- Accreditation & Licensure as a Professional Engineer
- General Program Guidelines
- Weight Factor
- Course Definitions
- Letters of Permission (LOP)
- Post-Admission Transfer Credits
- Practical Experience Requirement (PER)
- Engineering Communication Program (ECP)
- The Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA Program (Skoll Program)
- Part-Time Studies
- International Student Exchanges
- Degree POSt (Program Of Study) Codes
Accreditation & Licensure as a Professional Engineer
The practice of engineering is regulated, by statute, in all Canadian provinces and territories. Those pursuing the licensure of Professional Engineer, must satisfy the requirements of the engineering regulatory bodies. These requirements include a degree from an accredited program, successful completion of a professional practice examination in engineering law and ethics and suitable experience.
All programs listed in this Calendar are accredited and evaluated regularly by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of Engineers Canada; therefore, graduation from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering may lead to licensure as a Professional Engineer by the provincial and territorial associations that regulate the practice of engineering, in accordance with their individual policies.
No student will be permitted to graduate who does not meet these requirements as this would jeopardize accreditation for the program.
Detailed information can be found at Engineers Canada.
General Program Guidelines
Each program in Engineering and Engineering Science consists of a technical component and a complementary studies component. The curriculum provides considerable latitude to students in choosing their programs of study. In this Calendar, the curriculum of each program is outlined in detail. The curriculum for students in the first year (first and second years in Engineering Science) forms a basis in the fundamental subjects before subsequent specialization in various Engineering disciplines. Students are able to choose from a range of technical electives in their senior years. In the fourth year, all programs contain a thesis or a design project that provides students with the opportunity to carry out original work in their chosen fields of study.
The curricula, regulations and course information contained in this Calendar are valid for the current academic year only and so, over the course of a student’s attendance in the Faculty, curricula, regulations and course information may change. All such changes will be posted on the Undergraduate Engineering website.
The Faculty reserves the right to withdraw any course for which there is insufficient enrolment or resources and to limit the enrolment in any course.
Weight Factor
Weight Factors are associated with every course and are intended to help students determine the relative weight of every course, in terms of time spent in class. Most courses in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering are weighted 0.5, but some (full-year courses) are weighted at 1.0 and others (quarter courses) are weighted at 0.25. Weight factors for courses outside of the Faculty may vary.
Weight factors are used to calculate what is referred to as the "weighted session average" used in promotions. A regular program course load consists of at least five courses (2.5 credits) per term but may vary depending on the student’s program and year of study. With prior approval by the Chair of their Department, full-time students may elect to increase their course load to a maximum of 3.0 credits per term.
To be eligible for any scholarship or award granted solely on academic standing, a student must have completed not less than the normal full load (2.5 credits per term) within the two sessions upon which the award is based. A student whose program in these two sessions contains repeated courses will only be eligible if the aggregate of new courses is equal to or greater than 2.5 credits per term.
Course Definitions
Core Course
A core course is defined as any course in a program of study that is expressly required by a department or division in order to fulfill degree requirements.
Elective courses fall into three categories: technical, free and complementary studies. In general, students must not select elective courses that would involve excessive duplication of material covered elsewhere in their programs. As the promotion of engineering students is based on weighted session averages, honours/pass/fail or credit/no-credit courses may not be taken as electives.
Technical Electives
Each program has a selection of technical electives carefully designed to enhance students’ technical knowledge in specific areas. Details regarding technical electives can be found under each program listing.
Free Electives
Some programs require students to take a free elective. A free elective has few restrictions: any degree credit course listed in the current calendars of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the Faculty of Arts & Science and the School of Graduate Studies is acceptable as a free elective provided it does not duplicate material covered in courses taken or to be taken.
Complementary Studies (CS)
All students are required to take Complementary Studies (CS) electives during their studies. These electives include courses in the areas of humanities, social sciences, arts, management, engineering economics and communications to complement the technical components of the engineering curriculum. Language courses may count towards a CS elective provided they are not taken to fulfil an admission requirement.
The Faculty strives to ensure students are aware of the broader context of engineering and the impact engineering solutions have through social, organizational and global contexts. As outlined by Engineers Canada, it is important to understand the human, social, economic, and political factors that shape engineering decisions, to recognize the responsibility of engineering to the safety and health of the public, to apply ethics and equity in engineering practice, and to understand the role that engineering has in times of challenging global changes.
