CME358H1: Survey CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals)


This two-week August field camp provides students with the opportunity to further their understanding of the vital interactions between the natural and the built environments. Through fieldwork, students gain hands-on experience in the use of various field instruments used by Civil and Mineral Engineers. The essentials of land surveying and the use of surveying instruments including Global Positioning Systems are taught as students carry out a series of field exercises that include route surveys, topographic surveys and construction surveys. Survey calculations, sources of error, corrections and adjustments are also introduced. In order to better understand our impact on the natural environment, students also perform several additional exercises. These may include the measurement of river flows, remote sensing of soil and rock, remediation of a borrow pit, and the evaluation of the renewable energy potential of the wind and solar radiation. Note: This course requires payment of an extra fee for room and board.

5.1 (Fall), 5.1 (Winter), 10.2 (Full Year)