First Year Chemical Engineering

Fall Session - Year 1   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
APS100H1: Orientation to Engineering F 1 - 1 0.25
APS110H1: Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science F 3 - 2 0.50
APS111H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice I F 3 1 1 0.50
CIV100H1: Mechanics F 3 - 2 0.50
MAT186H1: Calculus I F 3 - 1 0.50
MAT188H1: Linear Algebra F 3 1 1 0.50
Winter Session - Year 1   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
APS106H1: Fundamentals of Computer Programming S 3 2 1 0.50
APS112H1: Engineering Strategies & Practice II S 2 2 - 0.50
CHE112H1: Physical Chemistry S 3 1 1 0.50
CHE113H1: Concepts in Chemical Engineering S 3 2 2 0.50
CHE191H1: Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry S 1 - - 0.15
MAT187H1: Calculus II S 3 - 1 0.50

Approved Course Substitution

  1. Students are able to substitute MAT186H1 with the online calculus course APS162H1.
  2. Students are able to substitute MAT187H1 with the online calculus course APS163H1.
  3. Students are able to substitute APS110H1 with the online course APS164H1.
  4. Students are able to substitute CIV100H1 with the online course APS160H1.

Second Year Chemical Engineering

Fall Session - Year 2   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE204H1: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry- Laboratory I F 2 6 - 0.25
CHE208H1: Process Engineering F 3 - 2 0.50
CHE211H1: Fluid Mechanics F 3 - 2 0.50
CHE220H1: Applied Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE221H1: Calculus III F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE223H1: Statistics F 2 - 1 0.50
CHE299H1: Communication F 1 - 1 0.25
Winter Session - Year 2   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE205H1: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry- Laboratory II S 2 6 - 0.25
CHE210H1: Heat and Mass Transfer S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE213H1: Applied Chemistry II - Organic Chemistry S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE222H1: Process Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation S 3 2 1 0.50
CHE230H1: Environmental Chemistry S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE249H1: Engineering Economic Analysis S 3 - 1 0.50

Practical Experience Requirement

  • As described in the beginning of this chapter, students are required to have completed a total of 600 hours of acceptable practical experience before graduation (normally during their summer vacation periods).

Third Year Chemical Engineering

Fall Session - Year 3   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE304H1: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry- Laboratory III F - 6 - 0.50
CHE323H1: Engineering Thermodynamics F 3 - 2 0.50
CHE324H1: Process Design F 3 - 2 0.50
CHE332H1: Reaction Kinetics F 3 - 2 0.50
CHE399H1: Professional Engineering Consultancy F 1 - 2 0.25
Technical Elective F       0.50
Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences Elective F       0.50
Winter Session - Year 3   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE305H1: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry- Laboratory IV S - 6 - 0.50
CHE311H1: Separation Processes S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE322H1: Process Control S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE333H1: Chemical Reaction Engineering S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE334H1: Team Strategies for Engineering Design S 1 - 2 0.50
and one of:          
Technical Elective S       0.50
Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences Elective S       0.50


Students registered within this program, and all other undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, may elect to enroll and participate in the Professional Experience Year Co-Op Program (PEY Co-Op). The PEY Co-op program requires that qualified students undertake a paid, full-time 12-16 month continuous work period with a cooperating industry. Details are described in the beginning of this chapter. More information can be found in the PEY Co-op section of the calendar.

Fourth Year Chemical Engineering

Fall Session - Year 4   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE430Y1: Chemical Plant Design F 2 - 6 1.00
Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences Elective F       0.50
Technical Elective F/S/Y       0.50
and one of:          
CHE499Y1: Thesis Y - 7 - 1.00
Technical Elective F       0.50
Winter Session - Year 4   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
CHE403H1: Professional Practice S 2 - - 0.00
Technical Elective S       0.50
Technical Elective S       0.50
Free Elective S       0.50
Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences Elective S       0.50
and one of:          
CHE499Y1: Thesis Y - 7 - 1.00
Technical Elective S       0.50
  1. In years 3 and 4, students must complete a total of 6 Technical Electives (or 4 Technical Electives and CHE499Y1: Thesis). See section below for more information.
  2. In years 3 and 4, students must complete a total of 4 Complementary Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences (CS/HSS) Electives, at least 2 of which must be Humanities and Social Sciences. Refer to the Registrar's Office website for a list of pre-approved CS/HSS Electives.
  3. In years 3 and 4, students must complete 1 Free Elective. A Free Elective has few restrictions: any degree credit course listed in the current calendars of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Arts and Science, and the School of Graduate Studies is acceptable as a Free Elective provided it does not duplicate material covered in courses taken or to be taken.


The thesis (CHE499Y1) is a full-year (Fall and Winter Sessions) thesis that requires approval from the department and research project supervisor.