Some areas of study under the heading of complementary studies are considered to be essential in the education of an engineer, namely these four elements (described in more detail below):
- Introduction to the methodologies and thought process of the humanities and social sciences
- Basic knowledge of engineering economics
- Competence in oral and written communications
- Awareness of the impact of technology on society
Some of these elements have been incorporated into the set curriculum for each program; others are introduced through the selection of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) and Complementary Studies (CS) electives. Students are encouraged to plan their CS electives in accordance with their career aspirations; however, to ensure eligibility for registration as a professional engineer, HSS/CS electives must fit set definitions as outlined below. Please note that HSS electives are a subset of CS electives, so while all HSS electives can count towards CS requirements, not all CS electives can be considered HSS electives. A listing of appropriate HSS and CS electives can be found on the Current Engineering Undergraduates website.
1. Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
Engineers collaborate with individuals from various backgrounds, including those in the humanities and social sciences. Therefore, the Faculty aims for students to develop an understanding of the approaches and perspectives used in these disciplines. The Faculty of Arts and Science offers a comprehensive selection of such courses. Individual programs have various requirements and opportunities to take HSS electives. Subject to conditions imposed by the Faculty of Arts & Science, students may choose any course that does not include languages, grammar, mathematics (including symbolic logic, probability and inductive logic), economics, technique (e.g. art, music, video production), physical and life sciences (including, but not limited to astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, computer science and psychology). A course must be pre-approved as HSS-eligible by the Faculty before a student may enrol.
The faculty-approved HSS courses are listed on the undergraduate engineering website.
Students seeking a broader choice in their HSS electives can obtain more information about appropriate courses and enrolment procedures from the Faculty Registrar’s Office or their departmental office. Enrolment may involve the submission of a ballot or consultation with the offering department.
2. Engineering Economics
Each program includes at least one required course on engineering economics. These courses provide an opportunity for students to become familiar with the basic tools used to assess the economic viability of proposed engineering projects. The program-required courses are CHE249H1, CME368H1, MIE258H1, ECE472H1 and CHE374H1.
3. Oral and Written Communications
Engineers must be able to communicate their ideas effectively to peers, other professionals and the public at large. Technically sound solutions will often be accepted only after the engineer has convinced the public and governmental agencies that they are also socially acceptable. Consequently, technical communication is essential to engineering. Each program includes the equivalent of one course on technical communication and takes part in the Engineering Communication Program (ECP) that develops communication skills in core engineering courses. The communication courses and the ECP aim to develop skills in report writing, public speaking and graphical presentation with the goal that students will gain solid experience as technical communicators before graduation.
4. Impact of Technology on Society
The courses APS111H1 and APS112H1 Engineering Strategies & Practice I and II are required for all programs except Engineering Science, for which ESC101H1 and ESC102H1, Engineering Science Praxis I and II are required.
Letters of Permission (LOP)
A Letter of Permission is required for U of T Engineering students seeking to take an accredited course from another Canadian university. The Letter of Permission will outline the course(s) the student has permission to take, the transfer credit(s) that can be granted and how they will be applied to the degree (as extra credit, technical elective, HSS/CS, etc.).
Students may request permission to enrol in an accredited course at another Canadian university. Requests for courses outside of Canada will not be approved. Students interested in attending an institution outside of Canada can consider an exchange and should review the institutions that have an exchange agreement with the University of Toronto or apply for a Post-Admission Transfer Credit assessment once the course’s final marks are received. Courses should be academically rigorous and include a written examination, or a significant component of closely supervised work. Online courses will be subject to a special review, to ensure they meet the expectations of the University of Toronto.
Core courses are not usually approved on a Letter of Permission.
To receive credit for completing a course on Letter of Permission, the student must achieve at least one full letter grade above a pass at the host institution, or 60% using the University of Toronto grading scale.
Applications for a Letter of Permission can be submitted through the Engineering Portal. This form must be submitted with a copy of the official course description from the host institution’s academic calendar. A non-refundable processing fee of $42 per Letter of Permission will be charged.
Please note that a Letter of Permission does not apply to courses taken while participating in an official International Exchange.
Post-Admission Transfer Credits
Post-Admission Transfer Credits are credits awarded for courses completed at another institution during the time a student is enrolled at U of T Engineering, where a Letter of Permission was not first obtained.
Courses should be academically rigorous and include a written examination or a significant component of closely supervised work. Students who wish to take a course at an institution outside of Canada should note that the course will be closely examined to ensure it is comparable to the academic standards at the University of Toronto. Online courses will be subject to a special review to ensure they meet the expectations of the University of Toronto. With the exception of official University of Toronto exchange partners, transfer credit requests will not be considered for courses taken through international summer programs attached to post-secondary institutions outside of Canada except with special permission from the Associate Registrar & Director, Admissions. Students interested in participating in an international exchange should contact the Centre for International Experience and their academic advisor.
