular and tissue engineering.

Prerequisite: CHE353H1 and CHE354H1
Total AUs: 51.9 (Fall), 51.9 (Winter), 103.8 (Full Year)

BME460H1 - Biomaterial and Medical Device Product Development

BME460H1 - Biomaterial and Medical Device Product Development
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/25.6T

The objective of this course is to provide students with strategies by which they can "reverse engineer" medical device products intended for use as implantable devices or in contact with body tissue and fluids. A top down approach will be taken where the regulatory path for product approval and associated costs with product development and validation are reviewed for different biomaterials and devices. This path is then assessed in the context of product specific reimbursement, safety, competitive positioning and regulatory concerns. Students will be required to use their existing knowledge of biomaterials and biocompatibility to frame the questions, challenges and opportunities with a mind to re-engineering products in order to capitalize on niche regulatory pathways. The resulting regulatory path gives a good idea of the kind of trial design the product must prevail in and ultimately the design characteristics of the device itself. The United States and Europe will be contrasted with respect to both their regulatory environment and reimbursement. Lastly, quantitative product development risks estimates are considered in choosing a product path strategy for proof of concept and approval.

Prerequisite: BME352H1
Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

BME466H1 - Drug Delivery at Biological Barriers and Interfaces

BME466H1 - Drug Delivery at Biological Barriers and Interfaces
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36.6L/12.2T

The human body is a highly interconnected network of different tissues, and there are all sorts of barriers to getting pharmaceutical drugs to the right place at the right time. In this course, the emphasis is on connecting physiology knowledge with drug delivery techniques and technologies to spark innovative new approaches. Through a combination of lectures, self-paced assignments, and collaborative group discussion, students will engage with their peers to understand course materials (including published literature), explore innovations in drug delivery technologies, and develop the skillset to conceptually design new drug delivery technologies. Modules will include topics around drug delivery and tight junctions, the blood brain barrier, the digestive system, mucous, the immune system and immunogenicity, and intracellular transport. Drug delivery topics such as engineering principles of controlled release, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, toxicity of biomaterials/ drugs, and immune responses will also be covered.

Prerequisite: BME205H1, CHE353H1
Total AUs: 42.8 (Fall), 42.8 (Winter), 85.6 (Full Year)

BME470H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering Design

BME470H1 - Biomedical Systems Engineering Design
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/38.4P

A capstone design project that provides students in the Biomedical Systems Engineering option with an opportunity to integrate and apply their technical knowledge and communication skills to solve real-world biomedical engineering design challenges. Students will work in small groups on projects that evolve from clinical partners, biomedical/clinical research and teaching labs, and commercial partners. At the end of the course, students submit a final design report and a poster for public exhibition.

Prerequisite: BME205H1
Exclusion: BME489H1
Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

BME488H1 - Introduction to Immunoengineering

BME488H1 - Introduction to Immunoengineering
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 36.6L/12.2T

Immunoengineering is the next frontier in the field of biomedical engineering (BME) where concepts from material science, synthetic biology, and engineering are used to modulate immune responses. We will focus on how interdisciplinary ideas can be used to tune both the design and delivery of therapies to stimulate, limit, or direct immune responses towards specific cellular targets or pathogens. The lecture contents will draw from textbooks and scientific journal articles to encompass theoretical principles and novel applications that will be learned through weekly assignments and collaborative discussions. The specific topics that will be covered include the development of adjuvants, antigens for B and T cell vaccines, tolerizing therapies, and immunotherapies such as adoptive cell transfer approaches.

Prerequisite: BME395H1/CHE354H1
Exclusion: IMM250H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME498Y1 - Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design

BME498Y1 - Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design
Credit Value: 1.00
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/38.4P

In this project-based design course, teams of students from diverse engineering disciplines (enrolled in the biomedical engineering minor) will engage in the biomedical technology design process to identify, invent and implement a solution to an unmet clinical need defined by external clients and experts. This course emphasizes "hands-on" practicums and lectures to support a student-driven design project. The UG Office will reach out in the summer to 4th year BME Minor students regarding course registration. For A&S students, approval to register in the course must be obtained from the course instructor by completing the application available through the BME UG Office.

Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME520H1 - Imaging Case Studies in Clinical Engineering

BME520H1 - Imaging Case Studies in Clinical Engineering
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/25.6P

An introduction to current practices in modern radiology - the detection and assessment of various human diseases using specialized imaging tools (e.g., MRI, CT, ultrasound, and nuclear imaging) from the perspective of the end-user, the clinician. Course content will include lectures delivered by radiologists describing normal anatomy and physiology as well as tissue pathophysiology (i.e., disease). Visualization and characterization using medical imaging will be described, with core lecture material complemented by industry representative guest lectures where challenges and opportunities in the development of new medical imaging technologies for niche applications will be discussed.

Prerequisite: BME595H1
Total AUs: 42.7 (Fall), 42.7 (Winter), 85.4 (Full Year)

BME530H1 - Human Whole Body Biomechanics

BME530H1 - Human Whole Body Biomechanics
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/25.6P

An introduction to the principles of human body movement. Specific topics include the dynamics of human motion and the neural motor system, with a focus on the positive/negative adaptability of the motor system. Students will experience basic techniques of capturing and analyzing human motion. Engineering applications and the field of rehabilitation engineering will be emphasized using other experimental materials. This course is designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students.

Total AUs: 36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)

BME595H1 - Medical Imaging

BME595H1 - Medical Imaging
Credit Value: 0.50
Hours: 25.6L/12.8T/38.4P

An introductory course to medical imaging and is designed as a final year course for engineers. The main clinical imaging modalities are covered: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, x-ray and computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and clinical optical imaging. Emphasis is placed on the underlying physical and mathematical concepts behind each modality, and applications are discussed in the context of how different modalities complement one another in the clinical setting. Early year engineering concepts are extensively used, including: basic electromagnetics theory, fields and waves, signals and systems, digital signal processing, differential equations and calculus, and probability and random processes. The laboratories involve image reconstruction and analysis for the various imaging modalities and a live animal imaging session.

Total AUs: 48.8 (Fall), 48.8 (Winter), 97.6 (Full Year)

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