JRE300H1: Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance


Complementary Studies elective

Introduces a brief overview of essential concepts in accounting and corporate finance. The first part of the course covers the fundamentals of accounting. We start by exploring the basic language of accounting and the fundamental concepts of financial reporting. Students learn to read and analyze basic financial statements including the statements of financial position, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows. We then introduce key management accounting concepts and explore various methods of costing for decision-making. The second part of the course covers the fundamentals of corporate finance. In the second half, students will learn how to make financial projections and how to value complex investment opportunities. Following this, students learn various techniques for controlling risk and how to determine the appropriate cost of capital. Finally, the course considers issues in cash flow management and overviews project valuation as it relates to corporate mergers.

36.6 (Fall), 36.6 (Winter), 73.2 (Full Year)