Post-Admission Transfer Credits are usually not awarded for core courses. Students should speak to their academic advisor prior to submitting a request for a Post-Admission Transfer Credit for a core course.
The Post-Admission Transfer Credit requests can be submitted through the Engineering Portal. Students will be required to submit an official transcript and a course syllabus that contains the following information: length of the course; number of hours; grading scheme; number of essays, tests and examinations; reading list; course instructor(s); and method of instruction (online, in-person, hybrid, etc.). A non-refundable processing fee of $42 per institution will be charged.
Post-Admission Transfer Credit requests must be submitted no later than the term following the course's completion.
Practical Experience Requirement (PER)
Every student must complete a minimum of 600 hours of practical experience before graduation. The nature of the work should form an integral part of a student’s education and career development. It, therefore, must contain a good measure of responsibility (e.g., management of programs, systems, equipment, personnel or finances), sound judgment and effective communication and be supportive of the professional career of the student after graduation. Work in many facets of industry, government or public service are acceptable for this requirement.
The 600-hour practical experience requirement (PER) may be obtained at any time during the program (often undertaken during the summer break). Work done before entering the Faculty may also meet the requirement. U of T Engineering students may elect to enrol and participate in the Professional Experience Year Co-op Program (PEY Co-op) offered through the Engineering Career Centre (ECC).
Participation in the PEY Co-op program satisfies the practical experience requirement provided that students successfully complete the work term as well as submit the requisite report and evaluation elements. More details can be found in the PEY Co-op Program section of the Calendar.
Experiences done outside of the ECC programs require the completion of the practical experience certificate form(s). This form may be obtained from the Registrar's Office website and must be signed by the employer or supervisor. Students should return completed forms to their departmental undergraduate office. The satisfaction or non-satisfaction of this requirement for graduation will be indicated on the student’s grade report in the fourth-year winter session as a grade of CR (Credit) or NCR (No Credit).
The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) may allow pre-graduation experience to count towards 12 months of the four-year “engineering experience” required for eligibility for the PEng designation. For further information, visit the PEO website. Please note that the records required by the PEO are separate and distinct from the 600 hours of practical experience required for completion of a degree program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.
Engineering Communication Program (ECP)
Director: Professor Alan Chong
Website: ecp.engineering.utoronto.ca
The Engineering Communication Program (ECP) helps engineering undergraduates build professional-level, discipline-specific communication skills. ECP instructors are integrated into engineering courses across the curriculum in every program, from first to fourth year. Additionally, they provide one-to-one tutoring, offer elective courses (part of the Certificate in Communication) and workshops.
As part of the Institute for Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP), the ECP creates practices, programs and partnerships that enable engineering undergraduate students to become confident and effective communicators who will become leaders in their fields. For more information, visit the ECP website.
The Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA Program (Skoll Program)
The Jeffrey Skoll BASc/MBA program provides University of Toronto engineering students with the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree at the Rotman School of Management immediately after completion of their BASc. This program is unique in Canada. Students admitted into the program will be considered for a Skoll scholarship to partially offset the Rotman MBA tuition.
Why combine engineering and business? Today’s engineers are often team leaders, project managers, company directors and entrepreneurs, and make a significant impact in the business world. The Skoll BASc/MBA program offers select students the opportunity to earn both technical and management qualifications, to become the next generation of leaders in business and industry. MBA students also get access to the powerful network of Rotman which included over 200 companies that recruited on campus this past year, along with tailored career supports.
How does the Skoll Program work? Students interested in the Skoll program must complete a Professional Experience Year Co-op (PEY Co-op) work term of at least 12 months during their BASc program. Students apply to the Rotman MBA program during their fourth year of Engineering studies. If offered admission into Rotman, students will then be considered for a Skoll scholarship. Students then continue to finish their BASc, and in September of the same year, enter the Rotman MBA program.
How to apply? Only fourth-year Engineering students who have completed PEY Co-op can apply to the Skoll program. Students apply directly to Rotman. Please visit the Skoll Program website for admission requirements and instructions. Applicants are encouraged to apply for the Round 2 deadline which is typically in early January, but the Rotman MBA admissions process is typically open until late April. Application deadlines can be viewed on the Rotman website.
Part-Time Studies
Any year of the undergraduate degree may be taken on a part-time basis (maximum of three courses per session).