Students may take any of the Technical Elective courses listed in the table below, or from any of the technical Engineering Minors (excluding the Minor in Engineering Business). Students wishing to pursue an Engineering Minor should take their core courses as technical electives in terms 3F and 3S. For more information on the various Minors, please see the sections of the Calendar relating to these programs.

Technical Electives

Courses Offered in Fall   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
APS360H1: Applied Fundamentals of Deep Learning F/S 3 1 - 0.50
APS502H1: Financial Engineering F/S 3 - - 0.50
BME440H1: Biomedical Engineering Technology and Investigation F 2 4 - 0.50
BME455H1: Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering II F 3 1.5 1 0.50
BME595H1: Medical Imaging F 2 3 3 0.50
CHE353H1: Engineering Biology F 2 - 2 0.50
CHE441H1: Engineering Materials F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE450H1: Bioprocess Technology and Design F 3 0.66 1 0.50
CHE451H1: Petroleum Processing F 3 - - 0.50
CHE467H1: Environmental Engineering F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE470H1 F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE562H1: Applied Chemistry IV - Applied Polymer Chemistry, Science and Engineering F 3 - - 0.50
CHE565H1: Aqueous Process Engineering F 3 - 1 0.50
CHE566H1: Elements of Nuclear Engineering F 3 - 2 0.50
CHM416H1: Separation Science F 2 - - 0.50
CHM456H1: Organic Materials Chemistry F 2 - - 0.50
CHM457H1: Polymer Chemistry F 2 - 1 0.50
CIV220H1: Urban Engineering Ecology F 2 2 - 0.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy Systems F 3 - 2 0.50
CIV375H1: Building Science F 3 0.33 2 0.50
CIV531H1: Transport Planning F 3 - 1 0.50
CIV550H1: Water Resources Engineering F 3 - 2 0.50
CME549H1: Groundwater Flow and Contamination F 3 - 1 0.50
ECE345H1: Algorithms and Data Structures F/S 3 - 2 0.50
ECE421H1: Introduction to Machine Learning F/S 3 - 2 0.50
ECE446H1: Sensory Communication F 3 1.5 1 0.50
IMM250H1: The Immune System and Infection Disease F/S 2 - - 0.50
MGY377H1: Microbiology I: Bacteria F 3 - - 0.50
MIE515H1: Alternative Energy Systems F 3 - 1 0.50
MIE516H1: Combustion and Fuels F 3 - 1 0.50
MSE440H1: Emerging Applications in Biomaterials F 3 - 1 0.50
PCL302H1: Pharmacodynamic Principles F 3 - - 0.50
PSL300H1: Human Physiology I F 3 - 1a 0.50
Courses Offered in Winter   Lect. Lab. Tut. Wgt.
BME330H1: Patents in Biology and Medical Devices S 3 - - 0.50
BME331H1: Physiological Control Systems S 3 1 1 0.50
BME412H1: Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering S 3 - - 0.50
BME530H1: Human Whole Body Biomechanics S 2 2 - 0.50
CHE354H1: Cellular and Molecular Biology S 3 1 2 0.50
CHE412H1: Advanced Reactor Design S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE460H1: Environmental Pathways and Impact Assessment S 3 - 2 0.50
CHE462H1: Food Engineering S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE469H1: Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Conversion Devices S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE470H1 S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE471H1: Modelling in Biological and Chemical Systems S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE475H1: Biocomposites: Mechanics and Bioinspiration S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE507H1: Data-based Modelling for Prediction and Control S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE561H1: Risk Based Safety Management S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE564H1: Pulp and Paper Processes S 3 - 1 0.50
CHE568H1: Nuclear Engineering S 3 - 1 0.50
CHM415H1: Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry S 2 - - 0.50
CIV250H1: Hydraulics and Hydrology S 3 1.5 1 0.50
CIV300H1: Terrestrial Energy Systems S 3 - 2 0.50
CIV440H1: Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment S 3 - 1 0.50
ECE368H1: Probabilistic Reasoning S 3 - 1 0.50
FOR310H1: Bioenergy from Sustainable Forest Management S 2 - 1 0.50
FOR424H1: Innovation and Manufacturing of Sustainable Materials S 2 - 1 0.50
FOR425H1: Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technology S 2 - 2 0.50
HMB201H1: Introduction to Fundamental Genetics and its Applications S 2 - 1 0.50
MIE304H1: Introduction to Quality Control S 3 1 2 0.50
MIE408H1: * Thermal and Machine Design of Nuclear Power Reactors S 3 - 2 0.50
MIE517H1: Fuel Cell Systems S 3 - 1 0.50
MIE519H1: * Advanced Manufacturing Technologies S 3 - - 0.50
MSE438H1: Computational Materials Design S 2 2 1 0.50
MSE458H1: Nanotechnology in Alternate Energy Systems S 3 - 2 0.50
PCL201H1: Introduction to Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetic Principles S 3 - 1a 0.50