First-Year Students
First-year students who are registered on a full-time basis may request to transfer to part-time studies by the deadline indicated under the “Fall Sessional Dates.” Permission to make this transfer must be obtained from either the Chair, First Year or the Faculty Registrar. Transfers from part-time to full-time studies will normally be permitted only after completion of an entire program year (usually 10 courses).
Upper-Year Students
Students who have completed their first, second or third year as full-time students may apply to transfer to part-time studies by submitting a transfer form by the deadline indicated under the “Winter Sessional Dates.”
Academic Program Load
A part-time student may enrol in a maximum of three one-session courses in each of the Fall Session, the Winter Session and the Summer Session with permission of the responsible Division or Department. Once enrolled in the part-time program, a student must complete all the courses for a program year over a minimum of two calendar years before requesting to continue studies on a full-time basis. For example, a part-time student who requires ten courses to complete the first year may not proceed to the second year after one year (i.e. the ten courses must be spread over a minimum of two years).
Normally, a student is considered part-time if they are enrolled in 1.5 or fewer credits in a single term. Full-time students who will be enrolled in 1.5 or fewer credits in a single term should contact their Academic Advisor prior to adjusting their enrolment.
The selection of courses must satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite structure specified in the course descriptions.
Students admitted with advanced standing who require the equivalent of at least 18 one-session courses to complete the requirements for a degree may register in a part-time program subject to the same conditions as other students. Students who require the equivalent of fewer than 18 one-session courses must attend on a full-time basis.
Promotion Regulations
Part-time students are governed by the promotion regulations described in the Academic Regulations section of the Calendar.
Degree Requirements
To qualify for a degree, a student must complete a full undergraduate program within nine calendar years of first registration, exclusive of mandatory absences from their program.
International Student Exchanges
Student exchange is a Learning Abroad opportunity that enables students to study at partner institutions while gaining an understanding of different cultures, heritages, values and lifestyles found across borders.
Exchange programs operate under formal agreements between the University of Toronto and partner universities abroad and in Canada. University of Toronto students who participate in exchange programs will pay full-time tuition and compulsory incidental fees to the University of Toronto. Students can then study at one of the University of Toronto’s partner universities without paying tuition fees to the host university.
Please note that many of the universities in countries where English is not the host country’s official language still offer many, if not all, courses in English. Notable examples include universities in Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Learning Abroad also offers two- to four-month international summer research opportunities for qualified students.
Application deadlines occur between December and April each year, depending on your program of choice and the term you intend to go abroad. Additional information is found on the Learning Abroad website.
International Experience Awards are available for students embarking on a Learning Abroad experience, such as research, courses, or professional experience. More information can be found on CIE's International Experience Awards page or by contacting cie.funding@utoronto.ca.
Exchange Programs Available through CIE:
The Czech Repbulic
| Germany
Hong Kong
| New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
Trinidad & Tobago
United States of America
Degree POSt (Program Of Study) Codes
The Faculty uses the following Degree POSt Codes to note which program a student is currently enrolled in. Options within a program are categorized by a unique degree POSt code. Full-time and part-time students will fall under one of these codes. It is possible for students to change their degree POSt code during their time in the faculty.
AE NDEG | Non-Degree Special Student | |
AEENGBASC | Track One - General Engineering | |
AECHEBASC | BASc | Chemical Engineering |
AECIVBASC | BASc | Civil Engineering |
AECPEBASC | BASc | Computer Engineering |
AEELEBASC | BASc | Electrical Engineering |
AEESCBASE AEESCBASEA AEESCBASEF AEESCBASEJ AEESCBASEL AEESCBASEP AEESCBASER AEESCBASET AEESCBASEZ | BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci BASc in Eng.Sci | Engineering Science Engineering Science (Aerospace Engineering Major) Engineering Science (Engineering Mathematics, Statistics and Finance Major) Engineering Science (Energy Systems Engineering Major) Engineering Science (Machine Intelligence Engineering Major) Engineering Science (Engineering Physics Major) Engineering Science (Electrical and Computer Engineering Major) Engineering Science (Biomedical Systems Engineering Major) Engineering Science (Robotics Engineering Major) |
AEINDBASC | BASc | Industrial Engineering |
AELMEBASC | BASc | Lassonde Mineral Engineering |
AEMECBASC | BASc | Mechanical Engineering |
AEMMSBASC | BASc | Materials Engineering |
AEMINAIEN | Minor in Artificial Intelligence Engineering | |
AECERAIEN | Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Engineering |